Friday, May 2, 2014


One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 01 May 2014 07:03 PM PDT

In citing the reasons for awarding Donald Sterling the NAACP’s Lifetime Achievement Award during a press conference, Chapter President, Leon Jenkins claimed that among the sports franchises that supported the L.A. Chapter of the NAACP, Sterling’s Clippers stood out from the rest. Among the other teams he cited were the “Redwings.  Redwings? – not a local club. So looking up the Detroit Redwings, we found that Jenkins had a long association with Detroit.

Who is Leon Jenkins, the man who heads up the Los Angeles Chapter of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and who was preparing to award racist Donald Sterling, owner of the NBA Clippers franchise, the NAACP’s Lifetime Achievement Award?


According to Michigan and California records, Jenkins, a former district court judge in Detroit, was indicted in 1988 in federal court for bribery, racketeering, mail fraud, extortion, and conspiracy.

He was acquitted, but the Michigan Supreme Court removed him from the bench in 1991 based on evidence that he “systematically and routinely sold his office,” including taking bribes to dismiss traffic tickets, accepting gifts from attorneys who appeared before him, and using his office to secure the release of a personal acquaintance without legal justification.

In addition, legal and state bar records show, he lied about his home address to secure lower auto insurance premiums, solicited an individual to commit perjury during a federal investigation of his conduct, and engaged in improper private conversations with counsel during the course of trials.

In 1994, he was disbarred in Michigan, meaning that he could not work as a lawyer. In 2001, he was disbarred in California, where he had been practicing law as a plaintiff’s lawyer and civil rights attorney since 1991, because of his misconduct in Michigan.

Unable to practice law, Jenkins has engaged in a number of business ventures, including a financial services product called Freedom Card Inc. that was ultimately abandoned, according to federal trademark records.Since 2004, he has been the vice president of and a consultant to a restaurant, Smokehouse, owned by a personal friend, Leland Spencer, according to California State Bar records. He has also received income from Warehouse, a second restaurant owned by Spencer.  <Source:

Read: “From Detroit to LA, NAACP prez has history of ‘selling out’ – Michigan Citizen.”

What better way for a disgraced and disbarred Detroit Judge to continue making money than to move West and join the race-hustlers in the grievance industry.

It appears that the NAACP’ 100th Anniversary is marred by the inappropriate selection of benefactors …

Not surprising that we find a disbarred Judge handing out another prestigious award to a business crony, Leland Spencer, owner of the Smokehouse, and Warehouse restaurants.


How much does an award cost?

While the cumulative totals are not available, media is reporting that Sterling’s contribution appears to be a paltry $5,000 – probably less than an advertising buy in the Los Angeles Times to trumpet the event and its sponsor.

Leon Jenkins continues to try to reacquire he law license …

California’s State Bar Association pulled his California law license in 2001 even though Jenkins claimed that his NAACP and pro bono work should be considered as mitigating factors. As if public corruption in Detroit wouldn’t or couldn’t spill over to California.


In the Matter of  LEON JENKINS, Petitioner for Reinstatement -- Case No. 12-R-13895  OPINION – Filed April 9, 2014 

This is Leon Jenkins’ second petition for reinstatement to practice law in this state. His earlier serious transgressions as a judge in Detroit led to his removal from the bench and Michigan disbarment, followed by his California disbarment in October 2001.

The hearing judge below denied Jenkins’ petition, having concluded that he failed to establish his rehabilitation from his past misconduct or that he presently possesses the necessary moral qualifications for reinstatement.

The judge reached this conclusion based on Jenkins’ recent misconduct, including, inter alia, his failure to disclose material information in his reinstatement petition and in divorce papers he filed in the superior court, his affirmative misrepresentations in two apartment rental applications, and his recent conviction for reckless driving involving

Jenkins is appealing the hearing judge’s decision. He contends that his significant good character evidence and substantial community involvement demonstrate that he has been rehabilitated from his past misdeeds and presently possesses the requisite rehabilitation and moral fitness for reinstatement.

The Office of the Chief Trial Counsel of the State Bar (OCTC) requests that we affirm the hearing judge

Upon our independent review of the record (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 9.12), we conclude that Jenkins failed to meet his heavy burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence his rehabilitation and present moral qualifications to practice law in California.

As detailed below, Jenkins has continued to engage in acts of dishonesty, many of which are minor when viewed in
isolation. But, when taken as a whole, his conduct calls into question his fitness to practice law. Given the gravity of his earlier transgressions, we continue to apply the most rigorous level of scrutiny of his conduct, and in so doing, we agree with the hearing judge that Jenkins’ petition for reinstatement should be denied.

Source: California Bar Association

Community leader my ass …

It appears that Jenkins positions himself as a community leader and racial advocate – more like racist for profit – much in the same manner that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are decent honorable men of the cloth. (Yeah Right!) The latter two being nothing but two-bit race hustlers who trade individual and corporate absolution and public forgiveness for a profit.

Bottom line …

While I am constitutionally opposed to anything like hyphenated-Americans, it is a shame that our leadership, no matter what the party, race, ethnicity, color, gender, or sexual orientation is so damn self-serving and corrupt. Pandering to the special interests that pay the bills and reap the quid pro quo rewards.

It is time to throw these douchebags off the gravy train, starting with the progressive socialist democrats in the House and the Senate and then restoring constitutional checks and balances to re-track a Presidency gone amok with unconstitutional signing orders. It is also time to disband those organizations who stir-up and promote racial animosity for profit.

Lenton Aikins: my choice for the new head of the L.A. Chapter of the NAACP …


If I had a vote in the L.A. Chapter of the NAACP, I would select Lenton Aikins, civil rights attorney and noted author (While African Americans Slept: Leadership by Parasites), and a lifetime member of the NAACP, for the position. It is time to bring back civility, competence, and conservatism in civil rights.

-- steve


Posted: 30 Apr 2014 07:03 PM PDT

I still find it amazing that someone’s computer system thinks I am a democrat and support Barack Obama. However, nothing can be further from the truth as I abhor President Obama and his cadre of progressive socialist democrats who appear to act as a fifth column, destroying America from within with their lawless and unconstitutional rules and regulations.

Capture12-16-2009-8.57.07 PM


1. Do you support President Obama's goal of comprehensive immigration reform this year?

[I cannot support any program that does not put first things first. First, enumerating the number of illegal aliens now present in our country by providing the opportunity to register, as the law states, as an illegal alien. There should be a definite period, beyond which no further registrations will be allowed and any unregistered illegal alien subject to deportation. Second, by re-working Social Security Numbers into a secure and self-checking number; one that is compatible with existing numbers during the transaction period. I have detailed the methodology for doing this in another blog entry. Third, preparing an environmental impact report that details economic, social, medical, and employment impacts. And, only when these steps are completed and a plan to control in-and-out visas, and protect our borders is verifiably implemented, do we being the process of comprehensive immigration reform. In one scenario, current residents will be given renewable residency and work documents for a period of ten years … they will never be granted citizenship or voting privileges. After a single generation, since all of their children would be legal Americans, the problems disappears completely.]

2. Do you support President Obama's plan to increase the minimum wage for America's workers?

[I am opposed to increasing the minimum wage, especially for entry-level and low-skilled jobs that are not meant to be the basis of a permanent career. Instead, I would provide English and trade school vouchers to help people earn a decent wage.]

3. Do you support the President's goal of ending tax loopholes for companies that ship jobs overseas and to provide incentives for companies that create American jobs?

[I am for reforming the tax code, possibly a flat tax, and the repatriation of profits held overseas. I am for incentives for companies that verifiably create new American jobs and not the type of incentives that subsidize Hollywood productions.]

4. Do you support President Obama's plans to close the wage gap and make it possible for women to receive equal pay for equal work?

[This is a phony issue and women that appear to make less the men may have taken time out of the career to pursue home, family, and other interests. If Obama wants to fix the gender pay gap, let him start in the White House and his Administrative Agencies.]

5. President Obama presented a plan that will allow American workers to gain the modern job skills necessary to compete in the global economy. Do you support these efforts?

[No, I do not support these efforts because they are pure, unadulterated bullshit. That is, our educational system continues to turn out more functional illiterates year after year and cannot be trusted to train any workers. College has become a joke and trade schools simply government funding magnets.]

6. Do you support President Obama's plan to reduce carbon pollution, accelerate the development of clean energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and invest in sustainable and resilient infrastructure projects to prepare for the effects of climate change?

[Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. The President’s Green Initiatives are fraught with cronyism and fraud. And, there is nothing sustainable or reliable in the area of wind and solar power that can provide for the capacity required by a modern industrialized society. What is needed is a full-on push to nuclear energy – without the cronyism and corrupt contracting that makes nuclear plants unsafe.]

7. Do you support the President's proposal to provide help to those who have faced long-term unemployment?

[Hell no – giving workers almost two years to find a job is a disincentive to become gainfully employed. These people could have completed a college program in this time – and yet most of them are working in the underground economy or sitting on their asses while we work.]


1. When it comes to Republicans/Tea Party and the 2014 elections, which are you most concerned with (choose up to two)? 

  • Republicans keeping the House of Representatives
  • Republicans taking back the U.S. Senate
  • Republicans winning more gubernatorial seats
  • Other _____________

[I want the Republicans to restore constitutional checks and balances by keeping the House and taking back the Senate. Removing that corrupt POS Harry Reid in the process. Don’t forget,Obamacare was passed by a rule trick and many radical progressive socialist democrat judges have been appointed and confirmed by Reid’s Rules-Majority.]

2. Which do you believe was the most egregious action of the Republican House in 2013 (choose up to three)?

  • Forcing the government shutdown that cost the nation $24 billion
  • Blocking commonsense gun safety legislation
  • Blocking Paycheck Fairness Act
  • Voting for the 46th time to gut Obamacare
  • Voting to cut food stamps by $40 billion
  • Other ___________

[Most egregious act of the House was not impeaching President Obama for unconstitutional, and possibly criminal, activities. Lying to the American people is just another good reason to throw Obama and Biden out of office along with all the other progressive socialist democrats and their RINO cohorts. BTW, the thought of John Boehner becoming the president makes me ill.]

3. Do you believe the Republican/Tea Party majority in the House of Representatives will heed President Obama's call for cooperation, or continue their attempts to obstruct his agenda?

  • The Republicans will demonstrate greater cooperation
  • The Republicans will continue to obstruct
  • Undecided

[Any act to obstruct Obama’s radical progressive socialist democrat agenda should be viewed as an act of patriotism.]

4. Is it important to you to put a Democratic majority back into the House of Representatives and increase Democratic leadership at all levels in 2014?
___Yes ___No (If "Yes/' please complete section four. If No, your survey is complete. Thank you.

[Democrat leadership – from Obama down to the other progressive socialist democrats – is an oxymoron. It is vitally important to stop progressive socialist democrats in their tracks and to reverse the national tide of corruption, decay, and pandering to non-citizens and foreign governments.]


1. Please rank the following 6 political goals for the Democratic Party by their level of priority. Mark the appropriate number by each goal, with the number 1 signifying most important and the number 6 signifying least important.

  • Combating Republican obstructionism in the House of Representatives
  • Protecting progress achieved by President Obama
  • Winning Democratic victories at the state level
  • Retaking the House of Representatives in 2014
  • Protecting our majority in the Senate
  • Electing a new Democratic President in 2016
  • Other _______________________________________

[It is the height of self-serving hypocrisy that the progressive socialist democrats would cite republican obstructionism in the House and fail to mention Harry Reid’s complete and total obstructionism in the more important Senate. Again, the progressive socialist democrats, at all levels, have proven themselves to be corrupt, incompetent, and bad for America and all Americans. The thought of electing a lying, loser, Marxist like Hillary Clinton to run a chill up every decent American’s spine.]

2. As we look to our 2014 election work, we have identified four key priority areas. Please rank them by their level of priority, with the number 1 signifying the most important and the number 4 signifying least important.

  • Strengthening state parties
  • Maintaining and building our digital edge over the Republicans/Tea Party
  • Expanding access to the ballot box so people aren't turned away at the polls
  • Holding Republicans accountable for their reprehensible agenda while promoting our Democratic priorities and plans
  • Other _________________________

[Scary …

  • the progressive socialist democrats control California, Illinois, Michigan, and New York – and look what progressives have done to these states – maximum taxes and corruption with reduced public services, transparency, and accountability.
  • As for the digital edge – one my think in terms of creepy tracking and spying.
  • Access to the ballot box is a joke as so many dead people have voted for progressive socialist democrats that they could become the second coming. When picture ID is necessary for bank accounts, flying, purchasing alcohol, and many other things – it is not unreasonable to demand picture id when voting. Why did progressive socialist democrat Attorney General Eric Holder fail to prosecute the New Black Panthers for blatant election violations?
  • If any progressive socialist democrat mentions accountability in the Obama Administration, you know they are lying.]

3. How do you plan to help Democrats win in 2014 (check all that apply)?

  • Volunteer Canvass Phone bank Register voters Monitor polls 
  • Put up a yard sign or bumper sticker
  • Hold a fundraiser
  • Make contributions
  • Other _____________________________

[Not an effing thing!]

Please tell us what is on your mind about current Republican/Tea Party actions, President Obama's efforts, and the upcoming 2014 elections.

[The progressive socialist democrats and their RINO cohorts must be stopped before they destroy America from within and institute a totalitarian-like socialist state.]

Bottom line …


The progressive socialist democrats do not give a rat’s ass about your opinion. They want your money and voter support. After the election, they will ignore you and continue to service themselves and their special interests.

-- steve

Dear Patriot, It's unfathomable that an American President and his senior administration can blatantly lie over something as egregious as the death of American diplomats and their security.

New TTP Header

We wil be in Washington DC next week and need your help!

Dear Patriot,

It's unfathomable that an American President and his senior administration can blatantly lie over something as egregious as the death of American diplomats and their security.   If the people directed to execute the law refuse to abide by the law, where do they get the authority to make us abide by the laws that always redistributes our wealth into their greedy little hands?

These idiots are pushing our country into frightening territory.  When the government loses its moral and righteous path, real Americans are trained to disobey and destroy internal tyranny.
The Benghazi emails released this week do not really tell us anything we didn't already know.  Obama, Clinton, Rice, and the rest of the left wing hack machine sold an obviously bogus story to cover up their failures.
Where the hell is our representation in Washington?!? We have given many of these guys’ contributions and support and if they let Obama and his crew get away with this, it will only embolden the radical activists leading the administration.
We have sent MILLIONS of letters and still they ignore us.  This will not stand! We are going back to DC and we are going to demand that more members show more backbone like Congressman Farenholt who told Eric Holder to his face that he should be behind bars.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Christians purged from Military - then Military used to persecute Christians ...

American Minute with Bill Federer

Christians purged from Military - then Military used to persecute Christians
There were ten major persecutions of Christians in the first three centuries, and Emperor Diocletian's was the worst.

When Diocletian had lost battles in Persia, his generals told him it was because they had neglected the Roman gods.

Diocletian ordered all military personnel to worship the Roman gods, thus forcing Christians either into the closet or out of the army.

After purging Christians from the military, Diocletian surrounded himself with public opponents of Christianity.

He revoked the tolerance issued a previous Emperor Gallienus in 260 AD, and then used the military to force all of Rome to worship pagan gods.

In 303 AD, Diocletian consulted the Oracle Temple of Apollo at Didyma, which told him to initiate a great empire-wide persecution of the Christian church.

What followed was an intolerant, hateful and severe persecution of Christians.

Diocletian had his military go systematically province by province arresting church leaders, burning scriptures, destroying churches, cutting out tongues, boiling Christians alive and decapitating them.

From Europe to North Africa, thousands were martyred.

The faithful cried out in fervent prayer.

Then Diocletian was struck with a painful intestinal disease and resigned on MAY 1, 305 AD.

Get the book, America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations

Emperor Gelarius continued the persecution, but he too was struck with the intestinal disease and died.

Commenting on Roman persecutions was Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, who was the Democrat Party's candidate for President in 1896, 1900, and 1908.

He stated in his speech, "The Prince of Peace," (New York Times, September 7, 1913):

"I can imagine that the early Christians who were carried into the Coliseum to make a spectacle for those more savage than the beasts, were entreated by their doubting companions not to endanger their lives.
But, kneeling in the center of the arena, they prayed and sang until they were devoured..."

William Jennings Bryan continued:

"How helpless they seemed, and, measured by every human rule, how hopeless was their cause!

And yet within a few decades the power which they invoked proved mightier than the legions of the Emperor, and the faith in which they died was triumphant o'er all the land....

They were greater conquerors in their death than they could have been had they purchased life."

President Ronald Reagan commented on the Roman Coliseum at the National Prayer Breakfast, February 2, 1984:

"This power of prayer can be illustrated by the story that goes back to the fourth century - the monk [Telemachus] living in a little remote village, spending most of his time in prayer...

One day he thought he heard the voice of God telling him to go to Rome...

Weeks and weeks later, he a time of a festival in Rome...
He followed a crowd into the Coliseum, and then, there in the midst of this great crowd, he saw the gladiators come forth, stand before the Emperor, and say, 'We who are about to die salute you.'


And he realized they were going to fight to the death for the entertainment of the crowds.

He cried out, 'In the Name of Christ, stop!'

And his voice was lost in the tumult there in the great Colosseum..."

Reagan continued:

"And as the games began, he made his way down through the crowd and climbed over the wall and dropped to the floor of the arena.

Suddenly the crowds saw this scrawny little figure making his way out to the gladiators and saying, over and over again, 'In the Name of Christ, stop!'

And they thought it was part of the entertainment, and at first they were amused.

But then, when they realized it wasn't, they grew belligerent and angry..."

Reagan added:

"And as he was pleading with the gladiators, 'In the Name of Christ, stop!' one of them plunged his sword into his body.

And as he fell to the sand of the arena in death, his last words were, 'In the Name of Christ, stop!'

And suddenly, a strange thing happened.

The gladiators stood looking at this tiny form lying in the sand. A silence fell over the Colosseum. And then, someplace up in the upper tiers, an individual made his way to an exit and left, and the others began to follow.

And in the dead silence, everyone left the Colosseum. That was the last battle to the death between gladiators in the Roman Colosseum.

Never again did anyone kill or did men kill each other for the entertainment of the crowd..."

Reagan ended:

"One tiny voice that could hardly be heard above the tumult. 'In the Name of Christ, stop!'

It is something we could be saying to each other throughout the world today

"Outta' the Woods" column: My first Osceola turkey; now it’s time to apply for gator permits

"Outta' the Woods" column: My first Osceola turkey; now it’s time to apply for gator permits


One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 30 Apr 2014 05:46 PM PDT

I couldn’t stop laughing at this parody billboard that was inspired by the Los Angeles Chapter of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) who was about to award racist asshole NBA Clippers owner Donald Sterling its major “lifetime achievement” award at a ceremony to be held just weeks after he was heard banning his girlfriend from bringing blacks to Clippers’ games.

Just like polluters can continue polluting by purchasing government-sanctioned indulgences (aka carbon offset credits), perhaps racial transgressions can be monetized by non-profits seeking money to pay their overpaid executives …


Stunning hypocrisy …

Stunning, the apparent hypocrisy of non-profit organizations who take big bucks in return for bestowing credibility, awards, and support for miscreants who work the process. It appears only when they get caught up in a public brouhaha do they repent and decline to support the bad guy. Here the NAACP is honoring two blatant racists, one black and one white!


What is even more stunning is that a poll finds black people, when it comes to whites and other minorities, are often among the most racist people in the land …

More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Source: Rasmussen Reports (2013)

Bottom line …

It would be poetic justice if militant blacks like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Spike Lee and others who have profited from the promotion of racism would have their private conversations taped and released to the public – and be denied the opportunity to pursue their commercial interests without being convicted of a crime. Such blatant hypocrisy from the progressive socialist democrats. Unbelievable.

-- steve 


Posted: 30 Apr 2014 03:18 PM PDT

I was astounded that the oh so politically correct UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) would reject a $3 million medical research gift from the disgraced NBA Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, based on nothing more than political correctness  …



UCLA rejects Donald Sterling gift

Mr. Sterling’s divisive and hurtful comments demonstrate that he does not share UCLA’s core values as a public university that fosters diversity, inclusion and respect.

For those reasons, UCLA has decided to return Mr. Sterling’s initial payment of $425,000 and reject the remainder of a $3 million pledge he recently made to support basic kidney research by the UCLA Division of Nephrology.

UCLA has received numerous inquiries about an advertisement in Sunday’s Los Angeles Times falsely suggesting that it was UCLA publicly thanking him for the gift. The ad was placed by Mr. Sterling, not the university.


This is not the first time wealthy miscreants have purchased favorable publicity to sway public opinion. In Sterling's case, just look at the black-eye given to the Los Angeles Chapter of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) who was about to bestow a lifetime acheivement award on a person whose racist rant against black people -- as well as his previous court-adjudicated racist actions -- caused the present public outrage. Of course, the award was canceled ... but they refused to strip him of their previous awards. Money talks, bullshit walks.

I strongly suggest that it wasn’t the tainted money that bothered the hypocrites at UCLA, but the public advertisement placed by Sterling’s people. It is not uncommon among big donors to dictate how the recipient must respond to a donation, specifying contractual obligations concerning naming rights to buildings, programs, scholarships, etc. and to specify the type and amount of publicity – including the granting of honorary degrees, titles, and awards.

While UCLA has a problem taking research money from a man who has committed no crime, they do not seem to have problems taking money from real criminals and murderers … 

After livers, cash to UCLA

A powerful Japanese gang boss who received a liver transplant at UCLA Medical Center donated $100,000 to the Westwood hospital shortly after the surgery, The Times has learned.

A plaque dated November 2001 at the entryway to a seventh-floor surgery office reads, "In grateful recognition of the Goto Research Fund established through the generosity of Mr. Tadamasa Goto."

UCLA confirmed the amount of the donation Friday. Law enforcement sources say Goto, 65, is the leader of the ruthless Goto-gumi gang. He received a transplant at UCLA in July 2001, The Times reported Thursday. He made his donation less than three months later.

UCLA also acknowledged that it received a separate $100,000 donation from another man who figured in Thursday's story. He donated in 2002, the year of his transplant.

The man was identified by a law enforcement official as one of four Japanese men now barred from entering the United States because of their suspected gang affiliations, criminal records, or both. All four received new livers at UCLA between 2000 and 2004,


Of course, this raised serious ethical questions of how foreign-born criminals may have managed to bypass the UNOS (United Network for Organ Sharing) guidelines to disadvantage American citizens waiting desperately for a liver. Not to mention how criminals managed to enter the United States through a VISA program that should have flagged members of organized crime. I could not find any mention where UCLA returned the “tainted” donations or removed the plaque.

Bottom line …

If your organization is more worried about appearances and socialist political correctness, I guess it is unacceptable to take money from a self-aggrandizing racist asshole who has committed no crime, when contributions from real criminals are no problem. But, then again, I believe that entire University of California system has been tainted by appointing Janet Napolitano, who with no academic background and a history of managerial failure at the Department of Homeland Defense, as their President. In the final analysis, with progressive socialist democrats, it is more about the perception than the reality – even when the money could save innumerable lives should a cure be found for kidney disease.

-- steve

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