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Gun Control: You can't trust John McCain or his BFF Lindsey Graham
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Gun Control: You can't trust John McCain or his BFF Lindsey Graham
Posted: 08 Apr 2013 11:00 PM PDT
First, let’s get something out of the way. John McCain should be thanked for his service to his country. But, he was no hero. The claim that he waited his turn to be released from captivity is negated by claims that he was a North Vietnamese collaborator and that he, single-handedly stopped the United States from officially inquiring into MIAs – by shutting down public access to the records of returning veterans who may have had knowledge of Americans who were left behind.
Second, historically, John McCain was an aisle hopper who was associated with some of the most spectacularly flawed legislation man has ever created. McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform whose unintended consequences allowed even more money shenanigans than ever before. McCain-Kennedy Comprehensive Immigration Reform which proposed to legalize that which was illegal and declare the financial, social, medical, and cultural problem solved. Then there was McCain-Lieberman Climate Control which purported to fix a non-existent problem and bankrupt the United States. In each instance, pushing the democrat socialist agenda forward without benefit to his own party. I shouldn’t really say no benefits, as there was money aplenty for all of the corrupt politicians used to dipping their wicks into the public’s pocket.
And now we find John McCain claiming, “I Don’t Understand Filibustering Gun Control …
John McCain: “I Don’t Understand Filibustering Gun Control”
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) once again demonstrated why he should be on his way out when he is up for re-election. On CBS’ Face the Nation on Sunday, McCain expressed bewilderment over the proposed filibuster by Senators Paul, Cruz and Lee over Harry Reid’s gun control legislation. “I don’t understand it,” McCain said. “The purpose of the United States Senate is to debate and to vote and to let the people know where we stand.” “I don’t understand why United States senators want to block debate when the leaders said we could have amendments,” McCain said.
Perhaps John McCain does not understand what is at stake …
It should only take a few moments to review the core concept of the Second Amendment.
The purpose of the Second Amendment is to insure that man’s right of self-defense as well as to combat government tyranny.
This is the Amendment that guarantees that the Constitution will remain the supreme law of the land when it comes to restricting the federal government from granting itself unrestricted powers and imposing laws that would restrict American freedoms.
The Constitution was not designed to empower the federal government, but to restrict its actions – leaving all of the rights not specifically enumerated to the states or to “We the People.”
Perhaps we should look at the context it which the Second Amendment was written by considering the words of Thomas Jefferson …
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”
“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”
We are dangerously close to the first condition where President Obama and his fellow travelers in Congress are unconstitutionally engaging in wealth redistribution. Taking money from Americans and giving it to foreign nations without any tangible benefits to ordinary Americans. Paying off nations to accept a presidential photo-op is not a prudent use of our tax dollars. Neither is arming terrorists who hate the United States is some perverted war over petro-dollars. Especially when the multi-national oil companies and their bought-and-paid-for politicians have deliberately denied us energy independence and made America more vulnerable. Here in California, one can find no better example of how this malevolent condition is succeeding under democrat control.
As for the second statement, we are finding more and more Americans becoming afraid of their government. Of the outrageous abuse of power by government bureaucracies – sometimes pursuing issues that make absolutely no sense.
Bottom line …
John McCain and his BFF Lindsey Graham are tools. Tools of a corrupt political system. Tools of a corrupt socialist ideology. And, just because McCain was unfortunate enough to be shot down over Viet Nam and survive a prison camp, we should not accord him honors as a hero – as an ordinary soldier, certainly – but not as a hero or one who is enlightened or morally superior to anyone else.
I am afraid of John McCain. He does not appear to be a man of the people and acting for the people. He appears to be a wealthy, privileged members of an old club that is trying to centrally plan the world.
-- steve
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Posted: 08 Apr 2013 06:41 PM PDT
The word is coming down, the proposed immigration bill will be at least 1,500 pages long, cede unprecedented power to the Secretary of DHS – as if she did not already control much of the Administration – and be offered with no opportunity for amendments.
This omnibus legislation in reminiscent of Obamacare and Dodd-Frank – massive bills that nobody read or understood before they voted in favor of incomplete, incomprehensible legislation that greatly extended the powers of the executive branch agencies, while minimizing congressional powers.
Bottom line …
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Another fast one pulled by the corrupt socialist democrats and their equally corrupt republicans who are more interested in gaining the Hispanic vote than they are caring for our nation’s safety and security. It is believed, by me and others, that this bill will be so fouled-up that the republicans may withhold their vote and then be demonized by the democrats in the 2014 congressional race.
And, the stupid republicans have no plan or public relations campaign to tell the truth to the American public --- only grabbing money for the upcoming elections based on individuals.
-- steve
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Posted: 08 Apr 2013 01:41 PM PDT
We have never invested as much in public education as we should have, because we always had sort of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven’t had a very collective notion of these are our children. So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents. Or kids belong to their families. And recognize that kids belong to whole communities. Once it is everybody’s responsibility, and not just the household’s, then we start making better investments.
In her own words …
Bottom line …
The idea that individuals are unexceptional population units and must be directed by an enlightened ruling elite for the benefit of the collective is pure communism. As is, the idea that children belong to the state, to be educated by the state, and for the state to dictate their future.
We have always known MSNBC to be a radical left propaganda machine, but it appears that they are starting to broadcast the very rhetoric used by communists and totalitarian regimes.
Unfortunately, with much of our unthinking, uncritical and “go along to get along” public, this is one of those red flags (pardon the pun) that serves as notice that the progressives, liberals, democrats, socialists and communists – or whatever they brand themselves to avoid instant negative connotations and associations – is becoming a clear and present danger to America and her citizens.
The real trouble lies with the endless repetition of this message until it ingrained in our “collective” subconscious, so that it becomes an accepted part of conscious culture – and no longer an outlandish and unacceptable idea.
The truth about public education is that it is not only controlled by socialist unions who fete seniority over merit, the status quo over innovation, the concept of an inviolate lifetime right to a job and benefits, onerous work rules which prevent a parent-volunteer from participating in any act performed by a “classified” school employee, and no accountability for malfeasance or wrongdoing -- but the proof that these incompetent ideologues are educating our children is not present. More and more children are being graduated, if the graduate at all, as functional illiterates – tied to calculators and “cut and paste” computers to be able to perform any task.
There is no constitutional right for the federal government to interfere in education. And if it were not for the coercion of providing taxpayer money to states and local municipalities, the federal government would have zero power over what is essentially a local affair. Even today, when the elements of basic education are well-known, there is no core curricula, no basic achievement standards and textbooks containing “old” information are outrageously priced. It’s not about the children, it’s about the adults – money and power.
And, as we have recently seen, even when standarded tests exists, those in charge of the children CHEAT!
The 35 Atlanta public school employees charged in a testing scandal have been released from jail and are awaiting their first appearance in court. They are accused of running a conspiracy in which they changed students’ answers on standardized tests in order to be paid performance bonuses. By Wednesday evening, a day after they were ordered to surrender at the Fulton County Jail, all the defendants had posted bond and been released. Defense lawyers said they are asking the district attorney, Paul L. Howard Jr., to hold trials before multiple juries. They said there is no courtroom in the county large enough to accommodate 35 defendants, lawyers and family members.