Friday, May 3, 2013

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Suspend Muslim Immigration, Muslim Military service, and Building of Mosques


Suspend Muslim Immigration, Muslim Military service, and Building of Mosques

in Email Featured, JMM articles / by Bryan Fischer / on May 2, 2013 at 11:24 am
Somebody has to be the first to say it.
It’s time, for the sake of the security of the United States of America, to immediately suspend Muslim immigration, to preclude Muslims from service in our military and to stop the building of mosques.
(The matters of Muslim military service and the building of mosques will need to be subjects of future columns.)
It should go without saying that I am speaking just for myself here. But these possibilities must be addressed and discussed in a sober fashion. The reality is that we will wind up doing these three things out of necessity if we do not do them out of wisdom. We need to make these adjustments before it’s too late rather than after it’s too late.
We should suspend Muslim immigration into the United States immediately. Why? Because Muslims bring with them a totalitarian ideology that calls for the submission of the United States to Islam and Sharia law.
Pew released its findings yesterday on its worldwide survey of Muslims, and revealed that two-thirds of Middle Eastern Muslims believe in the death penalty for any Muslim who converts to Christianity, and one-third believe in suicide bombings. This is not a religion of peace or liberty. Every tenet of Islam is fundamentally, irreversibly, subversively and implacably hostile to every value we cherish in America.
Muslim immigrants bring with them a totalitarian ideology whose holy book calls for the followers of Allah to “slay the idolaters wherever you find them” (Sura 9:5). The more devout a Muslim becomes, the more likely he is to obey such a command, as Tamerlan Tsarnaev illustrates, and the more of a threat he becomes to the security of the United States and the safety of the American people.
When I first began calling for an end to Muslim immigration in 2009, I was virtually a lone voice crying in the wilderness. But Andy McCarthy has since called for the suspension of immigration from Muslim majority nations, and Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy has called for precluding “shariah-adherent Muslims” from our shores, in a fashion similar to our post WWII ban on immigrants who adhered to communist ideology.
Since the Boston Muslim Massacre, Laura Ingraham has called for a ban on Muslim immigration, and more significantly, John McCain just yesterday suggested restrictions on immigration from countries with a “significant influence of radical Islamic extremism.” Both Marco Rubio and Rand Paul have openly called for considering the suspension of student visas to Muslim males.
Suspending Muslim immigration to the United States is an idea whose time has come.
Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders, based on Europe’s bitter experience with virtually unrestricted Muslim immigration, has been calling for this for years, and imploring America to wake up and small the Sharia before we become we seal our doom.
Of course, the majority of Muslim immigrants do not want to kill us, but they are not the Muslims we have to worry about. The problem is we have no way of distinguishing the Muslims we do have to worry about from the ones we don’t. And we can’t watch them all.
Dzokhar Tsarnaev is a case in point. All of his friends and classmates said he was quiet, fun, one of us, and so forth. They all expressed shock that he went jihad on Americans. The only way to have prevented him from participating in the Boston Muslim Massacre would have been not to allow him in the country in the first place.
While this may seem unfair to Muslims who have no hostile intentions toward us, that is not our fault. The blame for such a blanket policy lies with the Muslims who do have hostile intentions toward us and have been responsible for no less than 55 terrorist attempts on our soil since 9/11. If friendly Muslims are looking for someone to blame for being unable to enter the U.S., that is where their finger should point.
Is banning Muslim immigration constitutional? Of course it is. No one has a right, constitutional or otherwise, to immigrate to the United States. In our system of government, immigration rules are the exclusive province of Congress. One of its express powers of action, as set forth in Article I, Section 8, is “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.”
In Kleindienst v. Mandel (1972), (Mandel was a Marxist ideologue) the Supreme Court affirmed that “the power to exclude aliens is ‘inherent in sovereignty, necessary for maintaining normal international relations and defending the country against foreign encroachments and dangers – a power to be exercised exclusively by the political branches of government’ . . . .The Court without exception has sustained Congress’ ‘plenary power to make rules for the admission of aliens and to exclude those who possess those characteristics which Congress has forbidden’…[O]ver no conceivable subject is the legislative power of Congress more complete than it is over the admission of aliens’…The power of Congress to exclude aliens altogether from the United States, or to prescribe the terms and conditions upon which they may come to this country, and to have its declared policy in that regard enforced exclusively through executive officers, without judicial intervention, is settled by our previous adjudications.” (Emphasis mine.)
Bottom line: Congress can ban Muslim immigration if it wants to. And it should.
(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

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"A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."


How dumb are we???

> How dumb are we???
> So now we find out that the entire Tsarnaev family (Dad, Mom, 2 sons & 2 daughters) started receiving government assistance as soon as they set foot in our country. As political refugees they were entitled to settlement assistance from day one. (Section 8 Housing, public healthcare, food stamps etc.) Then their stellar older son impregnates and marries the daughter of a doctor, and this new little Muslim family receives 18 months of government assistance. They only came off welfare after the naive young “wife” starts working 70 hours a week while husband Tamerlan stays home and builds bombs and plans to kill and injure the very Americans who have paid for his pathetic existence for the past 12 plus years.
> A Breakdown of your and my investment into the Tsarnaev Family:
> Section 8 housing
> Free public healthcare
> Food stamps and other EFT transfer payments
> Federal Pell Grants for both sons and most likely their daughters as well. (That is $5200.00 per year for each son or daughter who attended a college.)
> City of Cambridge also awarded a $2500 per year scholarship to the younger son.
> Younger son also reportedly was receiving state college scholarship.
> What did we receive for our investment:
> - Older son was arrested for domestic battery on a former girlfriend.
> - The mother was arrested last year for shoplifting $1600 in merchandise from a Lord & Taylor store. Mother is facing immediate arrest for failure to appear regarding this matter.
> - Then of course we know that the two sons combined to kill four people (3 Americans & a Chinese exchange student), severely injure 100 plus other people, carjacked another victim and only let him live when they found out that he was not an American citizen.
> - Now we have the two pathetic parents who have returned to Russia and are claiming that their poor sons are innocent and are being framed by the same American government that allowed for their pathetic existence the past 12 plus years.
> When are we going to put a stop to this madness??
> Please pass this on and commit to getting involved in the 2014 election process.

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