Military Newsletter - 9/3/15
Latest intelligence on the world situation, updates on US military capabilities, news that affects Military retirees,
and news that will probably never be reported by the "Liberal American Media!"
Edited by Lt Col Kent Vasby, USAF, Ret
Chinese Combat Ships Operate Near Alaskan Coast As Obama Explores Wilderness
Five Chinese navy ships are currently operating in the Bering Sea, off the coast of Alaska, the first time the U.S. military has seen such activity in the area, Pentagon officials said Wednesday.
The officials said they have been aware in recent days that three Chinese combat ships, a replenishment vessel and an amphibious ship were in the vicinity after observing them moving toward the Aleutian Islands, which are split between U.S. and Russian control.
U.S. Shadowing Russian Ship in Atlantic Near Nuclear Submarine Areas
High-tech spy vessel carries cable-cutting gear, mini-subs.
70 years ago: Japan surrendered, bringing an end to WWII
And it was exactly 70 years ago Wednesday, on Sept. 2, 1945, that 11 men representing Japan arrived aboard the battleship Missouri to surrender their country
5 Things You May Not Know About the End of World War II
Kerry Confident Regional Powers Will Send Troops To Syria
US Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday he was confident Middle East powers would send troops to help defeat the Islamic State group in Syria.
Nuclear Deal Calls for US to Defend Iran Against Israeli Attack
.....under the auspices of the Iran nuclear agreement, if Israel were to attack the Islamic Republic, the United States would have to come to the Tehran's aid.
Hamas is Rebuilding Their Tunnels Into Israel
Israeli officials accused Hamas on Tuesday of confiscating building materials sent into the Gaza Strip and using them to rebuild its attack tunnel infrastructure.
Desert-camo US tanks stationed in Europe will be repainted green because of growing threat from Russia
Move marks strategic shift after a decade of operations in the Middle East
Islamic State Terrorists Caught Crossing Into Europe Posing As Refugees
Thanks, Dave
Five men, aged between 20 and 24, were stopped by a border guard, who they attempted to bribe with a wad of dollars. However, they were searched and Islamic State propaganda, specific Jihadists prayers and decapitation videos were found on their phones.
I fear we face a direct threat to our civilization if we allow large numbers of people from that war torn region into Europe.
Dark mystique of French Foreign Legion keeps drawing foreigners
It's the stuff of legends. An elite force that takes in people from all over the world, erases their troubled pasts and asks them to fight tooth and nail for a country that isn't theirs.
Thousands of potential recruits knock on the door of the French Foreign Legion every year, hoping to join a 6,800-strong force that has fought for France for close to two centuries in conflicts the world over.
What If Stalin Had Computers?
When will capitalism end? Its not a new idea, and even the capitalists suspect it will happen. After all, every other mode of production has fallen, and capitalism isnt a steady-state system. It simply isnt built to stay the same.
It happened with the assembly line, and its happening again with information technology.
In 1930, John Maynard Keynes famously predicted these trends would reduce everyones daily toil to part-time by now, while Karl Marx thought the same developments would compel workers to seize the whole system and abolish wage-labor in general.
Director of 'Candy Land' VA facility fired in wake of over-prescription reports
The director of the Tomah VA Medical Center in Wisconsin was fired Wednesday, becoming the second top official to be axed in the wake of reports of over-medication practices blamed for the death of at least one veteran.
21.5M federal hacking victims to be notified starting this month
The Defense Department will start late this month to notify 21.5 million people whose background investigation files were hacked by the Chinese that they can sign up for protections under a $133 million contract announced this week.
Pentagon warns of Tricare mail scam
The Defense Health Agency is warning Tricare beneficiaries of an elaborate mail scam designed to steal money from their banks.
Tricare beneficiaries received letters from a bogus company called Tricare Survey Inc., offering them the chance to work as "secret shoppers."
More than half of immigrants on welfare
Thanks, Dave
About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit, including Medicaid, food stamps, school lunches and housing assistance, compared to 30% for native-led households.
The center's report includes immigrants who have become naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents, those on short-term visas and undocumented (illegal) immigrants.
Black supremacist SERIOUSLY declares open season on killing white cops and 'crackers' in chilling viral video
It's open season on killing white people and crackers, according to self-described black supremacist, King Noble.
Its not safe no more to be white in America. Lurking behind any corner could be an angry black man ready to take yo a** out. Its a reality. Its open season on killing whites and police,
Milwaukee's Sheriff Clarke: 'Stop Trying to Fix the Police -- Fix the Ghetto'
Sheriff Clarke made his remarks during an interview with Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade on Monday, who launched the discussion by talking about the execution-style killing of a deputy sheriff in Texas last Friday; the suspected killer, a 30-year-old black male, was arrested and charged with capital murder in that crime on Saturday.
Obama Instinctively Sides Against the Authorities
President Obamas reaction to every incident where there was race involved…has always been to instinctively side himself against the authorities
Communists blame Obama for Europe's immigration crisis
While not mentioning President Obama by name, the official newspaper of the Workers World Party squarely blamed the U.S.-led intervention in Libya and what it calls subversion in Syria for the illegal immigrant crisis currently facing Europe.
What drove this crisis to unprecedented heights was NATOs bombing, invasion and subversion of Libya and Syria, starting in 2011, stated the Workers World Weekly newspaper in an editorial.
Salmon spawns on Obama in Alaska
During his historic trip to Alaska, President Barack Obama spent some time fishing at Kanakanak Beach in Dillingham and in a comical moment, a salmon spawned on his shoes.
"Uh-oh, what's happening here?" he asked.
Filling Our Empty Churches: Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down
Casual Atmosphere. Serious Faith. No Weird Stuff. These words headed a brochure placed in my friends mailbox by a local congregation. She asked me what I thought of the brochure. I told her I would have preferred: Reverent Atmosphere. True Faith. Endless Mystery.
Then we talked about the wisdom of various attempts at, for lack of a better phrase, Christian advertising.
Pope to say D.C. Mass in Spanish in bow to 'Hispanic population'
In a bow to the huge U.S. Hispanic population and the Catholic Church's advocacy of immigration, Pope Francis plans to give his Washington Mass Sept. 23 in Spanish
It was entertainment night at the senior citizens' center.
Thanks, Marty
After the community sing along led by Alice at the piano, it was time for the star of the show- Claude the Hypnotist!
Claude explained that he was going to put the whole audience into a trance.
"Yes, each and every one of you and all at the same time." said Claude.
The excited chatter dropped to silence as Claude carefully withdrew from his waistcoat pocket; a beautiful antique gold pocket watch and chain.
"I want you to keep your eyes on this watch" said Claude, holding the watch high for all to see.
"It is a very special and valuable watch that has been in my family for six generations" said Claude.
He began to swing the watch gently back and forth while quietly chanting
"Watch the watch --- Watch the watch ----Watch the watch"
The audience became mesmerized as the watch swayed back and forth.
The lights were twinkling as they were reflected from its gleaming surfaces.
A hundred and fifty pairs of eyes followed the movements of the gently swaying watch.
They were hypnotized.
And then, suddenly, the chain broke!!!
The beautiful watch fell to the stage and burst apart on impact"
"SHIT" said Claude.
It took them three days to clean the Senior Citizens ' Center and Claude was never invited there again
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