Saturday, January 30, 2016

Lost Words from our childhood: ...

Lost Words from our childhood:
Words gone as fast as the buggy whip! Sad, really! The other day a not so elderly (65) lady said something to her son about driving a Jalopy and he looked at her quizzically and said what the heck is a Jalopy? OMG (new phrase!) he never heard of the word jalopy!!
She knew she was old but not that old...
Well, I hope you are Hunky Dory after you read this, and chuckle...
  by Richard Lederer
About a month ago, I illuminated some old expressions that have become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology. These phrases included: "Don't touch that dial”, "Carbon copy", "You sound like a broken record" and "Hung out to dry."
Back in the olden days we had a lot of moxie. We'd put on our best bib and tucker to straighten up and fly right Heavens to Betsy! Gee whillikers! Jumping Jehoshaphat! Holy moley!
We were in like Flynn and living the life of Riley, and even a regular guy couldn't accuse us of being a knucklehead, a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China!
Back in the olden days, life used to be swell, but when's the last time anything was swell?
Swell has gone the way of beehives, pageboys and the D.A.; of spats, knickers, fedoras, poodle skirts, saddle shoes and pedal pushers.
Oh, my aching back. Kilroy was here, but he isn't anymore.
We wake up from what surely has been just a short nap, and before we can say, “well I'll be a monkey's uncle!” or “This is a fine kettle of fish!” We discover that the words we grew up with,- the words that seemed omnipresent as oxygen, have vanished with scarcely a notice from our tongues and our pens and our keyboards.
Poof, go the words of our youth, the words we've left behind. We blink, and they're gone. Where have all those phrases gone?
Long gone: Pshaw, The milkman did it.
Hey! It's your nickel.
Don't forget to pull the chain. Knee high to a grasshopper.
Well, Fiddlesticks! Going like sixty. I'll see you in the funny papers. Don't take any wooden nickels. Heavens to Murgatroyd!
It turns out there are more of these lost words and expressions than Carter has liver pills.
This can be disturbing stuff!
We of a certain age have been blessed to live in changeful times. For a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words that once did not exist and there were words that once strutted their hour upon the earthly stage and now are heard no more, except in our collective memories. It's one of the greatest advantages of aging.
See ya later, Alligator

Voter Asks Ben Carson: If You’re So Smart, Why Don’t You Accept Climate Change?

Voter Asks Ben Carson: If You’re So Smart, Why Don’t You Accept Climate Change?

Posted: 30 Jan 2016 06:59 AM PST

Voter Asks Ben Carson: If You’re So Smart, Why Don’t You Accept Climate Change? Daniel Schnall, 29, said he didn’t understand how Carson could preach the importance of education and deny mainstream science. The post Voter Asks Ben Carson: If You’re So Smart, Why Don’t You Accept Climate Change? appeared first on ThinkProgress. — [...]

Telemundo Reporter Featured in Gore’s ‘Climate Leadership’ Ad

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 07:25 PM PST At what point do journalists stop feigning objectivity and become bald-faced activists? Someone should ask Telemundo’s evening news reporter Vanessa Hauc. Former Vice President Al Gore’s non-profit organization, Climate Reality Project, featured Hauc in a promotional video for “24 Hours of Reality.” Currently, Gore’s group is recruiting “Climate Reality Leaders” for its March 2016 [...]

Bloomberg News: Paris Climate Deal Seen Costing $12.1 Trillion Over 25 Years

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 02:46 PM PST

Renewable energy needs 75% more to halt global warming Goal of 2 degrees Celsius agreed by 195 nations in December Share on FacebookShare on Twitter If the world is serious about halting the worst effects of global warming, the renewable energy industry will require $12.1 trillion of investment over the next quarter century, or about 75 [...]

Al Gore’s Climate Apocalypse — Delayed

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 01:37 PM PST

The rapture was supposed to happen on September 13, 1988. A few fringe pastors were screaming that the end was nigh, that the righteous would soon disappear into the air while the rest of humanity was doomed to suffer a quite literal hell on earth. Forget the biblical admonition that no man knows the day [...]

Analysis: ‘Carbon Taxes: Real Misery, Imaginary Results’

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 01:35 PM PST

Two German Scientists Say NASA Has ‘Squandered Much Credibility’ …Playing A ‘Shady Role’ on Climate

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 01:33 PM PST

By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (Translated/edited by P Gosselin) Photo: Vahrenholt/Lüning; Source: DkS The GISS-Institute of NASA is playing a shady role in the climate debate. For years it was directed by creedal climate activist James Hansen, and has since squandered much credibility. Now his years-long colleague Gavin Schmidt is at the [...]

Analysis: Data manipulated to make 2015 look like the hottest year on record

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 01:31 PM PST

Gore’s Tip of Tipping Point Busted

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 01:29 PM PST

Gore’s Tip of Tipping Point Busted. From: Global Warming Racket and Climate Change Superscam If you are reading this, Al Gore is wrong. We haven’t all been fried and died. While pushing his Science Fiction propaganda piece, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore appeared at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah, on Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006. At [...]

New Warmist Claim: ‘Could Climate Change Amplify the Zika Outbreak? One day, yes.’

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 11:59 AM PST Zika is bad, and it’s on its way here. In an editorial for the Guardian, climate change activist Bill McKibben called Zika “something out of a science fiction story, the absolute core of a dystopian future.” I’m as worried about climate change as anyone. But McKibben is being unnecessarily alarmist. In the future, climate change [...]

Friday, January 29, 2016


One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 28 Jan 2016 07:59 PM PST


Without Donald Trump to introduce the celebrity entertainment element, the Fox News Iowa debate was far less entertaining, but not necessarily more informative as the candidates retreated to their well-known positions and canned sound-bites.

Moderators Megyn Kelly, Chris Wallace, and Bret Baier seem to have much sharper edges; asking questions leading to candidate-fighting- candidate. Fortunately, most of the candidates simply took their allotted time to answer their own questions.

  • Out of the intimidating shadow of Donald Trump, Jeb Bush was more animated – but looked like he was delivering a memorized script. Bush continues to claim he is a conservative.
  • Rand Paul, who doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of being the GOP candidate, didn’t deserve a spot on the stage did what his father did before him; acted like a disruptive time-wasting gadfly. Followed by another time-waster John Kasich. 
  • Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush engaged in mutually assured destruction of the issue of immigration. 
  • Megyn Kelly then continued with an attack on Ted Cruz which he then skillfully parried. And, then Kelly turns to Rand Paul to attack Ted Cruz. No wonder Fox allowed this marginal non-player on the stage. Cruz parried again skillfully. Then Rubio attacked Cruz. Cruz then demolished Rubio. Christie took advantage and claimed we needed to stop the Washington BS. 

Bottom line …

Without Donald Trump in the mix, the winner was Ted Cruz, followed by Marco Rubio, and Chris Christie. Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, John Kasich were non-entities. And, unfortunately, Ben Carson was non-existent. But the biggest loser was Donald Trump, the petulant childish candidate who took his ball and went home. The fact that he used “veterans” as campaign props is despicable.

Of course, most of the online pollsters continue to keep the no-show Trump in their polls so as to continue the guessing game of whether or not Trump’s online and rally people will translate to votes.

Hopefully after the next few votes, most of these irritating candidates will be gone.

-- steve 


Posted: 28 Jan 2016 06:37 PM PST

Another suspicious e-mail suggesting this penny stock has tremendous upside potential. Looks like a pump and dump scam to me. What say you?



Posted: 28 Jan 2016 02:21 PM PST

Too “yuge” for the bumper …






Posted: 27 Jan 2016 06:24 PM PST

I am having a hard time even imagining a Trump Presidency. Wondering who or what he would sacrifice to enhance his ego and standing on the world stage. Who might be his advisors and would he select sub-par individuals and talk them up to the heights of disbelief?


  • Trump appears to be a malignant narcissist whose ego knows no bounds. It is all about Trump. A self-absorbed man whose level of pettiness is on display daily. In this manner, he is a progressive republican to be contrasted to Obama’s progressive democrat. 
  • Trump is insolated and insulated from any outside forces by his position and wealth. Therefore he can act independently of anyone constrained by either internal and external forces.
  • Trump apparently has no shame and a thick skin; willing to say or do anything he wants with no inner sense of shame or guilt.
  • Trump is following the advice of Fox News’ Chairman Roger Ailes, arguably on the most effective political operatives in history, who told Ronald Reagan, “You didn’t get elected on details. You got elected on themes.” 
  • Trump appears to have no core values and fancies himself as a “dealmaker” able to influence anyone rather than a constitutional conservative. He is, for all intents and purposes, whatever suits him in the moment. Willing to lie and mislead if it suits his purpose. 
  • Trump steeped in cronyism; and even worse talks up those cronies beyond their real character, abilities, and objectives. 
  • Trump’s deal-making modus operandi appears to be flattery, bribery, and then attack. He records every encounter with any individual as an entry in his favor bank and is not adverse to using that transaction to denigrate or belittle you. Imagine what a Trump Administration might do to further politicize our government institutions: the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service, and those Agencies that hand out taxpayer funds or perform regulatory oversight.


Bottom line …

Donald Trump is an unstable, untrustworthy petulant child being handed the keys to our nuclear arsenal. 

-- steve

Cast ur votes ............As Yogi often said....Only in America!

It’s time to vote for Parent of the Year.
In no particular order, here are this year's leading candidates:

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Great old pictures for history buffs.....

GREAT Extremely clear old pictures. Taken with old 8" x 10" film camera.  Amazingly sharp...
These are photos of life in the US at the beginning of the 20th century. They are truly a walk back in time. 
Read the caption under each photo to identify the location and time period.
019 | 1900| New Jersey circa. " Bergen Tunnel, eastend"
020 | 1900| Chicago . "A walk in Lincoln Park "
021 | 1900| Buffalo , New York. " Labor Day parade, Main Street "
022 | 1900| "U.S.S. Oregon quarterdeck"| Edward H. Hart
023 | 1900| "U.S.S. Chicago. One of the crew"
024 | 1901| Buffalo , New York. "Unloading ore from whaleback carrier"
025 | 1901| "Hanging rock on the Susquehanna near Danville , Pennsylvania "
026 | 1901| Petoskey , Michigan. "Grand Rapids & Indiana R.R. Station"
027 | 1901| Detroit . "Excursion steamers Tashmoo and Idlewild at wharves"
028 | 1901 | Colorado . "Station and hotel, summit of Pike's Peak "
029 | 1902 | "A poor family"
030 | 1902| Iowa . " Chicago & North Western Railway — steel viaduct over Des Moines River" | William Henry Jackson
031 | 1903| New York . " Brooklyn Terminal at Brooklyn Bridge "
032 | 1903| "S.S. Proteus. High water at New Orleans levee"
033 | 1903| "Unloading bananas at New Orleans , Louisiana "
034 | 1904| The Jersey Shore. " Steeplechase Pier and bathers, Atlantic City "
035 | 1904 | " Michigan Central Railroad. Oiling up before the start"
036 | 1904| New York . "The Ponies, Coney Island "
037 | 1905| St. Clair , Michigan. "Launch of steamer Frank J. Hecker"
038 | 1905| St. Augustine , Florida. "They were on their honeymoon"
039 | 1905| Coney Island , New York. "Surf bathing"
040 | 1905>| The New Jersey shore. " Boardwalk and beach, Asbury Park "
041 | 1905| Cleveland , Ohio. " Cuyahoga River from the Viaduct"
042 | 1905 | Buffalo , New York. "Jack-Knife Bridge, City Ship Canal , foot of Michigan Street"
043 | 1905| The Detroit River. "Transfer steamer Detroit in the ice"
044 | 1905| Houghton , Michigan. "Loading copper on steamer Juniata"
045 | 1905 | Buffalo , New York. "Looking up Main Street. Steamer North Land at Long Wharf"
046 | 1905 | "A winter morning"
047 | 1905| Knoxville , Tennessee. " Gay Street looking north from Clinch Avenue"
048 | 1905 | Hot Springs , Arkansas. "Roadway through the pines"
049 | 1905| Chicago . "The bridge, Lincoln Park "
050 | 1906| " Mississippi River Landing"
051 | 1906| Birmingham , Alabama. " Second Avenue looking east"
052 | 1906| Gulfport , Mississippi. "Steamer loading resin"
053 | 1906| Wequetonsing , Michigan. "The birches and the bay"
054 | 1906| Circa. "Banana docks, New York"
055 | 1906| "Railroad station, Magnolia, Massachusetts"
056 | 1907| Detroit . "Band concert on Grand Canal, Belle Isle Park "
057 | 1907| "The Brooklyn Bridge Promenade and Manhattan Terminal"
058 | 1907| Chicago , Illinois. " Jackknife Bridge , Chicago River" | Hans Behm
059 | 1907| Chicago , Illinois. " Jackknife Bridge , Chicago River" | Hans Behm
060 | 1907| Savannah , Georgia. "A group at the Hermitage"
061 | 1908| New York . " Times Square " The old New York Times building, now encased in billboards, Hotel Astor and various theaters seen from Broadway.
062 | 1908| Detroit . "Waders at Belle Isle Park "
063 | 1908| Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania. " Nixon Theatre, Sixth Avenue & Cherry Alley"
064 | 1908| "Suburban station, Petoskey , Michigan "
065 | 1908| New Yo

To some very special folks in my life...
In case you haven't heard from me for 2016 (or even if you have already), I give you this gift of a most special email with many beautiful pictures for your perusal.
Enjoy and have a healthy, wonderful year..

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