Dear Fellow Conservative,
After last Tuesday's elections, we all want to take a deep breath, relax, and celebrate.
But we have one last fight. The Louisiana Senate race has gone to a runoff, and we must win that seat to prevent President Obama from having another far-left vote.
Please read the note below from the Chairman of the Louisiana Republican Party today. He lays out the unique circumstances at play in this Senate race, and why you should invest in this final battle of 2014.
Rob Maness ran a strong campaign and he's a good man. But now that the primary is behind us, I encourage you to unite around Bill Cassidy so we can defeat Mary Landrieu.
It is essential that conservatives across the country like you stand with Bill to make sure President Obama does not have another far-left vote in the Senate.
We're counting on you.
For Liberty,
Sen. Ted Cruz |
------------Forwarded message---------------- From: Roger Francis Villere, Jr. Date: Wed. Nov. 5, 2014

Dear Friend,
The entire Democratic Party is waking up angry this morning. They're bent on winning the Louisiana Senate seat. This is an all hands on deck situation. As the Chairman of the Louisiana Republican Party, I need the help of all Republicans nationwide today.
Yes, we're all in a great mood this morning. But this election isn't over... We need to win this race and establish firm Republican control of the U.S. Senate.
You see, the U.S. Senate race in Louisiana has gone to a special election run-off set for December 6th.
If we win this race, it will further cement a GOP majority, and make life that much harder for Harry Reid!
This is an all hands on deck situation. And as the Chairman of the Louisiana Republican Party, I need the help of all Republicans nationwide today.
We must help Republican Bill Cassidy beat ultra-liberal Democrat Mary Landrieu in the December 6th run-off election.
We took a huge step last night towards stopping Barack Obama's far-left agenda. But the Democrats aren't done--and they're going to do everything they can to stop the conservative agenda in the Senate over the next two years.
We cannot let up now.
Hordes of Democrat campaign workers from other now-completed races are descending on Louisiana to help Landrieu. These are the best of the best. They are the Democrats' "A Team" of campaign professionals and they have one goal in mind: doing whatever it takes to smear Bill Cassidy and secure a Landrieu victory.
They are also armed to the gills. We're hearing that record amounts of money are pouring into Landrieu's campaign accounts and other our liberal groups for the run-off.
Harry Reid's own Senate Majority PAC — backed by some of the biggest liberal millionaires and billionaires — is targeting this race with a fury.
Reid is absolutely enraged right now and he will do literally anything to win.
The entire Democrat Establishment is coming down on Bill Cassidy like a ton of bricks.
They want to crush him and try to salvage Harry Reid and Barack Obama's political fortunes.
I'm the Chairman of the Louisiana GOP and I need you to help me support Republican Bill Cassidy right now.
The Democrats are fighting to win by hook or by crook.
Let me give you the inside scoop on this race.
For months the liberal group Voter Participation Center (VPC) has been working to add 190,000 Democrat voters to the rolls.
This group made headlines in the Washington Post last election cycle because it mailed voter registration forms to pets, dead people, children, non-citizens, and other people ineligible to vote.
Do you want PETS and DEAD PEOPLE to determine who is elected to the U.S. Senate?
I hope not!
Democrats have a long history of trying to steal elections in our state, and VPC’s heavy involvement on the ground should be setting off alarm bells for all conservatives.
We can’t let voter fraud steal this seat!
I need your help today for this special run-off election. Join us today.
No group is better placed to help Bill Cassidy win than the Louisiana Republican Party.
Not only are we the ones who leading the get-out-the-vote operation for the run-off election — the phone banking, the voter mail, the door knocking — we are on the front lines here monitoring the election.
What you give today is crucial to making sure that Republicans cleanly win this seat instead of the Democrats stealing it dirty.
Believe me when I say the Democrats think they are going to drag Landrieu over the finish line first. They’ve done it before. In 1996 and 2002 Landrieu fought run-off elections — and won!
And unless you act today, Landrieu will win again and the final nail in the coffin of the Obama agenda will slip away.
I need you to stand with me and help Republican Bill Cassidy win. Please join us now.
For America,
Roger Francis Villere, Jr.

Paid for by the Republican Party of Louisiana
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