Sunday, August 19, 2012

One Citizen Speaking...

Posted: 18 Aug 2012 11:22 PM PDT
Here comes New York Mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg with his “don’t do as I do, do as I say” liberal nanny state … telling mothers that their children would be healthier if they would only breast feed. To this end, Bloomberg as his fellow travelers have mandated that infant formula be locked up like medication and that each time it is dispensed a nurse must document the reason. Also counseling mothers who are requesting infant formula on the benefits of breast feeding.
Talk about the democrats screwing with woman’s rights!
But the one medical fact that Mayor Bloomberg does not want you to know is simply:
Posted: 18 Aug 2012 09:31 PM PDT
If you need one reason to throw the democrats out of the House and the Senate, it is this: they don’t even follow their own rules.
Let Senator Rand Paul explain …
When will this corruption of the political system end?
-- steve
Posted: 18 Aug 2012 02:42 PM PDT
Public employee unions have decimated our local and state finances …
There is little or no doubt in my mind that corrupt public employee unions and their pension funds are behind the greatest catastrophe to befall America outside of war and recession. Everywhere you turn, the economic catastrophe that has befallen our nation is impacting everything. Except, the public employee unions whose members seem well-insulated from the effects of the financial disaster. With few exceptions, non-union employees and members of middle management are laid off before politicians will tamper with their source of campaign funding and voter support. The very idea that the public needs to be protected from the public is ludicrous. Ample legal remedies exist for employees to mount grievances against their employers if necessary. And there is no reason that the taxpayer should be forced from the bargaining table and disadvantaged by fake bargaining between the unions and those whom they have put in power.
View the CalWatchDog story …
CalWatchdog's Brian Calle investigates the income of the 10 parking enforcement employees for the 1.3-square-mile city of Hermosa Beach, CA. In the Golden State, the average income is just $51,910, but the two highest-earning meter maids in Hermosa Beach made more than $92,000 and $93,000, respectively in 2011-2012.
Don’t be fooled – it’s not a political free speech issue, it’s political corruption …
When the public employee unions threaten public officials with the loss of campaign funds, voter support or supporting a more compliant candidate; that’s political corruption. Especially if the union demands are met without due consideration for the economy and the financial affairs of the local and state government.
Bottom line …
When Barack Obama and his fellow democrat  travelers in Congress put forth the stimulus, they were buying votes and insuring that they would be well-funded in the next election cycle. The majority of the money was used to maintain the positions, salaries and benefits of public employee union members. And where infrastructure projects were concerned, it was to benefit union labor.
Unless we break this never-ending chain of political corruption, there will be no way for our local and state government’s to recover other than to massively raise the taxes of everyone to pay for what has become a protected political class of worker – the ideal path of socialism where the government and their cronies benefit over ordinary citizens.
It is time for a review of pensions, especially those with sweeteners or sweetheart deals.  If those who put forth these outrageous plans do not go along with the review will lose their “get out of jail free” card and be investigated and prosecuted for political corruption. We need to re-work our overly-generous compensation plans. Especially in the first responder sector where not every sworn officer or fire offical faces daily danger. Cubicle workers  and functionaries need not be compensated at rates beyond those paid to the private sectors.
There should be no more defined benefit programs funded by taxpayers, only defined contributions based on the fiscal health of the payor. It is time to curb the cadre of public employee union members – to the extent of outlawing the union’s participation in anything other than safety issues.
If you think I am anti-union, rest assured I am guilty as charged. They are socialist organizations which stink of the promotion of mediocrity over excellence, stagnation over innovation and corruption for those on the inside.
-- steve 

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