Friday, January 31, 2020

Trump vs New World Order This is a well written summary of the current state of affairs in the world and the impact that Trump is having on everything. Written by Dr. James Veltmeyer is a prominent La Jolla physician voted "Top Doctor" in San Diego County in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2019. TRUMP: EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO NEW WORLD ORDER By James D Veltmeyer, MD The ongoing attacks by the political establishment on President Donald Trump –which began even before he was elected – are without parallel in history. The savagery, frenzy, and outright hysteria displayed by the President's enemies within the Democrat Party, the media, and the various power centers of the globalist elites have no prior precedent. This President has been spied on, lied about, made the subject of phony foreign dossiers, insulted, ridiculed, scorned, mocked and threatened. We have witnessed Hollywood celebrities advocate for blowing up the White House, demand the President be beaten, jailed or even assassinated, and his children tortured and sexually abused. We have seen politicians in Washington try to convict the President of non-existent crimes, investigate him and his family members for everything from tax returns to guests at his hotels, project on to him crimes that they themselves have committed, and seed his Administration with leaker's and double-agents. No other President in American history has been treated in such a shameful manner. Not Lincoln. Not FDR. Not Nixon. Not Reagan. What is it about this President that has roused such demons in his political foes? What is it about this President that drives his opponents to the brink of insanity? What is it about this President that so terrifies and terrorizes the Pelosis, Schiffs, Schumers and the George Soroses? Is it simply that he is not part of the club, a brash outsider with a different style? Is it merely because he's outspoken and tramples on political correctness? Is it because he's sometimes unpresidential in his demeanor ( at least in their minds )? Not at all. After all, aren't these the same folks who loved Bill Clinton whose extracurricular activities involved cigars and staining blue dresses in the Oval Office? Of course, Clinton was beloved by the globalist elites who pull the strings on world governments. He gave them NAFTA, after all. He gave them the WTO. He made tens of billions of dollars for them and their stockholders through these unfair trade deals that cost America five million manufacturing jobs and closed 70,000 factories. He also gave the military-industrial complex plenty of profit-making military interventions, from Haiti to Bosnia to Serbia and Iraq. Bill Clinton, for all his corruption, delivered the goods for the New World Order. Donald Trump, of course, never played ball with these globalists. He was elected explicitly on an anti-globalist platform that put America first. From day one, he started to implement that America-first agenda, earning him the undying enmity of all those whose profits are secured by selling out American workers, American jobs, and America's national sovereignty. President Trump pulled us out of the TPP. Billions in lost profits for the globalists. President Trump pulled us out of the job-destroying Paris Climate Accords. Billions in lost profits for foreign nations like Communist China, at our expense. Read NASA's Report. President Trump began the process of securing the U.S. border. Billions in lost cheap illegal immigrant labor for the Business Roundtable. President Trump imposed tariffs on China, becoming the first President ever to address Beijing's annual $500 billion rape of our economy. Billions in lost profits for corporations who ship our jobs to one of the worst tyrannies on the planet. President Trump renegotiated NAFTA. Again, billions in lost profits for the cheap labor crowd President Trump launched the process of extricating the U.S. from endless foreign wars and avoiding new wars with nations like Iran and North Korea. Billions –perhaps trillions – in lost profits for the globalist war machine. Is the picture becoming a little clearer? In each instance, the President's policies have represented a dramatic upending of the globalist agenda of both parties, the Carter-Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama agendas of continuous war and the continuous looting of America's wealth and hollowing out of the American middle class. With both parties and their representatives in Congress beholden to campaign donors whose profits are threatened by Trump's America-first initiatives, is it no wonder that both Democrats and Never-Trump Republicans, all Globalist-Socialist , are determined to bring this President down? Most of the mass media is controlled by these same global corporations. After all, doesn't Amazon's Jeff Bezos—the richest man in the world – own the Washington Post? As was said in Watergate, just follow the money. And --while you're following the money—see if it leads to a $500 million left-wing slush fund run by a shadowy Soros and Clinton -linked group called Arabella Advisors which is funding the anti-Trump political agenda through dozens of high-sounding front groups. Folks, the New World Order gang is in full retreat all over the globe. From Brexit in the UK to the populist governments of Hungary and Poland to the Yellow Vest movement in France and Salvini in Italy, the middle and working classes are demanding the overthrow of their nation-destroying overlords. The overlords who have flooded their countries with unassimilable immigrants from North Africa and surrendered their sovereignty to the European Union and its unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels. They have lived the unfulfilled promises of the globalists, that giving up national sovereignty and relocating jobs abroad would usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. The exact opposite has happened. The globalist vision has resulted in $7 trillion of pointless wars in the Middle East, an immigration crisis, the loss of jobs, and declining standards of living. In the United States, Donald J. Trump has emerged as the New World Order's most tenacious and determined foe as he fights the good fight for the American people, our constitutional rights and liberties and the sovereignty of our nation . He is an existential threat to the New World Order . Unlike other Republican presidents of the recent past, he can't be bought and has no price. Unlike them, he doesn't give in and he doesn't give up. Go ahead, globalists. Try your impeachment games. Try your Senate trials. It won't work In fact, it will backfire on all of you as – after three years of trying to prevent the Electoral College from voting for Trump, stopping the inauguration, unleashing Jim Comey and the FBI, CIA spying, Robert Mueller and his phony Russiagate probe, tax returns, emoluments, Kavanaugh, and all the rest -- the patience of the American public is wearing thin. We aren't as stupid as you think. Something you will recognize clearly come November 3, 2020. Dr. James Veltmeyer is a prominent La Jolla physician voted "Top Doctor" in San Diego County in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2019. Dr. Veltmeyer can be reached at

2020-01-31T10:29:37.000Z via Facebook

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Cookie Jar... What it's all about: At the 70th Anniversary of NATO last month people like François Macron and Justin Trudeau, along with Angela Merkle spent much of their time trying to show Donald Trump he is "not one of them," he does not belong. Guess what, they are 100% correct. He is not one of them and thank the Lord he is not one of them. They long for the days of Barack Obama. They long for the days of the United States funding everything while they literally piss their economies into the toilet. The Prime Minister of Canada doesn't like being called out as a phony by Donald Trump. Justin Trudeau went home from London to a country that has lost 71,000 jobs last month and has almost 6% unemployment Great track record! François Macron went home to an economy that has been a disaster for ten years and this week almost 1 million Frenchmen marched in Paris and literally shut the city down for the trains, no restaurants. And now let's get to Angela. She is about to be voted out of office. She has destroyed her own economy...industrial production last month dropped 5%. She has ruined most of Europe with her immigration policies. These people tried to laugh at Donald Trump because he is indeed everything they are not. They are failures and they don't pay their fair share of NATO, and their economies are sinking like a lead weight in the middle of the Atlantic. Just compare what Donald Trump went home to: the United States economy produced more than 250,000 brand new jobs last month, we have the lowest unemployment in 50 years, more Black Americans are working than ever, more members of the Latino community are working than ever, and tariffs are driving the 800lb gorilla into the Pacific without a life vest And these phony Europeans think they know what is best for the world Sort of like all those diplomats from the State Department who also think they know what is best for America. Donald Trump is surrounded by people who have tried to run the world for the past 25-35 years and they have run it into the ground at our expense. Donald Trump has simply taken away the cookie jar and the world is very upset they just might be losing that cookie jar. Much like the SWAMP is losing the cookie jar. IMPEACHMENT is not anything other than the SWAMP and the Democrats (and the Media) losing the cookie jar. Donald is taking the cookie jar away from the SWAMP...EUROPE...THE DEMOCRATS...THE DEEP STATE and everyone is losing their collective minds because they seem unable to stop him. Donald Trump is giving the cookie jar back to Americans. If you doubt that for a minute just remember those recent numbers: more than 250,000 new jobs, 3.5% unemployment, etc. Those numbers are the ENVY OF THE WORLD. They all hate Donald Trump because he indeed is not one of them. Nancy for sure hates him. Congressman Greene hates him. Adam Schiff hates him. Justin Trudeau hates him. François Macron hates him. All BECAUSE he is taking away their cookie jar and like petulant, spoiled children they are very, very angry. Each one of them knows that if Donald gets 4 more years, he will smash the cookie jar into a thousand pieces. It will be gone for at least a generation. If you want to know what IMPEACHMENT is really all about, it is no more complicated than watching the cookie jar. It was never about the "CONSTITUTION" and abuse of power; it was always about the cookie jar.

2020-01-30T17:16:45.000Z via Facebook

Replace “Obama” with any of the 2020 Democratic Socialists candidates & get more of the same, ONLY WORSE!

2020-01-30T17:15:35.000Z via Facebook

U.S. Supreme Court allows DHS to enforce public charge rule The U.S. Supreme Court voted 5-4 to allow the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to begin enforcing a rule that authorizes the federal government to deny immigrants a visa or a green card if they rely on government assistance. Here’s a quick summary of how we got here. On August 14, 2019, DHS issued the final rule detailing how federal agencies determine the inadmissibility of immigrants likely to become public charges (e.g. dependent on government assistance). Five federal judges later issued injunctions blocking the rule from taking effect. Appellate courts lifted three of the injunctions in December 2019, but a nationwide injunction from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York and a statewide injunction from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois remained in effect. On January 13, 2020, DHS requested that the U.S. Supreme Court stay the nationwide injunction issued by Judge George B. Daniels of the Southern District of New York. In his October 2019 order, Daniels held that the plaintiffs in State of New York et al. v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security et al. would likely prevail in their claim that DHS promulgated the rule in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and that they would suffer irreparable harm under the new policy. The U.S. Supreme Court granted the request for a stay. Justices John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh ruled in favor of the stay while Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor dissented. In a concurring opinion filed with the order, Gorsuch urged lower courts to curtail the practice of issuing nationwide injunctions, arguing in part that the broad orders impact individuals who are not parties to the cases at hand. The decision allows the rule to take effect nationwide pending a final decision in State of New York et al. v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security et al. The statewide injunction blocking the rule in Illinois remained in effect as of January 29

2020-01-30T12:25:28.000Z via Facebook

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

I rest my case!

via Facebook
2020-01-29T12:08:56.000Z via Facebook

REPUBLICANS SABOTAGE SENATE IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS WHILE HISTORIC MIDDLE EAST PLAN IS ANNOUNCED After a well-presented Republican defense of the President of the United States, we find three Republicans (Bolton, Kelly, and Romney) attempting to throw a monkey wrench into the Democrat-driven impeachment proceedings… BITCHY-LITTLE-GIRLS all while Donald Trump, President of the United States, and Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, offer a historic Israel/Palestinian solution featuring safety, security, and economic development for the Palestinians. As the Senate impeachment is proceeding, President Trump is rolling along – holding rallies with record audience turnout and achieving historical results – proving that the Democrats and many members of the Administration are irrelevant. Why the Democrats and their RINO cohorts need to remove President Trump or cripple his Administration… Trump is doing what all of these political poohbahs could not achieve, even given their decades of effort. Once again, the key to the Middle East Palestinian problem is being offered to the Palestinians. It remains to be seen if the thugocracy will accept the necessary conditions: recognize Israel’s right to exist, denounce state-sponsored terrorism, and demilitarize the terrorist-run Gaza strip. wh-logo Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu of the State of Israel in Joint Statements It’s been a long and very arduous process to arrive at this moment. On Sunday, I delivered to Prime Minister Netanyahu my vision for peace, prosperity, and a brighter future for the Israelis and Palestinians. This vision for peace is fundamentally different from past proposals. In the past, even the most well-intentioned plans were light on factual details and heavy on conceptual frameworks. By contrast, our plan is 80 pages and is the most detailed proposal ever put forward by far. As I have seen throughout my long career as a dealmaker, complex problems require nuanced, fact-based remedies. That is why our proposal provides precise technical solutions to make Israelis, Palestinians, and the region safer and much more prosperous. My vision presents a “win-win” opportunity for both sides, a realistic two-state solution that resolves the risk of Palestinian statehood to Israel’s security. Today, Israel is taking a giant step toward peace. Yesterday, Prime Minister Netanyahu informed me that he is willing to endorse the vision as the basis for direct negotiations — and, I will say, the General also endorsed, and very strongly — with the Palestinians. A historic breakthrough. Continue reading the remarks here. Read the plan here. hdr-1 The thugocracy that rules the Palestinians with an iron fist will likely refuse to give up some of their power and the billions stolen from the Palestinian people. Bottom line… Once again, we see the reason why the Democrats cannot be trusted to protect and defend the United States Constitution and the safety and security of America and all Americans. No wonder why they are hell-bent on damaging or displacing President Donald Trump. Why disgruntled employees like Bolton, Kelly, and Trump are attacking Trump is there for all to see – they are jealous of someone who they believe is their intellectual and moral inferior — made more acute by Trump’s continued achievements. In essence, they are selling their own competing brand of self-serving bullshit. We are so screwed. -- steve

2020-01-29T12:08:29.000Z via Facebook

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