Saturday, September 26, 2015


One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 26 Sep 2015 02:14 AM PDT

The party has done little to fulfill their campaign promises to reverse Obama’s lawless activities, so why not change the party leadership in Congress. It can’t get much worse than it is now.


King upset at Boehner’s ouster …

Perhaps Peter King (R-NY) should consider that his party asked the voters for a majority in the House of Representative for the sole purpose of starting to reform a dysfunctional administration that lawlessly ignored the constitution and put forth toxic legislation … and did nothing while complaining that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blocked their actions.

The party once again went to the voters and asked for a majority in the Senate … and when that was granted, did nothing that remotely resembled the campaign promises that were made. Continuing to avoid putting substantive bills on Obama’s desk to force him and his cadre of progressive socialist democrats in Congress to take a hard stand that could be used against them in the upcoming 2016 election cycle.

The party’s leadership (Representative Boehner and Senator Mitch McConnell) was and is feckless and ineffective and needs to be changed …

So, Peter the Putz now sees House Majority leader Boehner’s resignation and retirement as a sign that the “crazies” have taken over the party. Perhaps if King was intellectually honest, he would see Boehner’s cut and run as taking the coward’s way out of an important constitutional fight -- and moving toward a cushy career filled with speaking engagements, lobbying activities, and most of all a relaxed workweek where he could live the country club life of golfing and drinking. Not that the duties of Boehner’s office kept him from being a scratch golfer and a cocktail aficionado.    

Peter King: Boehner exit means 'the crazies have taken over the party'

House Speaker John Boehner's sudden resignation Friday "signals that the crazies have taken over the party," New York Republican Peter King said Friday.

I think it signals the crazies have taken over the party, taken over to the party that you can remove a speaker of the House who’s second in line to be president, a constitutional officer in the middle of his term with no allegations of impropriety, a person who’s honest and doing his job. This has never happened before in our country," King said in an interview with CNN's Dana Bash on Friday afternoon. "He could have stayed on.”

Source: Peter King: Boehner exit means 'the crazies have taken over the party'

Bottom line …

If Peter the Putz is not part of the solution, he must be part of the problem or a loud-mouthed bystander. It is time the party and our representatives fear the people, not the other way around. It is time for Members of Congress to uphold, protect, and defend our constitution from the progressive socialist democrats who regard it as an unnecessary impediment on the road to international socialism/communism.

Peter – put up or shut up.

With representatives likes these, we are so screwed.

-- steve


Posted: 13 Aug 2015 06:13 PM PDT


I was struck by the exceptional public response to a Donald Trump candidacy. A phenomenon that appears to be a result with the public’s deep dissatisfaction with corrupt, lying, and self-serving politicians on both sides of the aisle. Everywhere you turn, you find professional politicians feathering their own nests, providing perks, privileges, and profits to those special interests who fund their campaigns, provide voter support, media attention, and jobs for them and their friends.

So what is the real difference between the progressive socialist democrats and the current crop of republicans?

1.  The democrats believe that the general public is a mass of unexceptional population units which must be managed by the “enlightened elite” who have greater feeling, understanding, and subject matter knowledge than the masses. And, that this command and control must be centralized and enforced from the top-down. Whereas the republicans believe in the collective wisdom of the public and the propensity for good people to do good things for themselves and their nature. Command and control must be diversified and pushed to the lowest levels of our government infrastructure where local situations demand local solutions and local oversight.

2.  The democrats believe that people can be stratified and divided into classes of victims for the purpose of creating a political coalition of voters that seeks to address their collective grievances in exchange for political power. This destructive process produces divisiveness and pits one class of citizens against another. The republicans believe that we are one people, with common problems, and that working together can benefit all in the same manner that a rising tide lifts all boats. Pretty much why we find our nation so deeply polarized as to permit flawed and marginal political candidates to reach center stages whereas in a more healthy environment they would be easily dismissed as nutters not worthy of a moment’s worth of the public’s time or consideration as credible political candidates.

3.  The democrats believe that “money and productive people” are the root of all evil. That the old Marxist dictum, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is a valid political and social construct. With little regard for human nature and the relationship between parasites and their host organism. In what world does a productive individual have any incentive to work harder when the fruits of their labors are confiscated and distributed to non-producers with the sole purpose of creating political support for an enlightened elite? We can see the results of this behavior when productive individuals and companies move out of state or out of the country rather than submit to confiscatory taxation or endless rules and regulating designed to support a bureaucratic elite. This is little more than class warfare designed to create victims and aggressors. The republicans believe that “poverty” is the root of all evil and those who have little or no opportunity fall into an entitlement mindset and are likely to support the political party that rewards the takers over the producers.

4.  The democrats demand that poverty and misery must be shared equally among all parties to insure “social justice.” Believing that the pie is of finite size and must be carefully sized to insure everyone has a slice of the pie. The republicans believe that they should create bakers and more pies, so everyone can have their own pie – and in abundant quantities. One must question whether or not you want to be an eater, limited to your own slice of pie and then going hungry after eating – or be a baker and creating an abundance of pies so you never will be hungry. Ask yourself, why the democrats point to starving children and impose price-controls that limit the production of foodstuffs? Ask yourself why food is rotting in warehouses while children, and adults, starve? The only conclusion that can be drawn is that food and starvation are political weapons of war and can be manipulated to gain or maintain political power.

5.  The democrats claim that education is the key to the advancement of society and the improvement of individuals. The republicans do not disagree. So the difference revolves around the control of the curriculum and the conditions under which education is imparted to the young. With the exception of parochial schools operated by religious entities and private schools operated for the benefit of the wealthy and politically connected, the democrats tend to believe that children should be educated by the government, with a government-mandated curriculum, and to support the social and political needs of society as determined and dictated by the elite ruling class. The republicans believe in the free-market approach where funding vouchers are provided and children can attend the schools that offer the best education. The runs counter to the democrat-supported unions who believe that the money that would fund vouchers needs to remain in a public school system that is administered and influenced by unions and administered by their captive politicians and supporters. One must wonder why increasing educational funding does not produce better test scores and why today’s union-dominated educational institutions continues to pump out another decade’s worth of functional illiterates who cannot tell time with a conventional watch, can’t make change without a calculator, read at a junior high school level, and cannot communicate effectively?

6.  The democrats believe feelings should assume primacy over facts and that bad actions done with good intentions are far superior to good actions that create disadvantage for some politically-protected class. How else can you explain a total disregard for science in the face of political manipulation of public policy using science to justify draconian and freedom-restricting legislation? The republicans agree that facts trump feelings, but appear to be all too willing to go along with political manipulation that advances their agenda.

7.   The democrats allow the tyranny of the minority to dictate legislation and behavior of the majority. The democrats make allowances for those who would disrupt our nation with their divisive actions and criminal behaviors rather than demanding individuals meet societal norms. Republicans believe in the constitution, due process, and equality under the law – but there have been grievous historical exceptions. Why the democrats support thuggery and those who disrupt schools is symptomatic of pandering to a victim-class that forms the core coalition constituency of the democrat base. The democrats jump up-and-down about a statistically irrelevant number of black thugs shot by white law enforcement officers, but refuse to crack-down on domestic terrorist gangs that slaughter hundreds of blacks in inner cities governed by democrats.

8.   The democrats are better communicators than the republicans. How else can you explain why the democrats who founded the KKK and promoted racism managed to paint the republicans as racists and bigots? How else can you explain why the democrats fete eugenics and minority abortions at Planned Parenthood while blaming republicans for a war on women? Especially Hillary Clinton’s war on women that was designed to give a pass to her sexually abusive husband? Using Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, most of the democrat communications appears to be designed by radical community organizers, whereas most of the republican communications appear to be designed by 21-year old policy wonks. The republicans point to family values and purge the transgressors. The democrats make no such claims about family values and reward their deviants with political accolades while containing to excoriate the republicans. The democrats point to white militias and scream domestic terrorism, white supremacy, and racism. The republicans are afraid to point to the Nation of Islam and the New Black Panthers and scream domestic terrorism, black supremacy, and racism. The democrats are bold, brash liars. The republicans as timid, weak-kneed liars.

9.   The democrats are anti-America and all about the dysfunction America has brought into the world. Heedless of a religious war that has been going on for centuries. Mindless of our feckless democrat administration’s weakening of America and emboldening of our enemies under Carter,Clinton, and Obama. The republicans are for a strong defense – as long as the profits are flowing to their crony capitalist friends. But, in the final analysis, the democrats cannot be trusted to defend America and Americans, here or abroad.

10.  Both parties feature politicians who will lie to the American public – but none so virulently malignant as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Truth be told, the republicans – however bad – are not as detrimental to our nation as the progressive socialist democrats.

Bottom line …


We are so screwed by the corruption in both political parties and the fact that they are both offering deeply-flawed candidates like a corrupt Hillary Clinton and a cronyist Jeb Bush. And, to be fair, Donald Trump is just as corrupt and a liar than either one of the frontrunners.

Pay attention and open your mind lest we be screwed for another four years and lose the freedoms for which men and women fought and died.

We are so screwed.

-- steve 

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