Monday, October 25, 2021

HOWS THAT WORKING OUT FOR YOU? Under Trump we had Energy Independence & Net Exporter = lower prices, & a thriving economy!With Biden, Energy Dependence, economy gone to toilet, gas/propane prices are skyrocketing & shortages are on the horizon! Choosing Biden & Democrats over Trump is comparable to “Shitting in Your Pants & then Changing Your Shirt!”

Natural-Gas Sticker Shock Is Coming to Your Dinner Table and Commute Expensive natural gas is having all sorts of cascading effects, some of which may only show up next year There may be less room to curb natural-gas consumption without causing substantial disruption to households’ essential needs. PHOTO: ROBERT COHEN/ASSOCIATED PRESS By Jinjoo Lee Oct. 25, 2021 8:03 am ET High natural-gas prices today mean your electricity and heating bills will likely be expensive this winter. Next year, it could mean you will end up paying more to eat and to fill up your car. In Europe, where natural gas is almost six times as expensive as it was a year earlier, fertilizer companies—including Norwegian company Yara, as well as BASF and Borealis—have announced curtailments as a result of expensive gas. Fertilizer production in the region has dropped as much as 40% as a result of tight supplies, according to CME Group. Natural gas can account for up to 85% of the production cost of ammonia, a key ingredient for many fertilizers, according to estimates from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A further wrinkle is that those factories produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct. The gas is crucial for the food industry; it is used to carbonate drinks, keep food fresh and to stun chickens and pigs before slaughtering. Last month the situation looked dire enough that the U.K. government stepped in to subsidize fertilizer manufacturer CF Industries, which had shut some of its operations, to make sure food supplies weren’t threatened. The effect on food might not end there. High natural-gas prices already have made nitrogen-based fertilizers more expensive, with both ammonia and urea prices in the U.S. roughly tripling compared with a year earlier, according to data from ICIS. Adding to the rally, China, one of the world’s largest fertilizer exporters, is said to be imposing curbs on shipments, according to a report released last Tuesday on Bloomberg. If high prices persist, more farmers are likely to opt next year for planting soybeans, which require less fertilizer, according to Mark Milam, fertilizers senior editor at ICIS, who notes that “buyer reluctance” from farmers is starting to build as a result of surging costs. Roughly three million acres of U.S. corn, out of around 90 million in total, could switch to soybeans next year, according to estimates from S&P Global Platts. Other crops that are sensitive to fertilizer price swings include wheat, oats and barley, according to the USDA. Corn futures for next harvest season have risen 4.2% in the past month. Roughly three million acres of U.S. corn, out of around 90 million in total, could switch to soybeans next year. High fertilizer prices would have ripple effects. Anything that makes corn expensive could show up in the prices of pantry staples such as cereal and cooking oil, not to mention meat because corn is the main ingredient in livestock feed. Moreover, it could increase prices at the pump if it raises ethanol prices; most gasoline sold in the U.S. today contains some ethanol as a result of Renewable Fuel Standard regulations. In Europe, further curtailments of fertilizer plants would also impact the supplies of an exhaust fluid known as AdBlue that is used to help neutralize diesel emissions. “Demand destruction” from high prices is necessary to balance the market, but these cascading effects illustrate that there may be less room to curb natural-gas consumption than one might think without causing substantial disruption to households’ essential needs. Industrial demand for natural gas seems disposable until it starts affecting food supplies. It is also a reminder of just how inextricably the world’s industries—even those that help curb emissions—are still tied to fossil fuels. This winter’s big chill could be felt far, long and wide. What the Inflation of the 1970s Can Teach Us Today The U.S. inflation rate reached a 13-year high recently, triggering a debate about whether the country is entering an inflationary period similar to the 1970s. WSJ’s Jon Hilsenrath looks at what consumers can expect next.

Biden, the great unifier, failed miserably in USA, however working, as if planned, for our enemies seeking to exploit American weaknesses across the world!

A group of naval vessels from Russia and China conduct a joint maritime military patrol in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, in this still image taken from video released on October 23, 2021. A group of naval vessels from Russia and China conduct a joint maritime military patrol in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, in this still image taken from video released on October 23, 2021. (CNN)Russian and Chinese warships have conducted the first ever joint patrol in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, the Russian defense ministry said in a statement on Saturday. The patrols involved a total of 10 warships, five from each nation, and lasted a week, from Sunday, October 17 to Saturday, October 23, covering 1,700 nautical miles, according to the Ministry. The objective of the joint patrol was to "demonstrate the state flags of Russia and China, maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and also protect facilities of both countries' maritime economic activity," the statement read. "During the patrol, the group of warships passed through the Tsugaru Strait for the first time," the statement added. Chinese and Russian militaries link up, but analysts say both sides have differing objectives Chinese and Russian militaries link up, but analysts say both sides have differing objectives The Tsugaru strait is body of water between the Japanese islands of Honshu and Hokkaido in the northern part of the country, connecting the Sea of Japan with the Pacific Ocean. In addition to the patrol, the two navies practiced joint tactical maneuvers and did a series of military drills, the statement added. The two countries have an ongoing military partnership and have conducted a series of joint military drills, the most high profile of which was "Vostok 2018," which involved a simulated battle in which a Russian-Chinese coalition fought a fictional enemy. In August, Russia and China joined forces once again to use a joint command and control system, with Russian troops integrated into Chinese formations, according to a statement by China's defense ministry at the time. Russia's leader Vladimir Putin has an ally in Chinese President Xi Jinping, with Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian telling a news briefing in June that the two countries were "united like a mountain" with an "unbreakable" friendship. CNN's Brad Lendon, Nectar Gan, Ben Westcott, Mary Ilyushina and Nathan Hodge contributed to this report.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

It’s a Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime Conspiracy to Abduct Children from their Parents! Act Now or LOSE THEM ! Let me simplify…Ultimately Biden/Obambo Youth, it worked for Hitler!

EDUCATION White House Collaborated With School Board Group On Letter Comparing Parents To ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Attorney General Garland Testifies Before House Judiciary Committee (Photo by Greg Nash-Pool/Getty Images) CHRISSY CLARK CONTRIBUTOR October 21, 2021 4:19 PM ET The school board association responsible for comparing parents to “domestic terrorists” reportedly collaborated with President Joe Biden’s White House before publishing its letter calling for federal assistance in dealing with concerned parents. Emails obtained by Parents Defending Education, a concerned parents o
rganization, uncovered that the CEO of the National School Board Association (NSBA) — the nation’s largest school board association — was in communication with the White House for “several weeks” before the organization’s letter dropped. According to the emails, the White House had requested additional information on the “specific threats” taking place across the country. “[I]n talks over the last several weeks with White House staff, they requested additional information on some of the specific threats, so the letter also details many of the incidents that have been occurring,” CEO Chip Slaven said in a Sept. 29 email. Chip Slaven Emails Screenshot/Parents Defending Education The letter addressed to Biden was released on Sept. 29 and requested the assistance of the federal government, including the FBI and Department of Justice, in dealing with allegedly unruly parents at school board meetings. (RELATED: Parents Announce ‘Not Domestic Terrorists’ Rally In Front Of The Justice Department) “America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat. The [NSBA] respectfully asks for federal law enforcement and other assistance to deal with the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation,” the letter reads. “As these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”


For years, the Marxist Socialist Democratic Leftardians have attempted to seize & exercise power over the American people! In recent years, “Global Warming” was their dogma. Controlling the means of production/consumption of energy, food, water, etc….to “Save the World from Man-made Global Warning” was their roadmap to POWER! HOWEVER, Trump Beat Hillary…Became President of United States! Global Warming Myths exposed… American becomes Great Again…US Enemies in Retreat! Energy Independence, gas prices plummeted… Southern Border Secured… Peace in Middle East & elsewhere… SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED… Left’s Power Base Eroding…Retaliation being planned in smoked-filled back rooms… Congressional Kangaroo Courts of Impeachments… CHINESE develop & Release COVID-19 (w/CDC Funding)… Marxist Socialist Democratic Leftards see a chance to seize & regain POWER… 2020 Election Debacle Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime Occupies DC Draconian Nationwide COVID-19 Controls Instituted… Southern Border Control Neutralized, millions of potential government dependent immigrants, drugs surge, & human trafficking invade US… Education Ramps Up Indoctrination/Brainwashing of Childred w/Critical Race, Genger Nullification & othe leftest Dogma... Economy & Energy Independence Destroyed… International Chaos, Afgan Humiliation & Distrust By Allies… Leftards Again in Power & Slowly Destroying American Greatness from within! All the while complaisant social & mass media continues to act as the Regime’s Propaganda Wing, keeping the general public Indoctrinated…in the dark…
Fat, Dumb, & Uninformed! IT’S TIME TO TAKE BACK AMERICA! Get Off Your Couch and Get’er DONE!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Tom Cotton: We Know What Is Behind Biden’s Secrecy With His Latest Scandal

Oct 20, 2021 WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 29: Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) delivers remarks during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing examining Texas's abortion law on Capitol Hill on September 29, 2021 in Washington, DC. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) addressed the Biden administration’s latest controversy, flying illegal aliens across the U.S. in the dead of night, by saying that the administration was desperately trying avoid the public seeing what they are doing because it is a political disaster for them. “The obvious reason why they’re flying these migrants across the country in the dead of night is because they don’t want to reveal the consequences of their open borders policy,” Cotton said. “Look, if they were proud of their policy, if they thought it was a political winner for them, they’d be having these flights in the middle of the daytime, they’d be coordinating it with the local TV stations, they’d be celebrating what they view as a great accomplishment.” “But they know that Joe Biden’s open border policy is a political disaster. So they’re trying to hide the consequences of that policy in the dark of night,” Cotton continued. “It’s very hurtful for President Biden politically, but it’s a catastrophe for our country, we’re going to be close to 2 million migrants crossing our border very soon. Texas is a big country with a lot of great people, but not even Texas can keep 2 million new residents there. That’s why they’re flying them to places like Florida and New York and all points in between.” “And it’s going to put real strain on those communities, on their hospitals, on their school systems, on their housing, on their police departments as well,” he added. “All of these migrants should not be in Texas, or Florida or New York, they should be in Mexico, because President Biden should have kept the Remain in Mexico policy in place to make sure that people aren’t entering the country with bogus claims of asylum. But he rescinded on his first day. Federal Courts have told him he has to re implement it. He’s gonna do that next month. But in the meantime, we’ve had 2 million illegal migrants not just crossed the border, but fanned out across the country.” Cotton later called Biden’s open border policies a “moral catastrophe” that is “creating incentives for very dangerous and immoral behavior.” SANDRA SMITH, FOX NEWS HOST: And this is a comment and a statement that they put out yesterday, so no new one as of today. But here it reads, “It is our legal responsibility to safely care for unaccompanied children until they can be swiftly unified with a parent or a vetted sponsor. As part of the unification process, our Office of Refugee Resettlement facilitates travel for the children in its custody to their family or sponsors across the country. In recent weeks, unaccompanied children pass through the Westchester airport en route to their final destination to be unified with their parents or vetted sponsor.” Now let’s bring in Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton. Senator, welcome. This story is captivating the nation as we see these flights landing in the dark of night. Why the secrecy? And again, we have reached out many times on this report to the White House and they are not deploying anybody to us. And they have not given us a direct statement on it. So why the secrecy? SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): Well, that’s a very good question. I remember when I was in the Army, on Friday afternoon, the first sergeant would brief all the privates for the weekend. And he’d remind them that nothing good usually happens after midnight. And I think we can now extend that old army wisdom to Joe Biden’s immigration policy as well. The obvious reason why they’re flying these migrants across the country in the dead of night is because they don’t want to reveal the consequences of their open borders policy. Look, if they were proud of their policy, if they thought it was a political winner for them, they’d be having these flights in the middle of the daytime, they’d be coordinating it with the local TV stations, they’d be celebrating what they view as a great accomplishment. But they know that Joe Biden’s open border policy is a political disaster. So they’re trying to hide the consequences of that policy in the dark of night. SMITH: The New York Post Editorial Board shared a similar sentiment … here’s the editorial board this morning, in addition to their reporting on this, saying, “Biden playing a deadly game using these secret flights to move migrants. There’s a reason the Biden administration is using these secret flights to small airports to move unaccompanied minors who illegally cross the border. They don’t want voters to know just how many people are being waved right into the country, because President Biden understands that open borders might be the policy of progressives, but it’s not popular among the majority of Americans.” And bottom line, this is a sign as we see this happening, Senator, that this is not just a border issue. We are now seeing this spread to many other parts of the country. And with these flights landing in Westchester, reportedly, these migrant children are being sent to all over the Tri-state area; we know of a facility in Long Island; we have phone calls into them. They are not returning our calls. And they’re certainly not giving us any statement on the demographic of those children, how they’re being vetted. We are told that some landing our men in their early 20s. So how big of an issue is this for President Biden, politically, if he continues to remain silent on what his what his strategy is here? COTTON: Well, it’s very hurtful for President Biden politically, but it’s a catastrophe for our country; we’re going to be close to 2 million migrants crossing our border very soon. Texas is a big country with a lot of great people, but not even Texas can keep 2 million new residents there. That’s why they’re flying them to places like Florida and New York and all points in between. And it’s going to put real strain on those communities, on their hospitals, on their school systems, on their housing, on their police departments as well. All of these migrants should not be in Texas, or Florida or New York, they should be in Mexico, because President Biden should have kept the Remain in Mexico policy in place to make sure that people aren’t entering the country with bogus claims of asylum. But he rescinded on his first day. Federal Courts have told him he has to reimplement it. He’s gonna do that next month. But in the meantime, we’ve had 2 million illegal migrants not just crossed the border, but fanned out across the country. … I don’t see how it’s moral to encourage desperate parents who are living in poverty, to try to send their children thousands of miles across Latin America to get to our southern border. It’s all so totally arbitrary. There are many places in Africa and Asia and Europe, that would love to come here, but simply because they don’t share a land border with the United States or can’t get to a land border, they’re not welcome in our country? This is the moral catastrophe of Joe Biden’s immigration policy. They act like it’s some great moral victory, when in reality, it’s creating incentives for very dangerous and immoral behavior.

Biden’s Popularity is Overwhelmed only by his ??? Watch the Spontaneity of Sports Fans Response to Biden!

Biden to Participate in ‘Invitation Only’ CNN-run Town Hall … Translation: By & For #MarxistSocialistDemocraticUsefulIdiots ONLY! Scripted, Spun & Controlled by the Regime Handlers!

Thursday R. MitchellOctober 20, 2021 President Biden’s handlers are doing everything they can to prevent the president from having to answer questions for which they have not had time to prepare him. On Thursday, Biden will participate in a CNN town hall event in heavily liberal Baltimore, Maryland. The event will be hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper and include only invited guests in the audience. To be invited, a person must pre-submit a question at this link and have it accepted by whomever is reviewing them. In another failure of “the most transparent administration”, the location of the event has not yet been announced. This is likely in the hopes of avoiding protests similar to those at other announced Biden appearances. The last thing CNN wants is a large group of people shouting “Let’s Go Brandon” just outside of the network’s made-for-Biden event. That’s right: In Baltimore Hosted by CNN With an invitation-only audience Pre-submitted questions at a (so far) undisclosed location When you know you aren’t popular, you do what you can for optics…. or something. This event is meant to reverse Biden’s terrible approval numbers (37% and dropping) and give him a platform to push his very unpopular, multi-trillion dollar taxation and spending spree. His “Build Back Better” agenda is currently being ripped-apart by separate factions of his own party. For this event, Biden and CNN make an almost perfect pairing as CNN is having major ratings issues of their own: The 90-minute town hall will air at 8 p.m. EDT on CNN. Don’t forget to submit your questions if you want to attend. Content created by Conservative Daily News and some content syndicated through CDN is available for re-publication without charge under the Creative Commons license. Visit our syndication page for details and requirements. Support Conservative Daily News with a small donation via Paypal or credit card that will go towards supporting the news and commentary you've come to appreciate.

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