Thursday, March 6, 2014

16 Examples That Show The United States Has Become A Seriously Messed Up Country...

Conservative Read

John Bolton: Our Biggest National Security Crisis is Barack Obama

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 09:33 AM PST

Speaking at the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference Thursday morning, Ambassador John Bolton slammed President Obama’s foreign policy approach and what he called the Obama doctrine....

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Putin, Petroleum and Pantyhose

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 09:30 AM PST

Michael Reagan, Mr. Putin’s quick takeover of the Crimean peninsula was no surprise to me. Neither was the Obama administration’s half-butted reaction on Tuesday. Secretary of Defense...

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Crimea lawmakers schedule vote on joining Russia

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 09:27 AM PST

 Lawmakers in Crimea voted unanimously Thursday to split from Ukraine and join Russia instead, and scheduled a referendum in 10 days for voters on the disputed peninsula to support or reject...

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16 Examples That Show The United States Has Become A Seriously Messed Up Country

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 09:24 AM PST

Michael Snyder,  In recent years, it has been quite common to hear our politicians and top media personalities talk about the need for America to use military force to impose “our...

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Second Amendment Activist Warned: Cops & Politicians “Want You Dead”

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 09:20 AM PST

Gun blogger sent 16,000 word email warning Connecticut officials of violence in response to gun confiscation  A second amendment activist who wrote a 16,000 word letter to officials in...

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Mom Who Drove Kids Into Ocean Another Victim of Anti-Depressants?

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 09:17 AM PST

Numerous previous cases of mothers on SSRI drugs killing their own children  Reports that the pregnant woman who drove her three children into the ocean appeared to be in a daze before the...

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“World War III”: CIA fires back at Senate Intel Committee by accusing staffers of stealing secret documents

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 09:15 AM PST

Allahpundit, A total fiasco. If you missed Ed’s posts about it yesterday, make sure to read them now — especially the one in which Democrat Mark Udall wonders if the CIA monitored...

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CPAC 2014: Focus On The Big Three Things

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 09:12 AM PST

Hugh Hewitt  Conservatives are gathering from across the country in D.C., and they are doing so in the shadow of an international crisis that will bring seriousness to the speeches they hear and...

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US announces visa restrictions on some Russians

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 09:09 AM PST

 The Obama administration slapped new visa restrictions Thursday on Russian and other opponents of the new Ukraine government in Kiev and cleared the way for financial sanctions as the West...

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C.P.A.C. Conservatives: GOP needs to stand on principle

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 09:06 AM PST

Republican leaders implored conservatives to offer stark contrast to President Barack Obama’s policies and stand firm on principles as a way to win back Senate control in the fall elections and...

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Police video of Bieber’s urine test released

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 09:01 AM PST

 Police video of Justin Bieber giving a urine sample for a drug test after his arrest on driving under the influence and other charges was released by prosecutors Thursday, with sensitive...

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Is the World Heading for an Economic Recession?

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 08:26 AM PST

 Viviana Woodbury,  Memories of faltering economies and worldwide recessions remain fresh among consumers, who are still struggling to find personal proof that recessions have ended. ...

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The Washington Beltway: Sinkhole for Donors’ Funds 'I do not nor would I consider giving $$ to these monkeys!'

The Washington Beltway: Sinkhole for Donors’ Funds

Written by Gary North on March 1, 2014

I turned 72 in February. I want to make a few comments on the history of the American Right, while I still have my wits about me.
I have spent my life on the fringes of academia. I earned a Ph.D., but I never went into full-time teaching. Well, not quite never. In the fall of 1979, I taught a course on the free market at a little-known Baptist college in North Carolina. At the end of the semester, I left North Carolina, moved to Texas, and did it in such a way that I avoided something in the range of $25,000 in state income taxes (1979 dollars). I never got paid personally for my teaching. I had the money paid to my foundation, the Institute for Christian Economics, from which I never drew a salary. I also taught a night school course in economics for two weeks at an Oregon community college in the spring of 1974. These schools were surely on the fringes of academia.
I came into the conservative movement in 1956 in response to a lecture by the anti-Communist Australian physician, Fred Schwarz. I was taught civics in 1958-59 in high school by the man who was probably the most conservative high school teacher in the state of California, and probably on the entire West Coast: Wayne Roy. He was legendary in the district.
I was the part of the Goldwater for Vice President movement in 1960. There were not many of us, especially in California.
I started reading The Freeman in 1957, a little over a year after it began publication. I started reading National Review in 1959, when I went off to college.
I have watched more money from conservatives go down the drain over the last 50 years than you can imagine. I have watched the same mistakes being made, over and over, all with enthusiastic financial support from donors. I have seen a few things that worked, and I have seen a lot of things that did not work. Still, in the overall sweep of life, most things don’t work. But when there is a pattern to that which doesn’t work, and when that pattern fails, again and again, to gain traction, I figure it’s time to sound a warning.
Here is the warning: if an organization is inside the Washington Beltway, do not send any money. It doesn’t need any money. It has enough donors who are doing that, donors who are terminally naïve, and will keep sending the money.
I’m not speaking here of lobbying organizations. I understand that lobbying organizations have to be inside the Beltway, or else close to it. I am also not speaking of public interest legal organizations that are trying to roll back the juggernaut federal court system and federal bureaucracy (administrative law). I am speaking here of what are euphemistically called think tanks.
The problem with most ideological think tanks is simple to describe: they are trying to gain political leverage. The closer they are to Washington DC, the more they are trying to gain this leverage at the top of the pyramid of power, or at least the visible pyramid of power. (There are three geographical pyramids of power in the United States, but there has never been a book or a documentary on two of them.) The farther away that think tanks are from Washington DC, the more dependent they are on developing philosophical principles that are not dependent upon the leverage provided by proximity to the federal government.
(For the rest of my article, click the link.)


'Our Biggest National-Security Problem Is Barack Obama'

Bolton: 'Our Biggest National-Security Problem Is Barack Obama' | National Review Online

Senator Ted Cruz: Obama is most hostile U.S. president to Israel in modern times...

Senator Ted Cruz: Obama is most hostile U.S. president to Israel in modern times - Features Israel News | Haaretz

YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP! (Of course, Obama got the prize, too, and that was a joke, ...

YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!     (Of course, Obama got the prize, too, and that was a joke, because he hadn't even served in office yet. And Yasser Arafat received it, too. What medication are those Norwegians on?)
Russia's Vladimir Putin Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize
President Vladimir Putin has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, according to director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute Geir Lundestad. The announcement on Wednesday comes at an awkward time as Russia currently stands accused of invading Ukraine, something most people recognize as one of the most un-peaceful things a leader can do.

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