Why Meat Prices Are Going To Continue Soaring For The Foreseeable Future Posted: 09 Apr 2014 02:39 PM PDT
One year ago, the average price of USDA choice-grade beef was $4.91. Now it is up to $5.28, and the Los Angeles Times says that we should not expect prices to come down “any time soon”…
The outlook for pork is even worse. The price of bacon is 13 percent higher than it was a year ago, and porcine epidemic diarrhea is absolutely devastating the U.S. pig population…
It is estimated that up to 6 million pigs may have died already, and it is being projected that U.S. pork production could be down by 7 percent this year. That would be the largest decline in more than 30 years. But even if someone brought an end to this pig virus tomorrow, we would still be facing a very serious food crisis in this nation. The reason for this is the multi-year drought which is crippling farming and ranching in much of the western half of the country. As you can see from the latest U.S. Drought Monitor update, the drought shows no signs of letting up… Hopefully this drought will end soon. But I wouldn’t count on it. In fact, CBS News recently interviewed one scientist that says that the state of California could potentially be facing “a century-long megadrought“…
So what will we do if this drought just keeps going and going and going? As the article quoted above noted, last century was far wetter than usual. During that time, we built teeming cities in the desert and we farmed vast areas that are usually bone dry…
So what happens if the western half of the country returns to “normal”? What will we do then? Meanwhile, drought is devastating many other very important agricultural areas around the world as well. For example, the horrible drought in Brazil could soon send the price of coffee through the roof…
At this point, 142 Brazilian cities are rationing water, and it wouldn’t just be coffee that would be affected by this drought. As a recent RT article explained, Brazil is one of the leading exporters in a number of key agricultural categories…
Most people just assume that we will always have massive quantities of cheap, affordable food in our supermarkets. But just because that has been the case for as long as most of us can remember, that does not mean that it will always be true. Times are changing, and food prices are already starting to move upward aggressively. Yes, let us hope for the best, but let us also prepare for the worst |
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Why Meat Prices Are Going To Continue Soaring For The Foreseeable Future
The true difference between Chicken Salad and Chicken Shit...
The true difference between ChickenSalad and Chicken ShitIf this does not speak to the character
of the individual, then nothing ever will!
Chicken SaladPresident George W. Bush's speech after the capture of
Saddam Hussein:"The success of yesterday's mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq. The operation was based on the superb work of intelligence analysts who found the dictator's footprints in a vast country. The operation was
carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force.
Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for members of the fallen regime and in their effort to bring hope and freedom to the Iraqi people. Their work continues, and so do the risks. Today, on behalf of the nation,I thank the members of our Armed Forces, and I congratulate them!"
and Chicken Shit!Barrack Hussein Obama's speech after the killing of
Osama bin Laden:"And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the Director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network.
Then, last August, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as wedeveloped more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and I authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan."
Obama did not once acknowledge our brave men and women who fight for our country, and, that, my friends, is chicken shit!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
REYNOSA:Comandante Mono Executed, Narco Cartulina Left with Body...
Borderland Beat |
Posted: 28 Apr 2014 02:30 PM PDT Borderland Beat Manta text Translation [by 777]: This is what was causing harm to the people and the government and it is further proof that the CDG doesn't allow extortion, kidnappings, and harming the population or fighting against the government. This person's name is Erick or El Mono. He was the one causing trouble. The Gulf Cartel is here to protect the population and finish off all the kidnappings, extortion, robberies, and killing of innocent people. P.O.S like these have no place in this cartel. People of Comanadante Metro 3 and Metro 4 Plaza Reynosa Atte: Los Metros |
It’s never been worse for President Obama in the Washington Post/ABC News poll, which finds him at a 41 percent job approval rating, about 13 points below his standing in the poll at this time in 2010, the year when his party got creamed in midterm elections. We’ve talked about the tsunami alert for Democrats this fall, but the sirens are getting too loud even for partisans and wishful thinkers on the left to ignore. There is no common measure so predictive of a party’s performance in congressional races than the job approval rating of a president of the same party. And Obama is looking increasingly like a toxic asset for Democrats desperate to cling to a Senate majority.
[Matters foreign and domestic - WaPo: “Just 42 percent approve of [President Obama’s] handling of the economy, 37 percent approve of how he is handling the implementation of [ObamaCare] and 34 percent approve of his handling of the situation involving Ukraine and Russia.”]
Out of pocket - The Washington Post/ABC News poll was heralded by Democrats last month when it showed opposition to ObamaCare softening and the nation evenly divided on the law. That has evaporated. Support for the law dropped 5 points, while opposition remained firm. Why? Fifty-eight percent of respondents said ObamaCare is causing overall health costs in the country costs to rise, but a worse harbinger for Democrats this fall: 47 percent of respondents said the law will increase their own health costs, while just 8 percent said they would pay less because of the law. The Post has it right in describing last month’s results: “That finding was more positive for the administration than most other polls at the time. Democrats saw it as a possible leading indicator of a shift in public opinion, but that has not materialized.”
Any Questions? - Reuters: “Sylvia Mathews Burwell, President Barack Obama's nominee for U.S. health secretary, will appear before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee on May 8 for the first of two confirmation hearings, a committee official said on Monday.”
Killer stat - Even as the poll shows voters agreeing with Democrats on key issues like increasing the minimum wage and even the overall subject of health care, one statistic explains why the majority party may be in even worse trouble than 2010, and it’s all about Obama: “Registered voters by 53-39% say they’d rather see the Republicans in control of Congress as a counterbalance to Obama’s policies than a Democratic-led Congress to help support him.” The main aim of voters would appear to be to block the president’s agenda, which is kind of the GOP’s whole jam these days.
[‘Not working as planned’ - In a new poll from the pro-ObamaCare Kaiser Family Foundation, 43 percent of respondents were able to correctly identify, when prompted, that “about 8 million” people signed up for ObamaCare. But when asked how the implementation of the law, 57 percent of voters said “it’s clear the law is not working as planned,” while 38 percent said “now the law is basically working as intended.”]
Predictive elements - Polls like this matter because they may be predictive, but are also just as important for how they can sap political parties of the ability to raise money and organize. If Democrats believe that the Senate is a lost cause, it would be much more appealing to focus on moving Hillary Clinton farther left ahead of 2016 or even funding a liberal mayor’s campaign than it would be to shove money at a red-state Democrat whose race may be a lost cause. Or consider this from the Harvard Institute of Politics survey of Millennial voters out this morning: “…less than one-in-four (23%) young Americans say they will ‘definitely be voting’ in November, a sharp drop of 11 percentage points from five months ago (34%). Among the most likely voters, the poll also finds traditional Republican constituencies showing more enthusiasm than Democratic ones for participating in the upcoming midterms, with 44 percent of 2012 Mitt Romney voters saying they will definitely be voting - a statistically significant difference compared to the 35 percent of 2012 Barack Obama voters saying the same.”
Baier Tracks: Pressure’s on… - “This far out from an election there is a tendency to over read the importance of one poll or another in the grand political mosaic that we all try to decipher every week. But… A recent spate of polls culminating with the Washington Post/ABC News poll out this morning suggests Democrats have a lot to fear in six months. As President Obama's approval hits a new low for the poll, 53 percent of the registered voters polled thought it would be a good thing if Republicans controlled all of Congress to counterbalance the administration. Only 37 percent approved of his handling of the health law and even fewer (34 percent) approve of his handle of the Ukraine crisis. As more polls show similar bad news for Democrats, we may soon see what Fox News First has been telegraphing for some time: more and more vulnerable red-state Democrats will feel compelled to make a louder stand against the administration on one thing or another. Reporters should get ready for a boatload of press releases from Democrats looking to change the subject. That’s what voters are already getting every day in the form of campaign ads.” – Bret Baier.
We must vote the progressive socialist democrats out of office – especially in the House and the Senate. We need to make the Senate bulletproof to Obama’s progressive socialist agenda and to restore the balance of power between the Legislative and Executive Branch of government. And, at some point, rein-in the activist judges who are setting policy with their decisions rather than simply determining if a law is constitutional or the courts have overstepped their authority.
One Citizen Speaking... |
OBAMA LIES AGAIN: IS THE LOBBYIST HEADING THE FCC PLANNING TO SCREW CONSUMERS WHO USE THE INTERNET? Posted: 28 Apr 2014 11:19 PM PDT President Barack Hussein Obama, a progressive socialist democrat, has told so many lies that it is almost impossible to catalog them all … Two of his greatest lies are well-documented on videotape.
So why should anyone be surprised when they find that Thomas Wheeler, a major communications industry insider, is appointed to become the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission?
Not only is Wheeler a wealthy insider/lobbyist/entrepreneur, he also apparently has no problem lying like his boss, Barack Obama …
The progressive socialist democrats: lying liars that lie --- disadvantaging consumers who purchase internet services … Network neutrality is the concept that all files consist of the same type of digital bits, no matter if the file is text, audio, video, data, or anything else to be transmitted digitally. And, that since all of these files are comprised of the same digital bits, they should not be surcharged by content type, nor see any delay in transmission. So while the internet service providers can charge you for additional bandwidth and/or upload./download speeds, they cannot charge you for faster delivery of your digital content at the expense of delaying other digital content. But, that is not the type of network neutrality envisioned by the industry trying to turn a commodity, the transmission of bits over their network, into a profit-making scheme as complex and convoluted as that used by the telephone and cellular carriers who have different tiers, packages, and schemes – even though they transmit the very same type of information. So Wheeler’s proposed rules look something like …
Since there is no notice of advanced proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register, we turn to Tom Wheeler’s blog for a preview …
The end game … Chairman Wheeler is claiming that he has no choice but to allow these access fees if the internet service providers are not regulated common carriers. Of course, if internet service providers became common carriers, the the Executive Branch of the federal government could exert even more control over both the transmission and possibly the content. Allowing for the surcharging of content that may be deemed detrimental to society, such as pornography. And, possibly even butting heads with the First Amendment with respect to political advertising and support statements carried within a period of time preceding an election. I you say it cannot happen, one must consider exactly how lawless President Obama and his cadre of progressive socialist democrats are and how they have circumvented Congress to impose unconstitutional rules and regulation by executive fiat. Bottom line … There is no doubt that Tom Wheeler is representing the interests of industry rather than the consumer; and that he will return to the industry as soon as he passes through the revolving door. Personally, I am tired of the game being played by providers, especially paying for internet speeds that are not achievable on a sustained and consistent basis. So, in essence, the FCC is offering you a false and misleading choice – both of which are damaging to the citizen/taxpayer/consumer. Choose one: network neutrality and increased government tyranny or no network neutrality and increased internet costs. I am sure that the Obamacons are hoping that you will select network neutrality and empower the government to, once again, screw citizens, taxpayers, and consumers. We must vote the progressive socialist democrats out of office – especially in the House and the Senate. We need to make the Senate bulletproof to Obama’s progressive socialist agenda and to restore the balance of power between the Legislative and Executive Branch of government. And, at some point, rein-in the activist judges who are setting policy with their decisions rather than simply determining if a law is constitutional or the courts have overstepped their authority. -- steve |
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