Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Confessions of a Public Defender... I could not verify, I'll leave it up to you!

Every now and then you come across an article that folks just need to read. This one written by Michael Smith entitled, “Confessions of a Public Defender” and originally posted at American Renaissance on May 9, 2014 is one of those articles. 

It is a profound and deeply disturbing piece, which, as we end 2014, we all need to comprehend as we move towards the 50th anniversary of the Great Society initiatives of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. 

Smith articulates that which ails the black community — the real discussion we should be having on race, not that of victimhood and the further expansion of the welfare nanny-state.

He begins by saying, “I am a public defender in a large southern metropolitan area. Fewer than ten percent of the people in the area I serve are black but over 90 per cent of my clients are black. The remaining ten percent are mainly Hispanics but there are a few whites.”

“I have no explanation for why this is, but crime has racial patterns. Hispanics usually commit two kinds of crime: sexual assault on children and driving under the influence. Blacks commit many violent crimes but very few sex crimes. The handful of whites I see commit all kinds of crimes. In my many years as a public defender I have represented only three Asians, and one was half black.”

He presents his observations based on his personal experience with black defendants, and his words will no doubt inflame many: 

My experience has also taught me that blacks are different by almost any measure to all other people. They cannot reason as well. They cannot communicate as well. They cannot control their impulses as well. They are a threat to all who cross their paths, black and non-black alike.

It will take you only 5 minutes to read this article — and I would bet you’ll read it again. Then ask yourself, is this something you hear Al Sharpton addressing? Or President Obama, Eric Holder, Jeh Johnson or Jesse Jackson? 

I’m quite sure the progressive socialist left will criticize me for sharing this article – that’s just who they are – they hate the truth. But if there is a war to be fought, it is for the soul of the inner city and the black community. The facts and observations in this are not shocking to me. They are quite well known, but the manner in which the writer so eloquently presents them is quite commendable.

We cannot begin to “have a conversation about race” until we are willing to honestly address the facts.

As Smith says at the end, “I do know that it is wrong to deceive the public. Whatever solutions we seek should be based on the truth rather than what we would prefer was the truth.”

The full article appears starting on the next page here : http://www.amren.com/features/2014/05/confessions-of-a-public-defender/

Saturday, December 27, 2014

La Paz: Seido Target Hitmen ( El Grande ) in BCS part 2 call claims cartel kidnapped USBP agent in Tx border town Miscellaneous News from Coahuila

Borderland Beat

Link to Borderland Beat

La Paz: Seido Target Hitmen ( El Grande ) in BCS part 2

Posted: 27 Dec 2014 12:06 AM PST

Translated by Spike for Borderland Beat

Seido now target El Grande

Cruz Alonso Lozoya Uriarte "El Grande".

Seido is now targeting "El Grande". After the capture of Víctor Barraza Martínez "28" and his transfer to the Base of the SEIDO team, they now want to detain Abel Nahum Quintero Manjarrez or Cruz Alonso Lozoya Uriarte. For this purpose the SEIDO opened the inquiry PGR SEIDO/UEIDCS/605/2014.

After the capture of Víctor Barraza Martínez "28", "El Vidal", on November 26, 2014 at a safe house in the calle Gilberto Mendoza of the Civilizadores de la paz settlement, the attorney specializing in investigation of organized crime (SEIDO) initiated and launched a special operation that hopefully leads to the arrest of Abel Nahum Quintero Manjarrez or Cruz Alonso Lozoya Uriarte "El Grande".

After the capture of Víctor Barraza Martínez "28", "El Vidal", on November 26, 2014 at a safe house in the calle Gilberto Mendoza of the Civilizadores de la paz settlement, the attorney specializing in investigation of organized crime (SEIDO) initiated and launched a special operation that hopefully leads to the arrest of Abel Nahum Quintero Manjarrez or Cruz Alonso Lozoya Uriarte "El Grande".

After the capture of Víctor Barraza Martínez "28", "El Vidal", on November 26, 2014 at a safe house in the calle Gilberto Mendoza of the Civilizadores de la paz settlement, the attorney specializing in investigation of organized crime (SEIDO) initiated and launched a special operation that hopefully leads to the arrest of Abel Nahum Quintero Manjarrez or Cruz Alonso Lozoya Uriarte "El Grande".

According to federal and military authorities, El Grande is considered the ringleader of the second para-military Cartel Cell responsible for the wave of violence plaguing the capital of Baja California Sur since July 31st.

On the day of his capture, "28" revealed that both he and "El Grande", were part of the military arm of the Organization of Dámaso López Núñez "El Licenciado" and Dámaso López Serrano "El Mini Lic" in the city of La Paz, with the same hierarchical level within the Special forces of Dámaso headed by Edgar Amilcar Acosta Reyes "El Rey"; having a group of between five and ten Hitmen hired specifically to murder their rivals, at the service of Rolando González Moreno "El Compadrón" and Luis Antonio Montoya Beltrán "Montoya", "Don Carlos", or "El Artista",from Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada's organisation.

warning grapic images next page
During the interrogation, and in the hands of his captors, "28" explained the modus operandi of the criminal group. On the one hand, he stated that he was responsible for kidnapping, torture, and executing his opponents and throwing their bodies in premises and public roads "El Grande" chased and attacked vehicles of enemies. 

The intention was to regain control of the retail drug trade in the North of La Paz, because since the capture of the former crime boss Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, Dámaso López Núñez "El Licenciado" and Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada had come into conflict for that territory and others in various parts of the country. 

On the day of his capture, "28" was in possession of a Matra radio , with the number 170, property of the State preventive police, which belonged to agent Hilario Flores Ramírez "El Yiyo", family member of the former Commissioner Fernando Ramírez Martínez "El Sabueso" and people close to the former Governor Irineo Martínez Ordaz tours Coordinator. However, and after hearing the case,they tried to make a last-minute change to the paperwork so the radio would appear as assigned to a former agent name Fabian Jaime Meza, as a strategy to protect the police functions.

Therefore,after "28" was interrogated by his captors, it was no surprise that according to his version of events " all of the time he had the protection of the preventive State Corporation, in charge is Francisco Javier Camacho Manríquez and the State Secretary of public security headed by Martha Cecilia Garzón López.

"28" also revealed that his protection was such, that on 22 September last, three of his cohort of hitmen were arrested on a carratera filter road at the 11 km of the section La Paz-San Juan's de planes, the Director of the Center of Social readaptation de paz made a maneuver and, without previously notifying the Attorney General of Justice of the State (PGJE) ,ordered the release of the gunman, Gustavo Lozoya Portillo, 22, originally from Baridaguato, Sinaloa. 

Obviously, he said, that generated a conflict because when they arrived with the order of warrants against Portillo,he was no longer in prison. After being captured in the joint operation of the PGJE, Marinas and Mexican army, Víctor Barraza Martínez "28", along with five of his henchmen were transferred to the State Attorney's Office,they were immediately put in cells and placed at the disposal of the Special Unit in investigation of crimes against health( SEIDO ), because coincidentally that day a group of federal agents had arrived. 

The Investigations

The next day, the six detainees were transferred in the morning to La Paz "Manuel Márquez de León" International Airport, then onto Mexico City Airport, and from there, to the Centre Base of SEIDO, so they opened preliminary investigation PGR/SEIDO/UEIDS/605/2014. The arrested hit men were questioned about the structure of the criminal group, its networks and links; They also offered the names of all the members of their organization and their rival gangs, and they talked about a series of telephone numbers found in their cell phones, as well as information which was found in some computers and confiscated equipment.

For example, according to data obtained by ZETA research,a video was found which recorded the murder of the narcomenudista Carlos Castro Hale "Freckles" or "El Guero" who died on 22 November and whose body was found in la calle Mantarraya, at the entrance to Mero y Camarón, Colonia Fidepaz. 

The videotaping shows Juan Manuel Becerra Osuna or José Miguel García García "Meño" or "El Recio" and Juan Manuel González Montaño "El Millagui", beating and torturing their victim, from whom they sought to obtain information about the whereabouts of Rolando González Moreno "El Compadrón" and Luis Antonio Montoya Beltrán "Montoya", "Don Carlos", or "La Artista". The time of death was recorded, when the pair of "El Meño" or "The Recio", Monserrat Guadalupe Villa Arciniega "La Lupita", begins to cut a message into his skin which read "100% Dog "; then another woman and a man stuck a wooden stake in some part of his body.

Cellular and computer equipment also had videos and photographs of the time of the murder of the following persons:

* Mario Alberto López García "El Junior," Tomas Antonio Rico Castro "3" and Carlos Antonio Mayoral "The Mayoral", all tortured, executed and burned on October 22 at kilometer 38 of the Paz-Ciudad Constitution highway.

* Iván Castro Sandoval "El Pelón", Jorge Molina Alarcón "Warrior" or "El Molina", and Saul David Gutierrez Nuno, tortured and killed on October 31 at 1 + 800 km of Beltway Santiago Oceguera.

* Adauto Sarabia García, tortured and died November 23 in calle private de Las Sirenas, between Tuparam and Ignacio Ramírez, Colonias. 

Within the research, the PGJE made ballistic tests of the weapons confiscated from the Hitmen, among these:

* Two Pietro Beretta pistols 9 mm, black. 

* An R-15 assault, black, rifle calibre 5.56 mm. 

* Two rifles of AK-47 assault, dark silver, 7.62 x 39 mm caliber. 

According to an expert of the PGJE, some of these weapons were positive in the killings of: -Gerardo Geraldo Mendez "Geras". -José Federico Gaxiola Osuna "Pikas". -José Heliodoro López González "El helio". -Refuge Amador Núñez "El Cuco". -Cristian Diaz Bianchi "Cris". The main cause of this wave of violence is that the heads of sicarios, Víctor Barraza Martínez "28" and Cruz Alfonso Lozoya Uriarte "El Grande" - according to messages found on the mobile phones of Barraza - received economic and logistical support from the chief of plaza for the retail drug trade in the South, Jose Fernando Torres Montenegro or José Francisco Ojeda Torres "The Pepillo", Alejandro Sánchez Trejo "El Peinado” or “El Frank and Ranulfo Lopez Portillo.

The Latest Detainees

The latest detainees by SEIDO, come from investigations into the criminal groups involved in the wave of violence, the PGJE managed to capture six more assassins this week. 

The first was arrested on December first Monday, after which a Court deliverd a warrant of arrest against Abraham Garcia Ontiveros as allegedly responsible for the execution of the narcomenudista Robert Efren Navarro Cárdenas "The Foquemon", recorded on November 28, 2014 in the Tehuantepec Istmo Street, between San Joaquin and Santa Ana colonial Santa Fe. 

The victim, who had 22 prior investigations for the crimes of theft and an existing valid arrest warrant , which had not been served as he was protected - according to the PGJE, he was murdered with nine rounds of caliber .45 and 9 mm, while outside his home. 

The second and third fell during a special operation of the Mexican army, Saturday 29 November, while circulating on the forgers Boulevard, heading to the South of the city, on a suspect vehicle: a Volkswagen Jetta in white color, with tinted windows and circulation 055-PLZ-3 stacked plates. The military saw their vehicle and started to pursue, after a high risk chase, they were stopped and detained in the Cardoncito colony.

The crew turned out to be Teodoro Orona "El Teo" Quiñonez and Eusebio Oroña Quiñonez, who had in his possession two 9 mm pistols . Based on data collected by ZETA, it was the third time that the detainees had been arrested carrying weapons, but had been released by the courts of first and second district. However, this last time they failed im their bid for freedom, for two reasons: 

1.- The lawyer Ramón Ochoa Bañuelos, who defended the Group of assassins of the Special forces of Damaso, suffered an armed attack on 27 November, in the street Morelos, among the Heroes of independence and Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, Colonia El Esterito,he was gravely injured and sent to the hospital "Juan María de Salvatierra". 

2.- 9 mm Pistols ; in the hands of the brothers Oroña Quiñonez, gave a positive result in the murder of the narcomenudista Robert Efren Navarro Cárdenas "The Foquemon"

At the close of this Edition, they were declared and subsequently would be charged for the murder. The last three arrested, name Rubén Maldonado Cortes "El Chuntaro", Jesús Alberto Méndez Castro "Chuy" and Miguel Angel Mendez Lopez or Ariel Bautista Lopez "The Ari", are charged with the execution of the Chief of plaza for the El Sargento colonia, Benigno Lucero Camacho "El Benni", registered on 21 November. 

Similarly, the members of the band "Los Flamingos" were arrested and secured with them was the vehicle used in the killing, in whose interior the PGJE found an assault rifle, a cartridge .223, as well as useful cartridges 9 mm and 38 super. According to witnesses,on the night of the attack, officers of the Municipal police of La Paz and Ministerial of the State police in the community of El Sargento, refused to help the victim when he asked for help after being shot

Also according to testimony, the Dodge Durango truck of the hitmen was damaged in the attack, after which they had to push it to abandon it at the edge of a beach, to flee on foot. The police were there and did nothing to stop the criminals, until they were arrested and consigned to the penal judge. 

The last to fall, Ariel Bautista Lopez "The Ari", was captured at a police roadblock at the entrance to Los Cabos, and on his cell phone were found posts by criminal groups, requesting the locations of houses of the narcomenudistas because "they would soon go to kidnap and kill people" at that beach location. 

Obviously, this was before the capture of Víctor Barraza Martínez "28". 

Link to Part 1 of this article

Translated from an article in Spanish on http://zetatijuana.com

call claims cartel kidnapped USBP agent in Tx border town 

Posted: 26 Dec 2014 08:24 PM PST

Lucio Borderland Beat with material from Reuters, AP, and KRGV

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is looking into a claim made in a call to a Texas border town police department that a Mexican organized crime cartel has kidnapped a U.S. Border Patrol agent, officials said on Friday.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials added there are no reports of any of its 3,100 Border Patrol agents assigned to the Rio Grande Valley sector in south Texas being missing.

"Until we rule it out, we treat it as a true kidnapping," said FBI Special Agent Michelle Lee.

Chris Cabrera, a representative with the National Border Patrol Council, which represents Border Patrol agents, told Reuters concerns began with a phone call to police in the small town of La Joya.

"Someone called in and started out reporting some sort of activity, and the call then turned into threats against law enforcement, threats against the dispatcher, and ultimately threats against law enforcement in general," Cabrera said.

"He then claimed to have an agent that was kidnapped that he planned to kill, and he claimed to work for one of the cartels."

Cabrera said if there is a kidnapped agent, it could be someone not assigned to the Rio Grande Valley sector but in the area for a holiday visit.

There are several organized crime cartels working just across the border from Texas, smuggling drugs and dealing in weapons as well as sneaking immigrants into the United States. They are considered to be some of the most violent criminal organizations in the world.

Texas border towns have been relatively safe, with violent crime rates lower than other major Texas cities.

Cabrera says Mexican cartel members have attempted to kidnap U.S. Border Patrol agents in the past, but no successful kidnapping has occurred.

Miscellaneous News from Coahuila

Posted: 26 Dec 2014 02:48 PM PST

Around 8:30 PM on Monday, December 22, 36 year old Irma Esparza Rivera was shot to death on Ocampo street, across the street from the bus station, in CiudadAcuña.  Witnesses report a vehicle passing by shot at her as she was outside the restaurant.  She was hit by four bullets in her body and managed to make it into the building, where she died.  Moments later, a 25 year old male was shot to death in Capistrano colonia.   La Jornada reports that, according to state officials, both individuals were immigrant smugglers.

That same night, based upon an anonymous tip, Marines searched a location on Calle 17, in the Ampliación Morelos colonia of Saltillo, located on the eastern side of the city, near the Sierra of Zapalinamé.  There they found five burned bodies that were buried in two clandestine graves located within yards of each other.  Though no connection was reported, it is worth mentioning that on December 18 a body was found buried at a residence in the Jardines Coloniales colonia of Saltillo.  Members of a Gulf Cartel kidnapping cell were arrested in connection with that finding.

On Tuesday, December 23, the Group of Specialed Arms and Tactics (Grupo de Armas y Tácticas Especiale, known as GATES), while on routine patrol, noticed a speeding Chevrolet Silverado with Texas license plates on the Manuel Pérez Treviño bypass in the Guillén colonia of Piedras Negras.  As they attempted to stop the vehicle, the driver attempted to flee, but the police were able to stop the vehicle on República boulevard in the Tecnológico colonia.  Upon inspecting the vehicle, the police found an AK-47 which was loaded with an ammunition clip containing twenty-four rounds, three other ammunition clips with thirty rounds, as well as packets of cocaine and marijuana.  The driver of the vehicle, 33 year old Salvador Ríos Núñez, a Mexican citizen living in the Guadalupe subdivision of Piedras Negras who also holds United States citizenship and owns a home in Eagle Pass, Texas, was arrested and confessed to being a financial operator for Los Zetas.

Guerreros Unidos kidnapped and murdered Guerrero Fr. Gregorio López 

Posted: 26 Dec 2014 04:20 PM PST

Lucio Borderland Beat information from:Michoacán Tres Punto Cero & BB Archives

Second priest from Altamirano, Guerrero
killed in two months by Guerreros Unidos

"I am outraged by the cowardly and vile death of Father Gregorio López Gorostieta. I express my total denunciation of the demon Guerreros Unidos, who killed padre Goyo (of Guerrero) for accusing them in the death of  Ayotzinapa students, " padre  Goyo of Apatzingán

The priest of Michoacán town of Apatzingán, Gregorio Lopez Jerome, known as "Father Goyo" revealed his colleague Gorrostieta the priest Gregorio Lopez,  know in his community as "Goyito" whose body was found yesterday, was killed at the hands of organized crime.
His battered body was thrown on Iguala-Ciudad Altamirano Federal Highway of  la altura de Tlapehuala with a gunshot to the head.
The Father "Goyo" said in a message sent to the agency Quadratín that it was the  repudiation of the Guerreros Unidos, that led  to the death of the priest Gregorio López Gorrostieta, of  Ciudad Altamirano, Guerrero.
“My namesake, accused these criminals in his homily last Sunday 21st for the disappearance of 43 students from Ayotzinapa, however, in the aftermath of this abominable event, the Catholic Church must continue speaking out and denouncing all arbitrariness and violation of fundamental rights".

As you may recall, the Padre "Goyo"has worked closely with AUC  in Michoacán, and leader Doctor Manuel Mireles, and has been outspoken his making statements about the complicated situation that exists in the region of Tierra Caliente of Michoacán and Guerrero: He continues to criticize Castillo, organize crime, and corrupt members of organized police such as rurales. 
He  has encouraged the work of Michoacán AUC.
With respect of the Priest who was kidnapped and killed, after his sermon, within 2 hours he was taken, subsequently discovered tortured and killed.

It was not the first priest to be killed so cowardly, two months ago the same cartel killed another cleric of the diocese of Altamirano, which exhibits a deterioration of the government in that state and where the Catholic church is one of the few institutions that are not corrupt.
killed 2 months ago 

UPDATE; Lifeless Body of Father Gregorio Lopez Found (other photo and clarification note added 12/16)

Posted: 26 Dec 2014 09:04 PM PST

Posted by DD material from ExcelsiorProceso, and Diario de Coahula

As I reported yesterday, Christmas Day, Father Gregorio Lopez Gorosheta was kidnapped from the Seminary in Altamirano, Guerrero early Monday morning by a group of armed men.  The Bishop of the diocese pleaded on Facebook and other media for his release and announced a march was to be held on Dec. 24 to seek his release from the kidnappers.
(DD note;  Father Gergorio Lopez was often called Father Goya (nickname for Gregorio) by his students and other clergy, but he is not the more famous Father Goya in Michoacan.  Father Gregorio Lopez (Father Goya) from Michoacan has referred to Father Gregorio Lopez (also referred to as Father Goya) from Guerrero as his namesake)  

The march was held despite the rain, with the Bishops and priests from around the area and adjoining states leading the march of Catholics.  

 But to no avail.  The lifeless body of Father Lopez with a gunshot wound to the head and signs of torture was found about 3:PM Christmas Day near the town of Tlapehuala, in the region of Tierra Caliente.  on a stretch of road that connects Ciudad Altamirano with the municipality of Arcelia, Guerrero.

The Cathedral of Ciudad Altamirano through its Facebook account, Father Xavier, confirmed the murder of the priest.

"Today communicate with deep sorrow that our brother Gregorio López Gorostieta father departed to his father's house. With faith I can say that he is enjoying the presence of God" published. 

No motive is yet known for the murder.

On December 4 in Iguala, the Interior Minister, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, announced the special security plan for the region of Tierra Caliente, covering 22 municipalities in Guerrero, two of Michoacán Eight of the State of Mexico and Morelos four.   Altamirano was one of the municipalities included.

During the signing of the Implementation of the Single Command, with the governors of Guerrero, Michoacán, State of Mexico and Morelos, Osorio Chong said the actions would  strengthen the ability to deal with crimes, the crimes that most hurt society.

Osario said “We do this so that as soon as possible the inhabitants of Tierra Caliente can enjoy the necessary conditions in order to carry out your everyday life without violence"

The reports say that Father Lopez's body was found on this highway near this "monument to honor Mexico's former President Lazaro Cardenas. Cardenas was responsible for consolidating power into a party he labeled the Partido de la Revolución Mexicana (Party of the Mexican Revolution – PRM) which later changed  its name to Partido Revolucionario Institucionalt  (PRI).  It is almost a horrific irony that in light of everything that has happened in Guerrero and Michoacan the monument closely resembles a decapitated head.

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