Saturday, November 27, 2021

(Russia, EMBOLDENED by the Biden Regime’s Foreign/Domestic Policies Debacle & Biden’s Personal Cognitive Impairment) Is Russia Planning a January Invasion of Ukraine? The U.S. intelligence community is sounding the alarm.

BY KYLE MIZOKAMI NOV 24, 2021 russia navy's northern fleet holds 2019 putorana plateau drill at taimyr peninsulaDENIS KOZHEVNIKOVGETTY IMAGES U.S. officials have warned their European allies that Russia may be preparing to invade parts of Ukraine. Russian Ground Forces troops and equipment are marshalling in western Russia and Belarus in positions where they could invade. At the same time, Russian intelligence is reportedly sowing disinformation in Ukraine to destabilize the country. American intelligence sources believe Russia is gathering the forces that would enable it to conduct a large-scale invasion of nearby Ukraine. Spies have detected enough tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery for an invasion force of up to 100,000 troops. The hammer could fall as soon as January, though it is too soon to tell if Russia definitely plans to attack. Bloomberg reported that the U.S. has shared “intelligence including maps with European allies that shows a buildup of Russian troops and artillery to prepare for a rapid, large-scale push into Ukraine from multiple locations if President Vladimir Putin decided to invade.” RELATED STORIES Russia, China Still Can’t Touch America’s Military Russia Says Body Armor Will Stop .50 Caliber Round The evidence includes signs that the Russian Ground Forces, the official name of the Russian army, is planning to position about 100 battalion tactical groups in positions in the Crimea, Belarus, and from Russia itself. The invasion could take place in the dead of winter and also reportedly include air support. t80ue Russian Army T-80 UE-1 tank and BMPT “Terminator” armored fighting vehicles (AFV) are seen during the annual Army Games defense technology international exhibition, August 2021. SOPA IMAGESGETTY IMAGES
The invasion would likely not be an all-out attack on Ukraine, but be in support of limited territorial goals. Russia staged a similar attack in 2014, seizing the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine. The amount of land seized in 2014 was about 10,000 square miles, while the entire country of Ukraine is 233,000 square miles. The projected size of the invasion force could likely not hold off the Ukrainian Army while occupying captured territory, and then there’s the prospect of an armed NATO intervention. russia Russian Ground Forces T-90 tanks rolling through Red Square, 2014. The two headlight-like objects on the turret are part of the Shtora missile countermeasures system. KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEVGETTY IMAGES The battalion tactical group (BTG) is the basic tactical unit of the Russian Ground Forces, combining tanks, infantry, infantry fighting vehicles, artillery, and air defense units into a single mobile combat unit. Unlike past Russian combat units, the BTG incorporates all the tools and troops its commander might need for a spectrum of combat operations, from attacks across the European plains to urban combat. ukrainian soldiers ride on an apc Ukrainian troops, while out-armed and outnumbered, would be highly motivated to defend their country. SOPA IMAGESGETTY IMAGES
Ukraine’s army, the Ukrainian Ground Forces, is about the same size as a potential Russian invasion force but spread out across the entire country. The UGF is also not as well equipped as its Russian counterpart, but it does include some American military equipment including the excellent Javelin anti-tank missile. If Russia does invade, NATO could intervene militarily, sending some combination of air, sea, and naval power to bolster Ukraine’s defenses. Ukraine is not a member of NATO, but its territorial integrity is an important matter to the alliance, as is deterring Russian aggression. But direct combat between NATO and Russian forces backed with nuclear weapons is a dangerous prospect, and some NATO members, especially those far from the frontier with Russia, might not see it as within their direct national interest. pfc jesus langarica, an m1 armor crewman assigned to 3rd battalion, 66th armored regiment, 1st infantry division, guides an m1 abrams forward in pabrade, lithuania, july 26, 2021 the 1st infantry division recently arrived in europe to begin their 9 month rotation in support of atlantic resolve atlantic resolve provides ready and postured, combat credible forces through multinational training and security cooperation activities us army photo by 1st lt caroline pirchner M1A2 Abrams tanks from the 3rd Battalion, 66th Armored Regiment, 1st Infantry Division arrive at Pabrade, Lithuania, July 2021. The tanks are part of an armored brigade currently deployed to Europe as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve. U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY 1ST LT. CAROLINE PIRCHNER
The United States maintains about twelve BTG equivalents in Europe, scattered from Italy to the Baltics. The 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division is currently deployed to Europe and consists of, according to the U.S. Army, “​​approximately 3,800 Soldiers, 80 tanks, 130 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, 15 Paladins, more than 500 tracked vehicles and more than 1,500 wheeled vehicles and equipment”. Deploying alongside the armored brigade is the 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, an aviation brigade equipped with Apache attack helicopters, Blackhawk assault helicopters, and Chinook heavy transport helicopters. There’s also the Italy-based 173rd Airborne Brigade, based at Vicenza, Italy and the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, based at Vilseck, Germany. Will Russia invade? U.S. intelligence has been wrong before. While the buildup is real, it could be another way of applying pressure to Russia’s neighbor, undermining public support for the government, and perhaps even forcing the election of a more Russia-friendly one. On the other hand, Moscow could really be building up for an invasion, which could make the Biden Administration have to make a decision on intervening militarily.

PETROLEUM So indoctrinated, uninformed, & used by those with a nefarious agenda she’ll never understand!

One crisp winter morning in Sweden, a cute little girl named Greta woke up to a perfect world, one where there were no petroleum products ruining the earth. She tossed aside her cotton sheet and wool blanket and stepped out onto a dirt floor covered with willow bark that had been pulverized with rocks. “What’s this?” she asked. “Pulverized willow bark,” replied her fairy godmother. “What happened to the carpet?” she asked. “The carpet was nylon, which is made from butadiene and hydrogen cyanide, both made from petroleum,” came the response. Greta smiled, acknowledging that adjustments are necessary to save the planet, and moved to the sink to brush her teeth where instead of a toothbrush, she found a willow, mangled on one end to expose wood fibre bristles. “Your old toothbrush?” noted her godmother, “Also nylon.” “Where’s the water?” asked Greta. “Down the road in the canal,” replied her godmother, ‘Just make sure you avoid water with cholera in it” “Why’s there no running water?” Greta asked, becoming a little peevish. “Well,” said her godmother, who happened to teach engineering at MIT, “Where do we begin?” There followed a long monologue about how sink valves need elastomer seats and how copper pipes contain copper, which has to be mined and how it’s impossible to make all-electric earth-moving equipment with no gear lubrication or tires and how ore has to be smelted to a make metal, and that’s tough to do with only electricity as a source of heat, and even if you use only electricity, the wires need insulation, which is petroleum-based, and though most of Sweden’s energy is produced in an environmentally friendly way because of hydro and nuclear, if you do a mass and energy balance around the whole system, you still need lots of petroleum products like lubricants and nylon and rubber for tires and asphalt for filling potholes and wax and iPhone plastic and elastic to hold your underwear up while operating a copper smelting furnace and . . . “What’s for breakfast?” interjected Greta, whose head was hurting. "Fresh, range-fed chicken eggs,” replied her godmother. “Raw.” “How so, raw?” inquired Greta. “Well, . . .” And once again, Greta was told about the need for petroleum products like transformer oil and scores of petroleum products essential for producing metals for frying pans and in the end was educated about how you can’t have a petroleum-free world and then cook eggs. Unless you rip your front fence up and start a fire and carefully cook your egg in an orange peel like you do in Boy Scouts. Not that you can find oranges in Sweden anymore. “But I want poached eggs like my Aunt Tilda makes,” lamented Greta. “Tilda died this morning,” the godmother explained. “Bacterial pneumonia.” “What?!” interjected Greta. “No one dies of bacterial pneumonia! We have penicillin.” “Not anymore,” explained godmother “The production of penicillin requires chemical extraction using isobutyl acetate, which, if you know your organic chemistry, is petroleum-based. Lots of people are dying, which is problematic because there’s not any easy way of disposing of the bodies since backhoes need hydraulic oil and crematoriums can’t really burn many bodies using as fuel Swedish fences and furniture, which are rapidly disappearing - being used on the black market for roasting eggs and staying warm.” This represents only a fraction of Greta’s day, a day without microphones to exclaim into and a day without much food, and a day without carbon-fibre boats to sail in, but a day that will save the planet. Tune in tomorrow when Greta needs a root canal and learns how Novocain is synthesized.

Relieved to see that all the new people settling in, my home, Florida…have apparently chosen to leave the Democratic plague back where they came from and apparently shifted to a conservative mine frame. The plague is rampant in most Northern Democratic controlled cities & states….the only treatment is to #VoteResponsibly & drive the plague out of office!

RIGHT FLIGHT & THE GUNSHINE STATE Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” — Plaque placed at the Statue of Liberty in 1903 Americans – tired of riots and woke politics, poorer from high taxes and increasingly unconstitutional regulations, huddled together as they flee crime and COVID-19 lockdowns, and yearning to breathe free from masks and mandates – are pouring into Florida. A recent study in the Sunshine State-based James Madison Institute’s (JMI) Journal noted that almost 1,000 people a day are moving to Florida at least in part to escape high taxes, spiking crime rates, and coronavirus craziness elsewhere. Moreover, the JMI study found, the state’s GOP voter registration just hit a historic high relative to Democrats, a hint these new Floridians probably aren’t bringing their former states’ politics along with them. After all, Florida made headlines the way it pushed back against the riots last year—riots that helped to put at least six million more guns in Americans’ hands. That means those who move to the state have something else to lose in voting for leftists besides their money. At one time, not very long ago, Florida was at the forefront in protecting the right to keep and bear arms, becoming one of the earliest states — and the largest at the time — to move away from “may issue” concealed carry to a “shall issue” model. Today, more concealed weapon permits have been issued in the Sunshine State than any other state in the Union – over two million. That, and the fact that it’s sort of shaped like a gun, helped earn Florida the moniker the Gunshine State. Second Amendment opponents charged that the increase in Florida’s gun ownership led to higher numbers of firearm deaths – but mysteriously (to them), the overall murder rate actually dropped to the second-lowest murder rate recorded since the state began keeping statistics in 1971. (In fact, the JMI study reports, Florida’s crime rate has dropped for an astonishing 50 straight years.) But… After the 2018 Parkland, Fla. school massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School by a deranged student who committed a startling 58 school infractions, generated 20 police visits to his home and violated the terms of President Obama’s PROMISE program (and who somehow avoided the judge he should have appeared before for his misbehavior), the state responded with...gun control. Specifically, Florida imposed a statewide three-day waiting period for purchasing a gun, even though the Parkland murderer bought his AR-15 a full year before the shooting and to top it off, Broward County already had a five-day waiting period in place. Florida also responded by raising the age from 18 to 21 to own a rifle or shotgun, thus denying young adults the means to defend themselves. The state also enacted a so-called “red flag law,” granting the government the power to seize firearms from those deemed to be a danger to themselves or others, despite the fact the Parkland killer was declared “no threat to anyone or himself” by a therapist in a September 28, 2016 police report. Today, the Gunshine State boasts a Republican supermajority and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who said he would have vetoed the post-Parkland gun-grabbing legislation. Yet this year alone, six pro-Second Amendment measures died in the Republican-controlled legislature. Of course, one of the bills that died was a repeal of the post-Parkland gun-grabbing legislation signed into law back in 2018. Likewise, while 21 other states have moved beyond licensed concealed carry to Constitutional Carry, Florida now lags behind. In most cases, open carry is generally prohibited in Florida, except in narrow instances. And the law, in this regard, is more restrictive than even Massachusetts or Connecticut and most other states. Thus, two other business moves made headlines in the last six weeks without ending up in Florida. First, legendary firearm maker Smith & Wesson fell back from its historic 165-year-old headquarters in maniacal Massachusetts to a new, more politically defensible position in Tennessee. Then on Monday, another icon, Remington Firearms, announced it would end 205 years based in gun-grabbing New York, investing $100 million in a new facility in Georgia, hiring 856 people over the next five years. To add further insult to injury, Taurus, one of the largest multi-national firearm companies globally, recently left their Miami, Florida Headquarters for the greener pastures of Bainbridge, Georgia.In particular, Remington has just emerged from bankruptcy after leftist lawsuits and corporate cave-ins following the spate of mass shootings sweeping the country, despite those shootings’ painfully obvious link to the Left’s letting the insane out of insane asylums for decades, as well as Democrats’ refusal to discipline the dangerous. Florida should hold out a hand of friendship not just to firearm manufacturers but Second Amendment supporters as well. Governor DeSantis should push his GOP supermajority to repeal the state’s gun control regime. After all, tempest-tost new Floridians are pouring into the state through freedom’s golden door, hoping to find Lady Liberty there. • John Velleco is the executive vice president of Gun Owners of America, a national grassroots lobbying organization with more than two million members and supporters.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Where did all the thousands of illegal immigrants go?

If you don’t read this, at least watch the video at the end. Is this also going on in your hometown? How much longer are we, as Americans going to tolerate this? Let’s take care of our own citizens not the people who are trying to destroy us as a country.
Be sure and view the video..America is being stolen from us!!! This must be what he meant by having a transparent administration. If you live in, or might be planning to spend the cold season in Arizona, here’s something you may want to know? We have been seeing Illegals crossing the border—unscathed. There are buses waiting for them—who arranged for that? Where do the buses go? Now we know... 1) The Government is making arrangements with Homewood Suites for one, paying them to fill hotels up with illegals 2)The government is contracting with bus companies 3) Moving them to red states and sanctuary cities 4) The Government is contracting to feed them 5) The hotels are closed for normal business. On Monday night, TGP’s Jordan Conradson investigated the Homewood Suites in Scottsdale, Arizona after receiving a tip that it was an illegal immigrant safe house. The hotel is located at 9880 N Scottsdale Rd. When Conradson arrived at the hotel, every entrance was barricaded, and he had to park down the street. He walked up to the hotel and greeted some officers. This is incredible. There’s a safe house for illegal immigrants being secretly maintained without our knowledge – until now, Conradson did some digging... Conradson: what’s going on here? LES Officer: You actually need to leave the property it’s actually a closed hotel. Conradson: Oh, so what’s going on? LES Officer: This is a private property man. Conradson: But what’s going on? LES Officer: If you want to get information for that you need to go to endeavors web site. Conradson: I heard that they were harboring illegal immigrants here. Is that true? LES Officer: You can go to endeavors website and they’ll give you as much information as they can. Conradson: Who do you work for? LES Officer: I’m contracted with LES, it’s a law enforcement contract service company. Conradson: Why aren’t people allowed on the premises? LES Officer: You can go to endeavors web site to get information for that other than that this is closed this is private property from the company that’s here. Guess what the story behind Endeavors is… The website for Family Endeavors, a San Antonio nonprofit tied to the Biden administration. They received an $87 million no-bid contract in March to clothe and shelter illegal immigrants. They then received ANOTHER contract for $530 MILLION shortly after. It’s all been masterminded by the Biden Administration right under the noses of Americans living in Scottsdale. But there’s more. A Selrico Services food van pulled out of the parking lot. Selrico is a food service company that is also based in San Antonio. They must be contracted to provide food for those in this country illegally. So not only are these illegal aliens being housed at taxpayer expense, they’re being fed at our expense too! They get all this free and then we’re sent the bill through taxation. Conradson wanted to find out who specifically was organizing all this. Note the parts in bold. Conradson called the local police station since he could not get any answers from the representatives at the hotel. Conradson: I would like to know what is going on at the Homewood Suites on Scottsdale Rd. and Mountainview. Do you have any information about what’s going on there? Dispatcher: Nothing outside of the fact that it’s being monitored by ICE and that we have police presence there from other agencies 24/7. Conradson: Who is managing the hotel? Dispatcher: I don’t have that information exactly. Conradson: But ICE is in there 24/7? Dispatcher: Yeah, it’s being monitored by them and outside agencies. Conradson: Do you know what the outside agencies are? Dispatcher: I think it’s just a mix of all Arizona state agencies. Conradson: Are they communicating with you on how many people they’re bringing into Scottsdale, into the hotel? Dispatcher: I don’t have any specifics on it. Conradson: Where do I find more information? Dispatcher: You could try to look up any of the ICE numbers online and see if they give any further. Conradson: Do you have any information on exactly what’s going on? I mean obviously, they’re harboring illegal immigrants, but do you know anything else? Dispatcher: No we don’t have any further. The Deep State inside Arizona is a part of this, and so is ICE and the police. It’s all one unified effort to keep this a secret from the American people. Here’s exactly what is at stake. This is atrocious. Over 600 MILLION DOLLARS are funding this operation to flood red counties with illegal residents and brand new Democrat voters, and it’s costing the American taxpayers money and it’s putting the American people in DANGER. Instead of protecting American citizens, officers are being paid by our tax dollars to protect non-citizens who are invading our communities. The globalist elites who govern this country are attempting to change the population so that it votes in the way that they prefer. They don’t care about any of the Americans currently living here, they just want to replace them with people from other countries. And they’re doing their best to keep it under wraps. So share this article far and wide to raise awareness about what they’re doing, and let’s hope we can put a stop to this! Google “homewood suites immigrants” if you doubt this account…

Friday, November 12, 2021

Marxists socialist democratic Utopia. Let the thugs have everything you’ve got … lay down, prepare to be raped and pillaged by the thugs controlling the streets. If you work your wages will be taxed to the point you’ll be eating out of soup kitchens. All this brought to you by those too stupid to understand what they’ve done to themselves. My solution if you live there get the hell out. If you’re planning on going there don’t. If you’re one of the #Usefulidiots supporting this Democratic utopia may you roll in the filth & rot that was once a great state & Venezuela yourself!

LAPD Advice to Public Following Rise in Violent Street Robberies: ‘Don’t resist– cooperate, comply, be a good witness’ by S.H. BLANNELBERRY on NOVEMBER 11, 2021 Related Tags: News, Buzz Violent street robberies and follow-home robberies are on the rise in the City of Angels and the Los Angeles Police Department has some advice for the community it is sworn to protect and serve: When in public, be cautious of displaying purses, jewelry, watches and other luxury items. All suspicious activity should be recorded and reported to police. When possible, write down the descriptions of any suspicious person and/or vehicle. If you think you’re being followed while driving, call 911 and try to drive to the closest police station. Don’t resist — cooperate, comply and be a good witness. Immediately dial 911. Write down what you can remember about the crime, including descriptions of the suspect(s) and their vehicle(s). Don’t follow or chase the assailant(s) after a robbery. Noticeably absent from that list is any mention to hardened or improve one’s self-defense posture. Probably because, by and large, city leaders do not recognize one’s natural right of self-defense nor one’s constitutional right to keep and bear arms. While one may assume that most robbers are non-violent opportunists looking to make a quick score, some are most certainly not. Some are indeed violent individuals who are resolved to inflict physical harm on their victims. The question is, of course, what happens when a victim runs into an assailant that wants more than just cash, jewelry, purses, and the like? SEE ALSO: Canadian Government Admitted in 2018 That Gun Bans Don’t Reduce Crime A rapist, a kidnapper, a killer, for example, — what happens when “don’t resist– cooperate and comply” doesn’t work on those types of hardened criminals? LAPD doesn’t say. Apparently, one must be resigned to being a victim to whatever extent that entails. The situation is only exacerbated by the city’s kid-gloves approach to crime, as L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva observed. “We have an emboldened criminal community that knows there are less [sic] consequences, less risk involved to engage in these violent crimes, and they’re encouraged by the district attorney,” Villanueva told KTLA5, referencing L.A. County District Attorney George Gascón, who apparently believes in a revolving door-style of justice. Scary times for those living in Los Angeles. What advice would you give to everyday Angelenos?

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