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by Jm Moran

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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

What China means when it talks about NATO…

When Russian armed forces launched an unprovoked assault on Ukraine last month, Beijing appeared to side with Moscow, accusing the United States and its NATO allies of inviting conflict by allowing their security bloc to expand eastward. Now, as China faces pressure from the West to condemn the Russian invasion, it's ramping up similar rhetoric to talk about America's footprint in Asia. In recent days, senior Chinese Foreign Ministry officials and influential Communist Party publications have accused the US of seeking to build a NATO-like bloc in the Indo-Pacific, with one official warning of "unimaginable" consequences if it does. At a conference in Beijing on Saturday, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng said the Ukraine crisis could be used as a "mirror" to view the security situation in the Asia-Pacific region. Le didn't name the US, but he explicitly referred to the Indo-Pacific strategy — a plan the Biden administration detailed last month to strengthen America's role in the region, such as through supporting democracy and bolstering its alliances and partnerships, including with Taiwan. Building "closed and exclusive small circles or groups" in the region "is as dangerous as the NATO strategy of eastward expansion in Europe," Le said at the event at Tsinghua University, according to a version of the speech published by China's Foreign Ministry. "If allowed to go on unchecked, it would bring unimaginable consequences, and ultimately push the Asia-Pacific over the edge of an abyss," he said. China's criticism of NATO follows attempts to portray itself as a neutral actor in the Ukraine crisis, refusing to denounce Russia's attacks on civilians, while stressing its humanitarian aid to Ukraine and denying it considered providing military support to Moscow. However, China's bid to draw parallels between the US strategy in the Indo-Pacific and NATO's "eastward expansion" in Europe closely echoes talking points from Moscow, raising serious doubts as to Beijing's supposed neutrality. Russian leader Vladimir Putin has repeatedly attempted to use concerns over NATO to justify his brutal invasion of Ukraine. Now, experts say China is seeking to use the current crisis in Ukraine to not only amplify its portrayal of the US as an alleged instigator of conflict, whether in Europe or in Asia, but to warn of the consequences if the US and countries in the region align against China. Read the full analysis here. — By Simone McCarthy

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win” (Note: I’m now in FB jail for 29 days for publishing this article & suggesting that if true, these Thugs should be strung up for their crimes against US)

Peter Schweizer’s new book, “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win” is a must-read for any American concerned about the rising threat of Communist China. Schweizer uses no anonymous sources for the book, and every fact is meticulously documented and footnoted (1,037 footnotes total). The book delves deeply into the American elites who are getting rich by accepting cash and other benefits from the Communist Chinese Party in Beijing. This book is ugly. Perhaps the biggest surprise revealed in its pages is how Mitch McConnell’s family is hopelessly compromised by the CCP. The second chapter of the book deals exclusively with the Biden family. The Bidens have always been a group of money-hungry grifters who would say or do anything to make a buck off of Joe Biden’s name. They’re a sleazy bunch. No, really. Do some cursory research on all the time that Joe’s extended family has spent in jail or rehab. Joe’s brother, Frank Biden, was a notorious drunk who once got busted stuffing DVD cases down his pants at a Blockbuster Video store to try to steal them. What a pack of losers! But they’ve gotten rich sucking up to China! Hunter Biden’s business dealings with China started when Joe was in the US Senate. These deals continued while Joe was Obama’s vice president until today. How much has the Biden family made off of shady business deals with four members of the CCP (with ties to the Chinese military)? About $31 million that we know of, according to Schweizer’s meticulous research. Sounds like good work if you can find it, but then, you and I are not powerful American politicians, so… we’re not going to find deals like that. In 1944, an experiment was done in this Nazi medical center… In 1944, an experiment was done in this Nazi medical center… We know from the presidential campaign in 2020 that Hunter’s “Laptop from Hell” contained incredibly compromising information on Hunter Biden and his dad’s involvement in Hunter’s crooked deals. Not to mention those disgusting videos of Hunter with a Chinese hooker spy who put her best foot forward. (Note: The spy was not Fang Fang, who was rolling around in the hay with Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) at the time the video was recorded.) Most importantly, Schweizer proves without a doubt from documentation that Joe Biden absolutely knew about Hunter’s crooked deals with the CCP and personally benefited from those deals. Joe Biden is a rich man because of China, Ukraine and other corrupt regimes. Schweizer also delves into a number of other elites in America, including the Bush dynasty and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). NBA star LeBron James and Microsoft billionaire/vaccine expert Bill Gates make appearances. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and her husband make an appearance. Feinstein was and is so compromised by the CCP that her limo driver who worked for her for 20 years turned out to be a spy for the Chinese. But perhaps no information is more shocking than how totally compromised and indebted Mitch McConnell’s family is to the CCP. Mitch McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, is a naturalized American from China. She has many family members in China still, and they own an incredibly lucrative shipping business. They ship goods back and forth between China and America on giant container ships like the ones stuck at the Port of Los Angeles for Joe Biden’s first year in office. According to Schweizer, the Chao family business is wildly successful because the CCP has done them a lot of favors. The family’s cargo ships are all built by the Chinese State Shipbuilding Corporation. The construction of the ships is entirely financed by Chinese state banks, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. The crews on the ships are provided by the CCP. And Schweizer explains how most of the shipping contracts that the Chao family has in the Asia-Pacific region come directly from the CCP. If Mitch McConnell were ever to take some sort of action against China as the Republican leader in the Senate, China could destroy the multimillion-dollar family business overnight. So, McConnell will NEVER do anything to rein in China; he has too much skin in the game. The Chinese call this strategy “elite capture.” Rather than take on America head-to-head militarily, they seek to bribe and compromise elites in American society. It’s a strategy that’s working. Knowledge of this plot is best way to combat, so we highly recommend that you check out Peter Schweizer’s book “Red-Handed.” 223 26 6 37 298 3 Most Popular Sponsored Content Weird fruit grants BLIND man vision? 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In 1944, an experiment was done in this Nazi medical center… Sponsored Content CCPChinaElaine ChoHunter BidenMitch McConnellPeter Schweizer US Politics And News PREV POST Donald Trump: America’s Most Honest Politician and Businessman NEXT POST DAMMING New Documents Expose Fauci Worked with China to Coverup the Truth about the Pandemic YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE More From Author NEWS Monsters: Horrific Findings in Vaccine Trials for 5- to 11-Year-Olds NEWS What Biden Didn’t Tell the American People in his State of the Union Address: Lack of… NEWS RT America Shut Down Amid Backlash to Kremlin Funded Media PREV NEXT 20 COMMENTS Frances Weingarten Says 6 days ago It’s most unfortunate that so many wealthy Americans feel that’s it not only acceptable, but actually a positive way to make money by feeding on the backs of those who have large purses and are prepared to share with other well-endowed people! These are people who are well known in America, who are very wealthy, and prepared to do whatever is necessary to keep the wealth rolling in!! I doubt that there’s anything that can be done, but it surely can be made obvious just how they manage to keep their finances flowing and growing! Reply Leo Says 6 days ago Even if not a commie, he is still and always has been a squish. Reply Wyatt Earp Says 4 days ago Like the bible say MONEY is EVIL! Guess these fool don’t understand what Bible said about money! YOU CAME INTO THE WORLD WITH NOTHING, YOU WILL LEAVE WITH NOTHING! Or the saying by JESUS — IT EASY FOR A CAMEL TO PASS THROUGH THE EYE OF A NEEDLE, THAN A RICH MAN TO ENTER GOD KINGDOM! Reply Noe Rodriguez Says 4 days ago It was bound to happen. I heard Mitch is married to a wealthy Chinese trade and business woman. That’s why I wish Tennesseans will not reelect him. Out with the RINO. Reply Dennis C Rathsam Says 4 days ago TRUMP was right again Lizzard Lips McConnell, and China import wife, should be held accountable. Smells like treason… People in Tennesse are not to brite! Reply Gerry Says 4 days ago As I first read the headlines of this article I figured it had to be about the useless mcconnell. He kisses the butts of all the democraps so you know he would never go up against his chinese wife or any of her family or the communist chinese. mcconnell is and always has been a rag of nothing. He betrayed President Trump numerous times . I can’t believe Kentuckians(I believe he is from Kentucky) keep putting this embarrassing POS back in office. Reply Charles A Wilkins Says 4 days ago The man who leads from behind wants to take credit for his very long list of mistakes in leadership,and he had nothing to say.State of the Union address brings false acalaids for piss a poor job, well done. Noticed a few items he neglected to be mentioned, like the total cluster fxxx in Afghanistan, he forgot to take a full credit that issue costing us billions, also noticed there was no mention of any disappearance of secret service records, he as Vice President traveled the world with Hunter to Russia, China on personal deals that were structured with adversaries for personal family gain, of course, on the back of the tax payor. Secret Service, does that now mean corruption records are secrets kept secret? even when requested by Congress? How about the two million illegal’s he let into our Country that no body knows a thing about? and of course the drug problems that now exist because he stopped an approved wall. How about the war in Ukraine he helped financed with the billions in oil he purchases from Russia? I ask you does that make any of our planet any cleaner? The oil is still being drilled and sold and used. It’s all green new deal BS who cut that deal with Putin and why? what’s being made under the table. Shortages, Inflation, loss of Energy jobs, and so much more this modest person forget to take full credit for: 2022 will not only bring promised investigations but impeachment and jail for some, remember vote them out, keep them out return America to Americans. God bless America. Reply Rick Says 4 days ago You “Repubs” think the commiecrats are bad? Look NO FARTHER than your own “party”!! This country will remain in the dumpster until ALL RINO’s are EXTERMINATED!! Rotsa Ruck!! Reply Helga Says 4 days ago McConnell is from Kentucky and people there are voting for him again and again! He is not up for re-election in 2022 as a Senators’ term is 6 years! KY, you can do better!! Reply Robert Kermidas Says 4 days ago He is not from Tennessee . He is from Kentucky … Do not disgraces Tennessee like that. Sorry but you are the idiot. Reply Robert Kermidas Says 4 days ago If your going to talk about something know what your talking about . Not from Tennessee he is from Kentucky . Reply Robert Says 4 days ago Ditch that Traitor Mitch Reply Bruce Says 4 days ago Charles A Wilkins, 100% on the mark. We don’t have a President, all we have is Moron 3.0, with Next-in-Lines Moron 4.0 and Moron 5.0, all long time superflous criminals. Reply Jack Smith Says 3 days ago I Thought we HUNG TRAITORS (just thinking) Reply Craig Says 3 days ago It’s ignorance not to see, we had the biggest attack on our democracy in history with the 2020 election with no redress of grievances. None of this has been stopped. No one has been brought to justice. Traitors and Tyrants walk free, the communist takeover of our country will continue unless we the people make it stop. Countless people before us gave their lives to create a nation, giving us the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Since then, thousands have died protecting our freedom and democracy. How do we honor their sacrifice? We sit watching the fall of our great nation! We allow tyranny and murder by taxpayer funded viruses and deaths by mass injections with vaccines that are not vaccines. What happened to the care we once had for our family, our friends, and our neighbors? We talk proudly about loving and protecting our children but how do we show it? How will they judge us in the future? Where are the courageous patriots I heard so much about growing up? What’s happened to the home of the brave, the land of the free? Are you proud to have others view America as a third world country? Americans have preached to other countries about freedom and democracy and accused communist dictators of crimes against humanity! Wake up! The Biden regime did nothing to deter the Russian invasion of the Ukraine! Who’s defending against the invasion occurring at Americas southern border? We have gone to war to prevent the Tyranny and crimes that are occurring in America today. Taxation without representation was just one example. A new per mile driven tax is on the horizon voted for by both sides of the isle! Taxpayer paid, Racial Equity kits complete with crack pipes which now they appear to maybe be backpedaling on or are they? Mandatory kill switches and camera’s in automobiles and Vaccine Registries, voted for by both sides of the isle. Elected officials on both sides are in Communist China’s pocket, including but not limited to Mitch McConnell, they are chameleons and are a part of the establishment that needed Trump out of the way. Do you feel represented? I’m not promoting violence, however, I am saying it’s time they remember we don’t work for them, they work for us. Our rights are not given or granted to us by the government, they are ours by birth, by God, they were fought for. Further, Do we continue to allow the propaganda and rhetoric MSM to continue to censor or brainwash us? Where and how does it end? Cowardly! Do you want a communist America? Do you want One World Order, how do you think that will work out for the masses? Reply Wyatt Earp Says 3 days ago Folks McConnell is NOT FROM TENNESSEE! KENTUCKY IS HIS HOME! And these bluegrass people need to VOTED HIM OUT! OR RECALL HIM! Reply Camille Gilliam Says 3 days ago It is time for Mitch to go home and stay there. He is corrupt and needs to retire NOW! Reply Wyatt Earp Says 3 days ago Are we start to see a pattern here? Involved more politican in both party? Trump did what needed to be done for ALL AMERICAN TO SEE! NOW we have a VERY CORRUPT CONGRESS! Not just the HOUSE BUT THE SENATE AS WELL! Going to get real ugly in the mid-term and up coming elect for those who time is up! WE NOW KNOW WHY THESE POLITICIANS WERE SELLING OUT TO CHINA! KILLING JOBS HERE TO FORCE CORPORATIONS TO MOVE IT TO CHINA FOR CHEAPER LABOR! And these politicians getting their cut in doing this! What next? They are using the DOJ,FBI,CIA,CAPITOL POLICE,DA, AND LIBERAL FEDERAL JUDGE to keep us from stopping them!Now they are turning the MILITARY AGAINST THE PEOPLE! BY USING THE “WOKE” FOOLS! Reply Wyatt Earp Says 3 days ago Hear, hear ya’ll people! Better get your head out of your butt! Because what was just told was YOU AND I ARE THESE POLITICIANS SLAVE! OUR CONGRESS HAS TURN US ALL INTO SLAVE ON THEIR PLANTATION! So you want to be FREE OR DOING WORK FOR NOTHING? By that I mean these politicians are TAXING YOU AND I UNTIL WE ARE MAKING JUST 10K A YEAR! It does not matter if you black, brown, red,white,or yellow! China took over Washington DC! What is going on is this —- Democrat got media to go along with them in CREATED A DIVIDE BETWEEN THE RACES! I can see it plain and simple in the NEWS everyday! This was all planned out to DESTORY YOUR FREEDOM AND LIBERTY! No matter what your skins color is! You see they will be WEALTHY YOU POOR! THEY WILL HAVE POWER AND CONTROL. YOU NOTHING! So you think you are smart? Answer this question! IN WHAT WAY? Reason the border is open is FOR DRUGS DEALER TO GET IN THE COUNTRY! FOR TERRORISTS TO COME IN AND PLANNING THEIR NEXT TARGET! As long as it NOT WASHINGTON DC! Marxist and leftist you are in the same situation as other AMERICANS! You not part of the UNTOUCHABLE IN DC! Reply Paw Paw Says 2 hours ago Money itself is not evil! It’s the Love of money that leads to all kinds of debauchery! So evident now with the people in Congress! VOTE THEM OUT! Reply LEAVE A REPLY Your email address will not be published.


Initially Published by One Citizen 3-6-22 (A great it out) I was very much shocked to hear Mark Levin, a constitutional conservative, support Lindsey Graham's insane public call for the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin by members of his regime. It appears that Levin's comments are rooted in "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" logic that posits if Putin has engaged mercenaries such as The Wagner Group and special forces to root out and assassinate Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, then turnabout is fair play. Likewise, Fox commentator Sean Hannity seems of the same mind. "Cut the head of the snake off, and you kill the snake" "And it's a simple new rule that if you invade an innocent sovereign country, and you kill innocent men, women, and children, you don't deserve to live. That's the bottom line." "You cut the head of the snake off, and you kill the snake. "Right now, the snake is Vladimir Putin." The objective truth... Executive Order 11905 issued February 19, 1976, by U.S. President Gerald Ford prohibits any member of the U.S. government from engaging or conspiring to engage in any political assassination anywhere in the world. And the law of unintended consequences suggests that the reaction of the target of an assassination, especially one with access to ultra-loyal covert operatives, military assets, large sums of money, and the willingness to strike back, is unknown. Moreover, you do not know what the outcome of such an assassination attempt might be. Will it create a martyr or strengthen the resistance? Will it encourage copycats seeking historical importance? Or will it create chaos and further consequences? Look what happened to Libya after the death of Muammar al-Gaddafi. Or what happened in Iraq after the death of Saddam Hussein, which led to the rise of ISIS. The real problem... Once again, it appears that the old maxim, "The first casualty of war is the truth," has been validated. It is next to impossible to judge the state of play in foreign wars. Not only are both sides engaged in psychological operations and spewing propaganda, but, unfortunately, the same can be said of our government under the Biden regime. Even worse, the mainstream media censors or cancels individuals who do not support the regime's narrative. The truth... The escalation of pro-Ukraine rhetoric needs to be examined in the light of day. The Ukraine conflict does not pose an existential crisis for the United States. Many Ukrainians do not view the current incursion as an act of war, but a continuation of Russian military action since 2014. The only way I can discover my version of the truth is to retreat to "cui bono, a Latin phrase that can be translated as "to whom is it a benefit?" Therefore, I must consider the following explanation of what we are seeing… The progressive communist democrats, especially those in the Biden Administration, do not appear to have defined foreign ideological enemies, only domestic enemies; thus, the progressive communist democrats are willing to accept and promote any foreign activity that disfavors their domestic opposition and attack any foreign activity that favors their domestic enemies. Using this rubric, it makes perfect sense, at least to me, that the progressive communist democrats in the Biden regime are using the conflict to distract and divert the public's attention from the current economic crisis and to cover up the criminality of the Obama and Biden Administrations. If Putin takes Ukraine, many of the individuals and documents that would implicate members of the Obama Administration and President Biden and his family in criminal activities (and impeachment should the GOP take the House and Senate) will become unavailable. The intelligence agencies will be given new life in another cold war. The military-industrial complex will generate a new revenue stream from preparedness activities and the sale of taxpayer-financed weaponry. The energy companies will profit. And, the media will fill countless hours with repetitive content and continue to blame former President Trump for anything and everything. This could be one explanation of why we find George Soros and Sean Hannity on the same side when it comes to Ukraine. Bottom line... Cui Bono? Ask yourself why America, formerly energy independent, is buying Russian oil and natural gas and why Russian energy-related financial transactions (including those involving Russia's foreign customers), are exempt from sanctions? We are so screwed when the special interests benefit at the expense of American citizen-taxpayers. -- steve

Putin and the Law of Unintended Consequences

by Amir Taheri • March 6, 2022 at 4:00 am The most striking illustration of this so far is the debunking of Putin's brazen claim that there is not and has never been a Ukrainian nation and that Ukraine is nothing but Russia misspelled. Putin insisted that Ukraine was nothing but a creation of Lenin, ignoring the fact that it was Lenin who signed away Ukraine to the Germans in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Ukrainians have suddenly realized that looking east towards Russia means suffering invasion and colonization, while looking west towards Europe could mean freedom and prosperity... Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was reflecting his people's wishes when he asked for immediate membership in the European Union. The current crisis, however, showed that the Europeans can take the lead in being much tougher than the Americans under the risk-averse Joe Biden. For 20 years, the Putin wolf played grandmother in disguise. That disguise enabled him to get away with invading Georgia, dominating Belarus, massacring Syrians, propelling the mullahs of Tehran, annexing Crimea, taking joyrides in various parts of Africa, poisoning people in Europe, and trying to disrupt elections in several countries through cyber-attacks. All that time, almost a quarter of his income came from oil and gas sales to Western democracies -- oil and gas produced thanks to Western capital, technology, management and marketing. Ukrainians have suddenly realized that looking east towards Russia means suffering invasion and colonization, while looking west towards Europe could mean freedom and prosperity. There were no lines of Ukrainians seeking asylum in Russia or Belarus; the long queues were at the Polish and Romanian borders. Pictured: Refugees from Ukraine line up to enter Poland at the Medyka border crossing on February 28, 2022. (Photo by Wojtek Radwanski/AFP via Getty Images) As Russian President Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine enters its third week, the naughty little law of unintended consequences is lifting its head above the parapet. The most striking illustration of this so far is the debunking of Putin's brazen claim that there is not and has never been a Ukrainian nation and that Ukraine is nothing but Russia misspelled. Putin insisted that Ukraine was nothing but a creation of Lenin, ignoring the fact that it was Lenin who signed away Ukraine to the Germans in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Continue Reading Article

Richard Kemp: A Plan for Peace in Europe…

u=ae44aaf3f07dbffc928ba7cb5&id=eac09ea7d2&e=972385a8b7 by Richard Kemp • March 6, 2022 at 5:00 am [Putin] is now also demanding the nuclear disarming of Europe. Putin's next targets could be Moldova or the Baltic states which, like Ukraine, he reportedly considers illegitimate and properly part of Russia's sphere. If further suffering and bloodshed are to be avoided, the West must do all it can to ensure his current aggression fails. To halt Putin's broader ambitions, it is also essential that NATO keep the Ukrainian army fighting and that includes financing the war effort and getting lethal weapons and military equipment to Ukrainian forces. Russia must be isolated and turned into an international pariah not just while Putin's army is assaulting Ukraine but for as long as necessary. These actions will inflict damage on us as well, as Russia retaliates with its own sanctions and restrictions. The short term pain can be ameliorated in the medium term by eliminating dependence on Russian energy, increasing gas supplies from North Africa, the Adriatic and the Mediterranean. Also by reopening in the United States the world's largest supply of energy, which President Joe Biden began closing down his first day in office, and by fracking and building nuclear power plants. The development of our cyber defences, as well as offensive capabilities must be accelerated urgently and intelligence services expanded to counter and inflict severe damage to Russian espionage agencies. Some argue that punitive Western moves will drive Russia into China's arms. It is already there: Russia is the biggest single recipient of Chinese financial support globally, and Putin and Xi have established a military alliance. Where Putin demands that NATO pull back, it should push forward. Some may see this as provocative, but it is in fact a sign of strength which will do more to deter Putin than appeasing him. [Putin] knows that NATO poses no military threat to Russia and that it is a purely defensive alliance. If it is to restore the credibility it once had, which Biden's Afghanistan debacle did much to undermine, NATO must regain its strength — not only in military power but also the demonstrable political will to use it. As Israel often reminds us over Iran, if a leader threatens us with annihilation we cannot afford to hope he is not serious. Had the world focused on getting rid of Hitler in the 1930s rather than appeasing him, we may not have seen the horror of a global war that killed 70 million people. The urgency of a Western message of strength goes even beyond Russia. China's President Xi has greater territorial ambitions than Putin, and they are being played out today in every continent around the world. Xi's Ukraine is Taiwan, and it may be that visiting catastrophe on Russia's dictator will deter his friend in Beijing. Putin's next targets could be Moldova or the Baltic states which, like Ukraine, he reportedly considers illegitimate and properly part of Russia's sphere. If further suffering and bloodshed are to be avoided, the West must do all it can to ensure his current aggression fails. (Photo by Alexey Nikolsky/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images) NATO's strategic objective should now be to bring down Russian President Vladimir Putin and see him replaced by a less dangerous leader. If he fails, harsh constraints are imposed on Russian oligarchs, and suffering is inflicted on ordinary citizens by Western diplomatic and economic action; his current adventure might cause him to self-destruct. If that does not happen, Putin will remain a permanent threat to NATO, Europe and the world. Russian law now allows him to hold onto power at least until 2036. He apparently aims to re-create the Soviet Union in a new form and restore Russia's superpower status by pushing NATO back, regaining Moscow's dominion over its eastern neighbours. He is now also demanding the nuclear disarming of Europe. by Amir Taheri • March 6, 2022 at 4:00 am The most striking illustration of this so far is the debunking of Putin's brazen claim that there is not and has never been a Ukrainian nation and that Ukraine is nothing but Russia misspelled. Putin insisted that Ukraine was nothing but a creation of Lenin, ignoring the fact that it was Lenin who signed away Ukraine to the Germans in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Ukrainians have suddenly realized that looking east towards Russia means suffering invasion and colonization, while looking west towards Europe could mean freedom and prosperity... Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was reflecting his people's wishes when he asked for immediate membership in the European Union. The current crisis, however, showed that the Europeans can take the lead in being much tougher than the Americans under the risk-averse Joe Biden. For 20 years, the Putin wolf played grandmother in disguise. That disguise enabled him to get away with invading Georgia, dominating Belarus, massacring Syrians, propelling the mullahs of Tehran, annexing Crimea, taking joyrides in various parts of Africa, poisoning people in Europe, and trying to disrupt elections in several countries through cyber-attacks. All that time, almost a quarter of his income came from oil and gas sales to Western democracies -- oil and gas produced thanks to Western capital, technology, management and marketing. Ukrainians have suddenly realized that looking east towards Russia means suffering invasion and colonization, while looking west towards Europe could mean freedom and prosperity. There were no lines of Ukrainians seeking asylum in Russia or Belarus; the long queues were at the Polish and Romanian borders. Pictured: Refugees from Ukraine line up to enter Poland at the Medyka border crossing on February 28, 2022. (Photo by Wojtek Radwanski/AFP via Getty Images) As Russian President Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine enters its third week, the naughty little law of unintended consequences is lifting its head above the parapet. The most striking illustration of this so far is the debunking of Putin's brazen claim that there is not and has never been a Ukrainian nation and that Ukraine is nothing but Russia misspelled. Putin insisted that Ukraine was nothing but a creation of Lenin, ignoring the fact that it was Lenin who signed away Ukraine to the Germans in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Copyright © Gatestone Institute, All rights reserved. 14 East 60 St., Suite 705, New York, NY 10022

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