Saturday, September 17, 2011

Treasury Department opens inquiry into Solyndra loan guarantee | McClatchy

Treasury Department opens inquiry into Solyndra loan guarantee | McClatchy:

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Report criticizes deportation program, urges changes | McClatchy

Report criticizes deportation program, urges changes | McClatchy:

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City demands Christians get permit for Bible study

City demands Christians get permit for Bible study:

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Sheriff Arpaio's posse assigned to review Obama birth certificate

Sheriff Arpaio's posse assigned to review Obama birth certificate:

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>>>>As a rule, I don't pass along these "add your name" lists that appear in emails,
>>>>BUT this one is important. It has been circulating for MONTHS and has been SENT
>>>>to over 25 million people. We don't want to lose any names on the list so just
>>>>hit forward and send it on. Please keep it going!
>>>>To show your support for the re-election of President Obama, please go
>>>>to the end of the list and add your name:
>>>>1. Michelle Obama

Rep. Kathy Castor (FL-11): Investigate Sarasota - Saudi Saboteur Connection! - Tea Party Nation

Rep. Kathy Castor (FL-11): Investigate Sarasota - Saudi Saboteur Connection! - Tea Party Nation:

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And the hits just keep coming! - Tea Party Nation

And the hits just keep coming! - Tea Party Nation:

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RT @anti_commie32: Keep up the great work!!!

RT @anti_commie32: Keep up the great work!!! — Joseph Moran (@JMM7156) May 2, 2023 from Twitter https://twitter....