Monday, October 10, 2011

Herman Cain: Occupy Wall Street Protests Are "Anti-American" And "Coordinated"

Herman Cain: Occupy Wall Street Protests Are "Anti-American" And "Coordinated"

"We know that the unions and certain union-related organizations have been behind these protests that are going on on Wall Street and other parts around the country. It's coordinated to create a distraction so people won't focus on the failed policies of this administration," presidential candidate Herman Cain said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

Newt Gingrich says a poor public education system is partly to blame for the protests too.


Monday, October 10, 2011

SEIU's Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives

Radical labor organizer Stephen Lerner of SEIU intends to terrorize the families of bank executives in their homes. Lerner, a prime architect of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, said this to Marxists at the left-wing Take the American Dream Back conference in Washington, D.C., on October 3, 2011.

Here's the video:

Like any good Alinskyite organizer Lerner poses as a mere liberal instead of as an anti-American radical. If Lerner gets his way, more labor and leftist-inspired violence and mayhem are on their way.

* * * * *

Americans need to know that ACORN is restructuring in time to help re-elect President Obama in 2012. Obama used to work for ACORN and represented the group in court as its lawyer. These radical leftists who use the brutal, in-your-face, pressure tactics of Saul Alinsky want to destroy America as we know it and will use any means to do it.

Buy my book Subversion Inc. at Amazon and in Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million bookstores. Visit the Subversion Inc. Facebook page. Follow me on Twitter.

Union Gangsters: Stephen Lerner

From today's Front Page Magazine:

Union Gangsters: Stephen Lerner

By Matthew Vadum

Editor's note: The following is the third installment of FrontPage's new series, "Union Gangsters." In this profile, award-winning investigative reporter Matthew Vadum unmasks economic terrorist Stephen Lerner. To read about union consigliere Craig Becker, click here. To read about Big Labor kingpin Richard Trumka, click here.]

One of the boldest labor thugs in America today is Stephen Lerner, a crafty economic terrorist who manages to sound like a folksy self-improvement seminar leader while he explicitly calls for the overthrow of capitalism.

“People are ready to move,” said Lerner, an organizer with the radical Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

“We have solutions. We just have to build it bigger and larger,” he said during a panel discussion Oct. 3 at the Take Back the American Dream conference in Washington, D.C.
“If we are really serious about movement building then we think one part is we have to act heroically, that we have to inspire people by our actions and we have to be willing to take incredible personal and collective risks, that that’s the time and there’s moments where history shifts and we’re going to decide if it shifts. That’s where I think we are and it’s a wonderful place to be because for the last couple of years it’s been shifting the other way.”
An SEIU board member, Lerner is one of the architects of a subversive plan that aims to destroy the nation’s financial system through intimidation, mass protests, and the mob violence that accompanies it. As part of it, Lerner targeted JPMorgan Chase for attack earlier this year because the bank would be “a really good company to hate.”

Lerner told a receptive union audience that it is necessary to demonize people like JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon in order to generate hatred and envy that will help to foment revolution. “We’ve got to be clear on the human beings who are bad,” he told the SEIU 775 convention in Seattle on Sept. 22. Wealthy corporate leaders must be made into social outcasts, despised even by their children, he said. “How do we make it so politicians don’t even want their money because their money’s toxic, it’s dirty, it’s evil.”

“It’s one thing if we say JPMorgan Chase crashed the economy. It’s another thing if we say Jamie Dimon makes $20 million a year, who is involved in the opera and all these philanthropies, and thinks he’s a nice guy, and he’s destroying our lives.”

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Does Obama support SEIU/ACORN-led economic terror campaign against JPMorgan Chase?

Does President Obama approve of the SEIU/ACORN-led economic terrorism campaign that is now directed at JPMorgan Chase?

It seems like a reasonable question to ask. SEIU is President Obama’s favorite union and ACORN is his favorite community organizing outfit.

The campaign, engineered by SEIU board member Stephen Lerner, is designed, in Lerner’s words, “to disrupt and create uncertainty for capital, for how corporations operate ... there are actually extraordinary things that we could do right now that would start to destabilize the folks that are in power and start to rebuild a movement.”

According to White House visitor logs, “Stephen Lerner” paid four visits to the Obama White House. On two of those visits he apparently met with then-White House political director Patrick Gaspard, a former executive vice president at the militant SEIU Local 1199. Gaspard, a longtime ACORN operative and Alinskyite, is now executive director of the DNC where he oversees the odious Organizing for America project.

I wonder what they talked about. Hmmmm.

Obama has named SEIU officials to senior posts in his administration, including former SEIU lawyer Craig Becker whom Obama sleazily recess-appointed to the National Labor Relations Board. Becker is a kind of fascist, or more precisely, a syndicalist. He thinks no one should have the right not to join a union: people should only get to choose which union to join. (Incidentally, Becker lied to a congressional committee when he denied having ties to ACORN.)

Earlier this year Lerner said that after consulting his allies he decided that JPMorgan Chase would be “a really good company to hate.” If leftists really believe capitalism is in a “transformative stage,” they “need to confront this in a serious way and develop a real ability to put a boot in the wheel.”

Not coincidentally, Obama has had a falling out with JPMorgan Chase. Although some once described the bank’s chairman Jamie Dimon as “Obama’s favorite banker,” their bromance is on the rocks now that Obama habitually demonizes bankers as “fat cats.”

The SEIU/ACORN war against JPMorgan Chase has recently kicked into high gear.

ACORN’s newly renamed chapters in New York (New York Communities for Change), California (Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment),Missouri (Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment), andWashington state (Organization United for Reform) make no secret about their participation in the subversive scheme.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Economic Terrorism’s Big Comeback

(originally published at Front Page Magazine, a publication of David Horowitz Freedom Center)

Economic Terrorism’s Big Comeback

By Matthew Vadum

Radical activist groups associated with President Barack Obama have launched a campaign of economic terrorism and sabotage – possibly with his blessing. Mortgage and student loan strikes, crippling bank boycotts, intimidation, and who knows what else are all on the agenda.

The idea of leftists using terrorism to achieve political objectives isn’t new. Leon Trotsky supported the use of terrorism to advance so-called social justice. Decades before an ice-axe found its way into his skull, Trotsky argued in Dictatorship vs. Democracy that Communists who reject “terrorism in principle” weren’t bona fide Communists. Years before that, he justified “proletarian terrorism” because the capitalist state itself, with its “entire state apparatus with its laws, police, and army is nothing but an apparatus for capitalist terror.” In the upside-down world of Marxists, radical activists’ frightening, violent, in-your-face tactics are thought of as merely fighting fire with fire.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Economic Terrorism's Big Comeback

"Economic Terrorism's Big Comeback" is the name of my latest piece at Front Page Magazine.

Here's the top of it:

Radical activist groups associated with President Barack Obama have launched a campaign of economic terrorism and sabotage – possibly with his blessing. Mortgage and student loan strikes, crippling bank boycotts, intimidation, and who knows what else are all on the agenda.
The idea of leftists using terrorism to achieve political objectives isn’t new. Leon Trotsky supported the use of terrorism to advance so-called social justice. Decades before an ice-axe found its way into his skull, Trotsky argued in Dictatorship vs. Democracy that Communists who reject “terrorism in principle” weren’t bona fide Communists. Years before that, he justified “proletarian terrorism” because the capitalist state itself, with its “entire state apparatus with its laws, police, and army is nothing but an apparatus for capitalist terror.” In the upside-down world of Marxists, radical activists’ frightening, violent, in-your-face tactics are thought of as merely fighting fire with fire.
Since at least the 1960s, the American Left has embraced terrorism. Striking fear into the hearts of big corporations has proven to be politically useful and lucrative, as the shakedown artists of ACORN and Jesse Jackson’s Wall Street Project can attest.
While most of its practitioners conceal the true nature of what they do, others revel in their depravity. For example, Neighborhood Assistance Corp. of America head Bruce Marks has proudly described himself as both a “banking terrorist” and an “urban terrorist.”

Is Obama Behind the Wall Street Protests?

It appears there’s several “Rats in the Icebox,” and it’s obvious who is behind the OWL protests that are taking place. Who’s organizing the protests? What are they protesting? Why are so many of them confused about the reason they’re protesting?

Let’s look at who’s supporting this movement and why they’re pouring fuel on open flames. First “person of interest,” on the list would be Barack Obama. He’s run out of gas for his 2012 campaign and absolutely losing his Democratic base, many Hispanics refuse to back him, the Jews are irate and the youth no longer idolize him. Someone in Obama’s army had the bright idea to copy the tea party movement at least that’s the feeble excuse the Democrats are using.

Obama is egging the protestors on and encouraging them on National TV; he says the protestors don’t like the way our financial system works. What he’s saying basically is pass my jobs plan, tax the wealthy so I can continue by path to “redistribution.”

There’s a big difference between the tea parties and these copycat protestors- the copycats aren’t fighting for their Country. The tea parties are fighting to “Take Back Their Country;” they believe in the individual freedoms given to us by our forefathers as written in our Constitution. They believe in our Military, Government by the people (meaning a limited government,) securing our borders, 2nd Amendment and freedom of speech.

So Obama is the number one person of interest, let’s add Nancy Pelosi, Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner and Joe Biden - they all have the same canned message saying they are proud of the protestors and sympathize with them. Isn’t it strange they all opted to discuss the movement at the same time?

Stage left, the Unions parade in to join their protesting friends. Next, add the Liberal News Media who is beating the “Occupy Wall Street” story to death – they just can’t get enough of it! Yet they ignore the “Fast and Furious” gunrunner program that allowed guns to walk across the border into the hands of the drug cartels? Two of our people, Brian Terry, Jaime Zapata and many Mexicans murdered and the Liberal News Media just turns their heads.

So Americans we have a staged protest probably funded by Obama, Soros, Unions and other Liberal groups. There’s much more to this movement then meets the eye – Obama’s ratings are in the tank and something had to be created to distract and divide Americans.

Obama started all of this off with his jobs plan (stimulus bill), which was primarily about taxing the wealthy including businesses big and small. Democrats didn’t like his bill and wouldn’t even vote on it and Obama’s jobs plan was losing steam by the minute. Along comes a bunch of protestors who don’t have a clue why they’re marching or what they’re protesting - they make headline news day in and day out. It’s a sure bet that someone has organized and funded this group.

This protest most likely was choreographed by George Soros for this has been his “Mode of Operation” in other Countries. But, the big mistakes that Obama, Pelosi, Geither, Bernanke, Joe Biden and the Unions made is this – they all had the same canned speech about the movement and Americans can see that Obama has once again turned on his Nation. Taxing those who create jobs, invest in entrepreneurs and keep the economic wheels turning is a sure sign of this…

What we’re witnessing now is an act of desperation from a group of people who are slowly losing all that they’ve worked for the past 40 years. They had too many deals behind closed doors – they stole from the Country and Americans once too often.

Obama doesn’t seem to realize that after Obamacare, Solyndra, the Libyan war, the defunct 787 billion dollar stimulus package and the “Fast and Furious” gunrunner program have all occurred under his watch.

The bottom line - the Commander in Chief is responsible, not God, Republicans, tea parties, the weather or Americans.
 May God Bless Our Nation

As Always,
Little Tboca
Views: 1197

Our Troops Don’t Want a Gold-Plated Military — Armor Will Suffice

The running joke in the military is that the Marines get the Army’s old equipment. Should the congressional supercommittee fail to come to an agreement on federal spending, our nation’s military will see cuts of up to $1.2 trillion phased in over a decade on top of over $489 billion in cuts that are currently being made — and the Marines will continue conducting their missions with the Army’s hand-me-downs … indefinitely.
When I went into combat in Baghdad with the Army’s 1st Cavalry Division, the only new equipment I had were the tires on my humvees and my boots. My unit’s humvees were almost twenty years old, some of the first off of the assembly line, the .50 caliber machine guns assigned to us had been in and out of the maintenance shop for at least a month before my unit was deployed, and our radios would only transmit a few miles. I’d hate to see what the Marines had to work with.
After ten years at war, the men and women of our military are still using the same types of equipment developed for and during the Cold War. Recent reporting showed that in 2008 an Air Force captain had flown the same plane his father flew thirty years prior. America’s air and bomber fleets (F-15s, 16s, 18s, B-1s, 2s, and 52s) are Cold War remnants — the beleaguered F-35 is the only new fighter to escape post Cold War era cuts. The F-22 fighter, the Seawolf Class sub, and the Army’s Comanche helicopter have all been shelved.
America’s Navy is also treading water. The Trident ballistic missile and Los Angeles Class attack submarines, Aegis-equipped destroyers and cruisers, and Nimitz Class aircraft carriers are becoming old technology, fast. The USS Enterprise, America’s first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, has been sailing the seas since JFK was president and is set for decommissioning in 2013. The Navy currently reports that only half of its deployed aircraft are ready for combat.
The Army and Marine Corps are still flying and driving equipment developed to fight a war against the Soviet Union on the Fulda Gap. Our soldiers and Marines continue using variants of the Abrams Tank, Bradley Fighting Vehicle, and Blackhawk helicopter. These technologies and weapons platforms have served us well; I’ve personally seen them in action, bringing the fight to the enemy, but we cannot settle for these systems to defend us against future threats.
The budget constraints America faces are very real and American voters have been crystal clear in demanding that the entire federal budget should be put on the table for debate. Since Barack Obama has been commander-in-chief, $489 billion in cuts have been made to our defense forces. These cuts are forcing the Pentagon to find efficiencies, cut waste, and eliminate fraud and abuse. The cuts also go deep, down to the proverbial bone. The next round of cuts will force an amputation — $1.2 trillion dollars in cuts will force us to cut capabilities.
Enacting deeper cuts at this point will have a devastating impact on the ability of our forces to defend the homeland and will constitute a breach of faith with our commitment to America’s warrior class. Former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld famously stated that we go to war with the Army we have. Is this the Army we want to go war with — a Cold War–era force defending America from the threats of the 21st century?
Our troops are not asking for gold plated equipment — armor will suffice.
— Joel Arends is a veteran of Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom. He currently serves as a captain in the Army Reserve and as chairman of Veterans for a Strong America.

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