Monday, October 10, 2011

Occupy Wall Street 'A Natural Outcome Of A Bad Education System Teaching Them Really Dumb Ideas'

Gingrich: Occupy Wall Street 'A Natural Outcome Of A Bad Education System Teaching Them Really Dumb Ideas'

Cain Gingrich CBS Face The Nation
Image: CBS

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Former Speaker of the House and 2012 presidential candidate Newt Gingrichhad harsh words for the Occupy Wall Street protesters, calling it "a natural product of Obama's class warfare."
In an interview with CBS News' Bob Schieffer, Gingrich said "the real American tradition" is having the chance to "go out and work hard, theSteve Jobs experience. You can create a better future. You can do something better."
"We have had a strain of hostility to free enterprise and frankly, a strain of hostility to classic America starting in our academic institutions and spreading across this country," he added. "And I regard the Wall Street protests as a natural outcome of a bad education system teaching them really dumb ideas."
Herman Cain, who joined Gingrich on Fact the Nation, added that the protesters were "anti-American," saying "to protest Wall Street and the bankers is saying that you're anti-capitalism."
"The free market system and capitalism are two of the things that have allowed this nation and this economy to become the biggest in the world," he added. "Even though we have our challenges, I believe that the protests are more anti-capitalism and anti-free market than anything else."
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SOLYNDRAGATE: Huge Email Dump Implicates Obama And Rahm

SOLYNDRAGATE: Huge Email Dump Implicates Obama And Rahm In Bankruptcy Scandal

Image: ap
The White House released a bunch of emails related to the Solyndrabankruptcy scandal to Congressional investigators today, in what has become a regular Friday evening email dump.
The emails, obtained by several news organizations, implicate the most senior levels of the Obama administration in the scandal, which has tainted the White House since the solar company went bankrupt last month, leaving taxpayers on the hook for a $534 million federal loan.
Here are the highlights:
One email, obtained by the Washington Post, suggests that Obama and/or his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel was actively involved in trying to get Solyndra's loan application approved in time for a September 2009 press conference. 
“Ron said this morning that the POTUS definitely wants to do this (or Rahm definitely wants the POTUS to do this?),” one White House staffer told an Obama scheduler on Aug. 17, 2009, referring to Ron Klain, former chief of staff for Vice President Joe Biden.
Steve Spinner, an Obama fundraiser who worked in the DOE loan department, repeatedly pushed the chief loan officer to expedite approval of Solyndra's loan — despite the fact that his wife worked for the law firm representing Solyndra. The firm received at least $2.4 million in fees related to the loan,according to the AP.  DOE officials have previously stated that Spinner did not "actively participate" in Solyndra's application.
“How [expletive] hard is this? What is he waiting for? Will we have it by the end of the day?” Spinner wrote on Aug. 28, 2009. “I have OVP [Office of Vice President] and WH [White House] breathing down my neck on this. They are getting itchy to get involved if needed. I don’t want that.”
In 2011, the Treasury Department warned the DOE about the questionable legality of Solyndra's refinancing deal, which put investors ahead of taxpayers in the event the company went under.
"In February, we requested in writing that DOE seek the Department of Justice’s approval of any proposed restructuring,” an assistant Treasury secretary wrote in an August 2011 memo to the OMB. “To our knowledge that never happened.”
Another email, obtained by TIME, suggests that Solyndra's bad finances and poor business model were well-known within the solar panel industry. A February 2009 letter from the CEO of Solyndra's main competitor, Nanosolar, basically asks what everyone in the country is asking now: 
“In light of the DoE loan program application of a competitor of ours, Solyndra, and given the well-publicized rapidly deteriorating financial state of this company as well as its failure to secure new investors and maintain a balance sheet adequate for product introduction, I would appreciate clarification from you about whether the DoE loan guarantee program is suitable as a ‘bail-out’ program for failing private manufacturers."

Here are eight red flags the government totally ignored in the Solyndra disaster >

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hugo Chavez, Occupy Wall Street, and Double Standards

Hugo Chavez hates Wall Street, ground zero for “savage capitalism.” Daily he dreams of bear markets bringing the U.S. economy crashing down. He certainly likes the Occupy Wall Streetmovement. It is tailor-made for advancing Chavez-style “participatory democracy.” Little wonder he has dispatched his star propagandist to New York.
Eva Golinger, described as “a Venezuelan-American lawyer and editor of the English edition of the state newspaper Correo del Orinoco” (i.e., an arm of the Chavez regime). A well-funded apologist for Chavez, Golinger has apparently joined forces with the anti–Wall Street protest movement, gleefully reporting back to Venezuela news of growing disorder, imminent class struggle, and sinking capitalism in the U.S.
Golinger is also known for exposés of nefarious U.S. efforts to destabilize Venezuela by supporting endangered democratic groups. According to the Commentator:
[Golinger] is on Venezuelan government TV several times a week naming Venezuelan citizens who have dared to advocate for human rights or democracy in their country. Her main scapegoats, it would seem, are the National Endowment for Democracy and the United States Agency for International Development; two U.S. government organizations that provide support to civil society in monitoring Venezuela’s democratic collapse; a collapse in which Ms. Golinger is, of course, actively involved.
Ms. Golinger’s presence in New York is not illegal—although as an employee of the Government of Venezuela, technicalities could emerge regarding the Foreign Agent Registration Act.
Golinger’s newspaper makes no apparent effort at balanced reporting. For example, eye-catching in the latest issue was Chavez’s praise of communist China. Chavez predicted that China “is going to become the greatest power in the world and it’s important to note that this country didn’t need to invade anyone, nor convert itself in a murderous empire that steps on people like the yankee empire to become what it is.” (What about Chairman Mao, the Communist Revolution, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution?)
Long ago, tyrants learned that the first thing that goes in a revolution is objectivity.
Clearly, the safety and security of the U.S. does not depend on whether or not Golinger is free to move about and report from within the U.S. Her presence here, however, is a reminder of the consistent, well-financed efforts on the part of Chavez and company to stir the “anti-capitalist” pot abroad while isolating the domestic, democratic opposition in Venezuela behind walls of censorship, legal sanction, untruths, and vilification. This, too, is worth a protest.
Posted in American Leadership


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