Monday, May 26, 2014

The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience...

Brilliant , just Brilliant. This says it all.
Jack Wheeler is a brilliant man who was the author of
Reagan's strategy to break the back of the Soviet Union
with the star wars race and expose their inner weakness.
For years he wrote a weekly intelligence update that was
extremely interesting and well structured and informative.
He consults(ed) with several mega corporations on global
trends and the future, etc. He is in semi-retirement now.
He is a true patriot with a no-nonsense approach to everything.
He is also a somewhat well-known mountain climber and
Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler
The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored 
empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience,
no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works,
no understanding of how the world works, no balls,
nothing but abstract, empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.
He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he rejects. 
The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but is disclosed by
his non-African Arabic surname and his Arabic first and middle
names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage to people
in Kenya . Only a small part of him is African Black from his Luo
grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively.
What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is 'African-American,' the
descendant of enslaved Africans brought to America chained in
slave ships. He hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead,
his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main
Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British ended it.
Let that sink in: Obama is not the descendant of slaves, he is the
descendant of slave owners.
Thus he makes the perfect Liberal Messiah.
It's something Hillary doesn't understand - how some complete
neophyte came out of the blue and stole the Dem nomination from
her. Obamamania is beyond politics and reason. It is a true religious
cult, whose adherents reject Christianity yet still believe in Original Sin,
transferring it from the evil of being human to the evil of being white.

Thus Obama has become the white liberals' Christ, offering absolution
from the Sin of Being White. There is no reason or logic behind it,
no faults or flaws of his can diminish it, no arguments Hillary could make
of any kind can be effective against it. The absurdity of Hypocrisy
Clothed In Human Flesh being their Savior is all the more cause for
liberals to worship him:
Credo quia absurdum, I believe it because it is absurd.
Thank heavens that the voting majority of Americans remain Christian
and are in no desperate need of a phony savior.
He is ridiculous and should not be taken seriously by any thinking American.
And yet he got elected, not once but twice. Thanks to those that did
not think it was important to vote for freedom and those that were willing
to give up their freedoms for entitlements.
Remember you don't have to be on a southern plantation to be a slave,
if you are dependent on government entitlements you just have a different
slave owner.

The Naval Versions of Reagan, Clinton, and Obama...Time for some weekend humor.

Daniel J. Mitchell,

A friend sent me an example of three naval ships.

The first is an aircraft carrier named after Ronald Reagan.

Regular readers know I’m a big fan of the Gipper, and I’ve shared several inspirational Reagan videos (see herehere, andhere). So I’m understandably appreciative of the USS Reagan.

SS Reagan

Next, we have a ship named after Bill Clinton.

We’re obviously entering make-believe territory, and I would have preferred this joke to target Jimmy Carter because Clinton actually turned out to be a pretty good President.

Or, to be more precise, we got reasonably good policy during the Clinton years.

In any event, I can certainly see the humor in this image.

Though I’m surprised there isn’t a reference to coed bunks.

Or interns.

Or cigars.

Or…well, you get the point.

SS Clinton

By the way, if you like Bill Clinton humor, you can enjoy my favorites by clicking herehereherehere, and here.

Last but not least, we have a new naval vessel that captures the Obama Administration.

SS Obama

I’m surprised there’s not also a reference to a website, but maybe this set of images was put together before the cluster-you-know-what of Obamacare.

To close, let’s share some more Obama mockery. We have this t-shirt, this Pennsylvania joke, this Reagan-Obama comparison, this Wyoming joke, this Bush-Obama comparison, this video satire, and this bumper sticker.

Daniel J. Mitchell is a top expert on tax reform and supply-side tax policy at the Cato Institute.

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China And Russia Hold “Massive” Joint Naval Drill: This Is What It Looked Like Allen West: Source told me ‘truth’ on Benghazi, operations ‘shrouded in a fog of lies

Conservative Read

China And Russia Hold “Massive” Joint Naval Drill: This Is What It Looked Like

Posted: 25 May 2014 10:36 AM PDT

Zero Hedge,   A month ago, when the fate of the historic (and now concluded) gas deal between Russia and China was still unknown we wrote that “Isolated Russia Makes Friends: To Hold...

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Allen West: Source told me ‘truth’ on Benghazi, operations ‘shrouded in a fog of lies’

Posted: 25 May 2014 10:33 AM PDT

Kellan Howell,  Former GOP congressman and political commentator Allen B. West says he knows “the ground truth” about what really happened during the Benghazi attack. In a blog post...

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US honors veterans over Memorial Day weekend

Posted: 25 May 2014 10:28 AM PDT

 The nation is marking Memorial Day weekend with somber ceremonies, flag planting at cemeteries and parades while President Barack Obama made a surprise trip to Afghanistan on Sunday to visit...

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Timeline of California shooting suspect’s online posts reveal anger at women

Posted: 25 May 2014 03:06 AM PDT

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Opposing Common Core: A Losing Issue, Even in GOP Primaries

Posted: 25 May 2014 02:59 AM PDT

Michael Brickman Editor’s Note: This column was co-authored by Michael Petrilli. Ever since election results from May 5th were finalized, a number of voices have loudly touted cherry-picked...

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Derek Hunter: An Honest Press Conference

Posted: 25 May 2014 02:49 AM PDT

 Since White House Spokesman Jay Carney and most of the media can’t seem to bring themselves to do it, I thought I’d write a transcript for an honest press briefing. It’s a...

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Private hospitals could take some pressure off VA

Posted: 25 May 2014 02:46 AM PDT

 The Obama administration’s decision to allow more veterans to get care at private hospitals could take some pressure off backlogged Veterans Affairs facilities struggling to cope with new...

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“Open Carry” Activists Score Yet Another Own Goal

Posted: 25 May 2014 01:14 AM PDT

Legal Insurrection – by Andrew Branca  I’ve owned and shot firearms since my age could be measured in single digits. I’ve actively engaged in firearms competition since I was...

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Mentally Ill Man Cooked To Death In Scalding Shower As Punishment By Prison Guards

Posted: 25 May 2014 01:08 AM PDT

 A torturous “punishment” session turned fatal for a mentally-ill prisoner, when prison guards forced him to stand in a tiny shower stall while being blasted by scalding hot water...

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Russia plans to build 8 nuclear reactors in Iran

Posted: 25 May 2014 01:02 AM PDT

Moscow plans to sign an agreement with Iran this year to construct up to eight new nuclear reactors in the country, an informed source says. “Russia and Iran may sign an intergovernmental...

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Blame Socialism, Not Shinseki

Posted: 25 May 2014 12:55 AM PDT

Larry Kudlow  The VA problem is not Shinseki; it’s socialism. The Veterans Affairs health care system is completely government run. It is a pure single-payer program. National Review...

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White Privilege: Uh … It’s More Like Radical Gay, Black and Muslim Privilege

Posted: 25 May 2014 12:51 AM PDT

Doug Giles  Sometimes I wish I was a radical gay, or a revolting, slick-haired, black race-baiter or drastic Muslim like that angry, rage-boy dude who’s the poster child for all the funny...

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