One Citizen Speaking... |
WTF: WHY MUNICIPALITIES ARE GOING BROKE Posted: 15 Jun 2014 10:10 PM PDT Remember those shovel-ready projects that weren’t quite shovel ready? To clear my head, I am prone to take walks in my neighborhood which provides me with the unparalleled opportunity to check our the landscaping and the surrounding streets. So I was surprised to find out that my residential street will be temporarily closed while they grind down the surface and then repave with “Coldmill and Asphalt Hot Mix” in high-traffic areas and a “standard asphalt mix in cul de sac areas.” While roadways degrade over time, especially those in high traffic areas, I saw no obvious signs of road deterioration. So I asked one of the workers what was going on. His reply is the reason for this blog. First, he assured me that the funds for the repave did not come out of the city’s funds and that the work was part of a state and federal funding program. As if I did not also pay state and federal taxes. Second, he told me if the funds were not used, they would be gone forever and there was no telling when such funding might become available again. And third, and perhaps most troubling, if those funds were not fully used, the next funds allocation was likely to be reduced. Something that made absolutely no sense as I would assume that road conditions would determine the necessity for fund allocations, not some formula based on previous funds allocations. Pretty much the reason why our cities, counties, states, and the federal government is deep in debt. It is incumbent on the politicians to keep unionized workers working and making benefit and healthcare payments to the union leadership lest they be denied union campaign funds and voter support in the next election cycle. The fact that budgeted funds must be fully spent – whether on critical infrastructure that is in serious need of repair or replacement, or make-work projects, seems to be the government’s modus operandi at all levels. Bottom line … Until we can remove unionized personnel, political corruption, and make-work projects out of our budgets, we are doomed to an upward spiral of costs and a downward spiral of critical infrastructure. Here in California, Governor Jerry Brown is pushing his “crazy train,” a not-so high-speed rail project that goes nowhere important, but sucks up nearly a trillion dollars over its lifetime – with much of that going to the special interests, consultants, and union-connected projects. The train will never pay for itself and is mostly part of the progressive socialist democrat pipe dream of forcing people out of their cars and into high-rises locate near their workplace – in the best tradition of Mother Russia. Heaven forbid we should use this money to improve our critical water facilities that are crumbling with old age – many of which cross major fault lines – or repair our aging and inadequate electricity grid. Or, alternatively, build-out municipal broadband facilities that can be leased to communications providers and which will lower content delivery costs. Time to keep a sharp eye on our corrupt politicians and their special interests. And, the best way to eliminate government waste, fraud and abuse is to remove the progressive socialist democrats like Governor Jerry Brown and replace them with moderate conservatives like Neel Kashkari. Kashkari, who is a minority, a man who voted for Obama, and presided over the Trouble Asset Relief Program (TARP) is a fiscal conservative and has promised to kill Jerry Brown’s crazy train. Good enough for me. -- steve |
Posted: 15 Jun 2014 06:16 PM PDT They, the LGBT activists, want to be welcome everywhere, but yet they deny the same equality to others as they fete a traitor to America. This is little more than radical socialist politics at work.
Eight years for selling out your nation? Something is definitively wrong in America. Bottom line … The LGBT community wants to be openly accepted by the military, yet the deny the California National Guard a booth and openly offer a convicted traitor the chance to be the “grand marshal” How very politically correct, anti-America, multi-cultural, and morally equivalent to honor a traitor – you can only find this radicalism in the circles of progressive socialist democrats. We need to remove progressive socialist democrats from the House, the Senate, and the Presidency. -- steve |
PROTECTING THE THE QUEEN "B," HILLARY CLINTON, FROM BENGHAZI AND DERELICTION OF DUTY CHARGES Posted: 14 Jun 2014 03:39 PM PDT The last thing Hillary Clinton and her cadre of progressive socialist democrats want is for the truth to emerge on the terrorist attack on Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11 …
Princess Pelosi moves to protect the Queen “B” …
And, it is no coincidence that Princess Pelosi picked the most radical and vocal of the progressive socialist democrats, including:
In Hillary’s own words … In her widely-hyped interview with ABC’s Diana Sawyer, Clinton attempted to absolve herself from any culpability by citing an extremely flawed, partisan, and “internal” investigation.
But the truth is that the board was not independent and failed miserably in their investigation … The Accountability Review Board (ARB) was convened by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to lead an official investigation into the Benghazi and to review the circumstances surrounding the attacks and its aftermath. The ARB did not interview critical on-the-ground witnesses nor did they interview Hillary Clinton to determine what she knew and when she knew it. Especially when Hillary Clinton knew that this was not a spontaneous protest over a video, but a full-fledged terrorist attack – but lied to the American public nevertheless. Even worse, we are now learning that the CIA and/or NSA intercepted calls using the compound’s telephones from the terrorists to their leadership. And, that an aircraft was standing-by in Germany and could have proceeded with a rescue attempt within four hours rather than an after the fact recovery of bodies. Bottom line … Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, conniving, liar whose previous scandals makes her unfit for public office let alone the presidency of the United States. In my opinion, it is possible that Hillary Clinton is simply fundraising and will sit out the election to become the nation’s important progressive socialist democrat “kingmaker.” This is the type of choreographed “Clintonian” effort that sees limted media access, softball interviews, and numerous progressive pundits like Lanny Davis continuing to defend the indefensible. Backroom deals and black money may be washing through the campaign as we speak. And, as we have seen before, I would not be surprised to see Chinese and Arab money being channeled through opaque PACs into the Clinton campaign – or non-campaign at this point in time -- as the progressive socialist democrats illegally target conservative fundraising using the IRS. As we have seen over the past years and months, the progressive socialist democrats cannot be trusted with foreign or domestic policy and appear to be a fifth column trying to destroy America from within. The only truth that they acknowledge is the truth which they themselves manufacture to fit the occasion – and when the lies are revealed, they cry “It’s old news” and “What does it matter?” Good people know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, and black and white. The progressive socialist democrats use Orwellian political-speak to turn everything upside down and inside out to pursue their not so hidden agenda. Throw these bastards out of office. Do not elect progressive socialist democrats to the House, the Senate, the Presidency, or any other local, state, or federal office unless you agree with the destruction of our nation and our people from within. -- steve |