Thursday, November 28, 2013


One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 26 Nov 2013 08:01 PM PST


While it is intuitively obvious that many of us have much to be thankful for: our health, happiness, family and friends – this should be a time to consider the future. 

Never in the history of the United States did a President and his cadre of progressive socialist democrats shred the United States Constitution and impose a mandate on all  Americans to purchase insurance from a private third-party or face fines, imprisonment, or other government sanctions such as the potential loss of Social Security or other earned government benefits.

Never in the history of the United States has a President inflicted gratuitious pain on millions of Americans who will lose their insurance coverage in the coming months -- many being treated for serious ailments -- all to pursue a progressive socialist agenda. Face it people, the words progressive and liberal can now be equated with un-American socialism and communism.

Never in the history of the United States has a President sought to imposed central planning and administration on the American people, to the extent of usurping Congressional law-making and States' rights.

Even with our political, social, and financial world in jeopardy -- exascerbated by a malignacy in the Presidency and metastisizing throughout the bureaucracy -- we still have much to be thankful for. Our poor are millionaires compared to the poor of most third-world nations. Poor is a relative word when some of our most disadvantaged citizens own cellphones, televisions, vehicles, and are not wanting for food, water, shelter or clothing. Of course, there are the truly poor, especially those who are mentally ill or disabled by drug use. To not help the poorest and sickest among us when we pump billions into foreign kleptocracies is criminal.

We live in a deeply-divided nation, made more so by the self-serving, corrupt politicians who are deliberately dividing Americans and setting them against one another. This too is criminal.

Many of our fellow Americans may not be enjoying the comfort of a home, a hot meal or the pleasant companionship of family and friends. And in these days of a 16-trillion dollar national debt, that is a crime.

No, I am not suggesting that we turn towards socialism and the failed prescription of “from each according to their ability, to each according to his needs,” but I am suggesting the manner in which public funds appear to be used to promote the self-interests of the political ruling class and their benefactors, the special interests.

Why, I am bound to ask, are so many people suffering when the politicians are telling us that they are acting to improve the lives of American citizens? Where have all the billions spent on eliminating poverty, crime and decaying neighborhoods gone? And why do inner city cesspools of decaying neighborhoods, crime and corruption still exist with such “enlightened” political leadership?

Truth be told, we are witnessing the most corrupt government in the history of the United States. On all levels – local, state and federal. Politicians whose votes are for sale, year-after-year, to those who provide campaign funds, voter support and personal enrichment for themselves, their relatives and “special friends.”

We can plainly see thuggish union leaders who have used the strength of their non-complaining members to push citizens away from the bargaining table so self-serving deals can be struck between themselves and their paid representatives in government. Deals which cost citizens billions of dollars in higher costs, lost productivity and the reward of seniority over merit, complacency over innovation and most of all – the stifling of individualism to support the unexceptional collective.

We allow our leaders to speak of education – to inform and uplift our children to new heights, preparing them for competition on a global scale; while the evidence shows that the bulk of the money targeted for education is used for adults – the administrators, unionized employees and the special interests – and never reachs the classroom. We see our children becoming mind-numbed robots; worshiping an empty celebrity culture and playing mind-warping games on the latest electronic devices. The promise of computer assisted teaching has become the plague of computer-assisted babysitting. Our children cannot do math without a calculator and cannot prepare a research paper without Google, Wikipedia and a cut-and-paste environment.

We allow the nation to be led by a virtual unknown; a man who hides his credentials from the public and who needs a speech writer and teleprompter to speak to the American people about goals and what he really believes.

We allow a political party to field eight or more candidates, most of them babbling platitudes while disguising personal failings that would not be accepted for a position on a school board much less high public office.

What the hell happened to those who believed that this generation was the “best and the brightest?” What happened to individual responsibility where individuals actually paid for what they wanted in terms of real time, effort and money?

So I ask you on this Thanksgiving holiday, where did we go wrong and are we going to allow a relatively small bunch of pandering politicians and their special interest friends to rule our lives?

Are we going to demand a return on the investment in our own taxable labor to benefit ourselves, our family and our friends rather than those who contribute nothing to society, but take their piece of the action for non-performance?

Are we going to stop pretending and realize that the “emperor has no clothes” and has become an imperious Marie Antoinette?

Are we going to hold people accountable for their actions. Charity is one thing, but state-directed charity towards themselves is quite another. Especially when it is promoted behind a political agenda of “wealth redistribution” to gain the support of the masses.

Please open your eyes, look about and realize that there are those who do not wish America and its citizens well – and that there is a great likelihood that these people have infiltrated our educational, law enforcement, government and institutional infrastructure.

Think about next Thanksgiving and whether or not you will really be thankful for what the corrupt politicians and more easily manipulated voters among us have wrought.

And never, never forget those who are serving our nation in foreign lands, perhaps not having a Thanksgiving as they stand vigilant watch over America's interests and provide safety and security to Americans everywhere.


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-- steve


Posted: 27 Nov 2013 11:14 PM PST

When will Blacks learn that they are never going to be able to compete in a world of ideas or a world of actions when they view everything through the prism of race. Unfortunately, the progressive socialist democrats and their grievance industry have taught the past two generations to claim racism when they do not get a free pass on the rules and regulations that affect everybody else.

Can you believe this “micro-aggression” bullshit?

Prof corrects minority students’ capitalization, is accused of racism

Racial tensions are inflamed at the University of California at Los Angeles following several incidents — most notably, one where a professor corrected the grammar, punctuation and capitalization in minority students’ assignments.

The act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression,” according to the members of the student group “Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color,” which launched a sit-in during a subsequent meeting of the class.

If the truth be told, what right does a single person have to disrupt the education of an entire class over such a trivial and subjective matter? I have listened to any number of high-ranking blacks in the Obama Administration who apparently were appointed based on their skin color. Because their ideas pointed to intellectual bankruptcy and their presentation was anything but perfect. Using big words inappropriately or out of context does not make you appear important, it is the quality of your ideas and the reasoning behind them that makes you important and relevant.

A hostile campus climate has been the norm for Students of Color in this class throughout the quarter as our epistemological and methodological commitments have been repeatedly questioned by our classmates and our instructor,” wrote the group in a statement to the college. “[The] barrage of questions by white colleagues and the grammar ‘lessons’ by the professor have contributed to a hostile class climate.” Some 25 students participated in the sit-in, including five of the 10 members of the class.

Relaxed standards, ideology over education – and you get ill-educated graduates who “feel” rather than reason …

Val Rust, a professor of education and information, was the official target of the sit-in, though the aggrieved minority students had problems with UCLA’s handling of racial issues that went far beyond just one classroomaccording to Inside Higher Ed.

Rust is guest-lecturing in China this week, and did not respond to a request for comment. He sent a letter to his colleagues in the education department, however, in which he clarified that he meant no offense to minorities. I have attempted to be rather thorough on the papers and am particularly concerned that they do a good job with their bibliographies and citations, and these students apparently don’t feel that is appropriate,” he said in a statement, according to The Daily Bruin.

Some of the corrections were clarified by sit-in organizer Kenjus Watson. Rust told one student that she should not capitalize the word “indigenous” in her papers. This correction was ideologically-motivated, according to Watson.

Rust admitted that he likely made matters worse by not aggressively and proactively taking the side of a minority student who was engaged in an argument with a white female student. The minority student told the woman that she had no right to feel oppressed, and Rust did not express agreement either way.

Read more at: Prof corrects minority students' capitalization, is accused of racism | The Daily Caller

Why does the Professor need to take any political, racial, or non-academic position unrelated to his educational obligations? Why should he apologize, when it is somewhat apparent from the tone and tenor of this story, that the student was seeking an opportunity to put forth a grievance – possibly to fit-in or impress her political activist friends.

These students should all be given the grades that they deserved. And, the self-serving racially-motivated students who infringed upon the rights of other students should have been removed by the University Cops as unwelcome distractions to education. The student who complained should have their paper reviewed by another department head and the findings presented to the Chancellor for further action. Possibly sending the student to the Academic Senate to face disciplinary action if appropriate.

Call me a racist, the word has absolutely no meaning any more …

It used to be that a charge of racism and bigotry was a stain on your honor. Well, no more! Because the race hustlers and grievance industry has falsely labeled anyone who disagrees with their progressive socialist position as a racist, the word has no meaning.

One need only to observe those who are angry when President Barack Obama and his cadre of progressive socialist democrats are called out for their abominable policy choices, both foreign and domestic. It can’t be the perfect policy of the enlightened one, so it must be racism and bigotry. Well folks, traitors come in all colors as do patriots. And, where our “affirmative action” President is concerned, his lack of experience and degree of incompetence has nothing to do with his color. In fact, he was given a pass because of his color and the historic occasion of being the first black president. And, his arrogance, corruption, and incompetence transcends even that of former President Jimmy Carter, the father of Iranian Islamo-fascism.

Bottom line …

We all have grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization problems from time-to-time. The trick is to learn from your mistakes, not protest the one who is trying to help you to be a better writer and communicator.

UCLA’s tolerance for race-baiting and political activism is well-known, perhaps second only to Bezerkeley (University of California, Berkeley) or the “Little Red Schoolhouse” to those in the political realm.

If blacks want special privileges – especially when their performance is substandard – they are committing themselves to being a permanent underclass. I would love to know what this student’s major might be as this type of crap does not fly in any of the fact-based hard sciences. That is, unless you are a progressive socialist democrat – and then you can make up the science as necessary to push your political agenda.

Is there any wonder there are so many aggrieved minorities wandering among us? They have been taught by the race-baiters, the grievance industry, and the progressive socialist democrats that their ancestors earned them the right to special privilege. Sorry, but I never owned slaves and my ancestors were an oppressed minority. But, I do not assume the world owes me a life of special privileges and perks. The only privilege I have is freedom – won in part by my Father as he faced down America’s enemies in the brutal fighting in the South Pacific.

-- steve

Global Warming: Targeting a new energy source to disadvantage Americans and others?

Posted: 27 Nov 2013 10:52 AM PST

They have demonized carbon dioxide using junk science. They have demonized coal as a gross pollutant. They have demonized nuclear energy. And, since the progressive socialist democrats and communists behind global warming want industrialized nations to scale back their industrial capabilities, economies, and standard of living – with the difference being paid as climate reparations to third-world nations as compensation for “climate damage,” they now move on (pun intended) to demonize methane hydrate crystals in another apocalyptic scenario.

The 'Ticking Time Bomb' That Could Cause Such Rapid Global WarmingWe'd Be Unable to Prevent Extinction

If, 250 million years ago, you were standing thousands of miles away from what is now Siberia in the first years of the Permian Mass Extension (sic), probably the most you would notice is an odd change in the weather and a reddish hue in the northern sky. What you wouldn’t know, and probably your children wouldn’t even realize –although their grandchildren probably would – is that a tipping point had already been passed, and an extinction – an unstoppable one – was already underway.


What could get America’s leading experts on climate change to agree on something that the average American has probably never even heard of?


Methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and there aretrillions of tons of it embedded in a sort of ice slurry called methane hydrate or methane clathrate crystals in the Arctic and in the seas around continental shelves from North America to Antarctica

If enough of this methane is released quickly enough, it won’t just produce “Global warming.” It could produce an extinction of species on a wide scale – an extinction that could even include the human race.

If there is a “ticking time bomb” in our biosphere that could lead to a global warming so rapid and sudden that we would have no way of dealing with it, it’s methane.

“Could” is not a scientific term … and the author does not express a range of probabilities because they would be so low as to be laughable. Do we really think man can curb the global warming that is based on the Sun’s energy output, the Earth’s position relative to the Sun, the Earth’s rotational and precessional dynamics, the Earth’s vulcanology and plate tectonics, the deep sea currents, and the greatest greenhouse gas of all, water vapor? Man has such a small footprint on global climate change over geologic spans as to be a signal lost amid the noise of climate’s natural variability. As for a “ticking time bomb,” I would be more concerned with a major Earthquake or volcanic eruption in the continental United States. Something that even our government can control or even prepare for. They botched Katrina, they botched Sandy Hook – so what do you think they can do about a major regional or planetary catastrophic event? Curse the heavens while waving their arms to and fro?

Perhaps, maybe, possibly, and other weasel words indicating scientists don’t know what caused the mass extinction and there are many theories that are plausible …

Somehow, most of the life on Earth perished in a brief moment of geologic time roughly 250 million years ago. Scientists call it the Permian-Triassic extinction or "the Great Dying" -- not to be confused with the better-known Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction that signaled the end of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Whatever happened during the Permian-Triassic period was much worse: No class of life was spared from the devastation. Trees, plants, lizards, proto-mammals, insects, fish, mollusks, and microbes -- all were nearly wiped out. Roughly 9 in 10 marine species and 7 in 10 land species vanished. Life on our planet almost came to an end.

Scientists have suggested many possible causes for the Great Dying: severe volcanism, anearby supernovaenvironmental changes wrought by the formation of a super-continent, the devastating impact of a large asteroid -- or some combination of theseProving which theory is correct has been difficult. The trail has grown cold over the last quarter billion years; much of the evidence has been destroyed. <Source: NASA>

Did anybody note that all of the hypothetical sources for this catastrophic event are well beyond man’s capability to alter the future by controlling these events?

Another consensus “opinion” by climate activists? 

Our planet has experienced five major extinctions over the past billion or so years, times when more than half of all life has died in a geologically brief period of time, and the common denominator of each one has been a sudden pulse of global warming. Increasingly, it appears that a rapid release of methane played a primary role in each one.

Back in 2002, the BBC documented  how, just in the previous decade, geologists had by-and-large come to the conclusion that a sudden release of methane led to the death of over 95% of everything on Earth during the Permian Mass Extinction.That methane is back, probably in even larger quantities, as life has been so active since the last mass extinction.

I was unaware that the BBC was a peer-reviewed scientific journal of record. “By-and-large” is not science as is a “consensus opinion.”

We laid out the scenario and its possible doomsday implications in a short video titled “Last Hours” a few months ago. Since the world has been recently sensitized about methane, we’re now discovering more and more of it leaking from oil wells,fracking operations, melting permafrost, and even stirred up by Arctic storms.

I wonder if the filmmakers used the Al Gore methodology of distortion and using computer-generated-imaging stock footage from another movie to make their point. Enough with the scenarios based on little more than flawed models. They cannot be supported by observation, experimentation, or any other rational scientific methodology. They remain speculative hypotheses.

Just this week, the EPAreported they may have been underestimating by half the amount of methane being produced by human activity.  Meanwhile, the National Science Foundation just released a report that methane releases from the Arctic have also been underestimated . The caption accompanying their graphic says it all too clearly: “Methane is leaking from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf into the atmosphere at an alarming rate.”

First, the EPA is a demonstrably corrupt agency that has been infiltrated by hard-core socialists and communists. They are doing more damage to our planet and productivity with their unconstitutional rules and regulations than any other government body. Second, what is an alarming rate; and measured against nature’s normal variability, who is becoming alarmed?

Back to carbon dioxide …

While methane does eventually degrade into carbon dioxide, when large amounts are released over a short time period, their effect on global warming can be dramatic, since methane is such a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. 

Carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has passed 400 ppm, a number never before seen in human history, but we’ve also never seen methane releases on this order in human history. And, to a large extent, the naturally occurring methane releases are the result of that 400 ppm of carbon dioxide.

Amazing, the majority of the climate model scenarios couldn’t even acknowledge the last 12-15 years of global cooling and generally use a carbon dioxide forcing of two-times the normal atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, whatever “normal” means in a chaotic variable system.

While many of the methane releases are the result of fossil fuel extraction processes, the most dangerous ones – the ones that could lead to trillions of tons of methane escaping into the atmosphere and driving an extinction event – are from the melting of frozen methane clathrate crystals along the seabeds. And the process that drives that is global warming, principally driven by carbon dioxide.

If we want to avoid an extinction that could approach or even rival some of the five past extinctions that have wiped out so much of life on earth, we must get control, quickly, of our man-made carbon dioxide and methane releases.<Source:The 'Ticking Time Bomb' That Could Cause Such Rapid Global Warming We'd Be Unable to Prevent Extinction>

Socialism and Communism is all about creating and managing scarcity to support political power …

Why is it these “activists” never think technology is the solution to providing more clean energy? Perhaps because that would spur industrialization and further prove that socialism is not a sustainable political philosophy unless you want to control your fellow man? 

You know how NASA scientist James Hansen has characterized continuing to tap Alberta's tar sands as being game over for the climate, thanks to the massive amount of carbon that'd be released in burning them? Well, if that's the case, then therecent news from Japan that a team has successfully extracted gas from methane hydrates from the seafloor isn't good. In fact, if Japan is able to commercially exploit the reserves in six years, as is planned, then it's game over for the climate.

According to the Washington Post, which cites US Geological Survey stats, all the gas hydrates around the world contain "between 10,000 trillion cubic feet to more than 100,000 trillion cubic feet of natural gas." <Source>

Hansen is the proximate cause of all the global cooling-global warming nonsense and has morphed from a researcher to a climate activist supported by Al Gore and other progressive socialist democrats. We can’t have anything that would mean more energy for industrialized nations because that defeats socialism and communism as people respond to abundance instead of suffering under the scarcity of socialism.

Bottom line …

Amazing how these progressive socialist democrats and climate activists acting on their behalf have solved the 250-million year mystery with such certainty as to warrant draconian public policies that enlarge the size and scope of government, raise taxes, fees, and prices, reduce everyone’s standard of living, curtail everyone’s standard of living, and provide for wealth redistribution, based on a speculative hypothesis that has about as much proof as the activist claim that carbon dioxide is responsible for global warming as opposed to nature’s inherent and chaotic variability. And, given the size and scope of the natural phenomena to be controlled or mitigated – can we trust a government that can’t even roll-out a healthcare plan designed and implemented by these same progressive socialist democrats and their communist friends?

Time to throw the progressive socialist democrats out of office in 2014 and return to social, financial, and scientific sanity – where scientists are free to express their opinion without fear of being demonized or losing funding for their jobs and projects.

If methane is such a problem, perhaps we should consider moving to MARS where there is apparently no methane according to NASA.

-- steve 

HAVE A BLESSED DAY...We are truly a Jeudal-Christian Nation. GOD BLESS AMERICA,

Religious freedom is as much a part of Thanksgiving as turkey and pumpkin pie. From 1621, when the Pilgrims arrived in the New World, to 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln declared it a federal holiday, thanking God and practicing religion were of paramount importance.

Turkey, Pumpkin Pie, and Religious Freedom


Religious freedom is as much a part of Thanksgiving as turkey and pumpkin pie. From 1621, when the Pilgrims arrived in the New World, to 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln declared it a federal holiday, thanking God and practicing religion were of paramount importance.

Nearly 400 years after that First Thanksgiving at the Plymouth Plantation, America finds itself confronted with a new challenge to religious freedom -- one that should be a conversation at every dinner table across this great land.

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear two cases from family businesses that are challenging Obamacare’s mandate requiring employers to provide health coverage of abortion-inducing drugs -- even in violation of their moral or religious beliefs.

These cases are among the more than 80 lawsuits seeking to overturn the mandate for violating both the First Amendment and Religious Freedom and Restoration Act.

In their analysis of the cases, which will be heard by the Supreme Court in the spring, Heritage Senior Legal Policy Analyst Elizabeth Slattery and Policy Analyst Sarah Torre write:

Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood would be forced to provide and pay for coverage of abortion-inducing drugs such as the “morning after” and “week after” pills, regardless of their religious or moral objections to doing so. Unless these families get over their deeply held beliefs and get in line with the mandate, they risk steep fines of up to $100 per employee per day. That could mean $1.3 million in fines per day for Hobby Lobby and up to $95,000 per day for Conestoga Wood. This choice jeopardizes the family businesses’ economic future and all the jobs they currently provide.

The Obama Administration’s decision to recklessly and irresponsibly impose such a mandate is direct threat to Americans’ religious freedom.

Of the 38 cases involving for-profit businesses challenging the Obamacare mandate, courts have sided ruled in favor of religious liberty 32 times. The American public understands the seriousness of the coercive mandate as well. A new survey released by the Family Research Council and Alliance Defending Freedom reveals that 59 percent of likely votes disapprove of the Obamacare mandate.

Americans have every reason to worry that the same one-size-fits-all system of Obamacare that is restricting choice and increasing costs is also threatening fundamental freedoms. This mandate is an early warning sign of what's to come as Obamacare gives more control of health care to unelected bureaucrats.

Meanwhile, as the Supreme Court considers these cases, family businesses across America continue operating based on their values -- even as looming government-imposed fines jeopardize their livelihoods.

As you sit down for Thanksgiving dinner today, be thankful we still live in a country where religious freedom is guaranteed. It’s now up to the Supreme Court to ensure our “first freedom” stays that way by ruling against this mandate.

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Next Steps for the U.S.-Iran Deal

Next Steps for the U.S.-Iran Deal



It's Gone, gone, gone... never to return. 

Well, looks like the old broad of the House will have to pay her own way back and forth to California. 

The Air Force took her jet away from her.


Read the article below.

(verified by Snopes) 

The real reason that Nancy Pelosi is considering retiring is that they took her Jet away.  

 Ah, poor baby! 

As a result of a Judicial Watch filing under the Freedom of Information Act, the USAF released documents detailing House Speaker Pelosi's use of United States Air Force aircraft between March 2009 and June 2010. 

The data are published in the Judicial Watch Verdict of December 2010, Volume 16, Issue 12. 

Here are the main highlights revealed by the USAF. 

Keep in mind that all the data below relate to United States Air Force aircraft used by one woman over a sixteen month period. 

Several of these flights included Ms. Pelosi's guests, such as grown children, grandchildren, various in-laws, friends and hangers-on. 

Over 95% of the trips were between the west coast and Washington DC , for what you might call a commute between home and the office.


READ it and WEEP!!


Total trips: 85 over a 68 week period, or 1.25 average trips per week.

Total mileage: 206,264 miles, or 2,427 average miles per trip. 

Total flying time: 428.6 hours, or an average of 5 hours per trip. 

Cost to the taxpayers: $2,100,744, or $27,715 per trip, or $1,285,162 per year! 

Cost of in flight food and alcohol: $101,429; $1,193 per trip; $62,051 per year. 

On one junket to Baghdad, according to the Air Force report, she had the aircraft bar stocked with Johnny Walker Red Scotch, Grey Goose Vodka, E&J Brandy, Bailey's Irish Cream, Maker's Mark Whiskey, Courvoisier Cognac, Bacardi Rum, Jim Beam Whiskey, Beefeater Gin, Dewar's Scotch, Bombay Sapphire Gin, Jack Daniels Whiskey, Corona Beer and several varieties of wine. 

This was obviously a very important "gubment bidness" trip. 

Evidence generally speaks for itself, and in Ms. Pelosi's case it speaks the language of abuse and (evidently) a serious familial drinking problem, for in a single year she and her spawn drank an amount in excess of the net income of the average employed American! 

When she said, "... If the stimulus doesn't pass, five hundred million people might lose their jobs...", I thought she was unintentionally revealing her ignorance. 

I'm now more inclined to think she was pickled. 

Even though she can no longer abuse the USAF, she can either fly on her broom, or fly Southwest Airlines, where bags fly free. 

If you are an AMERICAN citizen it is YOUR DUTY to PASS THIS ON... 

Because, you won't see this reported on MSNBC, or ANY Liberal mis-INFORMATION  Station .   

Backup Proof Below:

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own...

 - Telegraph

Krauthammer on Iran Nuclear Agreement: 'It's The Worst Deal Since Munich

' | NewsBusters

Latinos and the Right | Fast forward | Ozymandias

Iran: White House Lying About Details of Nuke Deal

Iran: White House Lying About Details of Nuke Deal

Thankful for...ObamaCare?

Thankful for...ObamaCare?
There is virtually nothing that the Left isn't willing to politicize, and that includes holidays. Obama's Organizing for America is trying to make ObamaCare a part of your Thanksgiving celebration. They are encouraging Americans to discuss ObamaCare talking points around the dinner table. 

There's no doubt that ObamaCare may be a point of discussion amongst families, but not for the reason Obama propagandists would like. Millions of Americans
 are facing the prospect of lost coverage, losing their doctors or re-working their budgets to account for the increased price of premiums. Americans may be consuming turkey this Thanksgiving, but they aren't buying OFA's ObamaCare baloney. 

Do have any idea where the president is right now? He is out West, in Hollywood and elsewhere, fundraising for Democrats. With all of the troubles he is facing and a new self-imposed ObamaCare deadline looming, it's a bit absurd that this is what the president has time for. Remember last week when he couldn't attend a commemoration for the 150th anniversary for the Gettysburg address? Obama finds time for what is convenient and what he wants to do, but not necessarily for what is always best for the country. 

Obama's trip out West is nothing more than an attempt to distract from the real failures of his administration. If you'll notice, he's still trying (and failing) to push immigration reform to the forefront of the conversation. The Hillpoints out the White House has apparently attempted to pivot - for the fifth time this year - to the economy. It notes that this is a transparent attempt to shift the focus from ObamaCare and the disastrous rollout of the exchanges. 

This isn't going to stop the ObamaCare coverage right around the corner, which the president knows will not be favorable. If you will recall, the administration set a self-imposed deadline of November 30th for the federal exchange site to be fully functional. That simply will not be the case. The administration has already admitted that it will not "work perfectly." The trend is clear: ObamaCare has caused Americans to lose faith in Democrats who unilaterally rammed it down our throats. Here are a few final stories and columns related to ObamaCare.
More Examples of Government Waste
It's astounding the amount of wasted money that our government manages to spend on pointless projects. 

CNS News has two more examples of outrageous spending. 

First, we have the Department of Education which spent $20.3 million to fight "isms." That's right, over the last three years we've spent over $20 million to help school boards fight "all of the -isms, like racism, ableism, orientation, etc.," in our schools. 

Then we have the TSA which spent $900 million - almost a $1 billion! - over the last five years on behavior detection officers. Their job is to detect terrorists in airports. Five years and $900 million later, they've detected zero terrorists. Zero. In light of this fact, the Government Accountability Office recommends that Congress put an end to this program. The technique of behavioral profiling isn't bad, but the private sector could do it a lot more effectively and less costly. 

The government isn't good at a lot of things, but it has perfected the art of spending a lot of money on projects that don't necessarily gain us any return on investment. 

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
The President is not honest or trustworthy. - BasicGreatGuy

I don't trust him or believe what he says. Given his track record, I think it would be foolish to. And unfortunately, the same can be said for a lot of people in Congress. 

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 10pm ET):
Will be up and running by December 1? Juan Williams, Tucker Carlson debate the state of the website. Plus will Democrats survive the ObamaCare backlash in the polls? And how knockout assaults are spreading across the nation.

Governor Scott announces additional license-free fishing days...


Today, Governor Rick Scott and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) announced that Friday, Nov. 29 will be a license-free freshwater fishing day, and Saturday, November 30 will be a saltwater license-free fishing day.

Governor Scott said, “License-free fishing days serve as a great opportunity for families to enjoy the incredible fishing opportunities that Florida has to offer. After the Thanksgiving holiday, families will be able to head to the water with their visiting guests and experience some of the best fishing in the world.”

Florida’s license-free fishing days are an opportunity for people to take advantage of Florida’s outstanding fishing. Florida’s recreational freshwater and saltwater fishing industry has an $8.9 billion economic impact and supports nearly 80,000 jobs. While providing recreational opportunities that encourage healthy, active-outdoor fun, these license-free fishing days also help grow the industry and promote conservation stewardship.

There are eight license-free fishing days per year, where the requirement to have a recreational fishing license is waived for residents and visitors. All other fishing and boating rules and regulations still apply (see for details).

Dec. 28 will be the last freshwater license-free fishing day for 2013.

Beginning in 2014, all eight license-free fishing days will fall on the same weekend days from year to year, allowing potential anglers to plan fishing trips in advance and businesses and nonprofit groups to plan events around these fishing license holidays. The recurring days will be:


  • First Saturday and Sunday in June
  • First Saturday in September
  • Saturday following Thanksgiving


  • First Saturday and Sunday in April
  • Second Saturday and Sunday in June

The FWC offers several angler-recognition programs to help promote fishing and share memories. Freshwater anglers can go to to be entered in a drawing for a bass boat and motor. If they catch, document and release a trophy largemouth bass over 8 pounds, they can submit a photo of the entire fish (head to tail) on a scale to claim great rewards—starting with a $50 gift card, custom T-shirt and certificate. For other recreational freshwater fishes (33 species included), a simple photo of a fish that exceeds the designated minimum length or weight will get them a Big Catch certificate and bragging rights on the website.

For saltwater anglers, the challenge is to catch a “slam” by catching three different species of saltwater fishes in the same day. Four different groupings of popular sport fish are included to promote the diversity of marine fisheries the state has to offer. For an application and to learn more about this program, which is conducted in collaboration with the International Game Fish Association, visit, then click saltwater and Grand Slams.


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RT @anti_commie32: Keep up the great work!!!

RT @anti_commie32: Keep up the great work!!! — Joseph Moran (@JMM7156) May 2, 2023 from Twitter https://twitter....