Tuesday, February 18, 2014

All the Major Lawless Changes to Obamacare Explained in One Infographic...

Leah Barkoukis
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Keeping track of all the changes, delays, and repeals made to Obamacare seems nearly impossible these days—and for good reason. Just take a look at the infographic below to see all the major fixes that have been made thus far.

 photo ScreenShot2014-02-16at52148PM_zps72f3ba54.png

"This is a shameless act, a shameless power grab that is designed to help the president and his political party achieve a particular outcome in a partisan election," Sen. Mike Lee said of Obama's decisions to delay the implementation of portions of the ACA on Fox News Sunday. “The Constitution doesn't give the president that power.”

“It is not the president’s prerogative to simply make this the law by the stroke of the executive pen," Lee continued.

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Should Kathleen Sebelius be fired for the Obamacare rollout disaster?

Leah Barkoukis

Leah Barkoukis

Leah Barkoukis is the Assistant Editor at Townhall.com/Townhall Magazine.
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bigbi1l10 Wrote:1 hour ago (5:24 AM)
Yes, many members of the Republican Party like to talk about births and birth certificates. Many members of the Republican Party also say, "No legal US birth certificate should be enough to void the elections of 2008 and 2012." --- I say, please stop pestering us about 'Hussein's' birth certificate! The fact is, President Hussein has played many games with his birth certificate in order to keep the 'moron-brigade' distracted. I heard many here got promotions in said brigade. Keep up the good work! 
bigbi1l10 Wrote:1 hour ago (5:24 AM)
People who do not accept that Obama WON two presidential elections according to the rules laid out in the Constitution of the United States of America are godless, amoral dupes of the statist Republican party. 
bigbi1l10 Wrote:3 hours ago (3:47 AM)
Miscreant Republicans say of Obama's birth certificate, "Regardless, the point is and always has been that the material Obama has presented is widely held to be fake, and Obama has pulled every legal trick to avoid even modest disclosure. The concealment suggests guilt, or complete disrespect for American people at the very least." 

Yes, and Germans in the 1920's "widely held" the belief that someone, other than themselves, (of course) was the cause of Germany losing WWI. And the Jews in 1930's Germany never presented proper evidence that they did not cause Germany to lose WWI. Giving Republican-think credence to Adolf Hitler's claim that the Jews caused the defeat of Germany in WWI. I say Republican thought is BS! 
bigbi1l10 Wrote:4 hours ago (2:25 AM)
Many Republicans fancy themselves to be for small government. In fact, they are for HUGE government. 

How many people here think the government should know a citizens favorite color? 

How many people here think the government should know a citizens favorite flavor of ice cream? 

How many people here think the government should know a citizens favorite sexual position? 

How many people here think the government should know a citizens sexual orientation? 

Republicans believe a government database should contain such useful information on its citizens. 

oldshortfatboy Wrote:4 hours ago (2:28 AM)
bite a big one, ray ancel/Sybil libtard scumbag
airstart Wrote:3 hours ago (3:49 AM)
Where does this coprolite come from? R U Bored with Malarky-Socialist-Nimconpoop-Broadcasting-Cartel uk as MSNBC?
The Artist Formerly Known as Bill Wrote:6 hours ago (12:11 AM)
You can post all the information or graphs you want: as long as we have Republicans without gonads, it won't matter.
bigbi1l10 Wrote:7 hours ago (11:23 PM)
Should we Americans be on-board with all the Republican spending programs like; 

1. ethanol mandates 

2. paying for missile defense for the EU 

3. the 100 year social engineering project in Iraq 

4. making Afghanistan a modern democratic state 

5. increasing entitlement spending by passing Medicare Prescription 

6. Expanding NATO to include Ukraine and the Republic of Georgia 

Once again, Republicans believe in HUGE government, they just can't be bothered to pay for it. Let's not forget that government expansion was two and a half times bigger under George W. Bush than under 'Bubba' Clinton. 
bigbi1l10 Wrote:7 hours ago (11:10 PM)
Yes, Republicans were ambivalent about effectively running the war in Iraq. Most important to them was their precious tax cut. John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee said the USA could spend 100 years completing the social engineering project in Iraq. Every Republican applauded, knowing that the precious tax cut came first, and dumping the entire bill for the war onto the national credit would be maintained forever. 

In WWII, Americans on the home front were willing to sacrifice. People paid increased income taxes, victory taxes and had money deducted from their weekly paychecks to buy war bonds. And subjected themselves to food and fuel rationing. 
bigbi1l10 Wrote:7 hours ago (11:10 PM)
Today's Republicans are not willing to sacrifice other than by getting their mouths on the teat of the government sow. The 'Greatest' generation of the 1940's were tough; these odious and contemptible Republicans of the 21st century should be, henceforth, referred to as the 'Moronic' generation. 
bigbi1l10 Wrote:8 hours ago (10:56 PM)
Republicans pretend to be for 'small' government, but are for HUGE government. 

Republicans pretend to be for 'free' markets, but are really for rigged markets. 

Republicans say they are for 'taking responsibility', but their method of accepting responsibility is to always blame the most convenient Democrat for all the messes they created. 

Republicans always vigorously wave the American flag but, in fact, their actions put our beloved country last. 

Cherish the tax cut! Did the Greatest generation have tax cuts and Tea Parties during WWII when we were facing real Fascists? 

Let's face it, when a Republicans tells you that he or she is in favor of 'small government and free markets,' aren't both of these lies? 

bigbi1l10 Wrote:9 hours ago (9:47 PM)
Republicans forget that George W. Bush was the first president to socialize the auto industry in the 21st century. George W. Bush announces $17.4 billion auto bailout. The plan includes taxpayer assistance for GM and Chrysler in return for radical restructuring. 

Schadenfreude Wrote:8 hours ago (10:44 PM)
I'm sorry, were you under the impression that "W" was a CONSERVATIVE? Nah - the prefix "compassionate-" inverts the meaning of the term "conservative", kind of like "anti-". Another useful term might have been homoconservative.
bigbi1l10 Wrote:10 hours ago (9:04 PM)
When Paul Ryan voted to shore up the National Flood Insurance Program to the tune of $10 billion; is this an example of crony socialism? I mean, why should any of my taxpayers dollars go to millionaires with million dollar beach front homes?? 
Schadenfreude Wrote:10 hours ago (8:48 PM)
"Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kinda cool." - Paul Begala, referring to Bill Clinton.

The executive order is the single greatest threat to America and the free world today.
bigbi1l10 Wrote:10 hours ago (8:47 PM)
When the Republican party passed their 'Faith Based Initiatives' in 2001, so taxpayer dollars could be redistributed to a variety of religious organizations, is this an example of crony socialism? 
bigbi1l10 Wrote:10 hours ago (8:35 PM)
We can all thank George W. Bush and the Republican Party for the cram down on ethanol mandates. Inhale deeply my friends and take a look at the link below. SIX BILLION DOLLARS EVERY YEAR. 
WJF Wrote:10 hours ago (8:43 PM)
bigbi1i10 is the one called 'Sybil' (crazy Ray Ancle) here at Townhall because he has so many personalities.

Ray Ancle is mentally ill and is employed by the IRS - when he gets off his meds he usually posts several hundred comments, one every two minutes or so for 24 - 36 hours straight without a break before exhaustion sets in.

There is no evidence that Crazy Ray ever reads ANY responses to his insane posts and will not stop until he either takes his medications or stops from sheer exhaustion.

'Sybil' sometimes posts as a young woman or a retired male investment banker and/or about 11 other personalities.

'Sybil' lives about 60 miles East of Boston and is a former Peace Corps worker in Africa.

'Sybil' generally will not stop or read any responses - all we can do is ignore him.

'Sybil' who is a rabid supporter of Democrat Barack Obama sometimes claims to be a Conservative or a Libertarian.

He is in a frenzy Today and is averaging 50 comments per hour since 3:30 pm.
The Artist Formerly Known as Bill Wrote:6 hours ago (12:36 AM)
Don't even need to go off the name anymore, just the text itself. I now simply buzz through "flagging" him/her as indiscriminately as the posts themselves are.
bkaycee Wrote:10 hours ago (8:35 PM)
Maybe the Emperor will eventually dismiss the congress?
bigbi1l10 Wrote:10 hours ago (8:22 PM)
I've posed this question many times. Are not the Republican sponsored ethanol mandates just a Marxist redistribution of wealth from America's east and west coasts to America's heartland? 
Kirk72 Wrote:10 hours ago (8:08 PM)
No Senator it is a lawless act.
bigbi1l10 Wrote:10 hours ago (8:06 PM)
I remember when George W. Bush announced that he was going to mandate the use of 4 billion gallons of ethanol each year in a State of the Union address. All the Congressional Republicans jumped up applauding like the fawners at Stalin's speeches used to. What a bunch of Marxists these Republicans are, no? 
Steve1579 Wrote:10 hours ago (8:15 PM)
Flagged as off-topic bull$hit.
PlanetReality Wrote:11 hours ago (8:03 PM)
Mtg relief program???
thanks clinton!!!!!!!!
Should never half to have a mtg relief program????

PlanetReality Wrote:11 hours ago (8:05 PM)
Now we will need a health care relief program when this one gets out of office!!!
bigbi1l10 Wrote:11 hours ago (7:49 PM)
The 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain proposed a $300 billion mortgage relief program. Isn't this yet another Republican Marxian wealth redistribution program that was four times LARGER than Obama's $75 billion program? Let's be frank, John McCain's mortgage relief program was another Republican-Marxist wealth redistribution plan to redistribute wealth from those who could afford their house to those who bought more house than they could afford. And by extension, all those who voted for him are Marxists or to say they at least have Marxian tendencies. Are we clear? Read about the Republican Marxist program here; 

smitty41 Wrote:11 hours ago (7:50 PM)
2 wrongs don't make a right, didn't your 2 dads teach you that?
smitty41 Wrote:11 hours ago (7:37 PM)
Obama Plays a Water Guzzling Desert Golf Course Amid a California Drought!
smitty41 Wrote:11 hours ago (7:39 PM)
“We have seen this brand of hypocrisy from President Obama before — this time it seems his soap box doubles as a tee box,”
bigbi1l10 Wrote:11 hours ago (7:36 PM)
Ok, Ok, just how much "Drill Here, Drill Now" legislation was passed during the entire George W. Bush eight year 'Reign of Error?' 
PlanetReality Wrote:11 hours ago (7:42 PM)
Your right with dem control senate and congress, he should did an executive order........
Steve1579 Wrote:10 hours ago (8:17 PM)
Flagged as off-topic bull$hit.
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