Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Guns Save Lives

Link to Guns Save Lives

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 02:31 PM PDT
A FL concealed carrier shot and wounded a man who was inside of a home, uninvited and waving a gun around. The carrier drew a gun from his pocket and shot the suspect, killing him. Police are continuing to investigate, but as of right now the incident appears to be self defense. It is not [...] Related posts:

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 11:36 AM PDT
We often point out that guns can be an equalizer in a violent encounter. In the stories listed below senior citizens leveled the playing field against younger, stronger, and sometimes multiple assailants with positive results. If you’ve ever wondered why some say, “Don’t mess with old people,” maybe these stories will give you some insight [...] Related posts:

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 09:13 AM PDT
If you thought the US was the only country where people want to actually expand their right to own and carry guns, well, you be very wrong. Case in point, girls in Saudi Arabia are demanding the right to own, train with, and carry firearms for protection. Since women are not allowed to use firearms [...] Related posts:

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 07:33 AM PDT
In this video Piers Morgan debates John Lott (author, More Guns, Less Crime) on gun control. Caution: If you have high blood pressure Morgan may give you a heart attack. Nothing but respect for John Lott for handling the debate with poise and composure. Related posts: Video: FL 64 Year Old Woman Holds Suspect At [...] Related posts:

GR8 Read

One Citizen Speaking...

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 08:19 PM PDT
This is a deal which will benefit ALL Americans and, once again, bring some measure of honesty to the backgrounds of the candidates.
What we might learn …
We know Mitt Romney is rich and like all rich people has advisors to help him arrange his business affairs to minimize his taxes. Nothing new here – even if he paid zero taxes, he would be no different than General Electric or any of the other corporations who have made billions and paid little or nothing in U.S. taxes.
We know little or nothing about President Obama’s background other than he openly associated with communists, domestic terrorists and convicted felons. Perhaps engaging in a little Chicago-style dealing when it came to his personal residence and his dealings with convicted felon Rezko.
Obama appears to have gone to great lengths to hide …
  • His birth certificate. The birth certificate provided by the White House is regarded by credentialed document experts as a “suspected/disputed” document.
  • His social security number appears to have been issued to a now-dead person in Connecticut, a state with no affiliation with Obama or his parents. Does he have “dual” citizenship?
  • His passport records: on what passport did he travel to Pakistan with his college buddies? Does he have a foreign passport? And why did he go to Pakistan?
  • His legal record and why he can no longer practice law in Illinois.
  • His Occidental school records which might reveal that he attended as a foreign student and received a scholarship for foreign students.
  • His Columbia and Harvard school records which might reveal that he was admitted as a foreign student, perhaps with relaxed entrance requirements, and foreign student financing.
  • His real name. What is Barack Obama’s legal name and was is legally changed back to Barack Obama from Barry Soetoro? Did he commit perjury when he swore that he had disclosed all of the names he had used when he applied for his law license?
Where is the mainstream media?
Why is the mainstream media failing to report the facts of Obama’s activities while in the White House? Why have they not carried information about Valerie Jarrett like they Karl Rove – even to reporting on Rove’s fathers penis adornment.
Why are they overwhelming for Obama? Is it because of special privileges and tax breaks? Or they simply infiltrated with socialists and communists like our school system?
Where is Congress?
They have violated the Constitution and have not produced a budget for 1200+ days. They hardly work. And when they work, they create nothing but debt, chaos and confusion. The ethics committees are a joke and most people under investigation appear to be getting a pass. Especially those who are members of the Congressional Black Caucus. Maxine Waters who appears to have violated conflict of interest dealings. Jesse Jackson, Jr. whose “deal” was caught on federal tap – the same deal that sent former Governor Rod Blagojevich to prison. And what about Harry Reid’s reported side deals and family lobbying activities?
Where are the political parties?
These are the clowns that simply went along with who ever showed up with the money. The democrats certified Barack Obama and should suffer the consequences if they helped a Manchurian Candidate to be elected and help move our nation towards socialism. They should change their name to the socialist party if that is what they believe. Truth in Advertising.
Bottom line …
No matter what you believe about the candidates, there appears to be much to be know before we allow America to be taken over by unknown political leaders. Even if Mitt Romney is elected, that only buys constitutional conservatives time until the 2016 election cycle.
WE need to demand the media change the colors on their charts. Blue for the Republicans and Red for the Democrats. Something they went to great lengths to change because of the obvious link between the democrats and red communists.
-- steve

Funnies for You


Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Hope you all know our Constitutional rights. One of our founding fathers said something like this. If the people can't arm themselves, they will be slaves of the government/ Is this what we want?

Attorney General Holder says, "WE HAVE NO RIGHT TO POSSESS GUN

Guess they were not happy with the poll results the first time, so USA today is running another one...Vote now...
Attorney General Eric Holder, has already said this is one of his major issues. He does not believe the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms. This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. Then pass the link on to all the pro-gun folks you know. Hopefully the results will be published later this month.
Here's what you need to do:
First - vote.
Second- Send it to other folks,
then we will see if the results get published.
Click to vote:

These Foreign Cartoons Say A Lot .... As published in foreign newspapers. 

Cartoons from Across the Globe

 Yes, we have become the laughing stock of the world! We must change that in November 2012.

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