Thursday, October 23, 2014


One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 22 Oct 2014 07:37 PM PDT


Each step away from verifiable paper ballots – no matter how clumsy, costly, or time-consuming to count, is just another opportunity for evildoers to subvert the electoral process … 

Cook County ballot box tries to cast GOP votes for Democrats

Early Voting in Illinois got off to its typical start Monday, as votes being cast for Republican candidates were transformed into votes for Democrats.

Cook County Clerk’s Office Deputy Communications Director Jim Scalzitti, told Illinois Watchdog, the machine was taken out of service and tested.

“This was a calibration error of the touch-screen on the machine,” Scalzitti said. “When Mr. Moynihan used the touch-screen, it improperly assigned his votes due to improper calibration.”

Click for more from

Has anyone ever noticed that voting errors in Illinois’ Cook County always seem to favor democrats?

Bottom line …

Although Attorney General Eric Holder would like to assure the nation that voter fraud is not a significant issue, the mere fact that our electorate is so evenly divided that even an error can change the outcome of an election is troubling.

We must start looking into the potential for massive voter fraud in 2016 as illegal aliens and hyperpartisan voters attempt to sway another election.

And, what one cannot win at the ballot box, there is a cadre of partisan lawyers to keep challenging votes!

The only sure thing in American politics today is a clear majority that overcomes the margin of error gap by at least ten percent where the vote can no longer be challenged – or votes mysteriously appearing to swing an election.

Get out there and vote!

-- steve


Posted: 22 Oct 2014 03:04 PM PDT

The facts be damned …

Once again the progressive socialist democrats, communist agitators, and race-baiters and race-hustlers are confronted with factual evidence that police officer Darren Wilson struggled with a 6’4” – 292-pound belligerent Michael Brown who was apparently wrestling with the officer and was shot in the process. According to published reports, Brown’s blood was found on the gun and inside of the car where the struggle for the officer’s gun took place.

Media reports continue to characterize Brown as being unarmed – even though his size and demeanor on that fateful day could mean that his body could be considered as much a lethal weapon as a trained martial artist. Additionally, the struggle for the officer’s gun could signify an intent for Brown to arm himself and do great bodily harm or even kill the officer Wilson.

But the facts do not seem to matter to the crowd of agitators who have invested a great deal of time, effort, and money in staging a self-serving racial incident. They will concede that the evidence appears to show that Brown was attacking the officer in the car … but, then they attempt to nullify the evidence by asking why the officer followed a retreating Brown out of the car and then shot him as he was attempting to surrender. The fact that all shots that struck Brown were fired from the front and indicating that Brown was not retreating seem irrelevant to their argument. The fact that the shot placement indicated that Brown did not have his hands in the air, palms forward – the classic surrender position – doesn’t seem to matter.

There are some that demand that the officer be tried in a court for all of the information to come out … disregarding the officer’s right to due process that would allow that evidence demonstrates that there is no probable cause for a trial.

How the media is playing the story …

New Information Released on Michael Brown Case

 A report by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch this morning shows the official autopsy supports Ferguson officer Darren Wilson’s claim that Michael Brown struggled with him in his patrol vehicle, and that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot Aug. 9.

St. Louis medical examiner Dr. Michael Graham says the report supports claims that there was a “significant struggle” in Wilson’s patrol car, and Brown suffered a hand wound at “relatively short range.”

A forensic pathologist from San Francisco, Dr. Judy Melinek, says based on a bullet wound to Brown’s arm, Brown’s palms could not have been facing Wilson in the standard surrender position – with hands up and palms out – when he was shot, and Brown was falling forward or lunging when he was hit by the fatal shot to the top of his head.

Based on toxicology tests, Ohio State University College of Pharmacy consultant Alfred Staubus concludes Brown had used marijuana within a few hours of his death, but it is not clear if he was impaired at the time.

The Post-Dispatch says Brown’s family attorney calls Wilson’s account “absurd from beginning to end.”

New Information Released on Michael Brown Case « CBS St. Louis

Note the apparent continuing efforts of the Brown’s Family attorney to keep the case alive and boiling, perhaps in the hopes of a multi-million dollar “nuisance” settlement or simply to keep pumping up the attorney’s media presence and seeding the nation for more high profile cases?

Who is going to compensate the police officer?

Even if the police officer is exonerated of charges relating to the use of “excessive force” in the death of the strong-arm thug Michael Brown, who is going to repair the damage to the officer’s life and career. Who is going to remove the target on his back from some gangsta’ wannabe that wants to make a name for themselves.

Like George Zimmerman who shot the thuggish Trayvon Martin, the progressive mainstream media and race hustlers like Al Sharpton have turned a decent man into an object of scorn, ridicule, and have created permanent safety concerns for the officer and his family. Lest we forget, it was Al Sharpton and the progressive media that went after a decent, Neighborhood Watch captain performing a community service all because they believed that Zimmerman was “White” and this was another black teenager dying at the hands of the “white” devil. Sharpton who has a demonstrable record of race-baiting and community agitating has never been held fully accountable for his actions – mainly because the progressive socialist democrats regard him as their “go to” guy when it comes to rallying their black base of “victims.”

Bottom line …

No matter what the evidence that has been leaked or presented, the progressive socialist democrats, communists, agitators, and race-hustlers need a Ferguson race riot – justice be damned – to mobilize the black voter base for the midterm elections that pose an existential threat to democrats who would desperately like to keep their Senate majority.

No matter how innocent the police officer, nor how guilty the perpetrator – political forces have taken over and will pursue this issue for their own self-serving purposes.

-- steve


Posted: 21 Oct 2014 06:55 PM PDT

The problem with pseudo-intellectual swells, especially if they are progressive socialist democrats, is that they believe that they can show their empty-headed peers how “enlightened” and “refined” they are by accepting what is evil – may just be someone else’s cultural struggle for existence.

How anyone can excuse the Muslim terrorists who shot the 69-year-old, wheelchair-bound Leon Klinghoffer and dumped him into the sea as being morally justified or acceptable is abhorrent to anyone who knows the difference between good and evil.


Leon Klinghoffer (September 24, 1916 – October 8, 1985) was a disabled American appliance manufacturer who was killed by Palestine Liberation Front militants who hijacked the cruise ship Achille Lauro in 1985.

In 1985, Klinghoffer, then 69, retired and in a wheelchair, was on a cruise on the Achille Lauro along with his wife Marilyn to celebrate their 36th wedding anniversary. 

On October 7, 1985, four hijackers from the Palestine Liberation Front took control of the liner off Egypt as it was sailing from Alexandria to Port Said, Egypt. Holding the passengers and crew hostage, they ordered the captain to sail to Tartus, Syria, and demanded the release of 50 Palestinians then in Israeli prisons, including the Lebanese prisoner Samir Kuntar.

The next day, after being refused permission by the Syrian government to dock at Tartus, the hijackers singled out Klinghoffer, a Jew, for murder, shooting him in the forehead and chest as he sat in his wheelchair. They then forced the ship's barber and a waiter to throw his body and wheelchair overboard. 

Marilyn Klinghoffer, who did not witness the shooting, was told by the hijackers that he had been moved to the infirmary. She only learned the truth after the hijackers left the ship at Port Said. PLO Foreign Secretary Farouq Qaddumi said that perhaps the terminally ill Marilyn Klinghoffer had killed her husband for insurance money. However, the PLO later accepted full responsibility for murdering Mr. Klinghoffer. <Source>

The Metropolitan Opera’s rendition of the “Death of Klinghoffer” is an outrage …

To use any artistic medium to suggest that the terrorists were somehow justified in hijacking a cruise ship and killing an innocent elderly man celebrating his 36th wedding anniversary should be roundly condemned by all people, but especially the New York Jewish community who supports the Metropolitan Opera and other cultural events. In my opinion, this is little more than institutional anti-Semitism and pro-Palestinian propaganda.

The Death of Klinghoffer is an American opera, with music by John Adams to an English-language libretto by Alice Goodman. First produced in Brussels and New York in 1991, the opera is based on the hijacking of the passenger liner Achille Lauro by the Palestine Liberation Front in 1985, and the hijackers' murder of wheelchair-bound 69-year-old Jewish-American passenger Leon Klinghoffer.

The concept of the opera originated with theatre director Peter Sellars, who was a major collaborator, as was choreographer Mark Morris. It was commissioned by five American and European opera companies, and the Brooklyn Academy of Music.

The opera has drawn controversy, including allegations by some (including Klinghoffer's two daughters) that the opera is anti-Semitic and glorifies terrorism. <Source>

The hard, cold truth …

The so-called Palestinians rejected the first offer of lands equal to that of Israel at the time the Transjordan region was being partitioned. Indigenous Arabs believed that the new nation of Israel would be overrun by their Arab neighbors and driven from the land. In preparation for this attack, many left the area – in a form of self-exile – and forfeited their right of return to the land that they abandoned.

Of course, since those times, the Palestinians have rejected almost every opportunity to create their own state – primarily because they have no economy or major infrastructure that would allow them to become self-sufficient and successful if international contributions cease. Their leadership engages in terror as a proxy for those nation-states with geo-political battles in the region and as a safe proxy for those individuals, corporations, and nations who want to engage in anti-Jewish behavior. No nation wants to associate with Palestinians as they know only terror and kleptomania.

There can be no moral equivalency between good and evil, right and wrong. And, for the self-congratulating eggheads who believe that art should reflect life’s struggles in a non-judgmental manner, perhaps they will change their mind when their lives are summarily threatened because of their beliefs.

Can I be wrong?  I don’t think so …

'Death Of Klinghoffer' Rationalizes Jihadi Murder

Only the insane political correctness of the left could try in an opera in the city attacked on 9/11 to humanize and justify the murder by Palestinian terrorists of 69-year-old, wheelchair-bound Leon Klinghoffer.

We don't do opera reviews, but the opening of the Metropolitan Opera of New York's production of the "Death of Klinghoffer" is as much a political event as it is an artistic one.

In a particularly grotesque way, it tries to create a moral equivalence between a group of terrorists and their victim by explaining the "reasons" for their criminal and terrorist act.

We also see it in the larger context of an ongoing campaign on the left to portray Israel and its ally, the U.S., as the root of all problems in the Middle East. If only Israel hadn't occupied Arab lands and stubbornly defended its existence, there would be no terrorism. If America hadn't supported Israel, there would be no terror.

The meme that somehow terrorism is all the fault of Israel and America was carried on in the ranting sermons of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, President Obama's pastor for some two decades, who preached that 9/11 was one of America's chickens coming home to roost.

If we hadn't responded with a war on terror that carried the fight to terrorists and their state sponsors in Iraq and Afghanistan, the story goes, the hornet's nest would have remained unstirred and there would be no Islamic State beheading Westerners.

This of course is nonsense. The plight of the Palestinians is in many ways a self-inflicted wound when you consider the leaders they have chosen.

The murderers of Leon Klinghoffer had no more historical justification for their actions than did the murderers of Daniel Pearl or the Islamic State butchers who decapitated Steven Sotloff and James Foley.

Source:  New York Opera's 'Death Of Klinghoffer' Rationalizes Jihadi Murder -

Bottom line …

Why the Jews continue to support the progressive socialist democrats and a racist like Barack Obama is beyond comprehension. That the Obama Administration represents a clear and present danger to America, Americans, and democracies throughout the world is undeniable. There is no moral justification for any Islamic group that believes it is their duty to kill apostates and unbelievers – people who refuse to accept their version of Islam or feel that have the human right to practice an alternative religion.

If the Sunni Muslims were not so preoccupied with ethnically cleansing the religion by killing Shia apostates and Jews, they would be turning their efforts on the civilized nations that do not embrace Islam – but allow for the religious accommodation of Islam as a gesture of human rights and religious freedoms.

One look at Obama’s token attacks on ISIS to know he is not serious about stopping the ethnic cleansing of the Sunni Muslims as they grow larger and stronger each day.

As for any justification of Leon Klinghoffer’s death – there can be done.

-- Steve

North American Infidels Exclusive: NY Muslims Bully Church and Residency of Fathers! ...


North American Infidels Exclusive: NY Muslims Bully Church and Residency of Fathers!

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 02:10 PM PDT

imagesCAPN8FGXI am sure many of you remember my report on the halal food cart plague that has spread across NYC. A report that was picked up by an Iranian media giant, the AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA). In it I showed how Muslim vendors completely disrespected Ground Zero by surrounding it with halal carts.

Of course nothing is ever enough for the Islamobullies of the world, so they have found another target. This time the target is Christianity.

Recently walking down a NYC street I had noticed a halal cart in a strange location.


I thought it was strange that it was on such a narrow secluded street and so close to a building. Because most of the carts I have seen are located on the corners of blocks in order to maximize the amount of traffic that passes it. At that point I continued to approach the cart to do a further investigation.


The location of the building the Islamobullies are invading is 415W 59St., and it is connected to the St. Paul The Apostle Parish and Residence of Paulist Fathers, which is located around the corner.




Placing this cart in front of a Parish is an outright assault on Christianity. As Islam calls for dominance over Christianity, by force if necessary.

Koran 9:29: (Altafsir. com)

{ قَاتِلُواْ ٱلَّذِينَ لاَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ وَلاَ بِٱلْيَوْمِ ٱلآخِرِ وَلاَ يُحَرِّمُونَ مَا حَرَّمَ ٱللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ وَلاَ يَدِينُونَ دِينَ ٱلْحَقِّ مِنَ ٱلَّذِينَ أُوتُواْ ٱلْكِتَابَ حَتَّىٰ يُعْطُواْ ٱلْجِزْيَةَ عَن يَدٍ وَهُمْ صَاغِرُونَ }

Fight those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, for, otherwise, they would have believed in the Prophet (s), and who do not forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, such as wine, nor do they practise the religion of truth, the firm one, the one that abrogated other religions, namely, the religion of Islam — from among of those who (min, ‘from’, explains [the previous] alladhīna, ‘those who’) have been given the Scripture, namely, the Jews and the Christians, until they pay the jizya tribute, the annual tax imposed them, readily (‘an yadin is a circumstantial qualifier, meaning, ‘compliantly’, or ‘by their own hands’, not delegating it [to others to pay]), being subdued, [being made] submissive and compliant to the authority of Islam.

That is just the beginning of what Islam has in store for Christianity….

Sahih Muslim Hadith Book 019, Number 4366: 

It has been narrated by ‘Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.

Leading to the ultimate destruction of Christianity. Done by the hands of the Islamic version of “Jesus”.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 55, Number 657:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah’s Apostle said, “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler); he will break the Cross and kill the pigs and there will be no Jizya (i.e. taxation taken from non Muslims). Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it, and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be better than the whole world and whatever is in it.” Abu Huraira added “If you wish, you can recite (this verse of the Holy Book): — ‘And there is none Of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (i.e Jesus as an Apostle of Allah and a human being) Before his death. And on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness Against them.” (4.159) (See Fateh Al Bari, Page 302 Vol 7)

Besides all of that it is disrespectful just to sell halal meat outside of a Parish. It is the equivalent of placing a pork stand outside a Mosque.

“From the Christian standpoint, Allah would be an idol,” Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries told WND.

What does the Bible REALLY say about what’s considered food and what isn’t? Find out, plus learn the spectacular destiny of mankind that’s rarely mentioned in church in this autographed No. 1 best-seller!

In a sermon last weekend which he posted online, Biltz explained, “In order for it to be halal, they have to slaughter the animal facing Mecca … and they have to say this prayer about Allah is great and greater than all other gods. Muslims can only eat food that is halal, that has been sacrificed to their idol, Allah … and with Allah’s name prayed over it.”

“You could be eating beef, chicken, etc., offered up to Allah and not even know it. I can just imagine at a Passover Seder the caterer unbeknownst to anyone is serving halal meat! It could be on your pizza without you knowing it, or at your favorite restaurant. People don’t realize they could be eating meat sacrificed to idols!”

He notes New Testament instructions specifically warning Christians:

“Stay away from food that has been offered to idols (which makes it unclean), any kind of sexual sin, eating animals that have been strangled, and blood.” (Acts 15:20, New Century Version)

After snapping a few pictures I approached a man exiting through a side door of the building. He had told me that besides the mega-Church around the corner, the building addressed 415 also had a private Church and is a residency of the Parish’s Fathers. A call to the Parish confirmed that it was a residency as well.

What was the proximity of Satan’s food cart to the Church?



What was that about Islam/Muslims respecting Christianity? 



Logan’s Warning Computer Issue!

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 08:43 AM PDT

LockHello friends,

I just wanted to let you know why I have not been able to update my site recently. It is because something or someone has locked me out of my own laptop, and I can no longer get past the log in page. But the good is news is that I will be having it repaired over the weekend, and will be using a friend’s laptop to post an exclusive North American Infidels (NAI) reporttoday.



UPDATES: Obama’s Dictatorship, up to 34M Illegal Aliens + Vote Fraud

UPDATES: Obama’s Dictatorship, up to 34M Illegal Aliens + Vote Fraud

USS GERALD R. FORD: Check Out The Construction Of The Most Expensive Ship Ever...

Check Out The Construction Of The Most Expensive Ship Ever

The United States is building its next generation of aircraft carrier, the FORD-class carriers. The U.S. Navy gave us access to photograph construction of the USS Gerald R. Ford at Newport News Shipbuilding
, Virginia.  The numbers behind the USS Gerald R. Ford are impressive; about $14 billion in total cost, 224 million pounds, about 25 stories high, 1,106 feet long and 250 feet wide. But the sheer enormity of the ship and construction operation is hard to grasp until you're nearly face-to-metal with the massive military beast. At Newport News Shipbuilding the power of new technology and 100 years of carrier design is built into every facet of the new ship. The Ford will handle up to 220 takeoffs and landings from its deck every day. Part of that quick turnaround is because when aircraft like the new F-35 return for maintenance, the plane's network will already have alerted ground crews to what's needed so they can get the aircraft on its way faster than ever before.

The new FORD-class aircraft carrier will be the largest, most lethal ship ever when it joins the US fleet in 2016.


The scope of the ship's construction is hard to fathom, but that chain is made up of links weighing 360-pounds each.


It's the weight of the chains that immobilize the 224 million pound carrier, not the anchors like those seen here on the USS Abraham Lincoln ..


All that weight starts up here in the "Bulbous Bow" that displaces the ship's center of gravity, allowing her to cruise on just the energy required for a much smaller ship.


This bow alone is more than three stories tall and weighs 116,000 pounds.


With its nuclear power plant and extraordinary size, the Ford is manufactured only here at Newport News Shipbuilding, Va.


Using "Big Blue" — the largest crane in the Western Hemisphere — towering 235 feet above the shipyard.


Big Blue can lift nearly 2.5 million pounds at a time and is essential for assembling the new class of ship.


Ships this big have to be built in dry docks like this; twenty-two-hundred-feet long and 250 feet wide.


Replacing the 50-year-old Nimitz-class carrier, engineers at Newport News Shipbuilding designed the Ford to accept technology that won't be seen for decades

Some of those advancements are expected, but most are as far-fetched as the Navy's newest drones were in 1963.


Regardless of what the future brings, all of it will require more power, which is why the Ford will generate three times the energy of Nimitz-class carriers.


Newport News Shipbuilding has learned a lot about building carriers over the years, like the wisdom of leaving the paint job until the ship is finished. This is done to save on repainting over welds and stresses caused during construction.


Raw steel exposed to salt air causes the rust, but the various other colors denote the thickness of the plates.


The paint applied to the Ford actually isn't paint, but a "high solids coating" that lasts longer and doesn't break down as quickly.


Newport News Shipbuilding rents acres of canvas to cover the hull when it applies the coating.


Moving the island house (the control tower) back further on the ship will accommodate an increased launch rate for the 75+ planes that will live aboard the carrier.

The Ford will be capable of launching and receiving up to 220 planes a day.

That increased rate comes in part from replacing the steam-generated catapult systems like those on the USS Abraham Lincoln shown here, with an electromagnetic system that's more efficient and gentler on the multi-million-dollar jets.


Even with the extra fuel and weapons needed to keep that pace, the Ford is equipped to remain at sea without replenishment for months at a time.


Before the FORD-class carriers, Newport News Shipbuilding needed to construct mock-ups of many ship sections to see how it would integrate in construction.


Now they use 3D design technology.


With a pair of these 3D glasses designers are able to see exactly how everything fits together in a virtual environment.


The 3D system also allows engineers to assemble the ship in modules. These modules can be exchanged and modified over the carrier's lifetime.


Inside a module like S/L3609, the electronic workstation could be removed and relocated along with the interior walls and floors. These were all permanent fixtures on previous carriers.


For the first time the Navy will have no urinals on this carrier. Gender neutral toilets mean berthing can be swapped between male and female without concern and one unit means fewer spare parts and repair. This ship may be responsible for more births than deaths.

The Navy is requesting larger pipes for the Ford to prevent blockage and unpleasant smells, which are common issues on carriers.


A carrier's effectiveness isn't judged by its plumbing, but by its ability to deliver lethal military force from these 4.5 acres of sovereign US territory.


That lethality comes in many forms — like the weapons aboard the new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.



The SeaSparrow Missile also factors into lethality with its ability to fly four times the speed of sound, turn on a dime, and intercept anti-ship missiles more than 30 miles out.

Ford's lethality is also enhanced by the RIM 116 short-range defensive surface to air missile. ...


... and the radar-guided, rotating 20 mm Gatling Gun called the Phalanx CIWS (Sea-Wiz).


That lethality aims to help keep sailors safe and the enemy less so.


Criticism of the new carrier, which may be the last of the "Big" carriers now that drones are replacing manned aircraft, has been swift and harsh.


Facing a longer timeline for completion and burgeoning costs, Newport News Shipbuilding construction director Geoff Hummel says, "Problems are something we think about every day."



Those sailors shouldn't doubt it, with the decades of experience Newport News employees bring.

When the Ford finally hits the water in a few years, it will look less like something from "Waterworld" and more like something from the future.

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