Happy Halloween everyone! Be safe but have fun! #halloween
by Jm Moran
October 31, 2017 at 08:00AM
from Facebook
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Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
Retired Husband Banned for Life at Walmart...🤣
Quote of the Day: "Neither blame or praise yourself." - Plutarch
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Quote of the Day: "I think; therefore I am." - Rene Descartes
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Quote of the Day: "Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons." - R. Buckminster Fuller
Friday, October 27, 2017
Signing off for this week good citizens, have a safe and blessed weekend everyone! SM1/JoMike
Just One More Thing...
#FollowFriday to all my great followers. :)
Quote of the Day: "Everything in the world may be endured except continual prosperity." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Santa Barbara Beach ... Vets vs ACLU! Support our Veterans!
This is the NFL.....,#Lock’emUp!
Why Trump is Right About North Korea...
Quote of the Day: "There's a difference between a philosophy and a bumper sticker." - Charles M. Schulz
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Time Machine NOSTALGIA...
HOW'S THIS FOR NOSTALGIA?All the girls had ugly royal blue gym uniforms?It took three minutes for the TV to warm up?Nobody owned a purebred dog?When a quarter was a decent allowance?You'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny?You got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas
pumped, without asking, all for free, every time?
And you didn't pay for air? And, you got trading
stamps to boot?Laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes or towels
hidden inside the box?It was considered a great privilege to be taken out to
dinner at a real restaurant with your parents?They threatened to keep kids back a grade if they
failed...and they did it!When a 57 Chevy was everyone's dream car...
to cruise, peel out, lay rubber or watch submarine races, and people went steadyNo one ever asked where the car keys werebecause they were always in the car, in the ignition,and the doors were never locked?Lying on your back in the grass with your friends
and saying things like, 'That cloud looks like a...'?Playing baseball with no adults to help kidswith the rules of the game?Stuff from the store came without safety capsand hermetic seals because no one had yettried to poison a perfect stranger?And with all our progress, don't you justwish, just once, you could slip back in timeand savor the slower pace, and share it with the children of today.When being sent to the principal's officewas nothing compared to the fate that awaitedthe student at home?Basically we were in fear for our lives, but itwasn't because of drive-by shootings, drugs,gangs, etc. Our parents and grandparents werea much bigger threat! But we survived becausetheir love was greater than the threat....as well as summers filled with bike rides,Hula Hoops, and visits to the pool, and eatingKool-Aid powder with sugar.Didn't that feel good, just to goback and say, 'Yeah, I remember that'?I am sharing this with you today because itended with a Double Dog Dare to pass it on.To remember what a Double Dog Dare is,read on. And remember that the perfect ageis somewhere between old enough to knowbetter and too young to care.
Send this on to someone who canstill remember Howdy Doody and ThePeanut Gallery, the Lone Ranger,The Shadow knows, Nellie Bell, Roy and Dale,Trigger and Buttermilk.Candy cigarettesWax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugarwater inside.Soda pop machines that dispensed glassbottles. Coffee shops with Table SideJukeboxes. Blackjack, Clove and Teaberrychewing gum.Home milk delivery in glass bottles withcardboard stoppers.Newsreels before the movie.Telephone numbers with a word prefix...( Yukon 2-601). Party lines.Peashooters.Hi-Fi's & 45 RPM records.78 RPM records!Green Stamps.Mimeograph paper.The Fort Apache Play Set.Do You Remember a Time When...Decisions were made by going 'eeny-meeny-miney-moe'?
Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, 'Do
Over!'? 'Race issue' meant arguing about who ran the
fastest?Catching The Fireflies Could HappilyOccupy An Entire Evening?It wasn't odd to have two or three 'Best Friends'?Having a Weapon in School meant beingcaught with a Slingshot?commercials for action figures?'Oly-oly-oxen-free' made perfect sense?Spinning around, getting dizzy, andfalling down was cause for giggles?The Worst Embarrassment was beingpicked last for a team?War was a card game?Baseball cards in the spokes transformedany bike into a motorcycle?Taking drugs meant orange -flavored chewable aspirin?Water balloons were the ultimate weapon?If you can remember most or all of these,Then You Have Lived!!!!!!!Pass this on to anyone who may need a breakfrom their 'Grown-Up' Life . .I Double-Dog-Dare-Ya!
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