Sunday, March 31, 2013

Garden Snake warning!!


Garden snakes can be dangerous

I didn't think twice about this tiny fellow on my baby boxwood until I got this letter:

Snakes also known as Garter Snakes (Thamnophissirtalis) can be dangerous Yes, grass snakes, not rattlesnakes.

Here's why.

A couple in Sweetwater, Texas, had a lot of potted plants. During a recent cold spell, the wife was bringing

a lot of them indoors to protect them from a possible freeze. It turned out that a little green garden grass

snake was hidden in one of the plants. When it had warmed up, it slithered out and the wife saw it go under the sofa.

She let out a very loud scream.

The husband (who was taking a shower) ran out into the living room naked to see what the problem was. She told him

there was a snake under the sofa. He got down on the floor on his hands and knees to look for it. About that time the

family dog came and cold-nosed him on the behind. He thought the snake had bitten him, so he screamed and fell over on the floor.

His wife thought he had had a heart attack, so she covered him up, told him to lie still and called an ambulance.
The attendants rushed in, would not listen to his protests, loaded him on the stretcher, and started carrying him out.

About that time, the snake came out from under the sofa and the Emergency Medical Technician saw it and dropped his end

of the stretcher. That's when the man broke his leg and why he is still in the hospital.

The wife still had the problem of the snake in the house, so she called on a neighbor who volunteered to capture the snake.

He armed himself with a rolled-up newspaper and began poking under the couch.. Soon he decided it was gone and told the

woman, who sat down on the sofa in relief. But while relaxing, her hand dangled in between the cushions, where she felt the

snake wriggling around. She screamed and fainted, the snake rushed back under the sofa.

The neighbor man, seeing her lying there passed out, tried to use CPR to revive her.

The neighbor's wife, who had just returned from shopping at the grocery store, saw her husband's mouth on the woman's mouth

and slammed her husband in the back of the head with a bag of canned goods, knocking him out and cutting his scalp to a point

where it needed stitches.

The noise woke the woman from her dead faint and she saw her neighbor lying on the floor with his wife bending over him,

so she assumed that the snake had bitten him. She went to the kitchen and got a small bottle of whiskey, and began pouring

it down the man's throat.

By now, the police had arrived.
Breathe here...

They saw the unconscious man, smelled the whiskey, and assumed that a drunken fight had occurred. They were about to arrest

them all, when the women tried to explain how it all happened over a little garden snake!

The police called an ambulance, which took away the neighbor and his sobbing wife.

Now, the little snake again crawled out from under the sofa and one of the policemen drew his gun and fired at it. He missed the snake

and hit the leg of the end table. The table fell over, the lamp on it shattered and, as the bulb broke, it started a fire in the drapes.
The other policeman tried to beat out the flames, and fell through the window into the yard on top of the family dog who, startled,

jumped out and raced into the street, where an oncoming car swerved to avoid it and smashed into the parked police car.

Meanwhile, neighbors saw the burning drapes and called in the fire department. The firemen had started raising the fire ladder when

they were halfway down the street. The rising ladder tore out the overhead wires, put out the power, and disconnected the telephones

in a ten-square city block area (but they did get the house fire out).

Time passed! Both men were discharged from the hospital, the house was repaired, the dog came home, the police acquired a new

car and all was right with their world. A while later they were watching TV and the weatherman announced a cold snap for that night.

The wife asked her husband if he thought they should bring in their plants for the night.

And that's when he shot her.

Its been a long time since I laughed that hard at an email...................

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Police: NH Woman Called 911 To Get Help Ordering Chinese Food « CBS Boston

$4.00 gas...TkU O.....

EPA taking aim at auto emissions, sulfur in gas - Yahoo! News

Big depositors in Cyprus to lose far more than feared | Reuters

Twenty-year hiatus in rising temperatures has climate scientists puzzled | The Australian

News from The Associated Press

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Report: Obama Daughters Skiing in Sun Valley, Idaho

Report: Obama Daughters Skiing in Sun Valley, Idaho


The link below will take you to a video showing the very first public singing of "GOD BLESS AMERICA".
But before you watch, you should also know the story of the song.
The time was 1940. America was still in a terrible economic depression. Hitler was taking over Europe and
Americans were afraid we'd have to go to war. It was a time of hardship and worry for most Americans.

This was the era just before TV, when radio shows were HUGE, and American families sat around their
radios in the evenings, listening to their favorite entertainers, and no entertainer of that era was bigger than
Kate Smith.
Kate was also large in size, and the popular phrase still used today is in deference to her, "Ain't over till the
fat lady sings". Kate Smith might not have made it big in the age of TV, but with her voice coming over the
radio, she was the biggest star of her time.

Kate was also very patriotic. It hurt her to see Americans so depressed and afraid of what the next day
would bring. She had hope for America, and faith in her fellow Americans. She wanted to do something to
cheer them up, so she went to the famous American song-writer, Irving Berlin (who also wrote "White Christmas")
and asked him to write a song that would make Americans feel good again about their country.
When she described what she was looking for, he said he had just the song for her. He went to his files and
found a song that he had written, but never published, 22 years before - way back in 1917, during the first World War. He gave it to Kate Smith and she worked on it with her studio orchestra. She and Irving Berlin were not sure how the song would be received by the public, but both agreed they would not take any profits from God Bless America. Any profits
would go to the Boy Scouts of America.

Over the years, the Boy Scouts have received millions and millions of dollars in royalties from this song.

This video starts out with Kate Smith coming into the radio studio with the orchestra and an audience.

She introduces the new song for the very first time, and starts singing. After the first couple of verses, with her voice in the background still singing, scenes are shown from the 1940 movie, "You're In The Army Now."

At the 4:20 mark of the video you see a young actor in the movie, sitting in an office, reading a paper. It is Ronald Reagan.

Frank Sinatra considered Kate Smith the best singer of her time, and said when he and a million other guys first heard her sing "God Bless America" on the radio, they all pretended to have dust in their eyes as they wiped away a tear or two.

To this day, God Bless America stirs our patriotic feelings and pride in our country. Back in 1940, when Kate Smith went looking for a song to raise the spirits of her fellow Americans, I doubt she realized just how successful the results would be for her fellow Americans during those years of hardship and worry, and for many generations of Americans to follow. Now that you know the story of the song, I hope you will enjoy it and treasure it even more.

How well do we treat our employees and their families

Spring break for a 13 year old - on taxpayers' dime.

Obama’s 13 year-old daughter went, with 12 friends, on “spring break” to Oaxaca Mexico. All on your dime. She took two jets, 12 friends and 25 secret service men. A thirteen year-old!!! Why haven’t you heard about it? The Obama Administration had the Secret Service scouring the web ordering that any website mentioning this be taken down because letting the travel plans out could endanger the president’s daughter’s security. Nonsense, the “royal couple” just want to hide the way they are ripping off the U.S. taxpayer. Only a few Canadian Web sites still have it up. This trip cost more than most Americans make in their entire lifetimes!

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