Sunday, July 20, 2014


One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 19 Jul 2014 06:13 PM PDT


With all of the professional agitators and anti-Jewish, anti-Israel demonstrators running around Europe, there is but a single question that puts the lie to Palestinian claims of wanting peace.

In order to bring about the creation of a peaceful Palestinian state, will you recognize Israel’s right of existence and affirm the nation’s sovereignty?

The truth that most pro-Palestinian supporters refuse to accept is:

  1. Hamas is not a government. It is a thugocracy that siphons off money from “taxes” imposed on all goods imported into their sphere of influence through established gateways and smuggling tunnels. In addition to siphoning off humanitarian aid, Hamas does not create, maintain, or operate the infrastructure needed to build a stable state.
  2. Hamas produces no goods or services other than continued terrorism and the victimhood of the self-named Palestinian people. They know that they cannot militarily win any conflict with Israel, so they persist in using terrorism to produce Palestinian victims, the younger the better, to achieve a propaganda victory and secure international humanitarian aid and donations to the cause.
  3. Hamas is disliked by other Arab countries in the region, especially those who fear an uprising of their own people should a critical mass of Palestinians enter their country.
  4. Most people do not remember that the original Palestinian home was in the Transjordan area, from which they were ejected after fomenting a revolution against the government.

If anyone is to blame for the current situation, it is the old-boy, anti-Semitic British who partitioned the Middle East in such a manner as to covey great advantage to their Arab trading partners and disadvantage the new territory of Israel; hoping that the Arabs would overrun Israel and the sub rosa colonial connections could be maintained. Unfortunately, the Jews – fresh from the Holocaust – said “Never Again” and defeated the Arab armies. Defeating them again and again until they captured enough territory to avoid being overrun in another attack. However, missiles have no respect for distance and boundaries and a new war of sustained terrorism was established.

Bottom line …

There will never be peace in the region until you can reform Islam and develop a tolerant secular democracy in the region. Until then, the war between the Palestinians will continue unabated – with fits and starts – but no clear resolution.

Until then, I suggest the Israelis carpet bomb the nation with old Playboy magazines, marijuana, Twinkies, and Jack Daniels miniatures.

-- steve

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