Friday, October 31, 2014



I know there are some of you that are Democratic, and love Obama, but 
This is for Christians first, politics later. I do pray that it 
Doesn't offend anybody with the truth of the message, but it has to be 
Sent. If you love your Lord first and your politics later, then you 
Will appreciate this message. If you don't, I'm sorry I judged you 
When we get 100,000,000, that's one hundred million willing Christians 
To BOND together, voice their concerns and vote, we can take back 
America with God's help. Become one of the One hundred million... 
Then let's get 200 million. It can be done by sending this email to 
Your friends. Do the math. It only takes a willing heart and a fed up 
Soul. God Bless America and Shine your light on Her.. 
    In 1952 
    President Truman 
    Established one day a year as a 
    "National Day of Prayer." 
    In 1988 
    President Reagan 
    Designated the 
    First Thursday in May of each year as 
    The National Day of Prayer. 
    In June 2007 
    Presidential Candidate Barack Obama 
    Declared that the USA 
   "Was no longer a 
    Christian nation." 
    This year 
    President Obama 
    Canceled the 
    21st annual National Day 
    Of Prayer ceremony 
    At the White 
    House under the ruse 
    Of "not wanting to offend anyone" 
    BUT... On September 25, 2009 
    From 4 AM until 7 PM, A National Day of Prayer 
    FOR THE MUSLIM RELIGION Was Held on Capitol Hill, 
    Beside the White House. 
    There were over 50,000 Muslims In D.C. That day. 
    I guess it Doesn't matter If "Christians" 
    Are offended by this event - We obviously 
    Don 't count as "anyone" Anymore. 
    Now he is encouraging schools to teach the   
    Qua-ran for extra credit in schools, while they cannot   
    Even talk about the bible, God or salute the American Flag. 
    The direction this country is headed 
    Should strike fear in the heart of every Christian, 
    Especially knowing that the Muslim religion   
    Believes that if Christians cannot be Converted, 
    They should be annihilated. 
    Send this to ten people And the person who 
    Sent it to you!... To let them know that 
    Indeed, it was sent Out to many more. 





 Best Regards,














How Many Elections Will The Democrats Steal?

October 30, 2014

How Many Elections Will The Democrats Steal? 


Theft: As "calibration errors" switch votes in Illinois and Maryland, an election watchdog group sues the latter over massive voting by noncitizens in one county after discovering voters registered in multiple states.

The fact that many people will do anything to get out of jury duty has exposed massive fraudulent voting in Frederick County, Md., that may have been going on for years. Illegal aliens who stated they were noncitizens on jury duty forms were found to have cast votes in elections.

The Virginia Voters Alliance (VVA) cross-checked jury duty forms with individual voting records and found that hundreds of voters in that one Maryland county cast votes after reporting they were noncitizens. One in seven Maryland residents are noncitizens, so extrapolating the number of possibly illegal votes cast in recent elections over the entire state hints at possible election-changing fraud.

Maryland is one of many states that in the process of making it easier to vote has also made vote fraud easier to commit. Maryland both issues driver's licenses to illegal aliens and has a Motor Voter law that allows that license to be used to register and vote.

The VVA filed suit Friday in U.S. District Court in Maryland asserting that individuals who opted out of jury duty as noncitizens have been able to cast votes in at least three Maryland elections.

Based on the number of these unqualified voters in Frederick County, it is estimated that up to 7% of Maryland's registered voters could be illegal immigrants, enough to swing elections.

"Their continued appearance on these lists makes it nearly impossible for Maryland law to prevent these declared noncitizens from casting votes in elections and significantly affecting the integrity and outcomes of overall electoral processes," said VVA President Reagan George.

As we noted earlier, when the VVA cross-checked voter rolls in Virginia and Maryland, it announced that it had turned up 44,000 people registered to vote in both states at the same time. The group also identified 31,000 dead voters via the Social Security Administration's Death Master File.

Maryland has also produced cases of "calibration error," where a person casting a vote sees in the voting summary the machines display that the vote has been counted for their candidate's opponent. In Illinois, when Illinois Republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan voted early, he was stunned to find the vote he had cast for himself had been counted as a vote for his rival.

In another episode in downstate Illinois, which has a tight race for governor, the GOP candidate for Congress in IL-17, Bobby Schilling, says he has received 20 reports from supporters who said that when they tried to cast votes for him, their votes were counted for his opponent, incumbent Democratic congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

Early voting is also underway in Maryland, and reports of machine switching of votes are emerging there, as well. Kathy Szeliga, a GOP member of Maryland's House of Delegates, told CBS Baltimore reporter Meghan McCorkell that it happened to her.

"I kept pushing the Republican guy's name and the machine kept going beep, beep, beep," as it steadfastly refused to count her vote as cast.

Democrats have long pushed for voting ease at the expense of voting integrity, pushing measures from voting by mail, to Motor Voter laws, to same-day registration, while opposing voter ID laws that require people to show up on election day with proof that they are who they say they are.

The day after resigning as attorney general, Eric Holder told the Congressional Black Caucus that the voter ID laws he and his Justice Department opposed were answers to a problem that "doesn't exist."

The problem of vote fraud does exist, but when all the errors seem to benefit your political party, it's easy to turn a blind eye.

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in case you didn't see illegal voting in North Carolina from the people ...

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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Barack Obama is in trouble. BIG trouble. Don't believe me? See for yourself.

Barack Obama is in trouble.

BIG trouble.

Don't believe me? See for yourself.

Just click here to watch the hard-hitting story of four black community activists in the president's home town of Chicago who have said "enough is enough" to the Democratic Party and Barack Obama.

This is the viral video that Rush Limbaugh said is "nailing it."

It's the video that the Drudge Report called a "SHOCK."

It's the video that will tear the lid off the liberal media's false narrative of Barack Obama's "invincible" following in the black community.

Just click here to watch. And, to help us spread the word and continue producing hard-hitting content like this, I hope you'll also consider making a generous donation while you're on the page.

For years - DECADES, even - we've been told that conservatives might as well not even talk to black voters.

The Democratic Party loves to claim that they have the black vote all to themselves.

But the tide is beginning to turn - and we have the proof in this amazing video.

After decades of hopeless poverty, welfare programs, joblessness, and tragically high incarceration rates, millions of black voters are getting tired of being sold a bill of goods by the liberals.

They're ready to throw the bums out.

And we're providing a platform for their unheard voices.

Please, take just a few minutes to watch this video. Share it with your friends. And consider making a generous donation to support our work.

I bet you'd never believe that black activists in Barack Obama's own hometown would ever turn their backs on this president.

But the things these men are saying - the stories they are telling - are absolutely astonishing. You absolutely have to see them for yourself.

Here at RebelPundit, we are focused on telling stories just like these - the stories that Barack Obama and his liberal media allies don't want you to hear.

The leftists want you to believe that black Americans are perfectly content to line up and dutifully vote for the Democrats year after year, without giving a second thought to whether their lives are actually improving or not.

That's baloney. And this video is proof.

All over America, black voters like these brave men are standing up, speaking out, and walking away from the liberal hucksters that have failed them again and again.

This story musty be told. We're the ones telling it

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