Saturday, March 23, 2013

Biden's One-Night Paris Hotel Tab: $585,000.50

Biden's One-Night Paris Hotel Tab: $585,000.50

Biden's $459,388.65 Hotel Bill | The Weekly Standard

More Docs Plan to Retire Early - Senior Health - Everyday Health

School Closing Opponents Call Mayor A Racist Liar « CBS Chicago

Salad is more dangerous than beefburgers, leading food expert warns - Telegraph

British gas reserves could run dry in 36 HOURS after freezing householders turn the heating up | Mail Online

Another O Foreign Policy Failure!

Vladimir Putin rolls out the red carpet (and guards on horseback) for visit of President Xi Jinping - Asia - World - The Independent

Friday, March 22, 2013

Bowling alley in Clearwater, FL is ........

Want to knock his teeth out? A bowling alley in Clearwater , Florida , Bowl-O-Bama, is doing record business despite a bad economy. The alley also reported a record number of 300 games. Since opening in November 2010, 963 patrons have bowled a perfect game , including strikes in the warm-up frames. This alley also has the highest bowling league average in the country, with a 237.
And that's the senior league.

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RT @anti_commie32: Keep up the great work!!!

RT @anti_commie32: Keep up the great work!!! — Joseph Moran (@JMM7156) May 2, 2023 from Twitter https://twitter....