Military Newsletter
Latest intelligence on the world situation, updates on US military capabilities, news that affects Military retirees,
and news that will probably never be reported by the "Liberal American Media!"
Edited by Lt Col Kent Vasby, USAF, Ret
The Plot Thickens
Russia Sending Arms To The Kurds Battling The Islamic State
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Thursday his country has been coordinating with the Kurdish forces battling Islamic State militants in Iraq and has been sending arms to them through the central government in Baghdad.
WNU Editor: The Kurds have been waiting forever to receive weapons and arms from the U.S. .... but with Russia now becoming involved the old rules and policies that the U.S. has been operating under have just been thrown out the window.
Mobile saunas, Russian 'Crocs' and battered warplanes: Inside Putin's Syrian airbase from where Russian jets are pounding ISIS and American-backed rebels
Mobile saunas?
U.S. To Adopt A Tougher Stance Against China In The South China Sea
The move toward a somewhat more muscular stance follows talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington last month, which fell far short of a breakthrough over how territorial disputes should be settled in the strategic South China Sea.
A final decision has not been made.
But the Obama administration is heavily leaning toward using a show of military might after Chinese opposition ended diplomatic efforts to halt land reclamation and the construction of military outposts in the waterway.
The timing and details of the patrols which would be designed to uphold principles of freedom of navigation in international waters are still being worked out, Obama administration and Pentagon officials said.
Col. Jack Jacobs Syria Advice For Obama: "Shut Up,"
CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera asks retired Col. and NBC analyst Jack Jacobs about the Obama administration's Syria policy this morning. What should Obama do?
"Shut up is the first thing to do," Jacobs said. Were not doing anything whatsoever …
Obamas trash talk
In a freewheeling news conference, the president smacks down Putin, Congress and gun control opponents
President Barack Obamas never done a good job hiding his disdain for the people he doesnt likea long list that includes reporters, Republicans, pretty much every member of Congress, the foreign leaders he considers petty and childish (Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyanu most of all). Everyone would see things his way, he tends to project, if only they were a little smarter and thought it through as thoroughly as he has.
Confused about the Middle East?
So Is the United States
Since the Arab Spring, many Middle Eastern countries have fallen into political chaos like dominoes.
I'll tell ya what I'm gonna do
Europe Needs Turkeys Help on Migrants
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to discuss his countrys role in alleviating Europes burden
and what it would get in return.
Turkey has become one of the keys to solving Europes migrant crisis, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoganwho arrives in Brussels on Monday for talks with top European politicians on the issueknows it.
But the options for getting the Turkish leader to help stem the flows of people through his country are few and complicated.
A Prelude to War?
World War I didnt begin in Europe. It started in Africa.
By the time the shooting erupted in 1914, in fact, a retrospective analysis of the conditions that led to war had lent credence to the conclusion that a great clash was almost inevitable. Germanys perceived encirclement and that resurgent nations belief that they had been unfairly cut off from their share of colonial possessions in Africa led Berlin to embrace bellicosity.
Woodrow Wilson watched, committed to keeping the US on the sidelines!
Today, another great and embittered power is on the march. Ruled by a rancorous cabal of ambitious men who are all but consumed with a desire to reacquire lost grandeur, it is Russia that threatens the peace. It is Russia that is taking advantage of long-simmering conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa to advance its interests. It is Russia that is pressing its luck on the outer fringes of Europe.
Like Wilson, the present American presidents desperation to avoid entangling and prolonged conflicts has led to the present suboptimal state of affairs.
Read it:
Dear 'Gun Free Zone' Campus Wizards: Nine Kids Died Because Of Your Stupid Policy
Like you, my buddies and I were pissed off, sad and sick to our stomachs. Three things, in particular, were ticking us off regarding this senseless slaughter.
They were ...
1. Another Gun Free Zone Epic Fail. 2. Christians Were Targeted. 3. Apparently Only One Dude Out Of A Couple Of Dozen Fought Back.
Here's my thoughts regarding the foul aforementioned.
Down Under - Dressed in all black, brandishing a gun and chanting 'Allah, Allah'....
Sydney, Australia - Chilling footage has emerged showing the final moments of a 'radicalised' 15-year-old after he stormed a police headquarters and shot an accountant at point-blank range in an 'act of terrorism'.
Schoolboy Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad can been seen running down the street brandishing his gun in the air just seconds after killing father-of-two Curtis Cheng, 58.
Dressed in a black robe, the lone gunman can be heard screaming at officers before having a shoot-out with three special constables guarding the station in Parramatta, Sydney.
Multiple shots can be heard and the Channel Seven video then shows the Iranian-born youth, who is reported to be a Sunni Muslim, lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood.
The exchange of gunfire occurred yesterday afternoon just metres away from the Goodstart Early Learning Centre where young children could be seen playing behind a wall.
Farhad was reportedly able to walk unchallenged into the police headquarters and choose his victim.
Just a Coincidence!
ESPN Cuts Away From Football Coach As Soon As He Mentions God
There is a gag order on God in the sports media. In the ending of Saturday night's Notre Dame vs. Clemson game proved this point once again. As soon as victorious Clemson head coach Gabo Swinney mentioned God in his post-game on the field interview, ESPN ordered the Code Red:
So now we know that Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend is perfectly acceptable television for ESPN, but a coach thanking God and his father is not suitable for all audiences.
No doubt ESPN will claim this is an accident, yet they mysteriously never cut away from Caitlyn Jenner or Michael Sam. Go figure.
See more at:
Archaeologists discover possible ruins of ancient Sodom in the Holy Land
Excavated evidence suggests that the city came to a "sudden, inexplicable end" at the end of the Middle Bronze Age, Popular Archaeology says. For the last 700 years, the area has been largely uninhabited by humans.
Obama vs Reagan "How to handle a terrorist".
The U.N. is an Endtimes Player...Armeggeddon pt 3
This past week has been incredibly compelling from a biblical Prophecy perspective. So much that has happened in the wake of the 70th anniversary celebration of the United Nations.
All of the worlds prophetic heavy hitters were in attendance, and treated to the spectacle of the Pope of the Catholic Church, who opened his remarks to the assembly of the entire world, saying I come in my own name….
See what Jesus, the true earthly representative of God said about such an introduction, in John 5 :43.I come in the Fathers name and you receive me not. Another shall come in His own name, Him, you shall receive. Predictably the false prophet didnt mention Jesus, repentance or Salvation in anything he said to the congress of every nation on earth.
At the same General Assembly, we were then witness to Vladimir Putins compelling warning to the First World nations, that their arrogant meddling in other nations can only create mayhem and war. I have to admit, Putin even touched my heart when he mournfully demanded of Obama and the West to consider the wreckage and misery they have promoted in their Arab Spring,
Do you realize what you have done?.
Who knew that within a day Putin himself would muscle into the Syrian crisis, bombing ISIS and Nato trained rebel armies , in defense of Bashir Assad?
Army Unveils Pink Camouflage Uniform For Breast Cancer Awareness Month
THE PENTAGON The Army unveiled a new uniform today, the result of a newly-announced partnership with the National Football League to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The pink camouflage uniform, dubbed Pink Camouflage Pattern (PCP), will be made available to all soldiers within the next week.
SATIRE! - Continue:
The Proper way to call someone a Bastard
Thanks, Gene
A guy was getting ready to tee off on the first hole when a second golfer approached and asked if he
could join him. The first said that he usually played alone, but agreed to the twosome.
They were even after the first few holes. The second guy said, "We're about evenly matched, how about playing for five bucks a hole?"
The first guy said that he wasn't much for betting, but agreed to the terms. The second guy won the remaining sixteen holes with ease.
As they were walking off number eighteen, the second guy was busy counting his $80.00. He confessed that he was the pro at a neighboring course and liked to pick on suckers.
The first fellow revealed that he was the Parish Priest. The pro was flustered and apologetic, offering to return the money.
The Priest said, You won fair and square and I was foolish to bet with you. You keep your winnings."
The pro said, "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
The Priest said, "Well, you could come to Mass on Sunday and make a donation.
And, if you want to bring your Mother and Father along, I'll marry them.
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