Sunday, March 16, 2014

The O' Redeems His Pledge to be 'FLEXIBLE' for Putin... Fire this Fool B4 He Destroys US!

John Ransom
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Truth001 wrote: Putin has got to be laughing his rear end off because the US is the only place where the people eat their own. He is got to be saying I can do know wrong I'm a hero to those US media conservative outlets and its checkmate to the US left and its western allies. Oh by the way John post another picture of this guy next time or at least one with a shirt. If you want to look at this guy without a shirt do it in private.--Putin, Not Obama, is the Messiah

Dear Comrade Pravda,

You think that the United States is the only country where politics is practiced? Could have fooled me, but it seems there are a number of countries besides the United States—like all of them—where domestic and foreign policy are criticized by the opposition to the current leaders.

There’s this theory of government where open criticism of government officials helps to keep them honest, their policies fair and their administration able.

Yes, I understand you know nothing about such theories. Your friends in the current government have gone to great lengths to demonstrate that they have no appreciation for the finer qualities of this formerly great government the Founders crafted.

And yes, they did craft this government to be open to debate so that policies would be honest and fair, and their administration able.

Putin isn’t my hero, although I have heard some say that they’re “rootin’ for Putin.”

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I wouldn’t crown him a conservative hero, however. The vast majority of conservatives, I would venture, think he’s a thug and a commie.

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John Ransom

John Ransom

John Ransom is the Finance Editor for Townhall Finance.
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13 Comments So Far
JasonCharleston Wrote:20 minutes ago (7:53 AM)
People don't like their chains.
MAURY JOSEPH Wrote:22 minutes ago (7:51 AM)
1.) Putin vs. Obama, Is it Politics or Child molestation?
2.) Would it be "torture" if we left out the "boarding".
3.) "You can be sincere and still be stupid".
m90 Wrote:27 minutes ago (7:45 AM)
If the passenger compartment was dep'ressukrized at 45,000 feet and the oxigen mask system was disabled - how long could passengers stay alive?
modernmover Wrote:6 minutes ago (8:07 AM)
wouldn't be long. I've suspected all along that the flight crew is in on this. If it crashed hard in the sea, the ELT would have gone off. No way to disable that. If it landed soft enough in the sea not to break up, there would have been chutes and rafts with people. This plane was stolen.
Earl29 Wrote:58 minutes ago (7:14 AM)
I agree that torture is illegal and should not be used. Torture causes intense pain and injures the victim. I do not agree with ericynot that waterboarding is torture. It causes discomfort and inflicts no injury. It has been used on our own troops as a training aid.
Scrap Iron in Texas Wrote:1 hour ago (6:49 AM)
I think the ol' doctor was tryin g to paraphrase Sun Tzu.
In the Art of War, Sun Tzzu knew instictively that to know one's enemy is to know how, when, and where to attack them.

Or as Hawkeye so eloquently said on M^A^S^H,, "Know thy enema".
Ransom-of-Thulcandra Wrote:1 hour ago (6:43 AM)
Half of Americans are utterly stupid. They believe in Barack Obama, but not God.

Good grief! After all these centuries we are still struggling with the reality of God, truth and morality?

The Humanist "Idea of Progress" is total nonsense.
Ransom-of-Thulcandra Wrote:1 hour ago (6:36 AM)
Incompetence. Dishonesty. Treason. What's not to like about The One?

bkandravi Wrote:2 hours ago (5:37 AM)
Good job Rich656 that is Obama write down to his everhthing!
Rich656 Wrote:2 hours ago (5:15 AM)
Ericynot: "water boarding" is torture. Taken from a Feinstein statement he obviously agrees with.

Only because libtards redefined to the word "torture" to include things that make a person physically and psychologically uncomfortable. So they could weaken the president with accusations of war crimes.

And that was to impede Bush's ability to prosecute the war on Islamofacists; more commonly known as Islamic terrorists.

In WW-II there were Nazi sympathizers in the U.S., sadly, there are terrorist sympathizers in the U.S. today, they're known as democrats.
DoctorRoy Wrote:4 hours ago (4:01 AM)
No that is not what I'm saying Johnnie Be Good. I'm saying you learn as much as you can about your opponent and then try and exploit his weak suit. Political Science 101 in other words.
Last but not least I want to thank Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn and The Academy. I couldn't have did it without them.
fixtherepublic Wrote:43 minutes ago (7:30 AM)
So, Obama has found out Putin is a stronger leader and seeing that Obama has NO strengths over anyone, has decided to grovel. 

Reality 101 in other words.
Ms Kelly Wrote:6 hours ago (1:30 AM)
Obama is in love alright! Why shouldn't he be? Obama and Putin are both cut from the same communist fabric. Putin is everything Obama wants to be. 

The problem for the rest of us is every time Obama lays down for Putin to f - - k him, the rest of the United States gets screwed as well.

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