Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Just got this in from a Texas buddy and thought it might bring you a smile, too.!! Only In Texas........................

There's something here for everyone, enjoy..

    Starbucks Drive thru ~ Texas Style

I love 
this one !







Saturday, February 6, 2016

This is one reason why you should vote Republican this year...


Obama tried to defend his controversial (uh-huh) proposal for a $10-per-barrel tax on oil companies in order to fund clean transport technology. (Put wind in your gas tank; Obama generates enough for all of us.)

House Speaker Paul Ryan has called the forthcoming budget proposal part of an "out of touch" agenda and warned the proposed tax would raise energy prices, "hurting poor Americans the most." 

Obama countered that with gas prices so low, the impact would be minimal. (OmiGod, we can't let low gas prices continue. Gotta fix that.)

“It’s right to do it now when gas prices are really low," he said. (What he neglected to add was, "Screw poor Americans. I'm not running for re-election."

Critics claim the levy would be passed on to consumers, something White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest effectively conceded on Friday. He said he “would not be surprised if they did pass that along” to consumers. (Well, DUH!)

Monday, February 1, 2016


One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 30 Jan 2016 09:59 PM PST


Considering that anyone looking at the history of Bernie Sanders would conclude that he is, by all reasonable criteria, a failure with the sole exception of politics – where he has been able to eke out a living without any requirement to be a productive human being. It is Bernie’s contention that the rich are scum and need to support the rest of society as popularized by the father of Marxism, Karl Marx. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” requires the enlightened elite to control the access and distribution of goods is a manner they deem equitable. What they almost never mention is that the enlightened elite turns tyrannical and totalitarian to maintain their power and that the best of the products and services are reserved for the ruling class and their special interest cronies.

Bernie and his acolytes represent a clear and present danger to the United States as we know it; destroying those who are productive in favor of the non-productive until it takes a Lenin, Stalin, Castro, or Kim with military arms to maintain civil order against an aggrieved population. No wonder the progressive socialist democrats want to disarm all law-abiding Americans and empower criminals and crazies to wreak enough in order to force the population to elect a “strong man” that can quell the civil unrest.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is a corrupt, self-serving liar whose profession is politics since she can no longer practice law. She is the epitome of an unindicted co-conspirator for so many scandals it is hard to count. She is one of those socialists who live like the wealthiest of capitalists while telling everyone else how to live their lives. One can only imagine that her domestic policies will double-down on those of Barack Obama, tanking the poor and middle class in America.

A California example of progressivism …

But, the clearest demonstration of what might happen if either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton is elected can be found in one of the most progressive cities in America, San Francisco. Where the politicians pretend that they are “of the people and for the people” while they watch the poor and middle class be pushed out of the city to make way for millionaire progressive yuppies who say all of the right things, but employ crooked fixers to push their real estate projects through a corrupt city planning process.

These are the people who speak about “community” and then redefine community as those like-minded individuals who are as talented, wealthy and progressive as themselves.

The City has pretty much turned from a “jewel” to a third world nation within its boundaries – with the poor peeing and defecating on the streets. Only in San Francisco do you find such an innovative solution as scheduling port-a-potties on streets to accommodate those who are shunned in business establishments.

San Francisco port-a-potty program offers homeless privacy, normality

San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen bemoaned in 1985 that his beloved city — particularly "the seamy streets of the Tenderloin" — risked the moniker of Latrine-by-the-Bay, in part because of official resistance to public toilets.

In the three decades since, the prevalence of human feces and urine in the neighborhood known for its large homeless population has posed a persistent policy and public-health dilemma.

But on a recent evening, 49-year-old Mischa Fisher gazed at the Tenderloin Pit Stop with adoration. Homeless, Fisher has been compelled to do her most private business furtively in doorways or alleys when there is simply no other option. Like many, she avoids the self-cleaning toilets that dot the city. They break often and double as dens for drug use and prostitution.

The pit stop program — which just completed a six-month pilot and is expected to be expanded and extended Tuesday by the Board of Supervisors — offers what at last could be a solution. "It's private, it's clean, it has a sink, it has soap, it has seat covers, it has paper towels, it has a light," Fisher said. "It's wonderful. It's a blessing. It's the way I was raised."

The pairs of toilets mounted on small trailers are mobile, hauled in Tuesdays through Fridays at 2 p.m. and hauled out at 9 p.m. for cleaning. Full-time attendants sporting blue jackets wipe them down, give each user a five-minute courtesy knock, and sweep the sidewalks while they're at it. <Source>

WOW! How progressive is that? Folks, this is an American progressive city, not Mexico or another third-world country. But, then again, we see these dynamics in almost every city managed by the progressive socialist elites. The same people who continue to invite even more illegal aliens into their cities, placing further pressure on the infrastructure and social safety nets.

So where do all the billions in governmental assistance go?

Where are those uber-billionaires progressives who speak vaguely about helping people in third world nations while this exists in their own backyard. Where are the people from Microsoft, Google, and all of the other big companies that run luxury buses into San Francisco for the benefit of their employees.

Google’s Buses Help Its Workers Beat the Rush

The perks of working at Google are the envy of Silicon Valley. Unlimited amounts of free chef-prepared food at all times of day. A climbing wall, a volleyball court and two lap pools. On-site car washes, oil changes and haircuts, not to mention free doctor checkups. But the biggest perk may come with the morning commute.

In Silicon Valley, a region known for some of the worst traffic in the nation, Google, the Internet search engine giant and online advertising behemoth, has turned itself into Google, the mass transit operator. Its aim is to make commuting painless for its pampered workers — and keep attracting new recruits in a notoriously competitive market for top engineering talent.

The company now ferries about 1,200 employees to and from Google daily — nearly one-fourth of its local work force — aboard 32 shuttle buses equipped with comfortable leather seats and wireless Internet access. Bicycles are allowed on exterior racks, and dogs on forward seats, or on their owners’ laps if the buses run full. <Source>

Has anyone noticed that the greatest number of evictions of long-term middle-class residents from their government-mandated affordable rent-controlled homes seems to cluster around these luxury bus stops?

These are the progressives that believe they can tame nature’s overwhelming power with public policies …

Refresh my memory, wasn’t San Francisco destroyed by an Earthquake? Isn’t this one of the most dangerous places riddled with major nearby faults? So why do the progressives thumb their nose at nature’s power and continue to build high-density high-rises in dangerous areas?

Powerful earthquake possible in San Francisco's Hayward Fault Zone

There's a big earthquake coming. Tuesday's magnitude-4.0 earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area caused relatively little damage, but it gave a glimpse of the potential geological threats the region could face.

Scientists believe there's strong evidence to suggest that a major quake will strike the San Francisco Bay Area; the only question is when.

Geophysicist Tom Brocher with the U.S. Geological Survey said scientists are confident that a major earthquake will happen on the Hayward Fault Zone, a 74-mile-long fault line that runs along the the east side of the Bay Area, near cities such as Oakland and Fremont.

The zone is known for destructive earthquakes. "We know about it very well because it produced a big earthquake in 1868," Brocher said in an interview with CNN.  The quake Brocher is referring to was a magnitude-6.8 earthquake. Several people died in that event, which caused damage of around $350,000 -- about $5 to $10 million in today's money.

"Anything larger than a magnitude-6 earthquake can be very dangerous if it is near a city," Brocher said.

It has been 147 years since the 1868 earthquake struck San Francisco. "The most recent scientific study indicates that for the entire San Francisco Bay Area there is about a 70% chance of a magnitude 6.7 or greater in the next 30 years occurring on one of the several earthquake faults that run through the area," Brocher said.

In 1989, a magnitude-6.9 quake hit the Bay Area during baseball's World Series. The Loma Prieta earthquake caused 63 deaths, 3,757 injuries and an estimated $6 billion in property damage, according to the Geological Survey. <Source>


These are the progressives who claim curbing fossil fuels will overcome the natural drivers of climate change: the Sun’s energy output in all spectral bands, the production of cosmic rays, the Earth’s position relative to the Sun, the Earth’s rotational and precessional dynamics, the Earth’s vulcanology and plate tectonics, the deep ocean temperatures and currents, and the largest greenhouse gas, water vapor. There is no mention of the progressive agenda of reducing America’s standard of living and population growth until we are just another unexceptional member nation of the corrupt socialist United Nations.

Can you find any place in the United States where the progressives have revived the middle class and improved the economy. Yes, the financial crisis was manufactured by the Wall Street Wizards, but with governmental regulation and the corruption of lobbyists. Where the special interests were in charge of the regulatory agencies that were supposed to investigate and prosecute fraud. Where Hillary Clinton’s husband signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall and the legislation that removed derivatives from being considered gambling.

Bottom line …

It is no longer a choice between candidates, but a choice between progressivism (liberalism, socialism, communism) and the traditional values that made America great.

Already we see a socialist mayor destroying New York City while advantaging the thugs over the police. Oh so politically correct – and the progressives sit behind their security systems and armed guards and look the other way. Content that they will be invited to the right parties because they espouse liberalism rather than telling the truth.

Iowa will tell us a story. One we may not like and one we may have little time to fix. California is on the brink of disaster, Michigan and Illinois are not far behind.

-- steve

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Back to Tora Bora; No peacekeepers to Syria just yet; Another South China Sea sail-by; Death of the GRU commander; and a bit more...

The D Brief
February 1, 2016   

America's fight against the Islamic State is lighting up Osama bin Laden's old terrain in the Tora Bora mountains bordering Pakistan. The past three weeks have seen a sharp rise in raids and airstrikes carried out against the group in Nangarhar province, with 90 to 100 fighters believed to have been killed there out of an estimated 1,000 or so roaming the area, the New York Times reported last night. The big worry, as the generals see it—and as it's been in Afghanistan for more than a decade of NATO intervention—is that "a resilient militant organization [like ISIS] can recruit new fighters to replace those killed in American attacks." Indeed, as Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, the military's deputy chief of staff for operations in Afghanistan, told the Times: "Just because you take a bunch of guys off the battlefield doesn't mean you will stop this organization."

The Pentagon's escalated counter-ISIS work in Afghanistan follows "newly relaxed rules [that] the White House sent to the Pentagon last month" that require the military "to show only that a proposed target is related to Islamic State fighters in Afghanistan. Before, such a target could be struck only if it had significant ties to Al Qaeda." The new rules have clear implications for the other big ISIS fight looming over in Libya, as the Times explains here.

ICYMI this weekend: "Welcome to the Age of the Commando," from Iraq vet and former U.S. Army Capt. Matt Gallagher, writing the Times' op-ed pages. It's a murky, cautionary take on the White House's preferred way to go to war—just don't call it "combat."

At least 9 Afghans were killed, including two police officers, and a dozen others wounded this morning when a suicide bomber detonated in a queue at a police base in Kabul, the Associated Press reports.


Unrealistic expectations in Syria? The main opposition bloc has at last agreed to join peace talks on Syria, but the UN's envoy for the talks says he can't enforce any that's ultimately deal struck, Foreign Policy reported after getting their hands on a confidential memo.

"The current international and national political context and the current operational environment strongly suggest that a U.N. peacekeeping response relying on international troops or military observers would be an unsuitable modality for ceasefire monitoring," reads the "Draft Ceasefire Modalities Concept Paper" from Staffan de Mistura. "In plain English," FP writes, "that means Syria will be far too dangerous for some time for traditional U.N. peacekeepers to handle."

While de Mistura met with opposition members on Sunday, a triple bombing struck Damascus, killing nearly 70. ISIS claimed responsibility. More here.

Crisis averted? Turkey said Russia violated its airspace again on Friday. But given the reaction to the last airspace violation back in November—the first time a NATO nation downed a Russian jet in more than 60 years—fortunately tensions did not rise to that worrisome level this time.

What happened: "A Russian Su-34 jet entered Turkey's airspace at 11:46 a.m. local time on Friday, despite repeated warnings from Turkish radar operators in Russian and English, the Foreign Ministry in Ankara said in an emailed statement Saturday," the Wall Street Journalreported.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg threw his support behind Ankara's account of what happened, while Moscow called it "unsubstantiated propaganda." More here.

The White House's Special Envoy for the counter-ISIS fight, Brett McGurk, dropped in on the Syrian border town of Kobane over the weekend, "the first known visit by a senior U.S. official to Syrian territory since the beginning of the U.S.-led campaign against IS in August 2014," the AP writes. McGurk was joined by British and French officials. That short hit, here.


The U.S. Navy sent another ship within 12 nautical miles of an island in the South China Sea, but this time it was meant to send a message to more than just Beijing, Reuters reports. "The guided-missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur passed near Triton Island in the Paracel Islands, in what the Pentagon said was a challenge to attempts by China, Taiwan and Vietnam to restrict navigation rights and freedoms."

China condemned the move this morning; a defense ministry statement called it "unprofessional and irresponsible" and said it "severely violated Chinese law, sabotaged the peace, security and good order of the waters, and undermined the region's peace and stability." More on that predictable response, here.

D  From Defense One

USAF stands up Space Mission Force to counter Russia, China. The service is reorganizing for battle in space, but threats may be progressing faster than fixes. Tech Editor Patrick Tucker has the story, here.

Want peace in Syria? Put women at the negotiating table. That's what the Balkan experience tells us, say UK ambassador to the UN and a former U.S. ambassador to Austria. Read their op-ed, here.

Death of the GRU commander. An American general remembers Russia's complex military intelligence chief, Igor Sergun, who shaped the Ukraine incursion — and worked hard to bridge the East-West gap. Read this fascinating piece by Peter Zwack, here.

Afghanistan growing more dangerous for U.S. rebuilders. The Taliban now controls more territory than at any time since 2001, the inspector general noted in just one of many downward trends for a country now in its 16th year of fighting. From GovExechere.

The three worst national security ideas out of the GOP's Iowa debate. A closer look at the candidates' remarks on foreign policy reveal plenty of bumper-sticker slogans, but few serious proposals that could actually help keep the country safe. Quartzhere.

The Republican conflation of ISIS and immigration. Politically, this serves a purpose. But as public policy, it makes little sense, writes The Atlantic's Peter Beinert, here.

The Americans who volunteer to fight ISIS. "A lot of people come over here thinking they're going to be Rambo. It's not like that." The Atlantic reports, here.

Video: "Maintaining Force Readiness in the New Era of Global Threats." If you missed last Thursday's livestream, here's the video of a conversation between Brig. Gen. Thomas Murphy, deputy commander of Air Forces Cyber; Robert Naething, deputy to the Commanding General of U.S. Army North; and Brig. Gen. Peter Lambert, vice commander of 25th Air Force, ISR and Air Combat. Moderated by Defense One's deputy editor, Bradley Peniston. Watch, here.

Welcome to Monday's edition of the The D Brief, by Ben Watson and Bradley Peniston.Help your friends beat the February blues by sending them this subscription link: Got news? Let us know:


The African extremists of Boko Haram spent four hours torching a village in the northeast of Nigeria, burning women and children alive as the death toll climbed to nearly 90, AP reportedSunday. Nigerian security forces eventually responded, but had to call it heavy weapons before the militants could be routed from the scene.  

Another army is trying to get off its feet, this one in eastern Europe as American, Canadian and Lithuanian troops putting Ukraine troops through a 55-day course to sharpen their baseline defensive infantry skills, CBS News' reports from Ukraine's Yavoriv Training Area. That dispatch, here.

Defense industry giant Boeing just won a new contract to build new Air Force One. "The U.S. Air Force awarded Boeing an initial contract worth $25.8 million to reduce risk and lower the cost of the program by looking at the tradeoffs between the requirements and design of the new plane," Reuters reports. "Details about the total value of the new contract have not been released, but the Air Force has previously said that it had earmarked $1.65 billion for two replacement jets."

ICYMI: F-35 combat tests just got pushed back another year, to 2018, Bloomberg reported. There remains a raft of still-to-be-determined "modifications" on the jet before it gets a clean bill of health, Michael Gilmore, the U.S. Defense Department's top weapons tester, said in his annual report on major programs. "However, these modifications may be unaffordable for the services as they consider the cost of upgrading these early lots of aircraft while the program continues to increase production rates in a fiscally constrained environment." That, here.

U.S. Navy enlisted sailors will get to participate in its industry exchange program, Navy Times reports. "The program is expanding in its second year, increasing opportunities from five lieutenants and lieutenant commanders in 2015 to 33 spots in 2016, along with enlisted sailors E-6 and above from throughout the Navy." Details and specializations, here.

Lastly today—the U.S. Marines are teaming up with sci-fi authors to lay out the contours of tomorrow's battlefield, Marine Corps Times reported. "The Marine Corps Warfighting Lab will team three acclaimed science fiction authors with 17 service members who demonstrate creative skill in the genre. Organizers are teaming them up to create a compelling, credible narrative of what the world might look like in 30 years. Marine leaders will then use the insight to better understand — and prepare for — the future fight."

Ultimately, a dozen Marines were chosen along with four sailors and a Coast Guardsman, MCTwrites. "The Science Fiction Futures Workshop will be held in Quantico on Feb. 3. Participants will work with 'Ghost Fleet' author August Cole, 'World War Z' author Max Brooks, and Charles E. Gannon, who wrote 'Fire with Fire' and 'Trial by Fire.'" That, here.

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