Friday, June 2, 2017

Paris Accord: Tempest in a Teapot...!

The fury of the storm from President Trump's decision to withdraw America from the "non-binding, unenforceable" Paris Climate Accord is all show and no go. You can easily ascertain this by trying to find substance in the vocal opposition.

Over and over and over since Trump announced America's withdrawal, opponents have referred to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's reports as their basis for opposing Trump's decision. 

It is like they have one talking point and are able to push that alone. But consider for a moment the ramifications of hysterical tree-hugger agendas and reality.

Forty-five years ago, when I first met environmental indoctrination head-on in the classroom, the proponents of this Mother Earth first agenda were claiming "within 35 years the coastal cities will have to be abandoned because of rising sea levels due to melting ice caps." Uh-uh, didn't happen. MAD magazine ran a series of cartoon depictions of how the evolving pollution levels would alter human appearance as our biological system was forced to adapt just to survive. Uh-uh, didn't happen.

I found myself on the wrong side in the class debates and the philosophy brought to the classroom by the instructors. Guess where my grade-point average went because I refused to become a robot spitting out their faulty science to test questions.

But the past 24 hours has shown this one-sided debate up for the idiocy it has become. Long-time readers of the Rant will remember the one question I asked twice of the NOAA in the past six years. 

The first was the result of the NOAA study that found acidic levels in the oceans had reached their highest point in 800,000 years and that modern man and his lifestyle were to blame. The simple question that study conclusion evoked in me was "Where was the human activity then that caused the oceanic acidic level to be so high 800,000 years ago?" To me it was logical that if man and his activity was the cause now it must have also been the case 800,000 years ago. Not surprisingly, NOAA bureaucrats have not answered that question.

The next time I wrote to the NOAA was when they claimed the carbon dioxide level had reached the highest point in 2 million years and, as you might have guessed, this too was due to man's activity on this planet. Same question altered to fit the new study results was submitted.

Now the first study consumed almost 18 months and more than $25 million of taxpayer funds to complete. The second study consumed more than 21 months and took nearly $100 million from the federal budget. (It should be noted the dollar assignments are for man-hours worked on the project, new equipment and direct expenses for travel and do not include expenses for items already on hand like boats, airplanes or measuring equipment.)

But for $125 million you do think the bureaucrats would have had the intestinal fortitude to actually answer two simple questions. No, you and I are supposed to blindly trust this money was spent for a worthwhile cause and therefore no expense is too great if they can prove man can affect this planet's climate enough to affect the way it operates.

The Paris Climate Accord was preceded by the Kyoto Treaty. What is ludicrous is neither of these plots would have gotten off the ground without American taxpayer-supplied support under the table. No other country had the fiscal resources to blindly hand over the kind of financial grease necessary to get the engine running. It should be known Bill Clinton was President when the Kyoto Treaty was reached (even though the U.S. did not officially join) and Barack Obama's Administration helped fashion the Paris Climate Accord--though he was smart enough not to make it a binding treaty so the merits of the Accord were never really discussed publicly.

Now supporters of the environment--mostly because it gives them a recurring, annual working budget and political power commensurate with how wide-spread this rot has become--are all over Trump for removing this yoke from America's financial health. But they can find no better argument than to refer to the numerous studies put out by the NOAA, the organization that hasn't found the time or the chutzpah to actually answer two legitimate questions.

Could it be that the tree-huggers who are in charge have conveniently altered fact(s) that does not support their longed-for study results? Could it be the researchers ignored fact(s) that would cast a doubt on their research? Either reason is grounds for ignoring questions.

I will concede the Earth's climate and its living species are changing. But I demand that those in charge show me how man is the culprit when we can verify that this planet's climate underwent massive changes and various species also diminished long before man began releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. CO2 IS a naturally-occurring substance. Man did not invent it. He may produce more of it than would otherwise be there but something besides man's activity caused CO2 levels to be higher 800,000 years ago, something besides man caused the ocean acidic levels to be higher 2 million years ago.

I'd simply like to have someone doing the studies explain how and why. Until and unless the bureaucrats can explain that phenomenon their attempt to place all the blame on man is a ruse to insure their continued financial backing from government.

Donald Trump had the business sense to call them on it in a way they cannot handle, so the blithering idiots take to the media outlets and spew their venom at someone in charge who has the audacity to call them on their 'fake' science.

The backlash coming Trump's way also clearly demonstrates why President Barack Obama found it easier to 'lead from behind.' When you are not out front, nobody is behind you to put knives in the back.  It is exactly this business attitude Trump brought to the campaign, it is this business attitude that captured the attention and support from so many American voters and it is this business attitude towards every other political leader that sets Trump--and therefore America--apart as a leader.

He, we, are not afraid to go it alone; to tackle the global brutes whether it is 1776 or 2017. Maybe that is what has everyone else upset: Trump's willingness to go against the stream of public perception instead of blindly accepting that the norms of this world are much bigger than the combined efforts of mankind can affect. He cast this chain of tyranny off the back of the American people. 
"I have sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man."--Thomas Jefferson 

Monday, May 29, 2017

Do I have this right?...

Let's see if I have this right - - - -

Remember when Donald Trump was business partners with the Russian government and his company got $53 million from the Russian government investment fund called Rusnano that was started by Vladimir Putin and is referred to as "Putin's Child"? Oh wait that wasn't Trump it was John Podesta.
Remember when Donald Trump received $500 thousand for a speech in Moscow and paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence Agencies? Oh wait that was Bill Clinton.
Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of US uranium to the Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.
Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn't a part of approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his emails were leaked showing he did lie about it? Oh wait the was Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.
Remember when Donald Trump got $145 million dollars from shareholders of the uranium company sold to the Russians? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.
Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian Oligarchs like the chairman of a company that's part of the Russian Nuclear Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow, and a close pal of Putins? Oh wait that was the Clinton Foundation.
Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist went through Canadian tax records? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.
Remember when Donald Trump told Mitt Romney that the 80s called and it wanted its Russian policy back. The Cold War is over? Oh wait that was President Obama.
Man... Trump's ties to Russia are disgusting."

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

It’s time to declare war on ISIS! ...

It’s time to declare war on ISIS! I just signed the national petition that will be delivered to House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Go here to join me:



Mike Monsoor, Was Awarded 
"The Congressional Medal Of Honor" Last Week,
For Giving His Life In Iraq , As He Jumped On, And Covered 
With His Body, A Live Hand Grenade, Saving The 
Lives Of A Large Group Of Navy Seals That Was 
Passing By!


During Mike Monsoor's Funeral, At Ft. 
Rosecrans National Cemetery , In San Diego California...
The Six Pallbearers Removed The Rosewood Casket From The Hearse,
And Lined Up On Each Side Of Mike Monsoor's Casket,
Were His Family Members, Friends, Fellow Sailors, And 

The Column Of People Continued From The Hearse, All theWay 
To The Grave Site.
What The Group Didn't Know At The Time Was, Every Navy Seal
(45 To Be Exact) That Mike onsoor Saved That Day Was Scattered Through-Out
The Column!
As The Pallbearers Carried The Rosewood Casket Down The 
Column Of People To The Grave Side.
The Column Would Collapse...Which Formed 
A Group Of People That Followed Behind.
Every Time The Rosewood Casket Passed A Navy Seal,
He Would Remove His Gold Trident Pin From His

And Slap It Down Hard,
Causing The 
Gold Trident Pin To Embed Itself
Into The Top 
Of The Wooden Casket!
Then The 
Navy Seal Would Step Back From The Column, And
Now For Those,

Who Don't 
Know What A Trident Pin Is,
Here Is The Definition!
After One 
Completes The Basic Navy Seals Program Which 
Lasts For Three Weeks,
And Is 
Followed By Seal Qualification
Which Is 15
More Weeks Of Training,
Necessary To 
Continue Improving Basic Skills And To Learn New 
Tactics And Techniques,
Required For 
An Assignment To A Navy Seal 
After successful completion,
Trainees Are 
Given Their Naval Enlisted Code,
And Are 
Awarded The Navy Seal Trident Pin.
With This 
Gold Pin They Are Now Officially Navy 
It Was Said,
That You 
Could Hear Each Of The 45 Slaps From Across The Cemetery!
By The Time The Rosewood Casket Reached The Grave Site,
It Looked As Though It Had A Gold Inlay From The 45 Trident
Pins That Lined The Top!

This Was A Fitting End To An Eternal Send-Off For A Warrior
This Should Be Front-Page News...Instead Of 
The Garbage We Listen To And See Every Day.
Here's A Good Idea!
Since The Main Stream Media Won't Make This News.
Then We Choose To Make It News By Forwarding It.
I Am Proud Of All The Branches Of Our Military..
If You Are Proud Too, Please Pass This E-Mail On.
If Not, Then Delete This E-Mail.


Saturday, May 20, 2017

RIP Mr Ailes...

Woodward: The Media Is ‘Binge-Drinking The Anti-Trump Kool-Aid’ ...

Veteran journalist Bob Woodward said Friday the media’s eagerness to fight President Donald Trump is getting in the way of good journalism.
Too many members of the press are “binge drinking the anti-Trump Kool-Aid,” he said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.
“Stick to the reporting,” he said, adding: “One of the realities here is that we’ve got an old newspaper war going between The New York Times and The Washington Post. It’s good. and some very powerful stories. At the same time, I think it’s time to dial back a little bit about because there are people around … who are kind of binge drinking the anti-Trump Kool-Aid. And that is not going to work in journalism. Let the politicians have that binge drinking.”
Tump said he was the most persecuted politician in history in a commencement address at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy Wednesday.
“Look at the way I’ve been treated lately,” he said. “Especially by the media. No politician in history and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse, or more unfairly. You can’t let them get you down. You can’t let the critics and the naysayers get in the way of your dreams.”

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