Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Panama intercepts N. Korea ship with suspected arms - PANAMA - FRANCE 24

Keeping the NSA in Perspective

Keeping the NSA in Perspective

Mexico Captures Head of Zetas Cartel - WSJ.com

Monday, July 15, 2013

Russia, China block U.N. condemnation of Iran missile tests | Reuters

Senate Control in 2014 Increasingly Looks Like a Tossup - NYTimes.com

Inside the immigration bill: Details, bureaucracy and pork | McClatchy

Inside the immigration bill: Details, bureaucracy and pork | McClatchy

The Minority Report....

The  MEMO:
Welcome to the MEMO:
The trial of George Zimmerman finished up last week resulting in a "Not Guilty" verdict from the jury. The Prosecution did not meet the requirement of Guilty without any doubt. And of course, there were rallies for Treyvon Martin. But so far it does seem that there is not a whole lot of violence.

Janet Napolitano resigns as head of the Homeland Security Department.  

KTVU published the erroneous names of the flight crew on Asiana 214. The names were Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk, and Bang Ding Ow.  Why not Long Duck Dong?

People are finally realizing the insanity of Obamacare. It is a train wreck and its implementation is rife with snags.
Breaking News: George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty

The Jury in the George Zimmerman trial has reached a verdict of “Not Guilty” on both counts, 2nd degree murder and manslaughter.


Zimmerman jurors ask for manslaughter clarification during second day deliberations

Jurors in the murder trial of George Zimmerman have asked the judge for clarification on the charge of manslaughter Saturday evening as they deliberate into the second day whether the neighborhood watch volunteer acted in self defense when he fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

The jurors sent Judge Debra Nelson a note asking for clarification on the manslaughter charge, the less-serious charge Zimmerman faces, after deliberating for about eight hours Saturday. The question read simply: “May we please have clarification for the instruction on manslaughter?”

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Indigestion: The Food Industry Grapples With Obamacare

The employer mandate is one of the most controversial features of the Affordable Health Care Act, and reaction against it prompted the Obama administration to delay implementation until 2015. The mandate requires firms with 50 or more full-time employees to pay a $3,000 penalty if they do not provide health insurance. It then redefined “full-time” as any employee working 30 or more hours. This is quite a double whammy.

Anyone with common sense could have predicted the emerging job-killer, especially in the low margin food and restaurant industries. But that commodity is in short supply among devotees of Big Government. Jamie Richardson, a Vice President with White Castle, describes the impact of the legislation on his business in thisBloomberg video. The key takeaway here: the average profit per employee is $750 in food service, while the mandate costs $3,000. Now what do you think will happen with this combination of ingredients?

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Union Bosses Eye “Fix”

Rigging Senate Rules Is Top Priority For Union Bosses, And They’re ‘Putting Intense Pressure’ On The Majority Leader To Violate His Word


Nuclear Option: Union Bosses ‘Launching A Full-Court Press’


“The nuclear option strategy is gaining momentum in the Senate in part because of growing pressure from organized labor, which wants Reid to break the impasse over the NLRB.” (“Crucial Nuclear Option Decision Arrives For Majority Leader Reid,” The Hill, 7/9/13)


“Liberal groups and labor unions are putting intense pressure on Reid to change the rules because, they said, Republicans are blocking Obama’s nominees to the National Labor Relations Board…” (“Reid Ready To ‘Go Nuclear’ If GOP Blocks Obama Nominees,” Washington Examiner, 7/8/13)

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Breaking: Janet Napolitano to Resign as Homeland Security Chief

by  on July 12, 2013

This would be great news if I was confident her replacement will be any better. Unfortunately, with this administration, we get more extreme replacements not less extreme.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is set to resign in order to take a new position as president of the University of California system. She will be starting her new position in September, an administration official tells CBS News.

Napolitano has served as head of the Homeland Security Department since 2009. She is the first woman to lead the department, which was created after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Before that, Napolitano served as governor of Arizona.

As DHS Secretary, Napolitano oversaw a $60 billion budget and more than 240,000 employees in several agencies, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the U.S. Coast Guard.

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Hey Senator Durbin. Stuff this!

by  on July 13, 2013

Recently, Dick Durban, the senior US Senator from the bankrupt state of Illinois, suggested that the government needed to define who was a “journalist”.  You just can’t have people dressed in pjs hanging around their living rooms with no editors or fact checkers putting out stuff that they call “news”.

If you let the unwashed masses start being “journalist wannabes” Lord only knows the kind of stuff that could be published and confuse the trailer trash that reads thingys like “blogs”, whatever they are.  And I’m sure Senator Durbin doesn’t know what they are, HE wouldn’t read one.  He’s erudite, informed and sophisticated.  HE likely would get his news from a real news source, like maybe KTVU television in San Francisco.

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On The Radar For This Week:
The decision in the George Zimmerman trial will be discussed over the coming weeks. Does a person have the right to use self defense? Will the "Stand Your Ground" law be questioned?

Even though the NSA leaks are in the background now, there will be more discussion over security over civil liberties. How much security is too much, and how much civil liberties are we willing to give up for security?

And there will be more snags in the train wreck of Obamacare. The more people see what is in this bill, the more people are not liking it. Many that championed the bill are now asking for waivers, or to scrap it.


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