Thursday, November 5, 2015


One Citizen Speaking...

The Kennebunkport Kardashians Want YOU to Know: JEB CAN FIX IT ...

Posted: 05 Nov 2015 03:32 AM PST

Unfortunately, Jeb's slogan leaves it up to you to decide if he is speaking of fixing his faltering campaign, fixing his abysmal poll numbers, fixing the country, or simply fixing his broken-down attitude.

Jeb’s father, Bush 41, was a gentleman who was a weak president, leading to the election of a corrupt sexual predator, Bill Clinton and his co-president Hillary Clinton. A man who refused to speak out about Clinton’s excesses even when his failure to capture bin Ladin was a sure thing. 

Jeb’s brother, Bush 43, was a gentleman who gave us the Iraq war when he should have attacked his pals in Saudi Arabia. A crony capitalist whose appointments to regulatory agencies empowered Wall Street to nearly destroy the economy and give us Barack Hussein Obama. After leaving office, he refused to speak out while his successor went about fundamentally transforming and weakening America. Going so far as to pal around with Bill Clinton and calling him “his brother from another mother.”

Now comes another Bush, a man who looks like he wants to be anywhere but on the stage seeking the GOP nomination. He may have been a decent governor, but her certainly cannot scale to the presidency. A man who appears to go against the American people on open borders and common core.

Jeb started the race as the front-runner, with powerful advisors, a large campaign war chest, and the approval of big business and the Northeastern liberal elites that rule the GOP. Now he is lucky to make the debates with his low polling scores; with only 4% in the Quinnipiac University National Poll. Worst of all, Jeb is hiding his last name in favor of his initials (John Ellis Bush) and then spending precious time defending his brother’s administration.


Bottom line …

Bush is so 90’s, as is Hillary Clinton and I don’t want this historic campaign to be about re-litigating the Iraq war and the Bush economic disaster.

His family had always considered him to be the natural politician in the family and were greatly surprised when his brother George took the presidency for eight years. I think one should consider remember, that within the Bush family, there are the Bushes and the hired help – all of those advisors and advocates who can’t seem to launch Bush’s campaign into the prime time.

Jeb can’t fix it. He appears to lack the energy, the will, and the tools to effectively challenge Hillary Clinton – but considering his family’s connections with Bill Clinton, maybe he wasn’t really supposed to win.

There is no way that I would vote for a Clinton, or a Bush and go back to the future.

We are so screwed.

-- steve


Posted: 04 Nov 2015 05:23 PM PST

If you want a prime example of how socialist activists and agitators create propaganda, here is a prime example …

Look how that attempt to persuade the younger Americans with misleading propaganda. Complete with swear words used for shock value and to get the younger voters to pay attention. 

A sovereign nation is defined by its borders and immigration policy. If there is no rational immigration policy and those illegal aliens do not respect our current laws, it is not immigration it is an INVASION by people whose allegiance is to another life. If they were really so interested in becoming Americans, why have they attempted to recreate their own country on our soil.

Bottom line …

Do not confuse illegal alien with a legal immigrant. Do not accept the fact that illegal aliens contribute more to our economy and welfare when the reverse is true – they destroy our social safety nets, the disrupt our financial, educational, criminal, and medical systems. And, for those Black Americans that voted for Obama, they push Blacks out of the workplace and onto the welfare roles.

I am not a big Trump fan, but I am also aware of the fact that criminal illegal aliens are killing Americans and in many places have been shielded from the consequences of their actions by progressives who have conferred “super citizenship” on them – the right to our benefits, our legal protections, but not subject to our laws.

As for the cute kids … useful idiots being used for propaganda. If they are Americans as they suggest, why are they acting on behalf of an illegal and illegitimate constituency.

-- steve 


Posted: 03 Nov 2015 06:05 PM PST

Amazing that the mainstream media is so corrupt and in the tank for progressive socialist democrats that they are declaring that Hillary Clinton is the victim of partisan politics and that Benghazi is a trumped up controversy over nothing.

It does not even matter that Hillary Clinton was proven to be a liar when her emails definitively illustrated that the video story was a bald-faced lie and that she told the truth about Benghazi to Chelsea Clinton and foreign diplomats but lied to the American people to prop-up Obama’s reelection bid.

How Trey Gowdy, with all of his professionalism as a prosecutor, failed to tell America what he was going to prove, what evidence he had, and what conclusion must be drawn from the evidence. Showing that Hillary Clinton was complicit in a fraud upon the American people.


Bottom line …

We keep waiting for the GOP to produce results – only to find out that we have run out of time and that there is nothing that can be done until the next election. Pretty much like Congress, knowingly and deliberately, creating a false budget crisis by waiting to the very last day and then adding toxic amendments to a “must past” spending resolution. Where the progressive socialists win big, and the GOP is richly rewarded for going along.

I thought better of Trey Gowdy and was hoping his hearing might be a turning point. Alas, we hear he wants to go home and become a judge. I wonder if he is simply waiting to be appointed to the Supreme Court by the next republican president.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

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