Thursday, June 30, 2022
Sunday, June 26, 2022
R v W impedes Infanticide across the nation!
Also thank Senator Reed for changing senate rules to simple majority when democRATs ran the senate before Trump became president! 😂
Monday, June 20, 2022
How hot is Florida this month?
FB has it’s Libtardian Fact-checking censors…Try these Fact Checks of the blithering idiot Biden blathering remarks! I report, you decide!
It’s about time, what took so long? God created only 2 sexes, the Democratic Socialists Libtardians fanaticism dreamt up the rest!
Thursday, June 16, 2022
She is only the tip of the iceberg! Remember in November or be responsible as an co-conspirator to the destruction of the United States of America!
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
WSJ pg AO18 Climate Censorship: Phase Two Progressives first demanded that social media platforms silence critics of climate alarmism. Now White House national climate adviser Gina McCarthy wants them to censor content on the costs of a force-fed green energy transition. A few years ago, Facebook enlisted third-party “fact checkers” to review news stories about climate. That didn’t satisfy Democratic Senators who howled about a “loophole” for opinion pieces. Facebook then began appending fact-checks to op-eds, including by our contributors Bjorn Lomborg and Steven Koonin, that criticized apocalyptic climate models and studies. The goal was to restrict readership. Now progressives are moving to censorship phase two, which is shutting down debate over climate “solutions.” “Now it’s not so much denying the problem,” Ms. McCarthy said in an Axios interview last Thursday. “What the industry is now doing is seeding doubt about the costs associated with [green energy] and whether they work or not.” Ms. McCarthy cited the week-long power outage in Texas in February 2021. “The first thing we read in the paper was” that the blackouts occurred “ because of those wind turbines,” she said. “That became the mantra.” In fact, most of the media immediately blamed climate change and fossil fuels. We were among the few to point out that wind energy plunged as temperatures dropped and turbines froze. Gas-fired plants couldn’t make up for the wind shortfall despite running all-out, and then some went down too. Ms. McCarthy doesn’t want to admit the inconvenient truth that renewable energy sources are making the grid increasingly unreliable. Comparing fossil-fuel companies to Big Tobacco, she complained that “dark money” is being used to “fool” the public about “the benefits of clean energy.” “We need the tech companies to really jump in,” she said, because highlighting the costs of green energy is “equally dangerous to denial because we have to move fast.” Got that, Mark Zuckerberg? Merely pointing out technical limitations of lithium-ion batteries could be “disinformation.” Asked whether climate disinformation posed a threat to public health, Ms. McCarthy replied “absolutely” while adding hilariously that “President Biden doesn’t focus on, and neither do I on, bashing the fossil-fuel companies.” The Axios interviewer smiled and nodded along. Some conservative scholars argue that Big Tech companies could be sued as “state actors” for violating users’ First Amendment speech rights when they censor content at the behest of government officials. Ms. McCarthy is helping make their case.
WSJ pg AO18 Climate Censorship: Phase Two Progressives first demanded that social media platforms silence critics of climate alarmism. Now White House national climate adviser Gina McCarthy wants them to censor content on the costs of a force-fed green energy transition. A few years ago, Facebook enlisted third-party “fact checkers” to review news stories about climate. That didn’t satisfy Democratic Senators who howled about a “loophole” for opinion pieces. Facebook then began appending fact-checks to op-eds, including by our contributors Bjorn Lomborg and Steven Koonin, that criticized apocalyptic climate models and studies. The goal was to restrict readership. Now progressives are moving to censorship phase two, which is shutting down debate over climate “solutions.” “Now it’s not so much denying the problem,” Ms. McCarthy said in an Axios interview last Thursday. “What the industry is now doing is seeding doubt about the costs associated with [green energy] and whether they work or not.” Ms. McCarthy cited the week-long power outage in Texas in February 2021. “The first thing we read in the paper was” that the blackouts occurred “ because of those wind turbines,” she said. “That became the mantra.” In fact, most of the media immediately blamed climate change and fossil fuels. We were among the few to point out that wind energy plunged as temperatures dropped and turbines froze. Gas-fired plants couldn’t make up for the wind shortfall despite running all-out, and then some went down too. Ms. McCarthy doesn’t want to admit the inconvenient truth that renewable energy sources are making the grid increasingly unreliable. Comparing fossil-fuel companies to Big Tobacco, she complained that “dark money” is being used to “fool” the public about “the benefits of clean energy.” “We need the tech companies to really jump in,” she said, because highlighting the costs of green energy is “equally dangerous to denial because we have to move fast.” Got that, Mark Zuckerberg? Merely pointing out technical limitations of lithium-ion batteries could be “disinformation.” Asked whether climate disinformation posed a threat to public health, Ms. McCarthy replied “absolutely” while adding hilariously that “President Biden doesn’t focus on, and neither do I on, bashing the fossil-fuel companies.” The Axios interviewer smiled and nodded along. Some conservative scholars argue that Big Tech companies could be sued as “state actors” for violating users’ First Amendment speech rights when they censor content at the behest of government officials. Ms. McCarthy is helping make their case.
by Jm Moran
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by Jm Moran
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Monday, June 13, 2022
Next time you attend a Biden or one of his #usefulidiod photo op/speeches join me in #eggingthemon! Don’t use organic eggs, spoiled are the best! Not talking pie in the sky! You know what I’m getting at!
It’s but one of Biden’s Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime’s plans to destroy America and create the US of Venezuela in our country! Remember in November!
Sunday, June 12, 2022
It’s tragic that every news outlet’s lead story is the arrest of “white surpremists” this weekend! Federal & local police jumped into action! However just a few months age those same news outlets sent apologists & political hacks out to advise that ‘Leftwing Afifa’ was just peacefully protesting as they committed arson, thuggery and assault in the nation’s Democratic controlled cities! The police & federal authorities sat on their thumbs fiddling while cities burned! Who can we trust?…Certainly not the Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime or Fake Media! *The so-called “white-surpremists” were probably up to mischief however, Antifa, perhaps the “Storm-Troops” of the Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime, was given a total pass by the so-called authorities!!!
It’s tragic that every news outlet’s lead story is the arrest of “white surpremists” this weekend! Federal & local police jumped into action! However just a few months age those same news outlets sent apologists & political hacks out to advise that ‘Leftwing Afifa’ was just peacefully protesting as they committed arson, thuggery and assault in the nation’s Democratic controlled cities! The police & federal authorities sat on their thumbs fiddling while cities burned! Who can we trust?…Certainly not the Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime or Fake Media! *The so-called “white-surpremists” were probably up to mischief however, Antifa, perhaps the “Storm-Troops” of the Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime, was given a total pass by the so-called authorities!!!
by Jm Moran
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by Jm Moran
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Friday, June 10, 2022
Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime deserves what it’s about to get as it has reaped the Whirlwind!
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
IF YOU ARE NOT A FLORIDA VOTER, I'M SENDING THIS FYI. Dear FLORIDA Voter, if you turn on the news, there's a good chance you'll hear my name. Typically, it’s alongside a dishonest legacy media headline misrepresenting my agenda, insulting the people of Florida, or implying FREEDOM is the latest and greatest threat to America. It is an insulting and absurd way to distort the truth and mislead you, the American public. Their attempts at intimidation won’t work on me though. I am not backing down. Not even a little bit. I welcome the "insults" and the hard work to refute them because I know the importance of strong leadership in a time like this. That is why I’m running for re-election, and I hope you’ll pledge your support for my campaign. If you’re still hesitant about getting involved, I’d like to remind you what we’re up against. It is evident how far to the left the media has gone by looking at how they define “radical.” Allowing grown men and women to assess personal risk and decide to wear a mask or not: RADICAL. Allowing CHILDREN under 9 years old to make life-altering, sometimes irreversible, decisions about their "gender identity": JUST FINE! Encouraging an educational environment focused on learning and preparing students for the real world: RADICAL. Encouraging students to hate themselves, their peers, and our country: JUST FINE! The stakes could not be higher. These out-of-touch liberal elites are so threatened by rational thought that they will call me radical for standing with everyday people on the side of common sense and sanity. If that makes me a radical, so be it. I will always defend our liberty, protect our children, and promote the ideals of our Constitution which make our country the greatest on earth. No amount of intimidation or petty name-calling is going to change that. >> SUPPORT RON DESANTIS NOW >> From my time in the Navy to my time in Congress, I have always been committed to preserving our freedom and building a better future for our children. SUPPORT RON DESANTIS NOW I have three children, and I worry every day about the consequences that progressive policies could have on their lives. We have open borders inviting millions of illegal aliens, potential criminals, and thousands of pounds of illegal drugs into our country. At the same time, liberals try to defund our police forces and appoint judges who are soft on crime. We’re experiencing record-high inflation which threatens families with higher costs at the pump and the grocery store, all while the Biden administration spends your tax dollars into oblivion. We have kids – who are just trying to get an education – being injected by the anti-American agenda of woke corporations, woke politicians, and fraudulent media elites who have lost their grip on reality. I will never let these out-of-touch fanatical liberals win. JOIN RON DESANTIS NOW! As a federal prosecutor, I dedicated my time to convicting child predators and removing dangerous criminals from our Florida streets. I continued my mission in Congress by authoring bills that ended the secret taxpayer-billed slush funds members of Congress were using to pay off those who accused them of sexual harassment. Our law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, and elected officials should work to protect us - not to protect criminals. Now, as Governor, I am standing by our law enforcement officers and holding the Soros-funded, soft-on-crime prosecutors accountable to keep our communities and our families safe. I took immediate action to end the COVID theater which crippled our nation and focused on empowering small businesses with common-sense tax policies which made it easy to hire American and fuel our Florida economy. Florida is in a better place now than it was before the pandemic - and that’s not something liberal governors can say today. I’m also leading the fight for parents and students against the poisonous, WOKE elitists to ensure our education system is NOT an indoctrination camp. It’s simple: we’re not going to tell kindergarteners they are racist or they are oppressed. And we’re not going to force-feed our children progressive ideologies that are confusing and wildly inappropriate for their age. We will prepare the next generation for greatness by teaching real history instead of perverting our past to serve the ideological goals of far-left activists who would like our children to hate America and each other. Every student should feel empowered to succeed - and together, we can make sure that they do. If all this is “RADICAL,” then Gary, I think you and I have something in common: we’re both RADICAL. I could use your help continuing what we started here in Florida. Will you chip in now to become an official supporter of my campaign? YES, I WILL: $100 YES, I WILL: $75 YES, I WILL: $50 YES, I WILL: $35 Make no mistake: this race won't be easy. We know liberals will do anything to win when they’re afraid of the opposition. And they’re VERY afraid of me. They’ve already proven they’ll try anything to keep me out of the Governor’s mansion. Since I became Governor, we have made big moves to ensure Florida’s election laws are free and fair. We made it HARDER TO CHEAT by banning ballot harvesting, strengthening voter ID, and prohibiting "Zuckerbucks." I have no doubt they’ll try harder to make sure we don’t outsmart and outfight them in 2022. That’s why I need the support of patriots like you, to make sure we’re prepared to win whatever battles we face next. URGENT DONATION: $35 Gary, I've seen what we can accomplish in just a short period of time. I've watched us win and lay the foundation for future successes. But I also know that this is just the beginning. That's why I am asking you for your help now. It’s time for patriots like you and me to come together and ensure this “radical” freedom we’re fighting for continues for another four years. In an election year like this one, we cannot afford to give one inch. We cannot lose Florida to the woke progressives who would destroy everything we've worked so hard for. Are you with me? Please donate to my campaign today using this secure link. I appreciate you reading my whole letter, Gary. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Ron DeSantis Ron DeSantis
IF YOU ARE NOT A FLORIDA VOTER, I'M SENDING THIS FYI. Dear FLORIDA Voter, if you turn on the news, there's a good chance you'll hear my name. Typically, it’s alongside a dishonest legacy media headline misrepresenting my agenda, insulting the people of Florida, or implying FREEDOM is the latest and greatest threat to America. It is an insulting and absurd way to distort the truth and mislead you, the American public. Their attempts at intimidation won’t work on me though. I am not backing down. Not even a little bit. I welcome the "insults" and the hard work to refute them because I know the importance of strong leadership in a time like this. That is why I’m running for re-election, and I hope you’ll pledge your support for my campaign. If you’re still hesitant about getting involved, I’d like to remind you what we’re up against. It is evident how far to the left the media has gone by looking at how they define “radical.” Allowing grown men and women to assess personal risk and decide to wear a mask or not: RADICAL. Allowing CHILDREN under 9 years old to make life-altering, sometimes irreversible, decisions about their "gender identity": JUST FINE! Encouraging an educational environment focused on learning and preparing students for the real world: RADICAL. Encouraging students to hate themselves, their peers, and our country: JUST FINE! The stakes could not be higher. These out-of-touch liberal elites are so threatened by rational thought that they will call me radical for standing with everyday people on the side of common sense and sanity. If that makes me a radical, so be it. I will always defend our liberty, protect our children, and promote the ideals of our Constitution which make our country the greatest on earth. No amount of intimidation or petty name-calling is going to change that. >> SUPPORT RON DESANTIS NOW >> From my time in the Navy to my time in Congress, I have always been committed to preserving our freedom and building a better future for our children. SUPPORT RON DESANTIS NOW I have three children, and I worry every day about the consequences that progressive policies could have on their lives. We have open borders inviting millions of illegal aliens, potential criminals, and thousands of pounds of illegal drugs into our country. At the same time, liberals try to defund our police forces and appoint judges who are soft on crime. We’re experiencing record-high inflation which threatens families with higher costs at the pump and the grocery store, all while the Biden administration spends your tax dollars into oblivion. We have kids – who are just trying to get an education – being injected by the anti-American agenda of woke corporations, woke politicians, and fraudulent media elites who have lost their grip on reality. I will never let these out-of-touch fanatical liberals win. JOIN RON DESANTIS NOW! As a federal prosecutor, I dedicated my time to convicting child predators and removing dangerous criminals from our Florida streets. I continued my mission in Congress by authoring bills that ended the secret taxpayer-billed slush funds members of Congress were using to pay off those who accused them of sexual harassment. Our law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, and elected officials should work to protect us - not to protect criminals. Now, as Governor, I am standing by our law enforcement officers and holding the Soros-funded, soft-on-crime prosecutors accountable to keep our communities and our families safe. I took immediate action to end the COVID theater which crippled our nation and focused on empowering small businesses with common-sense tax policies which made it easy to hire American and fuel our Florida economy. Florida is in a better place now than it was before the pandemic - and that’s not something liberal governors can say today. I’m also leading the fight for parents and students against the poisonous, WOKE elitists to ensure our education system is NOT an indoctrination camp. It’s simple: we’re not going to tell kindergarteners they are racist or they are oppressed. And we’re not going to force-feed our children progressive ideologies that are confusing and wildly inappropriate for their age. We will prepare the next generation for greatness by teaching real history instead of perverting our past to serve the ideological goals of far-left activists who would like our children to hate America and each other. Every student should feel empowered to succeed - and together, we can make sure that they do. If all this is “RADICAL,” then Gary, I think you and I have something in common: we’re both RADICAL. I could use your help continuing what we started here in Florida. Will you chip in now to become an official supporter of my campaign? YES, I WILL: $100 YES, I WILL: $75 YES, I WILL: $50 YES, I WILL: $35 Make no mistake: this race won't be easy. We know liberals will do anything to win when they’re afraid of the opposition. And they’re VERY afraid of me. They’ve already proven they’ll try anything to keep me out of the Governor’s mansion. Since I became Governor, we have made big moves to ensure Florida’s election laws are free and fair. We made it HARDER TO CHEAT by banning ballot harvesting, strengthening voter ID, and prohibiting "Zuckerbucks." I have no doubt they’ll try harder to make sure we don’t outsmart and outfight them in 2022. That’s why I need the support of patriots like you, to make sure we’re prepared to win whatever battles we face next. URGENT DONATION: $35 Gary, I've seen what we can accomplish in just a short period of time. I've watched us win and lay the foundation for future successes. But I also know that this is just the beginning. That's why I am asking you for your help now. It’s time for patriots like you and me to come together and ensure this “radical” freedom we’re fighting for continues for another four years. In an election year like this one, we cannot afford to give one inch. We cannot lose Florida to the woke progressives who would destroy everything we've worked so hard for. Are you with me? Please donate to my campaign today using this secure link. I appreciate you reading my whole letter, Gary. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Ron DeSantis Ron DeSantis
by Jm Moran
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by Jm Moran
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Russia has it’s Putin, we have Biden! Two once great countries brought to their knees by two blundering egomaniacal idiots! How much longer will Russian & American citizens stand idely by as Putin & Biden destroy their countries from within?
Russia has it’s Putin, we have Biden! Two once great countries brought to their knees by two blundering egomaniacal idiots! How much longer will Russian & American citizens stand idely by as Putin & Biden destroy their countries from within?
by Jm Moran
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by Jm Moran
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Sunday, June 5, 2022
How’s Blundering Biden working out for you Trump haters?
Saturday, June 4, 2022
Some People Get It, Marxist Socialist Democratic Libtardian #potpsychosis enhanced #UsefulIdiots never will! The Great Pandemic Wealth Migration House Democrats haven’t given up on repealing the 2017 tax reform’s cap on deducting state-and-local taxes. And if youwant to knowwhy, take a look at the latest Internal Revenue Service data showing a huge wealth exodus from high- to low-tax states. Each year the IRS publishes data on the migration of taxpayers and aggregate adjusted gross income between states. Its latest release for 2020 shows that migration from high- to low-tax states surged amid pandemic lockdowns and a shift to remote work. The biggest winners were Florida ($23.7 billion), Texas ($6.3 billion), Arizona ($4.8 billion), North Carolina ($3.8 billion), South Carolina ($3.6 billion), Tennessee ($2.6 billion), Nevada ($2.6 billion), Colorado ($2.3 billion), Idaho ($2.1 billion) and Utah ($1.3 billion). Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Florida and South Carolina gained the most as a share of their 2019 income. The biggest losers: New York (-$19.5 billion), California (-$17.8 billion), Illinois (-$8.5 billion), Massachusetts (-$2.6 billion), New Jersey (-$2.3 billion), Maryland (-$1.9 billion), Ohio (-$1.4 billion), Minnesota (-$1.2 billion), Pennsylvania ($1.2 billion) and Virginia (-$1.1 billion). New York, Illinois, Alaska, California and North Dakota lost the most as a share of 2019 income. Population migration from the Northeast and Midwest to the Sun Belt isn’t new, but balmy weather doesn’t explain it all. California has the best climate in the country. It also has among the highest taxes and cost of living. Californians making between $61,215 and $312,686 pay a top marginal tax rate of 9.3%. California taxes the middle class like they’re rich. Notably, four of the 10 states that gained the most income in 2020 don’t impose an income tax (Florida, Texas, Tennessee and Nevada). The others have generally low tax burdens. States losing the most income generally have high income and property taxes. Taxes aren’t the only factor in migration. Schools, quality of life and cost of living also matter. Yet high-tax states don’t provide better public services and often have worse schools and public works despite spending more. Democrats seem to forget that taxes are supposed to represent the cost for providing government services, not a penalty for making money or means for income redistribution. These states are pricing themselves out of the market for mobile taxpayers. The SALT deduction helped mitigate the tax sting, but since 2018 the upper-middle class and wealthy have felt the full pain. No surprise that more are fleeing to low-tax states, especially now that many have the freedom to work remotely. It’s also notable that migration has accelerated since the cap on the SALT deduction took effect. California lost $8 billion in 2018, $8.8 billion in 2019 and $17.8 billion in 2020. But Texas gained $3.5 billion in 2018, $4 billion in 2019 and $6.3 billion in 2020. The average adjusted gross income of people leaving high-tax states has also generally increased. Wealth migration over time significantly affects state fiscal and economic health. The annual loss of income has a compounding effect year after year. Lost income in one year is added to lost income the next, as the tax base continues to erode. The opposite is true for Florida, where income gains compound. When states lose taxpayers, they lose tax revenue that supports public services. Democrats in liberal states try to compensate by raising taxes, which drives away more people. This un-virtuous cycle keeps repeating itself in New York, New Jersey and Illinois. House Democrats representing suburban districts in high-tax states campaigned in 2018 on repealing the $10,000 SALT limit. Yet progressives complain this would be a giveaway to the rich. They have a point. Many high-tax states—including California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Illinois—have enacted work-arounds to help pass-through business owners (who file using the individual tax code) dodge the SALT limit. But these don’t help wage earners with hefty capital-gains and property tax payments. In April Reps. Mikie Sherrill, Josh Gottheimer and Tom Malinowski of New Jersey, Katie Porter (Calif.) and Tom Suozzi (N.Y.) called for including a measure in next year’s budget to prohibit the IRS from using funds for “regulatory guidance or rulings that restrict the ability of state governments to enact legislation or policies that provide relief to taxpayers.” The better answer would be for these states to lower their tax and regulatory burdens to make living in these states more affordable. Until they do, the great migration that accelerated in the pandemic will continue.
Some People Get It, Marxist Socialist Democratic Libtardian #potpsychosis enhanced #UsefulIdiots never will! The Great Pandemic Wealth Migration House Democrats haven’t given up on repealing the 2017 tax reform’s cap on deducting state-and-local taxes. And if youwant to knowwhy, take a look at the latest Internal Revenue Service data showing a huge wealth exodus from high- to low-tax states. Each year the IRS publishes data on the migration of taxpayers and aggregate adjusted gross income between states. Its latest release for 2020 shows that migration from high- to low-tax states surged amid pandemic lockdowns and a shift to remote work. The biggest winners were Florida ($23.7 billion), Texas ($6.3 billion), Arizona ($4.8 billion), North Carolina ($3.8 billion), South Carolina ($3.6 billion), Tennessee ($2.6 billion), Nevada ($2.6 billion), Colorado ($2.3 billion), Idaho ($2.1 billion) and Utah ($1.3 billion). Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Florida and South Carolina gained the most as a share of their 2019 income. The biggest losers: New York (-$19.5 billion), California (-$17.8 billion), Illinois (-$8.5 billion), Massachusetts (-$2.6 billion), New Jersey (-$2.3 billion), Maryland (-$1.9 billion), Ohio (-$1.4 billion), Minnesota (-$1.2 billion), Pennsylvania ($1.2 billion) and Virginia (-$1.1 billion). New York, Illinois, Alaska, California and North Dakota lost the most as a share of 2019 income. Population migration from the Northeast and Midwest to the Sun Belt isn’t new, but balmy weather doesn’t explain it all. California has the best climate in the country. It also has among the highest taxes and cost of living. Californians making between $61,215 and $312,686 pay a top marginal tax rate of 9.3%. California taxes the middle class like they’re rich. Notably, four of the 10 states that gained the most income in 2020 don’t impose an income tax (Florida, Texas, Tennessee and Nevada). The others have generally low tax burdens. States losing the most income generally have high income and property taxes. Taxes aren’t the only factor in migration. Schools, quality of life and cost of living also matter. Yet high-tax states don’t provide better public services and often have worse schools and public works despite spending more. Democrats seem to forget that taxes are supposed to represent the cost for providing government services, not a penalty for making money or means for income redistribution. These states are pricing themselves out of the market for mobile taxpayers. The SALT deduction helped mitigate the tax sting, but since 2018 the upper-middle class and wealthy have felt the full pain. No surprise that more are fleeing to low-tax states, especially now that many have the freedom to work remotely. It’s also notable that migration has accelerated since the cap on the SALT deduction took effect. California lost $8 billion in 2018, $8.8 billion in 2019 and $17.8 billion in 2020. But Texas gained $3.5 billion in 2018, $4 billion in 2019 and $6.3 billion in 2020. The average adjusted gross income of people leaving high-tax states has also generally increased. Wealth migration over time significantly affects state fiscal and economic health. The annual loss of income has a compounding effect year after year. Lost income in one year is added to lost income the next, as the tax base continues to erode. The opposite is true for Florida, where income gains compound. When states lose taxpayers, they lose tax revenue that supports public services. Democrats in liberal states try to compensate by raising taxes, which drives away more people. This un-virtuous cycle keeps repeating itself in New York, New Jersey and Illinois. House Democrats representing suburban districts in high-tax states campaigned in 2018 on repealing the $10,000 SALT limit. Yet progressives complain this would be a giveaway to the rich. They have a point. Many high-tax states—including California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Illinois—have enacted work-arounds to help pass-through business owners (who file using the individual tax code) dodge the SALT limit. But these don’t help wage earners with hefty capital-gains and property tax payments. In April Reps. Mikie Sherrill, Josh Gottheimer and Tom Malinowski of New Jersey, Katie Porter (Calif.) and Tom Suozzi (N.Y.) called for including a measure in next year’s budget to prohibit the IRS from using funds for “regulatory guidance or rulings that restrict the ability of state governments to enact legislation or policies that provide relief to taxpayers.” The better answer would be for these states to lower their tax and regulatory burdens to make living in these states more affordable. Until they do, the great migration that accelerated in the pandemic will continue.
by Jm Moran
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by Jm Moran
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#potpsychosis : Root of today’s “Mass Shootings” & definition of the current Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime & Libtardian dogmatic cancer ravaging our country! Marijuana Psychosis Symptoms When marijuana use triggers psychosis, there may be several different symptoms, all characterized by a break with reality. Common marijuana psychosis symptoms are paranoid delusions, suspiciousness, and a sense of grandiosity. Marijuana Psychosis Symptoms – BrightQuest Treatment Centers
#potpsychosis : Root of today’s “Mass Shootings” & definition of the current Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime & Libtardian dogmatic cancer ravaging our country! Marijuana Psychosis Symptoms When marijuana use triggers psychosis, there may be several different symptoms, all characterized by a break with reality. Common marijuana psychosis symptoms are paranoid delusions, suspiciousness, and a sense of grandiosity. Marijuana Psychosis Symptoms – BrightQuest Treatment Centers
by Jm Moran
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by Jm Moran
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