What Is On Obama's Wedding Ring?
I would like to hear Obama's explanation of this ring=-O

Some of the “sheep” won’t ever see the light, but sending this anyway…Doesn’t surprise me as I did my homework. To think, they are overcoming us from “within.” Shame, shame, shame, the left using the greed factor to win..greed in the sense of the sheep voting purely thinking they will be getting free healthcare, free this and that, but HE doesn’t care about them. When they are hauled in like the rest of us, they will yell the loudest…if this maniac wins, we are all doomed. But don’t forget, the Jewish people thought they were undressing to be deloused and in fact was preparing for the gas chamber. Lord HELP US PLEASE! What Is On Obama's Wedding Ring?
What is inscribed on Barack Obama's wedding ring?
Barack Obama has been wearing the same ring for over 30 years. When Barack and Michelle were married in October 1992, Barack used the ring as his wedding ring.
So, what is so important about this ring that Obama will never take it off?
 The answer is shocking.

Barack Obama and his roommate Hasan Chandoo at Occidental College in 1981


Obama wearing the ring as president


Obama signing legislation while wearing the ring


Obama in Cairo , Egypt smiling and waving during his speech



And what does the inscription on the ring Obama will never take off mean?

lâ ilâha illâ allâh: There is no God except Allah
The most transparent president in history? Who is this person that occupies the oval office? Does anyone really know? Clint Eastwood's September 7, 2012 interview with his home town newspaper The Carmel Pine Cone is dead on: "President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."
November 6th can't come fast enough,