Monday, October 31, 2016

Remember and vote responsibly!




























Is this how Clinton and Obama will fix the deplorable Catholic Church?

Recently, Interfaith Justice Worker (IWJ)– an Alinskyian organization focused on using the religious community to support workers’ (union) issues – announced a new Executive Director, Laura Barrett, who spent 11 years with the Gamaliel Network, part of that as its National Campaign Director and interim leadership team.  (She was also Executive Director of the Center for Health, Environment & Justice.)
Barrett replaces Kim Bobo, a veteran organizer who began her career as a trainer for the Alinskyian Midwest Academy and founded the IWJ’s first iteration, the Chicago Interfaith Committee on Worker Issues, in the early 1990s.  The organization’s purpose was “to facilitate relationships between local religious leaders and labor unions throughout the United States.”[1]
Over the years, these “relationships” have made for some interesting – if disturbing – couplings.  “Unions are …cultivating the next generation of church leaders,” one observer wrote, pointing to IWJ’s “Seminary Summer,” an arrangement by which seminarians spend their summer with union locals.   “Within three years most of these students will be in leadership positions in congregations,” predicted IWJ head Kim Bobo shortly after the program began in 2000. Since then, some 200 seminarians have helped unionize Mississippi poultry workers, aided the Service Employees International Union in organizing Georgia public-sector employees, and bolstered campaigns for living-wage legislation in California municipalities. [2]
The strategy of engaging the religious left has been so successful that IWJ and its labor colleagues founded over 60 local affiliates – like the other Alinskyian organizing networks, IWJ has scores of locals all over the country.[3]
The Wayne State University Labor Studies Center’s “activist handbook” advises living-wage campaigns always to put religious leaders out front. “As soon as you have clergy arguing for something called a ‘living wage,’ you’ve lost the battle if you’re representing businesses.”[4]
It’s all about strategy, not religious values, per se:
“When you have a faith community, it adds a moral and ethical component”—all the more effective in that the Religious Left essentially has the spiritual terrain to itself on economic matters, which Christian conservative groups have mostly ignored. …Having established itself in many places as the moral authority on economic issues, the resurgent Religious Left has brought back the fiery redistributionist language of the social gospel. [5]
To assure that the religious voice was used to its own purposes, the National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice (IWJ) founding Board of Directors included Monsignor Jack Egan – one of Saul Alinsky’s staunchest disciples and a premier force behind the Catholic Church’s dissenting Call to Action movement.  “Labor priest” Monsignor George Higgins was another and Monsignor Phil Murnion, who was director of the National Pastoral Life Center and another Call to Action supporter, were others.[6]  It’s no coincidence that Kim Bobo, National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice founder and executive director,[7] has been listed for years as a speaker for Call to Action’s referral service.[8] 
The efforts of National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice/Interfaith Worker Justice have consistently been directed toward progressive political solutions.  In 1991, while working for Midwest Academy, Bobo coauthored Organizing for Social Change: A Manual for Activists in the 1990's.[9]  A few years later, Bobo is acknowledged for her “inspiration” in preparing the – among other things, pro-abortion – activist handbook "How to Win: A Practical Guide for Defeating the Radical Right in Your Community."  Her particular contribution concerned the involvement of religious communities. [10]
Bobo has challenged what she calls “conservative Christian forces” that are “monopolizing the morality-in-politics debate around such issues as abortion rights and same-sex marriage,” believing instead that Christians ought to focus more on economic justice.[11]
It is against this background that the work of Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ) is understood.  The 2011 IWJ website carried a number of “resources” targeted at “conservative Christian” congregations.  There was a set of “questions and answers” to clarify the IWJ position on a particular piece of legislation and another version “formatted as a bulletin insert.” There was also “a step-by-step guide [to]…explain how to organize a delegation of religious leaders and congregational members to engage [its]…senators” about the proposed legislation.  Lastly, there were supportive statements from numerous “faith leaders” – presumably useful for demonstrating how compatible the legislation was with various faith traditions – no matter how “conservative” they may be.[12] 
That is only one, small example of the materials targeting the congregations of various faiths. What is problematic about them is that they present the IWJ agenda as if it were “Church teaching,” redefining religious terms and concepts to forward their own, secular economic perspective, one that is shared with the Democratic Socialists of America. 
These, then, is the organization Laura Barrett is inheriting.  Given her 11 years with Gamaliel, she comes well-prepared to further the founder’s vision.
[1] George E. Schultze, SJ, “Work, Worship, and Laborem Exercens in the United States Today,” working draft paper, University of San Francisco, undated.  
[2] Steven Malanga, “The Religious Left, Reborn,” City Journal, Autumn, 2007.
[3] IWJ website, “History,”  “In just eleven years, IWJ has organized a national network of more than 70 interfaith committees, workers' centers and student groups, making it the leading national organization working to strengthen the religious community's involvement in issues of workplace justice…”
[4] “The Religious Left, Reborn…”
[5] “The Religious Left, Reborn…”
[6] IWJ website, “History,”
[7] Bobo continues as the executive director of IWJ as of 2011.
[8] Call to Action, Speakers and Artists Referral Service: (accessed 10-4-11). 
[9] Kim Bobo, Jackie Kendall, Steve Max, Organizing for Social Change: A Manual for Activists in the 1990's, Seven Locks Press, 1991 (copyright held by the Midwest Academy).  Chapter 17 is “Working with Religious Organizations.”
[10] Radical Right Task Force, How to Win: A Practical Guide for Defeating the Radical Right in Your Community, 1994. 
[11] Don Lattin, “Pushing poverty into 'moral-values' debate: Some religious leaders trying to broaden discussion beyond abortion and marriage,” San Francisco Chronicle, 12-12-04.
[12] Interfaith Worker Justice website, Employee Free Choice Act, links to supportive materials: (accessed 10-10-11)

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Happy birthday to President Theodore Roosevelt! As President,...

10/27/2016 10:20 AM EDT

Happy birthday to President Theodore Roosevelt! As President, Roosevelt established 150 national forests, 51 federal bird reserves, four national game preserves, five national parks and 18 national monuments on over 230 million acres of public land. His words and actions were a massive contribution to the conservation movement and solidified his legacy as a champion of public lands. Photo of Theodore Roosevelt at Yellowstone National Park courtesy of the Library of Congress. Photo of Theodore Roosevelt National Park by Gary Anderson, National Park Service. Photo of President Roosevelt and John Muir at Yosemite National Park from Yosemite National Park’s archives.  

DEAD POOL DIVA: Huma Kept Those Hillary Emails FBI Found In A Folder Marked ‘Life Insurance’

DEAD POOL DIVA: Huma Kept Those Hillary Emails FBI Found In A Folder Marked ‘Life Insurance’

by Geoffrey Grider

Did Huma steal those emails and then save them as life insurance to protect herself from joining the Clinton Dead Pool?

Huma Abedin is no fool. She may be the closest aide to Hillary Clinton, but she also spent the last 20 years watching enemies of the Clinton Crime Family spontaneously commit suicide. So it is with great amusement but virtually no surprise that today we are finding out that the folder Huma kept those incriminating Hillary emails in was called 'Life Insurance'.

Was Huma Abedin stockpiling emails from Crooked Hillary's illegal private server as a buffer between herself and an untimely death? You decide. The Clinton Dead Pool, also known as the Clinton Body Count, is an exclusive club with a sky-high membership fee - your life.

Life insurance indeed, Huma may have just saved her own life.

Geoffrey Grider | October 30, 2016 at 4:35 pm | Tags: FBI EmailsLife Insurance | URL:

France: Muezzins, not Church Bells. Mockeries of Justice in Denmark

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France: Muezzins, not Church Bells

by Giulio Meotti  •  October 30, 2016 at 5:30 am

  • French Catholicism is now witnessing a tragic decline, caught between two fires: state secularism and political Islam.

  • Le Figaro wondered if Islam can already be considered "France's prime religion".

  • Muslim countries are generously funding France's mosques, covering an average of 50% of total costs.

  • "Avignon is no longer the city of the Popes, but of the Salafis. ... They [Muslim extremists] urge us to rewrite the history of France in the light of the 'contribution of the Islamic civilization'" — Philippe De Villiers, author of Will the Church Bells Ring Tomorrow?

  • The trend indicates that in France, there are currently three young practicing Muslims for every young practicing Catholic.

  • "It is conceivable that Islam is overtaking Catholicism". — Osservatore Romano, the Vatican official daily newspaper.

Will France soon forbid the ringing of Notre Dame's bells? It happened already in Boissettes, and on the outskirts of Metz, where the bells of the church of Sainte Ruffine have been forced by the state authorities to keep silent. Meanwhile, the muezzin's calls to Islamic prayer continue to broadcast. (Images source: Wikimedia Commons)

A new book is shaking France. Les cloches sonneront-elles encore demain? ("Will the Church Bells Ring Tomorrow?"), by Philippe de Villiers, is shattering the nation. France, the "eldest daughter" of the Catholic Church, is instead turning into "the eldest daughter of Islam". "With arrogance, they [Muslim extremists] urge us to rewrite the history of France in the light of the 'contribution of the Islamic civilization'", de Villiers states.

De Villiers points out that:

"France has experienced many misfortunes in its history. But for the first time, it must face the fear of disappearing. In France, there are two groups: a new people who move with pride and an exhausted people, who are not even aware of the conditions needed for their own survival".

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Mockeries of Justice in Denmark

by Judith Bergman  •  October 30, 2016 at 4:00 am

  • An appeal would have sent a signal to potential terrorists that Danish authorities look sternly upon logistical assistance to terrorists, and will do everything in their power to pursue justice.

  • The only one at risk of actual harm is Lars Hedegaard himself: his attempted murderer remains at large. "I have resorted to making the suspected assassin's name as well-known as possible in self-defense."

  • It is deeply disturbing, not only for the victims, but for all citizens, when the courts so clearly divorce themselves from pursuing what most citizens would perceive as justice, and instead appear to favor those who seek to harm society.

  • Refusing to implicate Omar El-Hussein's friends in his terrorism, despite their obvious contributions to his terror deeds, and fining the victim of a terrorist attack for publicly naming his would-be murderer, who escaped justice by fleeing the country, inevitably appears like a mockery of justice, not its fulfillment.

Denmark's high court upheld a fine levied against Lars Hedegaard, because he wrote the name of the man who tried to murder him, in violation of a court order suppressing the name of the terrorist, who is still at large and wanted by police.

If the legal system in Denmark is anything to go by, being an accessory to murder is just fine. Attackers are protected to the hilt; their victims are left unprotected and fined.

In February 2015, the terrorist Omar El-Hussein murdered Danish film director Finn Nørgaard in front of café Krudttønden in Copenhagen. Later that night, he killed a Jewish guard in front of the Copenhagen synagogue. Danish police shot and killed El-Hussein during the subsequent manhunt.

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Worth several thousand words. Great pictures!!!






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