One Citizen Speaking... |
UNITED NATIONS OFFICIAL: CLIMATE CHANGE DEMANDS A TRANSFORMATION OF WORLD ECONOMIES Posted: 10 Feb 2015 10:00 PM PST The central tenet of international socialism/communism is to gain unassailable political power by managing the world’s resources for the benefit of collective society; a society governed by “enlightened elites” that are necessary for sustaining the Earth’s resources for future generations. Unfortunately, as we have seen in the past, the socialist/communist model devolves into totalitarianism where the state centrally plans outcomes for the “population units” under its control – even to the extent of eugenically cleansing “undesirables” from the populations. Where “freedoms” are granted and controlled by the state and individuals needs are subservient to the needs of the collective. So what should we make of a United Nation’s official openly stating that the primary goal of climate change is to transform the world economy and “intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history.” For those who are unfamiliar with the language of high-level international panels, commissions, and institutions – the economic development model of which this official speaks is “capitalism,” where freedoms are inalienable, God-given, and the individual is supreme over the collective. (i.e. the government works for the people, the people do not work for the government) In her own words, Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change …
The United Nations is an insular, self-serving, and corrupt body whose members states’ votes collectively outweigh the United States and the majority of whom want to disadvantage America and plunder her resources. As we can plainly see, the United Nations is comprised of cowards who fail in their primary mission – to protect individuals against state-sponsored wholesale murder and ethnic cleansing – as well as those continuing to seek to make the United Nations the center of a New World order, with guaranteed funding and the ability to breach the sovereignty of individual member states. How can this body watch hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people die without lifting a finger – making speeches filled with rhetorical flourishes – while little boys are buried alive and little girls are raped? How can anyone believe the “science” put forth by this body when they have been caught in innumerable lies and instances of fudging the numbers; all excused in the name of raising awareness and funding for their own benefit? Consider that millions have died or suffered horribly when the pseudo-science surrounding DDT led to the banning of DDT almost world-wide; resulting in pestilence and disease. Bottom line … And the worst thing is that the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, is every bit an “internationalist” and believer that America’s colonialism was the proximate cause of the world’s ills. Conveniently forgetting that it was the Europeans who developed and perfected the colonialization model that lead to so much of the world’s problems. Even today, I received a comment from a reader who essentially labeled me a “denier” and a “skeptic.” A reader who apparently lacks the understanding that science is not performed by consensus and driven by political agendas. A reader who apparently lacks the understanding that science is controlled skepticism – changeable at any time when a hypothesis or other understanding is falsified by new “evidence.’ The real existential threat to America, and the world, comes from things we can do nothing about: fluctuations in the Sun’s solar energy, asteroid strikes, unmanageable mutating viruses, and the type of global climate change that would see us entering another ice age cycle thousands of years in the future. And the one existential threat that promises to change our society beyond recognition and belief: political corruption. Political agendas that drive conflict for conquest and self-gain. Political agendas that are designed to enslave major portions of the populace. And political agendas that continue to elect false leaders who act as Judas Goats, leading our nation and people down the road to hell – paved with good intentions or not. -- steve |