Wednesday, January 16, 2019


lausd-hammer-dollar When I went to school in the dark (non-internet) ages, boys were boys, girls were girls, and everybody knew which bathroom to use. For boys, there were no “accommodations” when it was time to shower after gym. There was a tolerance for a certain level of joking and jiving when class started, but nothing major. Classroom disruptions were far and few between with the offender quickly corralled and marched off to the vice principal’s office. Now we find that the malignant hand of progressive socialist democrats in the classroom as they push their phony “disparate impact” theory which posits that the human behavior of an identifiable class of people must approximate their representation in the general population or something is wrong. A boneheaded policy that is arguably wrong as demonstrated by the number of high-achieving Asians relative to their population numbers. It is my understanding that the responsible factors are parental expectations, parental guidance, and peer pressure. All lacking in many other cultures, some of which have few expectations of their children, little parental guidance, and negative peer pressure directed towards high achievers. This has manifested its malignant self in higher education where some prestigious progressive educational institutions, notably Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and elsewhere as adopted the motto “Do as I say, not as I do.” [Note: The Ivy League was notorious for its anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, and anti-Black atmosphere – and whose graduates were likely to gravitate to policy-making government institutions like the Department of State, Department of Justice, and the various intelligence agencies.] In fact, there is a joke about one of the most recognizable universities outside of the United States, UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) where the pejorative “Unknown Caucasian Lost Among Asians” has been bandied about. All are “progressive schools” dominated and led by progressive socialist democrats who have attempted to shield their admissions policies from claims of bias and racism. In general, institutions of higher learning tacitly allow a higher level of disruption as long as that disruption is linked to social causes or advances the progressive agenda. Attempts at free speech are shouted down and speakers attacked because they have been labeled as “haters” and their utterances “hate speech.” One need only look at UCI (University of California, Irvine) to see what havoc disruptive students have been allowed to create. But the progressive socialist democrat nonsense does not end there… It is one thing to break a child’s heart with a rejection letter from a desirable university. It is quite another to see that student physically bullied in an atmosphere of progressivism that touts “zero tolerance” for disruptive behavior but gives a pass to disrupters, some more violent than others. The pass is in the form of a “stay out of jail” card given to African-Americans by progressive idiots who have not learned that poor behavior that is ignored or rewarded is likely to be accepted as “the norm” rather than being identified as abnormal and punished. The pass even has a high-sounding name: “restorative justice.” The goal of the so-called restorative justice movement was to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline by ignoring petty issues that often served as sentencing factors leading to charges that were punished more severely. The presence of “priors” sometimes changing a misdemeanor into a more serious felony calling for incarceration. Like any euphemism, “an expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing,” restorative justice is a form of racial preferences that is designed to impose little or no punishment on offenders as a redress to historical intolerance and to “adjust: the number of African-Americans disproportionately incarcerated in jails and prisons throughout the land. So why is this important today? As nearly 35,000 teachers and others strike and walk the picket lines to protest the Los Angeles Unified School District’s position relative to union negotiations, we are hearing more and more about the necessity for more funds to make the classroom safer for both teachers and students. Stunning hypocrisy from progressive socialist democrats who are actually fueling the flames of disobedience in their quest for political power. When the Trump Administration sought to rescind the Obama-imposed “restorative justice” policy that the Department of Education was promoting to schools who wanted to receive federal funds, the outcry could be heard from coast to coast. As with educational excellence, money is not the answer; neither is a relaxed tolerance for misbehavior. Bottom line… It is time that the American public realize that the progressive socialist democrats are openly dividing Americans into classes, telling those classes that they are victims of the system, and then promising to redress their grievances in return for political power. Of course, to anyone with half-a-brain and open eyes, we can see that the political power bestowed on the progressive socialist democrats did little or nothing the the majority minority inner cities. Where billions were stolen, waster, or simply used to buy votes. It is time to stop being hyphenated-Americans and become Americans. Americans who reward excellent achievement and punish misbehavior. If the teachers in Los Angeles were as “woke” as they claim, these useful idiots would be marching against both the school district and their union – two sides of a coin where anyone not politically connected is screwed over by hypocrisy and upside down policies. It is like 1984 met Alice in Wonderland and everything is mirrored in an alternate, and malignant, universe. We are so screwed. -- steve

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