Wednesday, August 15, 2012


WRITTEN BY A 21 YEAR OLD FEMALE Wow, this girl has a great plan! Love the last thing she would do the best.

This was written by a 21 yr old female who gets it. It's her future she's worried about and this is how she feels about the social welfare big government state that she's being forced to live in! These solutions are just common sense in her opinion.

This was in the Waco Tribune Herald, Waco , TX , Nov 18, 2011


Put me in charge of food stamps. I'd get rid of Lone Star cards; no cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho's, just money for 50-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.

Put me in charge of Medicaid. The first thing I'd do is to get women Norplant birth control implants or tubal legations. Then, we'll test recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. If you want to reproduce or use drugs, alcohol, or smoke, then get a job.

Put me in charge of government housing. Ever live in a military barracks? You will maintain our property in a clean and good state of repair. Your home" will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be inventoried. If you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a job and your own place.

In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each week or you will report to a "government" job. It may be cleaning the roadways of trash, painting and repairing public housing, whatever we find for you. We will sell your 22 inch rims and low profile tires and your blasting stereo and speakers and put that money toward the "common good.."

Before you write that I've violated someone's rights, realize that all of the above is voluntary. If you want our money, accept our rules. Before you say that this would be "demeaning" and ruin their "self esteem," consider that it wasn't that long ago that taking someone else's money for doing absolutely nothing was demeaning and lowered self esteem.

If we are expected to pay for other people's mistakes we should at least attempt to make them learn from their bad choices. The current system rewards them for continuing to make bad choices.

AND While you are on Gov't subsistence, you no longer can VOTE! Yes, that is correct. For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You will voluntarily remove yourself from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check. If you want to vote, then get a job.


This is  the reason CNN has dropped Buchanan. It's like  Newt G. said
In a debate,  "You’re not supposed to bring up  uncomfortable  Facts."

(verified on Buchanan’s  website)

                BUCHANAN  TO OBAMA

Finally.............It  is Said Publicly. I have never seen the white
Side  explained better!

Pat  Buchanan had the guts to say it.  It is  about  time.


                By  Patrick  J.   Buchanan

Barack says we need to have  a conversation about  race in America..
Fair enough.  But this time, it has to be a  two-way conversation..
White America needs to be  heard from, not just lectured to.... This
Time,  the Silent Majority needs to  have its  convictions, grievances
And demands heard.   And among them are these:

First,  America has been the best country on earth   for black folks.
It was here that 600,000  black people, brought from Africa  in slave
Ships, grew into a  community of 40  million, were introduced  to
Christian  salvation, and  reached the greatest levels  of freedom and
Prosperity blacks have ever  known.. Jeremiah Wright ought to go  down
on his knees and thank God he is an  American.

Second, no people anywhere has  done more to  lift up blacks than
White  Americans. Untold    trillions have been spent since the '60s
On   welfare, food stamps, rent  supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell
Grants,  student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned  Income Tax
Credits and  poverty programs  designed to  bring the African-American
community into  the mainstream.   Governments, businesses and
Colleges have  engaged in discrimination against white folks --  with
Affirmative action,  contract  set-asides and quotas -- to advance
Black  applicants over white  applicants.     Churches,  foundations,
Civic groups, schools and  individuals all  over America have  donated
their time and money to support  soup  kitchens, adult education, day
Care,  retirement and nursing homes for  blacks.

We  hear the grievances.  Where is the   gratitude??
Barack talks about new  'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him
Go  to Altoona?  And Johnstown, and ask the  white kids in Catholic
Schools how many were visited lately by Ivy  League recruiters
Handing out scholarships for  'deserving' white kids...?  Is white
America  really responsible for the fact  that the crime and
Incarceration rates for  African-Americans are seven times those of
White  America?   Is   it     really white  America's fault that
Illegitimacy in  the  African-American community has hit 70 percent
And the black dropout rate from high schools in  some cities has
Reached 50 percent?

Is  that the fault of white America or, first and  foremost, a failure
Of the black community   itself?

As for racism, its ugliest  manifestation is in   interracial  crime,
And especially interracial crimes of  violence.  Is Barack Obama aware
that  while white criminals choose black  victims  3 percent of the
Time, black criminals choose  white victims 45 percent of the time?

Is  Barack aware that black-on-white  rapes     are 100 times more
Common than the reverse, that black-on-white  robberies were  139
Times as common in the  first three years  of this decade as the

We have all heard ad nauseam  from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley,
The Duke  rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be  hoaxes. But
About the epidemic of black assaults  on     whites that are real,  we
Hear nothing.

Sorry, Barack,  some of us have heard it all before, about   40 years
And 40 trillion tax  dollars  ago.  This needs to be passed  around
Because,  this is a message everyone needs to  hear!!!

OK...........will  you  pass it on ?

YES. I did but will  you?

Because  I'm  for  a  better  America

I  am
Not racist,
Not  violent,
Just not  silent anymore.

When will Obama crack in public?
By Mychal Massie

At a time when many Americans can barely afford
Burger King and a movie, Obama boasts of spending a billion
dollars on his re-election campaign. Questioned at a recent
appearance about the spiraling fuel costs, Obama said, "Get used
to it" and with an insouciant grin and chortle, he told
another person at the event, who complained about the effect high
fuel prices were having on his family, to "get a more fuel-efficient car."

The Obamas behave as if they were sharecroppers living in a trailer and hit the
Powerball, but instead of getting new tires for their trailer and
a new pickup truck, they moved to Washington . And instead of
making possum pie, with goats and chickens in the front yard,
they're spending and living large at taxpayer expense opulent
vacations, gala balls, resplendent dinners and exclusive command
performances at the White House, grand date nights, golf,
basketball, more golf, exclusive resorts and still more golf. In
the 1950's they called it acting NIGGER RICH.

Expensive, ill-fitting and ill-chosen wigs and fashions hardly befit the
first lady of the United States . The Obamas have behaved in every
way but presidential which is why it's so offensive when we
hear Obama say, in order "to restore fiscal responsibility, we all
need to share in the sacrifice but we don't have to sacrifice the
America we believe in."

The American people have been sacrificing; it is he and his family who are
behaving as if they've never had two nickels to rub together and now, having
hit the mother lode, they're going to spend away their feelings of
inadequacy at the taxpayers' expense.

Obama continues to exhibit behavior that, at best, can be described as mobocratic
and, at worst, reveals a deeply damaged individual. In a February
2010 column, I asked, "Is Obama unraveling? "I wrote that it was
beginning to appear the growing mistrust of him and contempt for
his policies was beginning to have a destabilizing effect on him.

At that time, I wrote that not having things go one's way can be a bitter
pill, but reasonable people don't behave as he was behaving. He
had insulted Republicans at their luncheon, where he had been an
invited guest. I had speculated that was, in part, what had led
him to falsely accuse Supreme Court justices before Congress, the
nation and the world, during the 2010 State of the Union address.

It appeared, at that time, as if he were "fraying around the
emotional edges." That behavior has not abated it has
become more pronounced. While addressing the nation, after being
forced to explain the validity of his unilateral aggression with
Libya , America witnessed a petulant individual scowling and
scolding the public for daring to insist he explain his actions.

But during an afternoon speech to address the budget/debt, he took his
scornful, unstable despotic behavior to depths that should give
the nation cause for concern. Displaying a dark psychopathy more
representative of an episode of "The Tudors" television series, he
invited Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to sit in the front row during his
speech and then proceeded to berate both Ryan and Ryan's
budget-cutting plan. Even liberal Democrats were put off by the
act. MSNBC's Joe Scarborough questioned the sanity of Obama's

Today, criticism is coming from all sides. A senior Democrat lawmaker said, "I have
been very disappointed in [Obama], to the point where I'm
embarrassed that I endorsed him. It's so bad that some of us are
thinking, is there some way we can replace him? How do you get rid
of this guy?" ("Democrats' Disgust with Obama," The Daily Beast, April 15, 2011)

Steve McCann wrote: Obama's speech "was chock full of lies, deceit and crass
fear-mongering. It must be said that [he] is the most dishonest,
deceitful and mendacious person in a position of power I have ever
witnessed" ("The Mendacity of Barack Obama," , April 15, 2011).

McCann continued: "[His] performance was the culmination of four years of outright
lies and narcissism that have been largely ignored by the media,
including some in the conservative press and political class who
are loath to call [him] what he is in the bluntest of terms: a
liar and a fraud. That he relies on his skin color to intimidate,
either outright or by insinuation [against] those who oppose his
radical agenda only add to his audacity. It is apparent that he
has gotten away with his character flaws his entire life, aided
and abetted by sycophants around him. .."

With these being among the kinder rebukes being directed at Obama, and with people
becoming less intimidated by his willingness to use race as a
bludgeon, with falling poll numbers in every meaningful category
and an increasingly aggressive tea-party opposition how much longer before he
cracks completely?

The coming months of political life are not going to be pleasant for Obama.
Possessed by a self-perceived palatine mindset, that in his mind
places him above criticism, how long before he cracks in public?
Can America risk a man with a documented track record of lying and
misrepresenting truth as a basic way of life, who is becoming
increasingly more contumelious?

Hope you forward this to everyone in your address book as we are going to need
every vote we can get to remove Obama. The liberals are just
unable to absorb what he is doing to our country and will continue
to vote for him. Just imagine what he will do to America if he
gets another term!
MUST WATCH!!!Interestingly true 3 minute video

While this might be from the HBO series “Newsroom” it sure spells things out.

Please watch this video and if so inclined feel free to share it with your contacts...
The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER...

Scary Obituary

In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh ,
had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent
form of government.

A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can
vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.

From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the
most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally
collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has
been about 200 years.

During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."
The Obituary follows:

Born 1776, Died 2012
It doesn't hurt to read this several times.

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in  St. Paul , Minnesota ,
points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:

Number of States won by:            Obama: 19                McCain: 29
Square miles of land won by:       Obama: 580,000        McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by:    Obama: 127 million  McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was
mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income
tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

Olson believes the  United States is now somewhere between the
"complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy,
with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached
the "governmental dependency" phase.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal
invaders called illegal's - and they vote - then we can say goodbye to the
USA in fewer than five years.

If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.

If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at
stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom..
This is truly scary!
Of course we are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic .
Someone should point this out to Obama.
Of course we know he and too many others pay little attention to The Constitution.

There couldn't be more at stake than on Nov 6, 2012.

If you are as concerned as I am please pass this along.

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