Friday, September 27, 2013

THE CRUZ REBELLION: Lessons From A Defiant Ted, RINOs Take Note

MICHAEL WALSH- In the aftermath of Senator Ted Cruz’s epic performance on the Senate floor, a few observations:

After his disgraceful attacks on Cruz, including his reach-across-the-aisle, dog-in-the-manger response today, this should be the end of Senator John McCain as a voice of influence in the Republican party. Ditto his mini-me, Senator Lindsey Graham. Indeed, the entire Old Guard of business-as-usual “comity” fans passeth. When you care more about what the other side thinks, it’s probably time either to switch teams or step down.

There is new leadership in the GOP, whether the party wants to admit it or not: Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, and the others who stepped into the breach to spell the senator from Texas.

The popular reaction to Cruz will be immediate and noticeable; the more the old bulls carp, the more the public will rally to Cruz’s side. The country has been spoiling for a real fight since the election of 2008, and now it has one.

Conservatives have finally realized that, as it’s currently constituted, they have no home in the Republican party, which is the Washington Generals to the Democrats’ Harlem Globetrotters, the designated losers who nevertheless are rewarded handsomely for their sham opposition.

To that end, conservatives understand that rather than form a third party, their only hope is to seize control of the corrupt, rotting hulk of the GOP, which they now can do with the help of a reinvigorated Tea Party — especially with Lois Lerner’s IRS off its back.

The Cruz faction in the Senate, and its allies in the House (whose leadership is now up for grabs) must now press their advantage. The louder the Democrats squawk, the more they are wounded; the one thing they’ve long feared is a direct assault on their core beliefs as translated into actions, and the deleterious effects of Obamacare, just now being felt by the population, are the most vivid proof of the failure of Progressivism that conservatives could wish for.

Win or lose, the battle is now joined: First the struggle for the GOP and then the battle for control of Congress and the presidency. Cruz just struck at the kings he could reach — the Republican “leadership” — and has most likely dealt them a fatal blow. Now the Tea Party hordes must back him up by eliminating his opponents (who tend to be geriatrics, and thus “leaders” by longevity rather than talent or commitment) through the primary process wherever possible. If he can carry off this coup, he and Senator Paul will very quickly find themselves elevated from back-benchers to commanders.

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Dunes are for Protection of Beach Communities.

Christie warns: Allow dunes or we'll sue | The Asbury Park Press NJ |

Obambo Blows it at UN...

A Small President on the World Stage -

InSight to Organized Crime on the Americas...

Insight Crime

Weekly InSight | 27 September 2013

This Week's Analysis
US Pushes Honduras to Crack Down on Cachiros


The Honduras government, working closely with US authorities, has cracked down on one of Honduras' largest drug transport organizations, the Cachiros, seizing properties and businesses and in the process painting a picture of a group whose reach may extend to Honduras' political and possibly its financial elite.

Mexico Corporations Complain to President of Extortion Threat

Some of Mexico's largest corporations have issued complaints to the president about the constant threat of extortion of public infrastructure projects, illustrating how this profitable illicit activity now permeates the Mexican economy at almost every level.


More News


jamaica murdersInSight Crime map of areas of Jamaica most affected by a rise in murders, which police say is gang-related.

cachiros organizationUS Treasury chart showingCachirosorganizational structure.


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Jihad in Kenya: Eyes Gouged Out, Bodies Hanging From Hooks and Fingers Removed with Pliers...

Jihad in Kenya: Eyes Gouged Out, Bodies Hanging From Hooks and Fingers Removed with Pliers. Horrific Claims of Torture Emerge as Soldiers Reveal Gory Kenyan Muslim Mall Massacre (Geller, Atlas Shrugs)

by Pamela Geller

‘They removed eyes, ears, nose. They get your hand and sharpen it like a pencil then they tell you to write your name with the blood. Warring Muslims - warfare the likes the West has not seen since ....... and the elites cover for these bloodthirsty savages. And those of us fighting tis scoruge are […]

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Honor & Remember our Fallen Military: HR Flag Charm

HR Flag Charm

One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 26 Sep 2013 10:00 PM PDT

The vote for “cloture” to limit debate, if it passes, will give Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid the power to fund Obamacare. It is an easy vote to understand. Harry Reid will vote “for” cloture and any Republican that joins him is voting with the progressive socialist democrats to fund Obamacare.

Capture7-22-2009-11.10.07 PM

If not now, when? The time for talking an campaigning is over. This is a showdown vote.

All 46 Republicans in the Senate ran on the issue of defunding or limiting the damage of Obamacare. It was all talk with “zero” consequences. Tomorrow's vote is the real deal. Anyone who votes for “cloture” will be voting with Harry Reid and the progressive socialist democrats who are destroying America from within.

Capture6-16-2009-12.54.14 AM

Squishy RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Saxby Chambliss, Johnny Isakson, Dan Coats, Roy Blunt, Tom Coburn, Bob Corker, Orin Hatch are all thought to be voting with Harry Reid and the progressive socialist democrats to fund Obamacare and make it harder for this Obamanation to be brought under control.

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Some Republicans believe that Obamacare should be funded and allowed to collapse under its own weight – after hurting millions of Americans and losing thousands of jobs. Others want to simply vote “present” so that they have no record for which they can be held accountable. An old Obama trick used in the Illinois Senate to avoid having to take a stance on difficult subjects.


Bottom line …

This is one of those defining moments. If the Northeastern Liberal Elites in the Republican Party are satisfied with stealing their portion of the pork, and are unwilling to protect the Americans that count on these representatives to protect them from stunningly bad legislation, they should be thrown out of office at the earliest possible time. They should be publicly shamed and humiliated for violating their oath of office and funding a grossly unconstitutional act.

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-- steve


Posted: 26 Sep 2013 07:17 PM PDT

It appears that the latest version of Google's Chrome released on the development channel can easily and seamlessly exist on top of an existing operating system to bring the Chrome experience to enterprise and entrepreneurial users at minimal implementation cost.

But given the recent NSA revelations of government access and spying using the facilities of major hardware and software vendors, I question the security aspect of running any additional software that stores data on unknown third-party servers and that is being made available under a unilateral terms of service/privacy contract that appears to provide little or no legal protection for the intellectual property of the user that might be disclosed by third-party monitoring of the communications stream or documents uploaded, downloaded or processed by a cloud-based vendor.

So, unless there are legal safeguards to protect and safeguard private, confidential, or proprietary information – along with substantial remedies for unauthorized access and disclosure, the idea of expanding my development activities to the cloud remain somewhat doubtful.

Yes, there are many benefits for both the enterprise and entrepreneurs when it comes to lowering the cost of entry and improving collaborative activities. But, at what price? With the current United States Patent System conferring preference on the first person to file, rather than the first person to reduce an invention to practice, anyone or any corporation monitoring the development of new ideas could, at this point in time, theoretically, beat an inventor to a patent – and should that party have more legal talent and funding than the inventor – it would be no contest; and the invention is lost to the corrupt individual or corporation. Lest you believe that this is an impossibility, one might consider that both industrial espionage and state-sponsored industrial espionage has been increasing over the past few decades.

And, there is a vested interest in a government being able to monitor developments in key industrial, electronic, and software fields that have an impact on national security. With some of these systems, it is like the government has a two-way connection into your home, office, and life. Given that the United States government has allegedly tried to subvert strong encryption on Internet-related communications, one must take precautions against both rogue agents and rogue governments. It would not be the first time that a relatively low-paid government agent with the “keys to the kingdom” has violated their oath of office and fiduciary duties to provide information to foreign sovereign governments, government contractors, corporations, and individuals for personal and/or ideological self-benefits.

The alternative model is to reduce collaboration to a bare minimum of people, and to insure that the development effort is compartmentalized. While there is a corresponding loss of creativity and security, there may be an offsetting gain of protecting your intellectual property.

Bottom line …

Until the laws regarding the access, storage, dissemination, and usage of digital properties are upgraded, cloud-based operations appear to make individuals, corporations, and nations more vulnerable to evildoers and malicious political parties.

There is also the possibility that key software components ("apps") used to facilitate your projects or communications can be easily withdrawn from the marketplace by those who control their own "app stores."  Many plug-ins will may be obsoleted, like those based on older APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) or those that are perceived to present unacceptable security issues like Adobe Flash and other similar plug-ins.

And, let us not forget the inherent security risk of using xml-based data structures where each data element is clearly tagged -- sometimes to the point where the known tag structure and repetition migh provide insights that can be use to compromise encrypted communications.

Just saying – before you accept that free offer of software or services in return for scanning your communications to serve targeted advertising or improve the “user experience,” beware of the risks involved and implement prudent methods to mitigate those risks.

-- steve


Posted: 26 Sep 2013 07:15 PM PDT

This is probably one of the best videos that has been made that actually calls out the democrats for their evilness … especially pointing out that the NRA was founded to help blacks obtain weapons to fight the democrat-inspired, democrat-led KKK … 

Bottom line …

Keeping it real!

-- steve




When I was in about the 5th grade, my Dad 
met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, Dad was 
fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our 
family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on.

I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. In my young mind, he had a 
special niche. My parents were complementary instructors: Mom taught me good 
from evil, and Dad taught me to obey. But the stranger... he was our 
storyteller. He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, 
mysteries and comedies. If I wanted to know anything about politics, history or 
science, he always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and 
even seemed able to predict the future! He took me to see my first major league 
ball game. He made me laugh, and he made me cry. The stranger never stopped 
talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind.

Sometimes, Mom would get up quietly 
while the rest of us were shushing each other to listen to what he had to say, 
and she would go to the kitchen for peace and quiet. (I wonder now if she ever 
prayed for the stranger to leave.)

Dad ruled our household with certain 
moral convictions, but the stranger never felt obligated to honor them. 
Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our home - not from us, our friends 
or any visitors. Our long time visitor, however, got away with four-letter words 
that burned my ears and made my Dad squirm and my mother blush.

My Dad 
didn't permit the liberal use of alcohol but the stranger encouraged us to try 
it on a regular basis. He made cigarettes look cool, cigars manly, and pipes 
distinguished. He talked freely (much too freely!) about sex. His comments were 
sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrassing..

now know that my early concepts about relationships were influenced strongly by 
the stranger. Time after time, he opposed the values of my parents, yet he was 
seldom rebuked ... And NEVER asked to leave.

More than fifty years have 
passed since the stranger moved in with our family. He has blended right in and 
is not nearly as fascinating as he was at first. Still, if you could walk into 
my parents’ den today, you would still find him sitting over in his corner, 
waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his 

His name?....

We just call him 'TV. 

He has a wife now....we call her 

Their first child is named "Cell Phone . "

child "I Pod .”


The scary part is how fertile they are and the gestation period 
for the next
intrusions are getting shorter and shorter!!! And smarter 

Guns Save Lives

Link to Guns Save Lives

Commandant of United States Marine Corps Calls For Arming All On Duty Marines At All Times

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 05:12 PM PDT

Gen. James Amos, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps, in a recent presentation called for several changes to institutional policies for the USMC. Among those, arming all on duty marines, all the time. This would be a departure from the current protocols followed by all of the military branches which limits access to firearms […]

[Video] Family Returning Home From Wake Saved From Armed Robbers by Armed Family Member

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 03:13 PM PDT

A family returning from a wake in Houston, TX was probably already having a bad night, however it was about to get much worse. Three of the four members of the family had enetered the home when the fourth was approached by a masked gunman who demanded money. According to information a neighbor gave to […]

NRA Smashes Fundraising Record for 2013

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 01:20 PM PDT

The NRA has announced that its Friends of the NRA fundraising program has raised $51 million so far in 2013. This is $1 million more than all of 2012, and there are still 200 events over the next 3 months in which the NRA can smash the 2012 record. According to WTVR6, “The success of […]

Complete Text of the UN Arms Treaty Along With Facts and Myths

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 11:58 AM PDT

There is a lot of controversy swirling around about the UN Arms Trade Treaty that was signed by Secretary of State John Kerry this week. The treaty would still have to be ratified by the Senate by a 2/3 majority vote. This seems highly unlikely right now. However, treaties, unlike bills, do not have to […]

[Video] Colion Noir For NRA NEWS: “Remember New Orleans?”

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 10:40 AM PDT

Transcript: Anyone remember what happened on Mother’s Day in New Orleans? No? Probably because it didn’t make headlines. Let me help you: 19 people were shot in a Mother’s Day parade. How the hell do 19 people get shot during a second line Mother’s Day parade that was infested with police … and no one […]

Pro Gun Group to Give Out Free Shotguns to Florida Residents for Self Defense

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 07:45 AM PDT

The Armed Citizen Project’s goal is simple, to arm and train people in medium-high crime areas. The group gives free shotguns to eligible people in such areas. They already have operations in Houston, TX and Tucson, AZ. Now the group is looking to expand to Florida. Residents of Sunshine Gardens, just outside of Orlando, will […]

Chicago Honors Student Brought Gun to School Because He Was So Afraid of Chicago Gang Crime

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 06:37 AM PDT

Everyone is well aware of Chicago’s gang crime problems. Despite some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation (or perhaps because of them), Chicago is now considered the “Murder Capital of the US”. This story demonstrates just how bad things are in Chicago for their disarmed populace who lives in constant fear of […]

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Global warming believers are feeling the heat

Global warming believers are feeling the heat – Telegraph Blogs

Air Force's new F-16 drone..

Air Force's new F-16 drone makes debut in air - Washington Times

Man arrested for attack on 75 year old in Laundry mat...

DOCUMENT: FloridaCrime

Man Arrested For "Laundry Rage" Attack On Retiree

Victim, 75, battered for using dryer that assailant claimed "was his"

Laundry Assault

View Document

Laundromat Assault

  • Laundromat Assault

SEPTEMBER 26--In a violent episode of laundry rage, a Florida man twice shoved a 75-year-old victim to the ground and stomped on him after the senior citizen had the temerity to try and put his clothes in a dryer that the attacker claimed was his, police allege.

The confrontation earlier this month at the Super Matt Laundry in Fort Myers resulted in last night’s arrest of Kenneth Wood, 55, for felony battery on a person 65 years or older. Wood, seen in the adjacent mug shot, is locked up in lieu of $150,500 bond.

According to a Lee County Sheriff’s Office report, the September 9 attack--which was captured by a surveillance camera--occurred as Alexandros Dimitrelos sought to place his clothes in a dryer. At that point, the 5’ 5” retiree, who was accompanied by his 73-year-old wife, was challenged by Wood.

Investigators allege that Wood, whose laundry was still in a washing machine, told Dimitrelos that a specific dryer “was his dryer.” The two men then argued, with Dimitrelos asking Wood whether he thought he owned the laundromat. And then the septuagenarian called the 6', 210-pound Wood an “idiot.”

Wood responded by shoving Dimitrelos to the ground. After the elderly victim got to his feet, Wood pushed him down a second time. With Dimitrelos on the laundry floor, Wood grabbed his cell phone and “threw it causing it to shatter into several pieces.” As Wood fled, Dimitrelos went into a neighboring bar to call 911.

With the aid of the surveillance video (seen above), a detective was able to identify Wood as the laundry assailant. He was arrested yesterday following a recorded interview at the sheriff’s office (Wood’s post-Miranda statements to investigators have been redacted from a report released by the sheriff’s office).

In addition to the battery count, Wood was also charged with felony criminal mischief for allegedly destroying Dimitrelos’s phone. Deputies noted that Dimitrelos “refused medical attention several times that it was offered.” (2 pages)

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