Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mutiny on the USS America?


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One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 31 Jan 2014 08:15 PM PST


It is beyond ironic that a progressive socialist democrat, State Senator Roderick Wright, CONVICTED of eight felonies, introduced legislation two days later that would allow those in similar circumstances to have their crimes reduced to misdemeanors. Perhaps setting the stage for future legislators to continue their wicked ways?

January 28, 2014 -- Roderick convicted of 8  felonies …

State Sen. Roderick Wright found guilty of perjury, voter fraud

A jury finds that the Democrat lied about his address on voter registration and candidacy papers in 2007 and 2008 and voted fraudulently in five elections. He could get more than eight years in prison.

A Los Angeles jury Tuesday found state Sen. Roderick D. Wright, a fixture in area Democratic politics, guilty on eight felony counts of perjury and voter fraud.

Source: L.A. Times

January 30, 2014 -- Roderick introduced Senate Bill SB 929 to convert felonies into misdemeanors …

SB 929, as introduced, Wright. Nonviolent felonies.

Existing law provides that a crime punishable with death, by imprisonment in the state prison, or by imprisonment in a county jail for more than one year is a felony and all other offenses, except those that are classified as infractions, are misdemeanors.   

Existing law further provides that a crime that is punishable, in the discretion of the court, as a felony or as a misdemeanor is a misdemeanor under certain circumstances, including when the court grants a defendant probation without imposing a sentence and, at the time of granting probation or on application of the defendant or probation officer thereafter, the court declares the offense to be a misdemeanor. 

This bill would require, upon application of a defendant, a felony offense to be deemed a misdemeanor for all purposes, except as specified, if the court finds that certain circumstances apply, including that the defendant was not imprisoned in the state prison for the offense, the offense for which the defendant was convicted was not a serious or violent felony, as defined, the offense does not require registration as a sex offender, the defendant is not currently charged with and has not been convicted of an offense in the preceding 5 years, except as specified, and the defendant presents clear and convincing evidence that he or she has been rehabilitated. 

Source: S.B. 929 - California Legislature

Bottom line …

How can you have any faith in the legislative process when a legislator is convicted of serious crimes on a Tuesday, flies back to Sacramento, and puts forth his own “get out of jail” card?

Corrupt and shameless, another progressive socialist democrat finds himself in trouble and tries to legislate his way out of a bind. It is almost like he knows that more California progressive socialist democrat legislators will be found guilty of non-violent felonies in the future and can have their sentences reduced – to the point where they can continue to sponge off the state, either as elected or appointed officials.

Remember this when you vote in the upcoming 2014 election and have an opportunity to toss the progressive socialist democrats at local, state, and federal levels out of office before the destroy America.

-- steve


Posted: 31 Jan 2014 03:13 PM PST

The progressive socialist democrats who dominate education have made political correctness a part of the educational mandate and curriculum. Spending more time, effort, and money in ensuring equal outcomes rather than allowing talented individuals to excel within the system. Even to the point of dumbing-down tests and pass/fail requirements to mask the massive failure of the educational system that produces decade after decade of functional illiterates. Students who cannot tell time without a digital watch, cannot use a library to research a paper off-line, and produce a term paper without the cut-and-paste ability of a computer.Not to mention requiring calculators to perform ordinary arithmetic. No wonder so many fast-food franchises and banks have installed change-making coin systems to avoid overtaxing the mental capacities of their workers. 

When diversity trumps excellence in education …

NYC school cuts popular gifted program over lack of diversity: report

A popular gifted-student program at a New York City elementary school is getting the ax after school officials decided it lacked diversity. 

"Our Kindergarten classes will be heterogeneously grouped to reflect the diversity of our student body and the community we live in," Miss McDonald said in the letter posted on

In a follow-up letter sent to parents Monday, Miss McDonald wrote: "At PS 193, we believe that all children can learn and achieve high standards. We also know that we want all children at PS 193 to have equal access to high quality, challenging curriculum, and to have ample opportunities to master complex material and build academic and personal self-confidence. We also want our classes to reflect the diversity of our community. We believe we can have both: classrooms characterized by rigor and diversity."  Source: NYC school cuts popular gifted program over lack of diversity: report - Washington Times

The progressive agenda of proportionality …

Success in America is not allocated in proportion to the class, race, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, or sexual orientation of its population. But that is exactly what the progressive socialist democrats believe. That 9 people on the United States Supreme Court should mirror the numerical proportion of the greater American population – as if that were even possible. They, the progressive socialist democrats, promise every voting minority classification that their struggle will not be over until their class is proportionately represented everywhere. Like socialist unions, merit and native ability is trumped by seniority.

And, then there is the rhetoric …

“We also know that we want all children at PS 193 to have equal access to high quality, challenging curriculum, and to have ample opportunities to master complex material and build academic and personal self-confidence.”

If it were about high quality education and challenging curriculum, the teachers’ unions would be long gone – along with the bloated and over-paid bureaucracies that run most school systems. School boards would be more concerned with educating the children rather than promoting their own future political agenda and feathering their own nests by pandering to the special interests that insure pencils cost $1, books cost $50-$100, and that all of the necessary pensions and perks continue to be funded.

Bottom line …

Progressive socialist democrats and their pursuit of politically correct diversity insures that society manifests a downward spiral of mediocrity and ignorance as we educate our children to the “lowest common denominator” to insure that all students – regardless of their physical and intellectual abilities – are treated as “educational units” in a factory. And, when the outcomes are dismal and the product is a failure, it becomes times to, once again, lower the standards to insure diversity – but mostly to hide the failure of the teachers to do their jobs. Pretty much why the unions and their paid political hacks fear school voucher programs, testing for teacher competency in the subject matter they teach, and hold teachers accountable for the results they produce.

It is important to note that the teachers unions have been pushing pre-Kindergarten education to expand the ranks of unionized educational workers. Full well knowing that any pre-K education dissipates quickly and is functionally worthless in producing a superior student or a superior educational experience.

Does Prekindergarten Improve School Preparation and Performance?

The share of children attending early education programs in the United States has risen dramatically in recent years. Some 66 percent of four-year olds were enrolled in a pre-kindergarten center or a school-based preschool program in 2001. That's up from 23 percent thirty years earlier. Particularly striking, early education programs sponsored by school districts now serve one in seven four-year-olds. One frequent motivation for this early education is to insure that disadvantaged children with academic skill deficits are better prepared when they start school. But is it worth all the money and effort being spent in advancing children's school readiness?

Using a new rich source of data, researchers Katherine MagnusonChristopher Ruhm, and Jane Waldfogel conclude in Does Prekindergarten Improve School Preparation and Performance?(NBER Working Paper No. 10452) that early education does increase reading and mathematics skills at school entry, but it also boosts children's classroom behavioral problems and reduces their self-control. Further, for most children the positive effects of pre-kindergarten on skills largely dissipate by the spring of first grade, although the negative behavioral effects continue. In the study, the authors take account of many factors affecting a child, including family background and neighborhood characteristics. These factors include race/ethnicity, age, health status at birth, height, weight, and gender, family income related to need, language spoken in the home, and so on. <Source>

It is time to do away with political correctness and the progressive socialist democrats at every level (local, state, and federal) who spout this nonsense to pursue their toxic agenda. Especially important is to remove progressive socialist democrats from Congress where they unconstitutionally push programs that deeply affect all Americans and the safety and security of America.

-- steve


Posted: 30 Jan 2014 09:50 PM PST

Imagine the following scenario. You are in the proximity of a crime, be it homicide, drug dealing, a bank robbery, and the law enforcement authorities decide you are a potential witness because some electronic device has geo-tagged you at that location. The device can be your car, or more likely, your phone or computer. And, if the police can get this information, so can the lawyers defending the bad guys – potentially sparking an investigation into your past with the purpose of discrediting you as a witness.

Unlikely you say? Look at these two new Google patents …

United States Patent Application 20140025754  -- MOB SOURCE PHONE VIDEO COLLABORATION

Methods and systems for identifying video clips in a video clip repository that are of the same event are disclosed. Video clips are identified as being of the same event based on timestamps and geo-location stamps associated with the video clips. In one embodiment, authors of video clips receive messages that notify them of the existence of other video clips of the same event.

Video is becoming pervasive on the World Wide Web. In addition to content providers (e.g., news organizations, media companies, etc.) providing a wealth of video clips on their websites, everyday users are uploading user-generated video clips to various repository websites. In addition, users of such websites may "follow" other users in the same way as users of social networking services and conveniently view video clips uploaded by or recommended by these other users. User-generated video clips are typically recorded with digital video cameras, digital still cameras that have video capability, and increasingly, wireless terminals (e.g., smartphones, etc.) that have still camera and video capabilities.

In an embodiment of the present invention, a computer system identifies video clips of an event (e.g., a wedding, a sports event, an everyday scene, etc.) based on timestamps and geo-location stamps of the video clips, and transmits a message that indicates the existence of the video clips.

United States Patent Application 20140025755 -- INFERRING EVENTS BASED ON MOB SOURCE VIDEO

Methods and systems are disclosed for inferring that an event of interest (e.g., a public gathering, a performance, an accident, etc.) has likely occurred. In particular, when there are at least a given number of video clips with similar timestamps and geo-location stamps uploaded to a repository, it is inferred that an event of interest has likely occurred, and a notification signal is transmitted (e.g., to a law enforcement agency, to a news organization, to a publisher of a periodical, to a public blog, etc.).

Video is becoming pervasive on the World Wide Web. In addition to content providers (e.g., news organizations, media companies, etc.) providing a wealth of video clips on their websites, everyday users are uploading user-generated video clips to various repository websites. In addition, users of such websites may "follow" other users in the same way as users of social networking services and conveniently view video clips uploaded by or recommended by these other users. User-generated video clips are typically recorded with digital video cameras, digital still cameras that have video capability, and increasingly, wireless terminals (e.g., smartphones, etc.) that have still camera and video capabilities.

In an embodiment of the present invention, a computer system infers that an event of interest (e.g., a public gathering, a performance, an accident, etc.) has likely occurred when there are at least a given number of video clips with similar timestamps and geo-location stamps uploaded to a repository. The computer system, in response to the inference, transmits a notification (e.g., to a law enforcement agency, to a news organization, to a publisher of a periodical, to a public blog, etc.) that indicates the likely occurrence of an event, as well as a time and geo-location associated with the event.

Of course, the patent applications do not mention that a number of people at a sporting event, or even a family picnic, might have their uploaded photos and other information automatically sent to law enforcement, the media, and others who have no legitimate interest in private activities that may be occurring on private property.

Bottom line …

Another example of how we are losing our privacy one device at a time. Let us not forget that Google has recently purchased Nest, the maker of intelligent thermostats and smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, and that many televisions now contain surveillance devices that can record audio, video, and provide further information (pulse rate, etc.) on people in proximity to the device – witting or unwitting.

It is time to insure that we update our Constitutional rights to due process and against unreasonable search and seizure in this digital age. We have surpassed anything that George Orwell may have imagined in his iconic work, 1984.

-- steve

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