Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Congressional Black Caucus and Black Leaders are the Real Racists! - Tea Party Nation

The Congressional Black Caucus and Black Leaders are the Real Racists! - Tea Party Nation:

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California is pushing a Dream Act bill through, already passed the state Senate. It will put illegal aliens ahead of American citizens in regards to education and college opportunities and financing, among other things. The fact is that California is bankrupt and should be providing for her CITIZENS FIRST, but the Liberal jackasses in state Congress and Governor Moonbean continue to take actions which FURTHER BANKRUPT our state. FYI  By Don Cobb, FB


Daryl Issa! What are your plans to investigate the $500 million given to Obama donor Solyndra solar company who is now bankrupt a yr later? YES, FOLLOW THE $$.

Gibson Guitar Raided – Illegal Wood? CEO says Feds tell them “Problems will ‘go away’ IF labor outsourced…. “ - Patriot Action Network

Gibson Guitar Raided – Illegal Wood? CEO says Feds tell them “Problems will ‘go away’ IF labor outsourced…. “ - Patriot Action Network:

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SILENTMAJORITY1 Twitter Stats - Twitter Counter

SILENTMAJORITY1 Twitter Stats - Twitter Counter:

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Recipe Rx: 3 Ways to Cook Pork


Food Regulators Out of Control

Food Regulators Out of Control:

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Obama says words about the words he's going to say about jobs

By: Jim Treacher

Obama says words about the words he's going to say about jobs -- West vs. Carson -- Santorum's sativa surprise -- Will De Palma take de blame? -- If you thought the finale of 'Lost' made you angry... -- Today's good question from Adam Baldwin's Twitter feed
1.) Obama says words about the words he's going to say about jobs -- If you're like absolutely nobody, you're really excited about Obama's Annual Big-Time Jobs Speech next week. He's been in office for over 31 months, and he just got done with yet another vacation, so of course the only date and time when he could possibly give his nation-saving speech before a joint session of Congress is... during the next GOP debate on Sept. 7. Wow, what an amazing coincidence! This amateurish attempt at gamesmanship went about as well as everything else has been going for Obama lately. TheDC's Neil Munro reports: "Agreement broke out along Pennsylvania Ave. this evening as President Barack Obama accepted House Speaker John Boehner's invitation to address a joint session of the Congress on Sept. 8, one day later than initially sought by the White House. 'The President is focused on the urgent need to create jobs and grow our economy, so he welcomes the opportunity to address a Joint Session of Congress on Thursday, September 8th and challenge our nation's leaders to start focusing 100% of their attention on doing whatever they can to help the American people,' said the announcement from the White House, released at 9.17 p.m. The letter's tone reflects the White House's frequently stated desire for a campaign-trail dispute with the House Republicans. In his recent three-state bus tour, for example, Obama repeatedly said Republicans are putting party before country, and threatened to use public opinion as a tool to force GOP agreement with a series of medium-term economy-boosting programs... Boehner quickly refused the request, citing Congress’ schedule and security problems, but his polite response also highlighted the jobs crisis." So, the Adult in the Room clumsily tried to upstage his opponents and divert attention away from his own failures, and he fell flat on his face. Again. Note to Barry: This is the sort of bumbling, passive-aggressive childishness you might've gotten away with back in the old days, when you were still popular. Maybe you should ask one of the brainiacs on your staff to explain your approval ratings to you. Note: You're not supposed to try for the lowest score possible. It's not like golf.

Gallup Finds U.S. Unemployment Up in August

Gallup Finds U.S. Unemployment Up in August:

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Allen West | Tea Party | Congressional Black Caucus | The Daily Caller

Allen West | Tea Party | Congressional Black Caucus | The Daily Caller:

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U.S.-Israel Joint Training on the Increase, Missile Defense Cooperation Accelerates | Israel Right Side News

U.S.-Israel Joint Training on the Increase, Missile Defense Cooperation Accelerates | Israel Right Side News:

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A high-tech propulsion system for the next 100 years

A high-tech propulsion system for the next 100 years:

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RT @anti_commie32: Keep up the great work!!!

RT @anti_commie32: Keep up the great work!!! — Joseph Moran (@JMM7156) May 2, 2023 from Twitter https://twitter....