Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Truth About The Rise Of Radical Islam Exposed By Sunni Muslim Raheel Raza...

The Truth About The Rise Of Radical Islam Exposed By Sunni Muslim Raheel Raza

by Geoffrey Grider

By The Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Demographics

"And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." Genesis 16:12 (KJV)

What do Muslims actually believe about radical Islam? After you watch this video you will have the answer to that question. Liberals be forewarned, the answers will shock you.

By the Numbers is an honest and open discussion about Muslim opinions and demographics. Narrated by Raheel Raza, president of Muslims Facing Tomorrow, this short film is about the acceptance that radical Islam is a bigger problem than most politically correct governments and individuals are ready to admit.

Is ISIS, the Islamic State, trying to penetrate the U.S. with the refugee influx? Are Muslims radicalized on U.S. soil? Are organizations such as CAIR, who purport to represent American Muslims accepting and liberal or radicalized with links to terror organizations? source



Tuesday, June 21, 2016

As Senate Votes Down Gun Control Laws, LGBT Gun Ownership Skyrockets...

As Senate Votes Down Gun Control Laws, LGBT Gun Ownership Skyrockets

by Geoffrey Grider

The Senate has blocked four gun measures, two from each party, in the wake of the Orlando massacre.

Dylan West says the Pink Pistols gun club in Atlanta has been a stagnant group since he joined a year ago. But that's all changed now. The gun club for LGBT people has roughly doubled in size to 230 members following this month's nightmarish shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub that left 49 dead and 53 injured.

"There’s always been a necessity for self-defense in the LGBT community,” said West, who grew up in Alabama surrounded by guns.

Pink Pistols has 35 active chapters across the U.S., and nationally, its Facebook membership has increased from 1,500 before the shooting to about 6,500 as of Monday afternoon, spokeswoman Gwendolyn Patton said. That hike has encouraged some and worried others.

Patton said several of the chapters have become active since last week. The organization helps its members “select a firearm, acquire a permit, and receive proper training in its safe and legal use for self-defense," according to its website. Omar Mateen, the killer in the Orlando attacks, did not belong to the Pink Pistols.

West, who is gay, said that while the Orlando nightclub shooting has thrown the issue into the national spotlight, attacks against the LGBT community “are nothing new.” The FBI reported 999 hate crimes committed against LGBT people in the United States in 2014, the most recent available data.

Because the LGBT community is often the target of violent attacks, it’s important for LGBT people to carry guns to protect themselves, said Dave Kopel, an attorney and gun rights advocate.

“People have to be their own first responders,” he said. “Law enforcement tries to get there as fast as possible to intervene, but they can’t be there all the time and it’s good when people have the tools and abilities to stay alive until law enforcement shows up.”

But others aren’t as sure that the uptick in gun interest among LGBT people is a good thing.

Timothy McCarthy — director of the Sexuality, Gender, and Human Rights Program at Harvard University’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy — called it both understandable and lamentable that some LGBT people are turning to guns. It makes sense that LGBT people might feel scared after the shooting and want to arm themselves, McCarthy said, but he also said an urge to buy more guns “might be misplaced and problematic.”

“Because I don’t believe that more guns is going to lead to less violence,” he said. “The more guns we have in circulation, the more guns we have in use, that sets us up for more violence.”

But McCarthy also pointed out that 6,500 people —  the approximate Facebook membership total of the Pink Pistols — is only a “tiny, tiny fraction” of the LGBT community.

“So I also don’t think we should make so much of this,” he said. source

This is why them hate Trump!... Listen then you decide...

Why so many people hate Donald Trump:

Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault...

Idaho Town Covers Up Rape Of Little Girl At Knifepoint By Three Syrian Muslim Refugees

by Geoffrey Grider

Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault.

The sexual assault allegedly took place on June 2, but has received virtually no media attention aside from one vague KMVT report. However, residents have been circulating what really happened on social media, with the Creeping Sharia blog reporting that the victim was a young girl who was born premature and is “less developed for her age”.

The perpetrators were three Syrian youths aged 8, 10 and 13, with the oldest boy directing the assault.

The little girl was playing outside Fawnbrook apartment buildings when the boys put a knife to her throat and forced her inside a laundry unit. She was then stripped naked, raped and urinated on. The 13-year-old reportedly told the younger boys to urinate on her because they were incapable of ejaculating.

The victim’s grandmother found the victim and then called the girl’s mother, who called the police. The police took 2 and a half hours to arrive but were unable to take any action due to the “language barrier”.

When she arrived, the mother of the alleged rapists was only able to say “no police,” while the father reportedly congratulated his 13-year-old son. Video of the entire assault was captured on the boy’s cellphone.

follow-up KMTV report revealed that, “the case has officially been sealed by a judge with no chance of it ever being unsealed since all parties involved are minors.”

A video of a Twin Falls council meeting shows irate residents demanding to know why council members have done nothing to address the alleged rape, as well as numerous other issues involving Syrian refugees being housed in the area, including hit and run incidents and Muslims spitting on non-Muslims.

Around 50 Syrian “refugees” are reportedly housed at the Fawnbrook site.

Council members were also grilled as to how a mosque was approved after just 24 hours, whereas a new home application would take at least 2 weeks just to process.

In every instance, the council members claim ignorance as to the severity of the situation, with one even suggesting that residents’ concerns are based on anti-Muslim prejudice and even white supremacism. source

EDITOR'S NOTE: I hope you are wide awake and paying very close attention to what's happening here. Obama is taking the actual words of an Islamic terrorist, professing allegiance to ISIS, and changing them to remove all references to his actual motivation for the attack. In doing so, Obama has declared both himself and his pro-Islamic government to be an enemy of the United States of America according to 10 U.S. Code 904 - Article 104...


One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 20 Jun 2016 01:46 AM PDT

If Tim Cook hasn’t noticed, Apple is a corporation that owes a fiduciary duty to its shareholders and anything which can prejudice any government against Apple’s business policies and practices may not be a good thing. So instead of being the iconic gay business leader, perhaps he should be the business leader who happens to be gay. So why is Tim Cook and his cohorts deliberately giving the finger to the Republicans – with a more than likely chance that they may become the next Administration and take a closer look at Apple’s business practices?

It is enough that Apple’s cache and sales – based on design rather than innovation – may become a thing of the past as computing becomes commoditized in a cloud that only requires a minimal footprint and browser to take advantage of powerful systems. 

Apple won't aid GOP convention over Trump

Apple has told Republican leaders it will not provide funding or other support for the party’s 2016 presidential convention, as it's done in the past, citing Donald Trump’s controversial comments about women, immigrants and minorities.

Unlike Facebook, Google and Microsoft, which have all said they will provide some support to the GOP event in Cleveland next month, Apple decided against donating technology or cash to the effort, according to two sources familiar with the iPhone maker’s plans. 

Apple’s political stand against Trump, communicated privately to Republicans, is a sign of the widening schism between Silicon Valley and the GOP’s bombastic presumptive nominee. Trump has trained his rhetorical fire on the entire tech industry, but he's singled out Apple for particular criticism -- calling for a boycott of the company's products, and slamming CEO Tim Cook, over Apple's stance on encryption.

Source: Apple won't aid GOP convention over Trump - POLITICO

About the encryption issue …

I firmly believe that Tim Cook was absolutely correct in withholding Apple’s engineering resources to create a tool to allow the FBI to crack the Riverside Terrorist’s iPhone. First, because it was the bumbling FBI that made the phone inaccessible in the first place by fiddling with passwords. Second, because the FBI was disingenuous about attempting to set a legal precedent that could be used to force any company to build tools to assist the FBI in cracking any and all electronic devices. Three, because the FBI found an alternative source to provide the technical support they originally sought from Apple – and appear to be sharing it with numerous other law enforcement agencies with similar device encryption issues. But, most of all, there was little to learn from the device itself, and there was a well-founded suspicion that the FBI was orbiting the area using a sniffer to hoover-up all manner of electronic communications.

Trump on the other had is a bloviating billionaire bully boy who appears to be a progressive socialist democrat masquerading as a republican. His ego-centric worldview and bizarre pronouncements make him unfit for the Office of the President and the role of Commander-in-Chief. Trump is no techie and his command of technical issues is probably limited to Tweeting.

Bottom line …

I hope that Tim Cook will concentrate on the massive job of making Apple relevant in these fast-paced technological times and leave the social engineering and so-called “justice”  politics to the lobbyists who work both sides of the aisle. 

-- steve  


Posted: 19 Jun 2016 04:35 PM PDT

Once again a high-ranking member of the Obama Administration follows in the footsteps of President Obama, Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, and United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice in believing the end justifies the means – including lying to the American public in such a manner as to prevent well-reasoned decision-making.  doij

Also known as a continuing misrepresentation, a lie by omission occurs when an important fact is left out in order to foster a misconception. 

Attorney General Loretta Lynch has announced that the government will release only a partial transcript of the Orlando shooter’s 911 calls. What will be removed are the references to Islamic terrorism and the shooter’s motivation in his own words … 

Meet the Press - June 19, 2016


LORETTA LYNCH: What we're announcing tomorrow is that the FBI is releasing a partial transcript of the killer's calls with law enforcement, from inside the club. These are the calls with the Orlando PD negotiating team, who he was, where he was... that will be coming out tomorrow and I'll be headed to Orlando on Tuesday.

CHUCK TODD: Including the hostage negotiation part of this?

LORETTA LYNCH: Yes, it will be primarily a partial transcript of his calls with the hostage negotiators.

CHUCK TODD: You say partial, what's being left out?

LORETTA LYNCH: What we're not going to do is further proclaim this man's pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda. 

CHUCK TODD: We're not going to hear him talk about those things? 

LORETTA LYNCH: We will hear him talk about some of those things, but we are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance and that. It will not be audio, it will be a printed transcript. But it will begin to capture the back and forth between him and the negotiators, we're trying to get as much information about this investigation out as possible. As you know, because the killer is dead, we have a bit more leeway there and we will be producing that information tomorrow. <Source>

Bottom line …

It is time that the progressive socialist democrats stop treating America citizens like children and pre-digesting the news in such a manner as befits the pursuit of their own agenda. Why does it matter that the Orlando shooter was a gay Muslim or a registered democrat who voted for Barack Obama twice or declared his allegiance to a foreign terrorist organization?  Pretty much because it indicates that this “mass shooting” is an aberrational event and does not support the Administration’s attempt to capitalize on this crisis to pursue gun control.

If the truth be known, looking at FBI statistics, would make a case for disarming only minority gang members in the inner cities and leaving the great majority of law-abiding citizens alone. But, it appears that the Obama Administration cannot tell the truth to the American public for fear of looking predatory and foolish.

It is about time that the Obama Department of Justice be held accountable for the ongoing attempts to criminally obstruct justice by slow-walking investigations such as “Fast and Furious,” the “IRS scandal,” “Benghazi,” and the attempt to stack the department with anti-America ideologues who appear to be bending over backwards to provide aid and comfort to our enemies when it comes to Gitmo and other investigations involving terrorists.

We are so screwed when our government believes that telling us that they are lying or have lied bring no accountability to the perpetrators of those acts. It appears that Congress is afraid of acting lest the members be held accountable in their districts by the activists who will target them as being racist.

When will “We the People” demand accountability from our politicians or will we continue accepting corruption and continue sliding towards a French-style revolution in 2050 when all semblance of law and order is merely a cover for political tyranny?

-- steve


Posted: 16 Jun 2016 11:49 PM PDT

For the majority of Black progressive socialist democrats, there are few things as revered as Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream”  speech and the power of King’s own words …

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

But here comes Oprah Winfrey who overlooked Obama’s inexperience, ties to radical ministers, ties to domestic terrorists, and ties to communists to vote for Obama because he was black.

Now it appears that Oprah Winfrey will do the same thing by ignoring Hillary Clinton’s flawed character and voting for her because she is a female.

Martin Luther King would be so ashamed that one of the most prominent and accomplished women in America would ignore character for color and ignore substance for sex.    


Oprah Endorsed Obama Because He's Black, Now She's Endorsing Hillary Because She's Female -- Those are very thoughtful reasons. 

For some people, particularly those in positions of power, politics is skin deep. Literally. 

During his 2008 bid for the presidency, media mogul Oprah Winfrey endorsed a then-relatively unknown Barack Obama. Using her financial network, name recognition and credibility, and above all her far-reaching media platform, it's been said that Oprah may have indeed won Obama the election. 

It seemed odd that a woman who was able to catapult herself from more than meager beginnings to the greatest personal and professional heights because of capitalism, chose to endorse a socialist. But to Oprah, the color of Obama's skin trumped everything. 

Sure, she billed his candidacy as a redemption song for the long-suffering African-American community. And of course, she wanted to help "make history."

Well, she did. And nearly eight years later, the country is less prosperous, less safe, and less free because we elected someone based on the color of his skin, not the content of his character. Clearly, Oprah didn't get the memo (perhaps that's understandable given the bubble her wealth allows her to live in), so now she's endorsing Hillary Clinton. 

Because...she's a woman.


Bottom line …

Perhaps Oprah can be forgiven her vote for Barack Obama because he put forth a message of change and hope. But, how can she be forgiven for endorsing and promoting a candidate that is mired in scandal, under investigation by the FBI, and has a pattern and practice of obstruction of justice?

If anything, Oprah sold out her people, her entire audience as well as her community, by endorsing the man who has disadvantaged blacks in every way possible. And now she seeks to repeat history with the endorsement and promotion of Hillary Clinton. Of course, Oprah is so wealthy and insulated from the real world that she is immune from the he effects of any corrupt politician. So as my mother used to say, if she is doing wrong, the sin is on her.

-- steve

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Can you spot the difference in the two pictures? ...




 Can you spot the difference in the two pictures?



Didn't take me long either. First car is red, the second is white with a blue stripe.

The Impact of Islamic Fundamentalism on Free Speech...

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The Impact of Islamic Fundamentalism on Free Speech

by Denis MacEoin  •  June 19, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • The 57-member-state Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) have been working hard for years to render Islam the only religion, political system and ideology in the world that may not be questioned with impunity. They have tried -- and are in many respects succeeding -- to ring-fence Islam as a creed beyond criticism, while reserving for themselves the right to condemn Christians, Jews, Hindus, democrats, liberals, women and gays in often vile, even violent language. Should anyone say anything that seems to them disrespectful of their faith, he or she will at once be declared an "Islamophobe."

  • Like almost every world leader, Obama declares, with gross inaccuracy, that "Islam is a religion of peace". It is politically expedient to deny the very real connection to jihad violence in the Qur'an, the Traditions (ahadith), shari'a law, and the entire course of Islamic history. They do this partly for political reasons, but probably more out of fear of offending Muslims. We know only too well how angry many Muslims can become at even the lightest offence.

  • "If PEN as a free speech organization can't defend and celebrate people who have been murdered for drawing pictures, then frankly the organization is not worth the name. ... I hope nobody ever comes after them." – Salman Rushdie, on the PEN members who objected to giving its award to Charlie Hebdo, after 12 of its staff were murdered by jihadists.

  • The OIC succeeded in winning a UN Human Rights Council resolution that makes "defamation of religion" a crime. But the OIC knows full well that only Muslims are likely to use Western laws to deny free speech about their own faith. Last year, the US Congress introduced House Resolution 569, also purportedly intended to combat hate speech. It contains an oddity: it singles out Muslims for protection three times. It does not mention any other faith community.

Iran's then Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini put a cash bounty on the head of British novelist Salman Rushdie 27 years ago, because he deemed Rushdie's novel, The Satanic Verses, to be offensive. In February 2016, a group of Iranian media outlets added $600,000 to the cash reward.

One of the greatest achievements of the Enlightenment in Europe and the United States is the principle of free speech and reasoned criticism. Democracy is underpinned by it. Our courts and parliaments are built on it. Without it, scholars, journalists, and advocates would be trapped, as their ancestors had been, in a verbal prison. It is enshrined in the First Amendment to the US Constitution, in the words

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

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Father Naddaf: Beacon of Light to the Christians of Israel

by Susan Warner  •  June 19, 2016 at 4:30 am

  • Chapter one of this story began when Father Gabriel Naddaf, a Greek Orthodox priest in Nazareth, started to speak up for the idea that it was time for Christians to embrace their homeland, Israel, and their Jewish roots.

  • "Christian Arabs are hostages." — Father Gabriel Naddaf.

  • "We have a joint fate in this land [Israel], because whatever happens to the Jews here will happen to us." — Father Gabriel Naddaf.

  • "On what authority does President Abbas claim that Jesus was a Palestinian? The Bible says that He was born in the Jewish city of Bethlehem to Jewish parents from the city of Nazareth and was circumcised on the 8th day as a Jew and presented to the Jewish Temple by His parents according to the Mosaic law." — Father Gabriel Naddaf.

  • Father Naddaf has been providing leadership to unite Christians and Jews; a rapidly increasing number of Christians see him as offering them the opportunity to envision and build a tremendous future.

The large billboard in the center of Nazareth warning Christians against slandering Allah, photographed January 2014.

When Father Gabriel Naddaf, a Greek Orthodox priest in Nazareth, Israel, launched his campaign to convince Israeli Christians to enlist in the Israel Defense Force (IDF), he unwittingly ignited a firestorm between opposing forces within and around Israel's Christian and Muslim communities.

His decision, born of his love and respect for his native land -- combined with his acknowledgement of Judaism and Israel as the cradle of Christianity -- perhaps has set the stage for a long overdue reunification in Israel between contemporary Christians and Jews.

In the short term, Father Naddaf's decision has polarized the Christian community, a large part of which has aligned itself with the Arab-Palestinian narrative -- a narrative engineered by forces behind Yasser Arafat in the 1960s -- and designed to obliterate Israel as a Jewish nation.

Continue Reading Article


One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 16 Jun 2016 11:48 PM PDT


Progressive pussification in education …

is little or no doubt in my mind that American educational institutions have become little more than indoctrination centers for today’s youth. Instead of teaching the core values of Americanism and the life-skills needed to compete in a competitive environment, the progressives have dumbed down education to the point where functional illiterates are turned into the world. And, even worse, they have a mindset and worldview conditioned by female teachers who appear to want little boys to act like obedient little girls. Of course, if you are in the white middle class, any disruptive behavior may be officially noted and the offending youth is sent off to the psychologist for their ration of psychotropic drugs.  Has anyone noticed that quite a few of the mass murders tend to be white, middle class, young men who, having been prescribed psychotropic drugs, commit mass murder when they stop taking their prescribed medication. Since most minority communities are not as indulgent of their youth and do not have the financial wherewithal to sustain psychiatric care, you find few of these people – even though well armed – commit mass murder.

  • South Carolina church shooter, Dylann Storm Roof, was on the benzodiazepine anti-anxiety drug Xanax and the pain killer Suboxone.
  • Santa Barbara college shooter, Elliot Rodger, was on Xanax and the pain killer Vicodin.
  • Aurora Colorado theater shooter, James Holmes, was taking the SSRI antidepressant Zoloft and the anti-anxiety drug Clonazepam.
  • Columbine High School shooter Eric Harris had been on Luvox.
  • Sandy Hook School shooter Adam Lanza had reported to have been on psychiatric drugs, but when a parents rights organization sued the state of Connecticut to release Lanza’s medical records, the request was denied “because ‘it would cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications’.” <Source>

These are often the very events used by progressive socialist democrats to suggest that the law-abiding American public be disarmed rather than suggest that perhaps one of the causal factors along with criminality and terrorism is psychotropic drugs. And, that if any list needed to be created, perhaps it is one of psychotropic drug users.

In what society, other than the fantasy world of the progressive socialist democrats, does making a finger gesture or drawing a picture of a gun require “official” intervention by scatterbrained – and perhaps well-meaning – school officials.

Pussification in the media …

If Firing An AR-15 Scares You, Maybe You’re A Sissy

If you can’t fire a commonplace sporting rifle without feeling ‘irritable and jittery’ for hours afterwards, that’s a problem with you, not with the gun.



The horrific terrorist attack in Orlando has inspired a lot of commentary from the punditry, but the most outlandish thus far has to be Gersh Kuntzman’s personal account in the New York Daily News of handling and firing an AR-15 at a Philadelphia shooting range. Kuntzman wanted to shoot the rifle “to better understand the firepower of military-style assault weapons and, hopefully, explain their appeal to gun lovers.”

This is actually a rather commendable exercise: instead of merely pontificating about a firearm, Kuntzman undertook to use one, test it out, and understand it. Yet Kuntzman did not find the experience to his liking: “mostly,” he writes, “I was just terrified.”

What follows reads less like a journalistic exposé and more like a Civil War battlefield diary written by a terrified 17-year-old conscript. Firing the AR-15, Kuntzman writes, was “humbling and deafening”; the recoil “bruised [his] shoulder”; the shell casings “disoriented” him; the “smell of sulfur and destruction” made him “sick”; the “explosions” (which were “loud like a bomb”) gave him “a temporary form of PTSD.” For a long while after firing the gun, he was “anxious and irritable.” Firing the AR-15, he wrote, “felt…like a bazooka.” 

In a follow-up column, Kuntzman reiterated: the “sheer power” of the AR-15 was “horrifying.” The noise produced by the gun was “deafening,” “anxiety provoking.” After firing the gun, he was “irritable and jittery.” The weapon “scared the crap out of [him],” and moreover, “It should scare the crap out of all of you, too.” Again he claims: “To me, [the AR-15] felt like a bazooka.” And he says his experience with the AR-15 “bruised [him], body and spirit.”

Here is a counter-proposal: Gersh Kuntzman is a sissy. 

Red more at: If Firing An AR-15 Scares You, Maybe You’re A Sissy

Bottom line …

It is a fact of life that you cannot control crazies, criminals, or terrorists with legislation that they do not respect nor follow.

Everywhere you turn, the progressive socialist individuals are blaming collective society (“the system”) for the actions of individuals who should be held responsible for their own actions. Everywhere you turn, you see dangerous people being allowed to bargain away serious gun charges in return for a guaranteed conviction. Everywhere you turn, you see the progressives citing disproportionate numbers of minorities in prison, yet suspend believe that a large number of prosecutors, judges, and juries must be bigots to achieve that result.

Commonsense suggest that if any gun control beyond the draconian and ineffective gun control found in the progressive socialist democrat-governed inner cities, it is the suspension of plea bargains involving gun charges. It is about time that the progressive stop weakening America with their program of pacification and pussification.

-- steve

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