Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Obama Budget & UR Children's Debt

"But all of you are here because you believe in yourselves, you believe in your ability, you believe in the future of this country. [And that's why I'm going to propose a budget that will increase our nation's debt by such an unseemly amount, it will suffocate you and your children and your children's children. Pretty much your entire legacy will be wiped out in red ink.]" The first sentence was President Obama speaking to students at a northern Virginia community college yesterday as he released his 2013 budget. The follow-up sentence is what he should have added because that is exactly the consequence his policies would have, if enacted, on every college student in the audience. Let's break out the calculator. Obama's budget projects a $1.33 trillion deficit in 2012. If that number sounds familiar, it should. The deficit in 2011 was a similar $1.30 trillion, which comes in slightly higher than the $1.29 trillion deficit in 2010. But I guess we should all be thankful because each of those three numbers are well below the record-breaking $1.4 trillion deficit in 2009. In other words, Obama has given this country not only the first-ever trillion dollar deficit; he's given us four straight years of them. Not surprising, however. While this administration blames "tax cuts for the rich" on our uneven balance sheet, the truth is that, under Obama, federal spending has spiked 27 percent. —Jason Mattera

Oprah’s Tweet Lands Her In Hot Water With Nielsen - AllTwitter

Oprah’s Tweet Lands Her In Hot Water With Nielsen - AllTwitter
Her handlers lost control and now we see the real Oprah. Talent can't do everything when your an idiot!


At Hot Air, Allahpundit looks in Obama's budget for funding for the Washington, D.C., Opportunity Scholarship Program, a voucher program that allows 1,600 children to attend some of the best private schools in the country, including Sidwell Friends, the $32,000-per-year-plus-fees school that Obama's daughters attend:   He's intent on killing this program. Remember when he tried to kill it slowly back in 2009, promising to fund it until the current participants graduated high school and then to pull the plug? We're talking about something like $20 million in a budget of $3.8 trillion and somehow he can't scrape together the money for scholarships for poor kids to go to private school. When you can't get a few crumbs from a multitrillion-dollar pie, there must be a very, very important reason. And there is. This is basically Keystone part II: Once again, some unfortunate Americans have ended up on the wrong side of a core left-wing constituency whom The One needs to help him get reelected.  


Rush Limbaugh finds one cut that Obama may come to regret:   Anyway, his budget increases spending, and there are only two areas where there are spending cuts in Obama's budget, which is DOA. It's a total fantasy. It isn't going anywhere. You wonder why he even put this thing out 'cause it's just gonna get slapped down. Even Democrats are slapping it down today. But the two areas where the Obama budget has real spending cuts are in defense and just found another cut, that's the postal service. Obama's budget proposes cutting back mail delivery to five days a week. You may think, "Big deal, Rush, that's not a big thing. Nobody gets real mail anyway." Wait a minute. That's not gonna be a very popular budget cut. How many Americans rely on government checks? How many of Obama's constituents rely on government checks? It's a big number.

40 Twitter Power Tips That Turn Newbies Into Students, Experts Into Pros - AllTwitter

40 Twitter Power Tips That Turn Newbies Into Students, Experts Into Pros - AllTwitter

10 Must-Learn Lessons For Twitter Newbies - AllTwitter

10 Must-Learn Lessons For Twitter Newbies - AllTwitter

"I'm 41!" for more posts from conservativeBC

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Starry Night (interactive animation) Petros Vrellis  |  February 8, 2012 Starry Night (interactive animation) by Petros Vrellis A try to visualize the flow of the famous painting "Starry Night" of Vincent Van Gogh. The user can interact with the animation. Also, the sound responds to the flow. Made with openframeworks. 2658 likes | 111 comments | 280004 plays Video tags: Starry Night, Vincent Van Gogh, petros vrellis, interactive, installation, animation, art, painting, impressionism, openframeworks, Artist, music, sound

Losing FREEDOM on the Instalment Plan w/O Regime!

There is an old proverb that " if you are going to dine with the Devil, you had better bring a long spoon!" The Catholic Church found this out the hard way this past week.  And while many people, including the main stream media are "proclaiming" that the President caved in as a result of the demands of the Bishops' letter last week, he did anything but! He simply shifted the responsibility of payment to the insurance companies.       Can anybody tell me where in the Constitution the government gets the responsibility to insure  the rights of women to obtain "free" contraceptives and abortifacients.... and then to  pay for them on the backs of American tax payers?      Is it just me or does it seem like Americans are loosing their freedoms on the installment plan...day by day? WE ARE ALL CATHOLICS NOW! First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out --   Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out --   Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out --   Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me.   Martin Niemoeller. Lutheran Pastor

Friday, February 10, 2012

New target for Alzheimer's drugs

New target for Alzheimer's drugs

New battery could lead to cheaper, more efficient solar energy

New battery could lead to cheaper, more efficient solar energy

"I'm 41!" for more posts from conservativeBC

Personal Statement re: Valarie Jarrett, BHO Personal Advisot

Madison hosted a visitor recently.  Valarie Jarrett, Sr. Advisor to Obama was a guest for a "coffee" (fundraiser) at the home of Mary Lang Sollinger. Mrs. Sollinger is a community activist and spouse of a well respected transplant surgeon at the University.  She is registered leftist and very much at home in Madison.  two good friends of mine who are Democrats were invited and attended the gathering.  One left in disgust after the "party" was underway for about 45 minutes and the other stayed but was highly indignant about the substance and style of the "in crowd".   The consensus was that Ms Jarrett is a very very dangerous woman.  She, prior to her White House gig, was a mover and shaker of Dem politics in Chicago.  She's had the reputation of being  a street fighter and a Chicago-style thug.  She came off at the Madison gathering as an arrogant and angry woman who views the common American as a pawn on the big board---and such pawns are exploitable and can be manipulated --but more importantly can be disregarded or "used".  Condescension, arrogance,smug and "cute" quips flowed fluently from her.  She claimed credit for the authorship of the recent flap on requiring religious institutions to go against their beliefs an d be forced to subsidize reproductive products.    Ms Jarrett claims license to "let them eat cake" power.  She expressed an independence of "I can inform the President of which course to take….we are soul siblings and he and I are on the same ideological page.  I am always encouraging him to be aggressive and to do what our ideology demands without regard to the feelings, beliefs or commitments of the people. They are really peasants".   Watch for her.  She usually sits behind the President when pictures are published from the cabinet room.  She is very independent and is committed to a Chicago brand of socialism and wants nothing to stop her.  She takes no prisoners and, in my opinion, is  very dangerous.  She revealed that the real power of the Obama administration is a small bunch "of us, including the First Lady, who meet twice a week to prepare a game plan for Obama and it is our job to hold his feet to the fire to see that he does not leave the things we know he believes in".  She said that she is "proud of our effort to get the President to act when Congress can be a tool".    Google her, watch her, tell others, let the cat out of the bag that there are BIG problems with this poison. She has been successful, she has frightened a good many.  In the 80s, the Saul Alinsky school of Community Organizing sent people to Madison to work through the churches to "turn them into usable conduit for radical eradication of the conservative point of view"  They were unsuccessful here as many saw through what was going on.  Subtle and subversive…..consistently Socialism.  V Jarrett was one of the biggest disciples of the Alinsky principles (read his book, Rules for Radicals).   So for the sake of all…………be careful this powerful influence.  

Energized Santorum Unloads on Romney's 'Gotcha Politics' - Arden Farhi and Rodney Hawkins - NationalJournal.com

Energized Santorum Unloads on Romney's 'Gotcha Politics' - Arden Farhi and Rodney Hawkins - NationalJournal.com

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