One Citizen Speaking... |
IS THE KING OF SAUDI ARABIA IS TRYING TO GET THE UNITED STATES TO SAVE HIS KINGDOM? Posted: 30 Aug 2014 02:27 PM PDT The Saudis are not our friends … There is little or no doubt in my mind that Saudi Arabia pursues an outreach program to build Mosques around the world that support the fundamentalist Wahhabist religion that is found in Saudi Arabia. Mosques that can be used to radicalize Americans and foment jihadist terror strikes within America. There is also little or doubt in my mind that Saudi Arabia’s rulers may be paying-off terrorists to avoid an attack on their Kingdom and an overthrow over their cushy lifestyles.
There appears to be little difference between ISIS (or ISIL) and the Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia – except for who they pledge their allegiance to.
So I have basically have absolutely no trust in the King of Saudi Arabia or those politicians in our government who appear to be hiding something that every American should know about the 9/11 terrorist attack. In fact, I believe that certain Saudis were somehow complicit in providing financing and operational support for the 9/11 terrorist attack in the United States. Something that we may never know because former President George Bush (43) and now President Barack Obama refuse to declassify the 28 classified pages of the 9/11Commission Report that deals with possible foreign involvement with the 9/11 attack. It is believed that the Saudi government, either directly or indirectly, may have provided material support to the 9/11 hijackers - 15 of the 19 which were citizens of Saudi Arabia.
You may wish to read 9/11 Link To Saudi Arabia Is Topic Of 28 Redacted Pages In Government Report; Congressmen Push For Release. Why did President Bush rush to protect individual Saudis and members of the bin Laden family after the attack when no civilian aircraft in the United States were permitted to fly?
Now it appears that the Saudi King wants the United States to spent its blood and treasure further protecting his Kingdom …
It seems to me that Saudi Arabia would be in more jeopardy than the west due to its location, its assets, and the general hatred of Saudis not connected with the Royal family. Bottom line … Yes, Saudi Arabia purchases a significant amount of weaponry from the United States, is a major oil-producing nation, and apparently has purchased influence with our government – especially with the Bushs and Clintons – so who is likely to demand the declassification of the 9/11 report? Who is going to demand that the Saudis pay a heavy price for the Americans who will bear the burden of saving the Kingdom from terrorism? And, I do not mean that the money or benefits flow to the politicians and special interests, but to the Treasury of the United States. I think that there should be an audit of all post-presidential actions involving the Saudis and their “contributions” to presidential libraries, foundations, and initiatives. Including funds paid to relatives and others that benefit presidents, past, current, and future. Above all – we should think hard and fast about allowing our military to protect Saudi Arabia without some form of compensation that benefits the American people. Declassifying the 28-pages so that Americans can be fully informed about what their government representatives are doing in their name. And, another reason why we cannot trust another Bush or Clinton in the White House. -- steve |
Posted: 29 Aug 2014 03:30 PM PDT There is little or no doubt in my mind that radical progressive socialist democrats are liars and hypocrites. Beyond the racial rantings of self-promoting race-baiters and race-hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, there is a whole cadre of radicals who believe that freedom of speech is a one way street where they police the content and operate the toll-booth. The idea that all sides of a position have an equal right to media exposure, to raise funds, and to make their position known appears to be abhorrent to these idiots as they demand “equality” and “fairness.” Let us consider the concerted attempt by radicals to stop a fundraising effort for the police officer who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Not only have the progressive socialist democrats and their race-hustlers like Al Sharpton tried and convicted the officer of “murdering an unarmed black teenager,” but they want to prevent the officer from defending himself against a biased array of prosecutors, including Attorney General Eric Holder, whose self-interests lie not in justice, but in self-serving racial politics. Here is an example of the type of radical, one-sided and self-serving, political actions that point to the hypocrisy of those who refuse to wait for the official grand jury report before jumping to their racist conclusions … From the radical left …
Unarmed is not synonymous with innocent or harmless … One should note that although Michael Brown was “unarmed,” he was an existential threat to the police officer. A 6’4” and 292-pounds, Brown was capable of inflicting great bodily injury and causing the death of the police officer with little more than a blow to the head or any other vital area of the officer’s anatomy. It has been suggested in media reports that Brown punched the officer in such a manner as to possibly impair both his sight and his perception. Unarmed does not equate to either innocent or harmless in the real world. As for profiting off racially-motivated donors, consider those that have declared Trayvon Martin, another thuggish black man, who met his death when he assaulted an armed Neighborhood Watch captain under suspicious circumstances. It appears that significant sums of money have been donated to the foundation that bears his name – yet, does not process the money or report to the government under that name. There is no accounting for the funds that were collected and expended – and I do not expect an accurate accounting to ever take place. Why did I mention this? Because the same lawyer, Benjamin Crump, and race-baiter, Al Sharpton, were the driving forces behind the almost canonization of Treyvon Martin. Martin, from all official and media accounts, was a wannabe gansta and possessed stolen property from a nearby residential burglary (along with a burglary tool) when confronted by school authorities. Because the school police wanted to curtail the number of black youngsters turned into the municipal police, the incident was never reported and the evidence was filed. Only during the court case did the truth come out.
Bottom line … While it is the right of individuals and organizations to mount a campaign against any fundraising on behalf of Officer Wilson – remember that pesky innocent until proven guilty concept – it is both hypocritical and disingenuous that the effort be characterized along racial lines and suggesting that it is racism – as opposed to fairness – that motivates the donors. Let us consider that this incident would have never seen the light of day had it not been a white cop shooting a black suspect. But, it was perfect for the self-serving race-baiters, race-hustlers like Al Sharpton who are motivated by money and media attention. Not to mention the self-serving politicians like Barack Obama and his cadre of progressive socialist democrats who need to rally their black base for the upcoming November congressional election cycle. Especially in light of the decimation of black job opportunities when they clearly abandoned the blacks to pursue future political power with illegal alien Hispanics. And, especially in light of the almost daily slaughter of young black men in the inner cities governed by progressive socialist democrats. In what alternative universe would we find a corrupt, lying race-hustler and agitator like Al Sharpton serving as point-man for the White House? A man whose lies have caused death, destruction, and increased racial tensions in America. We need to throw the race-baiters, race-hustlers, and the corrupt progressive socialist democrats out of the House, the Senate, and the Presidency. Protect our Constitution and the rule of law by denying the progressive socialist democrats their “fundamental transformation of America.” -- steve |