New post on Now The End Begins
ANTIFA, the domestic terror group that claims to be "anti-fascist" in in fact highly fascist and aggressively violent. They have their beginnings in 2015, started on a Yale campus of all places in 2015, and have grown to be the Left's version of the KKK. Just like the KKK hates blacks, ANTIFA hates Jews.
For 8 years, Barack Obama and the radical, George Soros-funded Left in this country did everything they could to enflame racial and political tensions. If you disagreed with Obama Marxist policies, it was because you secretly hated black people. If you complained that Michelle Obama was taking too many taxpayer-funded luxury vacations, it was because you secretly hated women and black people. The list was never ending and always arrived at the same place. Racial divisions.
Then Black Lives Matter came along, and in 2016 people started dying. 5 officers were slain in Texas by shooter Micah Johnson with ties to Black Lives Matter. In the same year, in Sterling’s Baton Rouge, 125 people were arrested; an officer struck with a projectile lost several teeth. In Chicago, protesters broke through a police barricade, and multiple people were arrested on charges of battery against police. And in Castile’s St. Paul, Minn., more than 100 protesters were arrested when protesters used an overpass over Interstate 94 to throw rocks and rebar at police, injuring 21 officers, including one who suffered broken vertebrae when a concrete block was dropped on him from above. When one officer was injured, protesters cheered: “One piggly-wiggly down!” If police are even more fearful after all this, they would not be without reason.
So where does Black Lives Matter get all the money to hire fleets of buses to bring in agitators from different states? George Soros, through his various shell companies and ghost organizations, funds all of it.
ANTIFA in America, the domestic terror group that claims to be "anti-fascist" is in fact highly fascist and aggressively violent. They have their beginnings in 2015, started on a Yale campus of all places in 2015, and have grown to be the Left's version of the KKK. Just like the KKK hates blacks, ANTIFA hates Jews.
This is the real face of ANTIFA, still think they are "anti-fascist"?
As you look at that flyer, and hopefully study it, what conclusion might you come to? If you are honest, you conclude that ANTIFA, funded by George Soros just like Black Lives Matter, is a domestic terror organization using fear, violence and intimidation to force their agenda down our throats. In short, they are the enemy of all freedom-loving, American patriots who desire to be governed by the rule of law.
Now, black lawmakers who support ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, are demanding that statues in our nation's capitol get taken down.
“Confederate memorabilia have no place in this country and especially not in the United States Capitol. These images symbolize a time of racial discrimination and segregation that continues to haunt this country and many African-Americans who still to this day face racism and bigotry,” Thompson said in a statement to The Hill.
“It is past time for action to remove all Confederate symbols in the U.S. Capitol and on the Mississippi state flag.”
So I ask you, where will all this end? You know where it will end. If not checked soon, our current civil war will end exactly like our previous Civil War, with piles and piles of dead bodies. George Soros, the desperately old demon he is, is not running out of money anytime soon. And even when he dies, the criminal organizations he has put in place will last long after his rotting body vanishes into dust.
President Trump is one of the only people in Washington to say it like it is, and because he speaks the truth in blaming both sides, he is lambasted night and day by the fake news media and the George Soros splinter groups.
America stands right now at a pivotal crossroads, one from which there is no turning back. Leftist thugs cannot be allowed to tear down statues and rewrite the history of our nation. They are anarchists and must be treated as such. Over the last 100 years, we have seen Progressive uprisings in major nations like Russia, Germany and Italy just to name a few, and they always end badly. Russian Progressives created Stalin, German Progressives created Hitler, and Italian Progressives created Mussolini.
The end game here in America is to topple our government and install European fascism, the exact same style fascism that groups like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter claim to be against. Just remember, Hitler came preaching peace and prosperity.
How'd that work out for the German people?
The new Civil War is well underway so pick a side.