Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Enemy Within Seeks to Destroy US...

ADL: THE PROGRESSIVE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA FROM WITHIN Com-donkey There is little doubt that the Democrat Party has now become closer to becoming the neo-Communist party in the United States that to the traditional moderate mainstream Democrat party of my parents and my era A turn toward the radical progressive socialist democrats under former President Obama, himself a transformational president who early on embraced communism, black liberation theology, and anti-Semitism. This entire Russia collusion charade is merely another attempt by the radicals to cover-up the demonstrable damage they have done to the country and to hide the depth of infiltration and compromise of some of the nation’s premier institutions such as the CIA, DOJ, FBI, IRS, EPA, DOE, and others. They need to discredit President Trump. But even more important, is their need to capture the House of Representatives to shut down the investigations that are highlighting the traitorous, seditious, and rebellious nature of the Obama Administration. How else can you explain the entry of the mostly non-political Anti-Defamation League’s into partisan politics? Under the direction of Jonathan Greenblatt, the sixth national director and CEO, the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) has seemingly turned from highlighting and combatting anti-Semitism, anti-Jew, and anti-Israel bias to a partisan political machine that blindly supports the policies of former President Obama, openly disparages Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and now has apparently joined the anti-Trump movement to oppose both President Trump, his policies, and his nominees for office. Greenblatt recently served in Obama’s White House as a “Special Assistant to Barack Obama” and the Director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation. In essence, he was part of the Obama machine designed to seduce Jews, ordinarily progressive socialist democrats, into accepting Barack Obama and his cadre of pro-communist, pro-Muslim, and anti-Israel acolytes. The Tweets… adl-aa There is nothing in Judge Kavanaugh’s distinguished history to suggest he is anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-Jew or anything else. So why else that Greenblatt’s bias against Trump and the Trump Administration would provoke such a nonsensical statement. The idea that Kavanaugh’s elevation to the Supreme Court would somehow compromise civil rights and civil liberties by following the U.S. Constitution is ludicrous. adl-d Greenblatt seems to ignore the concept of national sovereignty and that the nation’s ability to protect its borders is vital to national defense. It is not “inhumane” to keep your country free, safe, and protect its legal residents from harm. adl-c Immigrant community? There is no problem with legal immigrants, even those who refuse to assimilate. The problem is the illegal immigrants who believe they have some “right” to enter our country because their country has become a corrupt hellhole, mostly under dictators, socialists, and communists. The United States is governed by our Constitution, not a poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty. “The New Colossus" is a sonnet that American poet Emma Lazarus wrote in 1883 to raise money for the construction of a pedestal for the Statue of Liberty, not a statement of national purpose, nor one of legal standing. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” does not supersede national sovereignty nor the “legal” immigration process that governed entry into the United States. adl-b Substitute “Muslim nationalists” for white supremacists, and you have the primary cause for the rise of anti-Semitism in America and elsewhere in the world. The statement by President Trump is absolutely correct, and prominent and disturbing examples can be found all over Europe. adl-a First, Greenblatt ignores that Trump has welcomed “legal” immigrants who obey the immigration laws into the country, it is the hoard of unregistered illegal immigrants who are problematical. I am not aware of any anti-Muslim policies other than those affecting national defense and attempt to keep America safe and secure from terrorists and others who want to recreate their own corrupt and toxic culture here in America. Then again, I wonder how Greenblatt feels about former President Obama giving massive aid and comfort to Iran, especially when his wife was an Iranian-Jewish political refugee who entered America legally. What were they thinking… When Greenblatt was approached about heading the ADL, he is quoted as saying, “I thought, ‘ADL is a civil rights organization. I’m not a civil rights expert. ADL is all lawyers. I’m not a lawyer. ADL is a Jewish organization. I’ve never worked in the Jewish community.’” But Greenblatt’s business influence is clearly on display as the ADL’s Silicon Valley office is now partnering with the uber-progressive University of California, Berkeley to create an algorithm that can discern the difference between hate speech and non-hate speech. What makes Berkeley’s choice as a partner problematic is that the school is well-known for its anti-Israel, anti-Semitic atmosphere, and pro-Palestinian support? I also wonder how Greenblatt feels about a foreign sovereign entity like Saudi Arabia funding most American Mosques and staffing them with radical Wahhabis – some noted terrorists and supporters of terrorists? Bottom line… It is inconsequential that Jonathan Greenblatt appears to hate Trump and the GOP. What matters is that he is destroying the reputation and goodwill of decades by compromising the core mission of the ADL and embracing radical progressive socialist democrat politics. Some suggest Greenblatt’s animus towards Trump stems from the rumor that he was being considered for a high position in a Hillary Clinton administration – which was dashed when Trump took office. It is time to replace Greenblatt with a non-partisan director who will faithfully execute the ADL’s core mission and not merely parrot the radical progressive socialist democrats. The idea that the ADL is a non-partisan organization and not an arm of the progressive socialist democrats is fading fast. We are so screwed. -- steve

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