Monday, January 5, 2015

El Wicked was murdered El Menchito of CJNG free for two months

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El Wicked was murdered

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 11:10 PM PST

Proceso (January 4, 2015) Translated by un vato for Borderland Beat 
El Wicked
El Wicked once said that he murdered without remorse, but with passion, "because that was his job and you have to do your job with dedication". --un vato

More detailed update from the journal Reforma added below.  

MEXICO, D.F. ( Enrique Jimenez Zavala, "El Wicked", to whom the Chihuahua authorities attributed the murder of activist Marisela Escobedo, was in reality murdered by another inmate inside the San Guillermo prison, the State Attorney General revealed today.

On (December) 31, the State Attorney's Office of Execution of Punishment and Judicial Measures (Fiscalia de Ejecucion de Penas y Medidas Judiciales) had reported that the inmate died last Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. from a massive heart attack.

"El Wicked" had also  been convicted of taking part in the massacre at the Bar Colorado in Chihuahua, where 16 persons died, among them journalists Javier Moya and Javier Salinas. For this action, which took place in April, 2011, Jimenez Zavala was sentenced two years later, in February, 2013, to life in prison.

The State Attorney for the Central Zone, Sergio Almaraz, confirmed that the person who murdered "El Wicked" was Jaime Noel Cuevas, "El Jimy", who was supposedly linked by Jimenez himself to the attack against the customers in the Bar Colorado.

The government official explained that the real cause of death for Jimenez Zavala was strangulation, a consequence of revenge between him and his accomplice, "El Jimy", for various crimes.

The new version by the authorities states that, inside the cell, "El Jimy" subdued "El Wicked" with a kick to the genitals, then threw him on the floor and strangled him.

The murder took place inside the cell where "El Wicked" was staying, to which Jaime Noel Cuevas entered. However, Almaraz did not explain why two highly dangerous inmates were in the same cell.

Jimenez Zavala was part of the program Free from Prisons (Libre de Prisiones). Through this program, the State Attorney Specializing in Punishment and Judicial Measures informs students from upper middle schools and high schools about the consequences of breaking the law.  

"El Wicked" became the principal speaker in the program, using his own testimony as an example. He would say that he was a child with dreams like everybody else, that he dedicated himself to school, but that life's circumstances led him to break the law and he never thought he would be imprisoned.

Update: More detailed article from Reforma.
At the conclusion of scientific studies that were performed on the body of the person who in life answered to the name of Jose Enrique Jimenez Zavala, aka "El Wicked", forensic medical experts determined that the cause of death was by "strangulation" caused by dislocation fracture to the -C1-C2 vertebra (fracture of the cervical column), reported the Central Zone Office for Investigation and Persecution of Crime in a communique.

It reported that several X-rays and scans were performed on the body, which presented edema and cerebral congestion with hemorrhagic infiltration to the base of the cranium, compression of the medulla oblongata and the spinal medulla. from a dislocation fracture of the C1-C2(first vertebrae in the neck), and pulmonary edema on the right side with bruised areas, as well as superficial hemorrhage on the right testicle.

According to the investigations, "El Wicked" was strangled by Jaime Noe Cuevas, who was tried for the multiple murder of 16 persons in the "El Colorado" bar in Chihuahua, in April of 2012.

The State Attorney said that the motive for the homicide was revenge.

On December 31, the same State Attorney General's office, through the Office Specializing in Execution of Punishment and Judicial Measures, disclosed via a communique that Jimenez Zavala had died on December 30 as a result of a massive heart attack in a cell in the State CERESO 1, in Aquiles Serdan.

Around 9:20 p.m., a custodian noticed that Jose Enrique Zavala, who was inside his cell, was undergoing convulsions, which is why he immediately called for help to transfer him to the hospital area", reported the State Attorney General in the communique issued on December 31.

"Once in the medical area, CPR was applied, and an electrocardiogram was taken, verifying that the inmate did not show vital signs", it added.

"El Wicked" was declared dead at 9:30 p.m. on December 30, the State Attorney's office explained on that occasion.

However, the State Attorney stated that the Medical Services coordinator, Dr. Mauro Bernal, explained that once an autopsy was performed on the body, the results established that the vertebra was dislocated, which compressed the medulla and the medulla oblongata, and that the injury resulted in loss of life.

On his part, the State Attorney Specializing in Investigation and Persecution of Crimes for the Central Zone, Sergio Almaraz Ortiz, stated that, based on the scientific results and on the investigation by the Office of the Public Ministry, the alleged murderer was clearly identified.

He indicated that it was "El Wicked's" cell mate, Jaime Noel Cuevas Baeza, 35 years old, originally from Ciudad Juarez.

"Jaime Noel Cuevas Baeza has been imprisoned since 2012 in State Cereso No. 1, located in the Aquiles Serdan municipality, on trial for charges of unlawful carrying of weapons for the exclusive use of the Mexican Army and intentional homicide, based on the events reported on April 20, 2012, inside the "El Colorado" bar, located in the municipality of Chihuahua," he stated.

In his statement, given on Saturday before the Public Ministry Officer and represented by his lawyer, Jaime Noel Cuevas Baeza, stated the following:

"That, finding himself in his cell on December 30, 2014, in the company of Jose Enrique Jimenez Zavala, aka "El Wicked", they had differences, and, remembering that it was he (Wicked) who had testified against him on the charges he is being tried for, he got angrier, and when he saw that Jimenez Zavala was distracted, he kicked him in the testicles. Then "El Wicked" fell on his knees and that is when he began to strangle him and twist his head from side to side with all his strength", the communique mentions.   

"He indicated that he then heard the footsteps of the jail guards, and when the custodian came closer, he told him that Jimenez Zavala had gone into convulsions. Immediately, the prison guards assisted "El Wicked" and transferred him to the CERESO hospital.  He states that, minutes later, he became aware that Enrique Jimenez Zavala, alias 'El Wicked', had died."

The Office of the State Attorney General indicated that Cuevas Baeza has fully confessed and within the next few days, they will draw up charges for intentional homicide committed against Jimenez Zavala.

Marisela Escobedo was murdered on December 16, 2010, in front of the Chihuahua Government Palace, where she was demanding justice for the murder of her daughter Rubi Fraire Escobdo.  

El Menchito of CJNG free for two months

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 02:31 PM PST

Translated by Spike for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article
Ruben Oseguera Gonzalez " El Menchito "
Ruben Oseguera Gonzalez " El Menchito " , son of the leader of the Cartel Jalisco Neuva Generacion

Ruben Oseguera Cervantes " El Mencho " , regained his liberty for the second occasion, after a Federal Judge in Toluca ordered his release with a condition that after two months of freedom under a restriction order , he would regain legal status.

Last Friday , a District Federal Judge from the Federal Criminal Proceedings Court in the State of Jalisco declared an auto decree of freedom for " El Menchito " , due to lack of elements ( evidence )to process in favour of the 24 year old,  who faced charges of crimes against health , and violation of the Federal Law against weapons and explosives.

That same day 26th December , " El Menchito " left the prison Centro Federal de Readaptacion Social numero 2 " Occidente" , en Puente Grande , Jalisco , where he had arrived directly from Centro de Arraigo ( Central Base ) of the Procuraduria General de La Republica (PGR)in Mexico Federal District on the 18th December.

Sources at the PGR gave the news of the release of " El Menchito " , however they didn't say that he was first acquitted in the State of Mexico, where he was charged with offences of possession of fire arms and ammo for exclusive use of the Govt Forces, using resources of illegal origin , and crimes against health.

ZETA investigations , exposed that before he was liberated , on the 16th October 2014 " El Menchito " left the maximum security prison Altiplano No 1 , in Almoloya de Juarez , but Federal Police Agents were already waiting to transfer him to SEIDO Headquarters.

The Public Prosecutors office applied for a restriction warrant from a Judge of the second Federal Criminal Court , who specialises in searches , retstrictions and intervention of communications with jurisdiction through out Mexico. He granted the restriction against " El Menchito" within the record , while integrating the preliminary investigation.

SEIDO requested an extension of the precautionary measure on 27th November, it was granted once again by a special Judge. The Federal prosecutor ordered the lifting of the restriction on December 18th, when there was already an arrest order with warrant issued by a District Judge from Jalisco. Then " El Menchito " and a co-defendant were transferred to the Puente Grande Cerefeso , from where he gained his freedom.

"El Menchito " was detained in a residence in Zapopan on 30th of January 2014 by the Military Authorities, the PGR said that " El Menchito" was responsible for coordinating the sale and trafficking of drugs coming from South America , as well as fuel theft . Some of the charges were dismissed through lack of evidence , and others not even reason of imputation. It was a double failure of ministerial authority.

Spike: yet another example of the unprofessionalism of the Mexican police departments in their various guises , and the willingness of Mexican judges to accept bribes to free even the most heinous of criminals.

Original article in Spanish at

san antonio murder suspect, flees to mexico kills piedras negras cop & taxi driver

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 12:42 PM PST

written by Lucio, using information from La Rancherita del Aire radio

Telling family and friends “I am not going back to prison, I will shoot it out”, murder suspect Ignacio Ruiz is sitting in a Mexican jail cell after an intense shootout with police, that resulted in the killing  of a Piedras Negras police officer.

Bexar Texas sheriff's office spokesperson says Ruiz, 37, born in San Jose, California,  is currently on parole after  serving time for attempted capital murder on a police officer

Ruiz is wanted for the murder of Joshua Vidales, who was shot and killed on January 1st  on Macdona Lacoste road.  

The shooting occurred inside a residence and resulted in a second  victim being taken to the hospital.

Ruiz fled to Piedras Negras, the Mexican border town adjacent to Eagle Pass Texas.  
Originally, Ruiz was driving his black Mazda to escape Texas.  At the time of the shootout, Ruiz was riding in a Taxi, and had instructed the driver to stay away from areas with police and to drive south to get him out of the area.  He became enraged when he saw they were in an area with police, the driver stopped the cab and tried to run away when Ruiz gunned him down. That prompted the shootout that killed 2 and injured 2.  An element of police, and taxi driver subcummed to their inuries, and two others, civilian passer-byes were injured. 

(Zocalo just reported an hour ago the taxi driver died from his injuries.)

He then turned to the Taxi driver and shot him 4 times wounding him, and took control the Taxi, attempting to flee, triggering the high-speed chase by police, ending when police were able to force him off the road.
Texas mugshot from his attempted murder of a police officer

Ruiz was in the company of Janel Cerda, who, was also arrested.  Ruiz says he forced Cerda to come with him after he killed her cousin because she had witnessed the shooting.  This is a different account than San Antonio press articles, in those she is described as his girlfriend.

The Piedras Negras officer,  Antonio Sorina de Luna, 24, died from his injuries in a Saltillo hospital, where he was airlifted in an attempt to save his life. 

Witnesses said the officer died a hero, as he  was shielding two children from the shootout when he was hit by gunfire.

Two of the injured were women, both aged 52. 

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